About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Absolutely. Kennedy’s first act was the America-ending 1965 immigration act. Few Americans have done greater harm to their country. This rich, privileged asshole and his family can avoid all of the damage he caused. The rest of us bear the consequences. Good riddance.

  2. I’ve been elated all down since I woke up to this fabulous news! My only regret about the death of this bloated piece of human garbage is that he died before being tried and hung for the traitor he was!!!

  3. “My only regret about the death of this bloated piece of human garbage is that he died before being tried and hung for the traitor he was!!!”

    LOL! So true. The bastard did indeed cheat the hangman’s noose. But still…happy day!

  4. Not only did he pass the one bill-immigration bill of 1965- guaranteeing the death of White Americans and their heritage, but he also helped kill American manufacturing. He ironically destroyed the livelihood of those he so ostensibly supported.

    He is a traitor to White and Black Americans, as well to the American working class.

    Also, I saw guess who….Hispanic Nationalist Geraldo Rivera saying some happy things about Ted Kennedy. He likes Ted Kennedy very much, because he helped advancce Hispanic power over Whites. Ted Kennedy was being a good little boy, betraying his racial family. Geraldo complimented him with token “compensation,” for sabotaging the White race for him.

    Surprise, surprise!

  5. It must feel like when I hear that another participant/ traitor in the July ’44 plot to kill Hitler passed away. My question is always the same: “when a mangy sewer rat dies, does anybody care?”

  6. I don’t see how anyone here can be elated. The man may be dead, but the damage his work has done is still around us.

  7. Was it the Kennedys or was it capitalism and other organized interests that most heavily sabotage American demographics?

    Why waste a moment in this carrion?

  8. “Was it the Kennedys or was it capitalism and other organized interests that most heavily sabotage American demographics?”

    If Drunken Ted was not a TRAITOR in the Senate then those interests wouldn’t have been able to change things through the legislature!!!

  9. This was the first time, I ever recall audibly cheering at hearing of the death of another person. Death of another is not something to be cheered lightly, as we are all fragile creatures, who face death’s door. I’m sure that the Kennedy family is devastated at their last real hold on power but as for the rest of us; it is one less flea biting at the collective ass of REAL Americans. It will take centuries and/or rivers of blood to undo the damage he personally has fostered on us. His wake of destruction was huge! Finally, he can do no more harm. Hallelujah!
    May the bum enjoy his seat in hell.

  10. “when a mangy sewer rat dies, does anybody care?”

    Comparing them to Ted Kennedy is an insult to sewer rats.

    Let’s not forget about the Chappaquiddick incident.

    That BNP article sums him up nicely.

  11. The crackdown on free speech begins…

    “Bill would give president emergency control of Internet” by Declan McCullagh

    Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

    They’re not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.

    The new version would allow the president to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” relating to “non-governmental” computer networks and do what’s necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for “cybersecurity professionals,” and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

    – continued @ http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10320096-38.html

  12. Yehawl… One down many more to go… When a member of the White Ruling Elite that destroyed our Country die or go broke, it brings us on small step to freedom and a good future.!!

    Milken, Madoff, Graham, Kennedy, let them all fall!
    Sherwood Smith

  13. More like rot in Hades. Thanks partly to Teddy the white percentage of the population has declined to 65%. While Teddy didn’t harbor a hatred of his own race he was icily indifferent to our welfare and interests. He was a guilt ridden rich white gentile out of touch with reality and his own people who believed non-whites were more deserving of the spoils.

  14. Mr. Dithers,
    don’t work so hard defending Ted Kennedy. I don’t know his personal feelings about his race; about they are irrelevant. The important part is that he betrayed Whites for personal self-interest. It not only entailed votes; he was part of the elite seeking a more “fun” future ruling over illiterate Browns instead of Whites and Middle Class Blacks.

  15. Steve,
    If you re-read my post there is nothing that can be construed as a defense of Ted Kennedy’s actions during his 40 year senate tenure. He was a typical deracinated “WASP” elite who was actuated more by a sense of obligation to non-whites rather than hatred of his own people. I’m acquainted with a white multimillionaire and he’s always crowing about the work his church
    does for black Africans. When I asked him what he and his church do on behalf of poor whites in America he looked at me like I was sporting a purple mohawk.

    Lastly, if you feel middle class blacks are our allies you are at the wrong site. May I recommend the National Review or American Conservative.

  16. Mr. Dither’s comment #27:

    I didn’t say Middle Class Blacks were our allies; just, they were harmed by Ted Kennedy also. It also disproves the idea that “he cares so much about them.”

    True, he may been a White Gentile; but, that doesn’t mean he is so well-intentioned. Ted Kennedy was an elitist. He cared about HIMSELF and family dynasty. He was not a genuine typical good-natured Liberal. He wanted political power; not just trying to “help some people out.” The manslaughter case he got away with is an example.

    I will concede he may have not hated his race to the maximum. But, he felt absolutely NO obligation to the non-White poor. He was motivated by personal and family power!

    Throughout much of human history, many of the aristrocratic classes looked at the common masses as inferior and expendable. Even today, many of our White elites look down on us.

  17. “Throughout much of human history, many of the aristrocratic classes looked at the common masses as inferior and expendable. Even today, many of our White elites look down on us.”

    However, back then those putative ‘aristocratic classes’ needed the White masses a lot more than they do now … you know, to help them build their fortune’s and empire’s.

    That is, until the Rothschild’s came along. Traitors!

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