About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Surely the funniest part comes at the end, where Gottfried practically blows a paleocon load recounting his conversation with an Ashanti [black African] cab driver in DC, who, according to Gottfried, was “boasting about how his tribe had sold the black slaves who would be used to construct the U.S. capital. Whether it was true or not, I found this boast to be refreshing. The African cab driver did not suffer from the choking sense of guilt I encounter in American WASPs.”

    The African cab driver was making this assertion to Gottfried because it gives strength to the absurd Afro-supremacist claim that blacks, and other non-Whites, built the US. Gottfried, I think, doesn’t grasp this point.

  2. That’s about as good as a Jew gets. So one would unquestionably understand more about the world by ignoring what Jews, and those who respond to them, say. You’ll miss a few things, because Jews are occasionally truly insightful, but that will be more than made up for, and very quickly.

  3. Paul Gottfried is a deeply troubling wordsmith. His embrace of the term “WASP” is very telling about his mind & heart which are revealed to be profoundly hostile to the diverse white American peoples, now that the hate term has been expanded to mean almost all white Christian Americans.

    Consider that if he embraced such disparaging acronyms in an even-handed way, he would equally embrace “WEJ,” the well-known acronym for White European Jew. But Gottfried chooses to claim the supremacist right to name and denigrate us with the name of an insect, and to never reciprocate by using similar names and labels for his own ethnicity and religious heritage.

    Consider that WASP is a racial, ethnic, and religious hate caricature showing contempt for the diverse white Euro-Americans, and an attempt to smother white American diversity, continent-of-origin, and nationality into one symbolic non-specific blob.

    Consider that Andrew Hacker, the self-loathing and white-hating writer, was the first to use the WASP hate caricature in 1957.

    So how much love does the good professor really carry in his heart for us? None whatsoever. His every word is carefully calculated to disparage, dehumanize, and demoralize us — and WASP is just one of those efforts.

  4. Why are the two theories treated as they are mutually exclusive? If the whole point of this argument is to determine which of the two devastating political traditions are MORE responsible for the slow genocide of the European-American people I find that a spectacular waste of time.

    In any case, Jew or not, Gottfried is certainly correct, beyond a doubt, when he states that: “I’ve never heard American Jews or American blacks pour as much contempt on white Protestant America as I hear coming from white Protestant intellectuals and clergypersons”

    The self-loathing of white Americans for their own history is legion. It swamps by a huge magnitude the hostile attitude of (some) Blacks and (some) Jews, and that hostile attitude is nothing more than an opportunistic infection that arises from whites losing their civilizational confidence.

    In any case, there are no shortage of enemies. We should not be wasting our time playing spot-the-Jew or guess-the-latest-Stupid-White-People-idiocy.

    We should be spending our time organizing and preparing lampposts for the lot of them.

  5. Gottfried’s column was focused on white self-loathing and the PC culture, and as such it was excellent. We need a lot more of those essays. I didn’t get the impression he was trying to offer a comprehensive explanation for our current predicament, or attempting to shift blame from Jews to WASPS. Maybe he was, but you can have Prozium’s view of the matter and still agree with this column, or so it seems to me.

  6. “The self-loathing of white Americans for their own history is legion. ”

    I have noted neurotic mental habits in whites and yellows.

    Perhaps it is the cold climate that taught their ancestors self-criticism.

    The habit of self-criticism tended to make tribal, stone age whites and yellows more fit to survive.

    The habit of self-criticism can be a danger to civilized whites and yellows.

  7. I find myself easily despising coastal white-hating liberals, most of whom are white. Is this white self-loathing?

  8. No, it’s Marxist loathing, and you should start getting over any qualms you might have about eventually taking out these sh*ts, white or not. Just sayin’.

  9. Gottfried’s own son clerked for ‘sleazy sonia’ sotomayor, of all people.

    “My Son is Sotomayor’s Ghost”

    Do any of you really believe that ‘Saul’ Gottfried is a sincere conservative, ‘paleo’ or otherwise??

    Or is he just ‘running scrimmage’ for the other side,

    …and the idiots on ‘our’ side just fawning on him as a little ‘kosher’ insurance policy?

  10. Matamoros writes:

    The self-loathing of white Americans for their own history is legion. It swamps by a huge magnitude the hostile attitude of (some) Blacks and (some) Jews, and that hostile attitude is nothing more than an opportunistic infection that arises from whites losing their civilizational confidence.

    Take a look in the mirror.

    You carefully qualify your statements about non-Whites, but not Whites.

    The problem isn’t “self-loathing” either, any more than what’s being done to us is “suicide”.

    And why in the world do you capitalize black and jew when you can’t find the courage to capitalize White?

    We should not be wasting our time playing spot-the-Jew


  11. If one or more of y’all are looking for a debate with an opponent who is at least intelligent, check out the following blog post written by an anti-industrial/pro-environmental believer in peak-oil who is an American Druid (yes, a Druid) wherein he states that Whites are not intrinsically superior to the other racial groups on Earth – http://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.com/2009/08/entropy-gets-no-respect.html

    Here’s the parts you might want to debate him on, assuming he isn’t censorious scum who doesn’t let your comments through:

    Consider the clash between the Christian and liberal values allegedly embraced by the great powers of 19th century Europe and the ruthless political and economic exploitation imposed by these same powers on the subject peoples of their huge colonial empires. The result was a rush to find some justification for European empires other than the obvious one, which was simply that Europeans wanted the wealth and power they could get by exploiting the rest of the planet. As Stephen Jay Gould chronicled in his engaging The Mismeasure of Man, generations of scientists thus spent their careers trying to argue that the “white race,” that imaginary and variously defined beast, was biologically superior to the other “races” on the planet.

    These efforts fell afoul of a minor detail of anthropology. It so happens that people of European descent fall toward the middle range of a great many biological indices; people of African descent tend toward one end of most of these indices, and people of East Asian descent tend toward the other. Thus it proved impossible to argue, say, that Britons were superior to Africans without providing evidence that Chinese were superior to Britons, and claims that Britons were superior to Chinese ended up just as effectively proving that Africans were superior to Britons. Still, these efforts continued right up into the first half of the 20th century, because the alternative was to admit that European domination of the planet was a straightforward act of piracy backed by nothing more edifying than a temporary advantage in military technology.

    Claims of racial superiority having fallen out of fashion, the industrial nations nowadays justify their position by claiming that their political and economic institutions are superior, and the rest of the world’s nations can share exactly the same lifestyles of abundance if they only adopt these.

    Of course the colonial powers of the 19th century treated the claim of European racial superiority as a self-evident truth, too, and the two claims are equally bogus.

    Of course it does seem to be true that representative governments and corporate-capitalist economies are more efficient than the competition at turning abundant fossil fuels into suburban lifestyles. This does not make representative governments and corporate-capitalist economies the cause of the prosperity of today’s industrial nations, any more than the skin color of people from Europe was the cause of Europe’s ascendancy during its age of empire. Still, just as the unmentionable realities behind European imperialism made it inevitable that there would be attempts to justify it via bad science, the equally awkward realities behind the ascendancy of today’s industrial powers provide the push behind well-meaning attempts to package the industrial world’s institutions for export to the Third World.

    Yet this point of view is at least as unmentionable in polite society just now as were the gritty realities of European colonialism in its time, or the equally gritty facts underlying the ascendancy of the world’s industrial nations over the Third World today. The strenuous efforts to find a racial basis for European supremacy a century ago, and the equally vigorous efforts to hold up contemporary Western institutions as the key to prosperity and peace in the Third World today, thus have precise equivalents in the enthusiasm with which every imaginable alternative energy resource gets treated by government officials and media pundits throughout the industrial world. (cont.)

  12. We didn’t lose our civilizational confidence. The genocide is not an accident. Our racial consciousness, our instinctual sense of who we are and who we do and do not have common cause with has been deliberately suppressed. Or more accurately, we Whites are pathologized for expressing it.

    If we were simply lost we could go about finding our way again. Many men have tried. But it’s obvious that whenever anyone tries, and no matter how politely they go about it, they’re hectored and harassed and fired and insulted and told to shut up or else. Others see that and do what they have to to avoid that kind of abuse.

    If we were simply lost we wouldn’t need pseudonyms. Who’s threatening us? Is it ok with you if we play spot-the-threat? Do you think it might be important to figure out who and why they’re threatening us?

    To put your asinine spot-the-jew crack in perspective, imagine one gazelle advising another not to waste time playing spot-the-lion.

    This isn’t a game.

  13. “The genocide is not an accident. Our racial consciousness, our instinctual sense of who we are and who we do and do not have common cause with has been deliberately suppressed. ”

    And the culprit has been the Jew.

  14. I have posted this before, but it bears repeating:

    “Who else in 1965 had the motive or the ability to open America’s borders? Who else wanted that? Was it Irish and German pressure groups who pushed for these changes? Was it organized Baptist pressure that influenced lawmakers to vote for these acts? Is this what Gottfried thinks? Does Gottfried not know that more than 50 percent of the Democratic party’s finances come from Jewish donors? Historically speaking the Democratic party has been the jewish party; jews being the only group on the left with any wealth or power or influence. Was it rich white gentiles in the media who advocated every destructive leftist policy and program and political and social attitude? Was it white gentiles who gave Hollywood its character? Where are all these white gentiles? Where is the white gentile conspiracy? All I see is powerful jewish organizations, jewish dominated mass media, and a lot of career-minded and deluded camp followers.”


    “The Jews constitute far less a percentage of the population of most European countries than America, and yet in these countries it is illegal to speak against jews or their genocidal multi-racialist policies. Are jews not actively pursuing the same legislation here? Does the FBI not go on about its partnership with the ADL? How could this be when the jews are but a 2% minority? Are you guys kidding?”


    “Corrupt church leaders are just trying to sell themselves to the public, as always. They conform to the attitudes of the public, whereas the media shape those attitudes. Church leaders, business leaders, entertainers, and everyone else operates in an atmosphere over which they have little control; they have to conform to political correctness; the jews of the media shape it. But you liars are content to speak about political correctness as though it were a force of nature, mysterious and unexplainable, unrelated to any real interests or tangible power.”


    “This idea that there is something inherent in our European character that causes our people to act against their own interests or to hate themselves is a vicious lie. European societies have existed for thousands of years without any sort of leftist or self-destructive tendencies. The development of these tendencies go hand in hand with one thing: the emancipation of jews and their entry into European society during the past two centuries. Jewish interests and jewish influence are the basis of leftism, nothing else! To say otherwise is an insult and direct attack upon Europeans everywhere! It is a deliberate lie aimed to mislead and confuse us and exonerate our enemies, or else a ploy by hacks to protect their own asses. Anyone who protects our enemies must be treated like an enemy!”

    “Who Are These Jokers Kidding?”
    ~ Richard Hartmann

  15. “Why are the two theories treated as they are mutually exclusive? If the whole point of this argument is to determine which of the two devastating political traditions are MORE responsible for the slow genocide of the European-American people I find that a spectacular waste of time.”

    They aren’t, I agree.

    What we need is a synthesis of the two.

    Honestly I’m rather bored with Jewish conservatives and HBD’ers, with their half-truths and semi-liberal race realist positions. Their version of nationalism is merely based on group averages, with no sense of history, culture, myth or genetic kinship beyond immediate family ties. I have nothing in common with these people.

    What I like about Prozium more than anything is who he represents. He is a Southerner with a pro-Southern perspective that is also racialist and intelligent.

    Kevin MacDonald has said that the Southerners may be our last hope.

  16. Southerners are just another branch of Anglo-Saxondom. I have no pity for them. They brought this upon themselves.

    No Anglos, just right.

    No Jews, even better.

    German pride, world wide.

  17. #4 Matamoros (27 Aug 2009, 10:27 PM) says in part:

    “The self-loathing of white Americans for their own history is legion. It swamps by a huge magnitude the hostile attitude of (some) Blacks and (some) Jews, and that hostile attitude is nothing more than an opportunistic infection that arises from whites losing their civilizational confidence….We should be spending our time organizing and preparing lampposts for the lot of them.”

    I don’t know about the lampposts, because one-way tickets might be a better solution, but I’d like to hear more about the “organizing” that Matamoros advocates. For example, I’m affiliated with a group that speaks out very strongly, if more locally than nationally, against slurs, hate caricatures, and negative stereotypes addressed toward the diverse white American peoples. An example is the linked Internet version of an ad placed in a weekly paper in San Jose in mid-June 2008:


    We have two purposes, one is to end the flagrant and malignant denigration and demoralization of our peoples, and the other is to teach our peoples how to talk in a “white voice,” a skill that urgently needs cultivating.

    In some agreement, I’d say that none of the diverse white American peoples except extreme cases like Andrew Hacker or faux white people like Susan Sontag have topped Jeremiah Wright in hate speech toward our peoples.
    #16 Tanstaafl (28 Aug 2009, 8:29 AM) says in part:

    “We didn’t lose our civilizational confidence. The genocide is not an accident. Our racial consciousness, our instinctual sense of who we are and who we do and do not have common cause with has been deliberately suppressed. Or more accurately, we Whites are pathologized for expressing it.”

    The situation we face could not be put more accurately. Our power of expression has been largely silenced, not out of guilt, but because the first person to make a sentence starting like this, “As one of the diverse white Americans, I think…….” has his head bashed in and usually for one of the tricksy formulas managed so well by ADL and SPLC.

    However, the one area where we cannot be silenced, and where we can speak freely is in the realm of naming and labeling ourselves. This is an easy formula to teach newbies and let them grow their “white voice” at their own speed.

    Most of the diverse white Americans simply do not know how to find their “white voice” but it lies right at hand in their defense of their right to name and label themselves. It seems a little thing, but it is very powerful. Consider that one of the first things newly-minted minorities do is to demand their choice of name which most of us accede to. It gets a little ridicule from time to time, but it is the engine that will move us forward.

  18. “The self-loathing of white Americans for their own history is legion.”

    Many white nationalists are bitter and self-loathing as well, VNN is an example. All they do is talk about how much they hate America. Except for racial views, they’re a lot like liberals.

  19. Quote: “I’ve never heard American Jews or American blacks pour as much contempt on white Protestant America as I hear coming from white Protestant intellectuals and clergypersons. ” PG.

    Well, anyone who has had any experience or intimate contact with upper management in the Protestant Churches, Seminaries, or Universities can vouch that he has stated the truth.

    However at the same time, it was an assisted suicide. But to what degree the White Ruling Elite were seduced, forced, blackmailed, duped or bribed into their suicidal state of mind will long be debated.

    More importantly: WHO assisted this suicide? WHO took advantage of the mortal wound? Let us remember to pay them back in kind and bar them from the next great empire and civilization that WILL rise again as always. Until then let us study and carefully pick our enemies and our friends.

    No revolution can come before its time and no revolution can come outside of a revolutionary party.

    Sherwood Smith

  20. Tanstaafl – You misunderstand my point. My point is not to remove Jews from blame for the current situation; note that I clearly referred to their political influence and tradition as devastating to European-Americans.

    The point is that the current situation does not arise from a single cause but multiple causes, whose relative strength and influence have ebbed and flowed over the course of time, interweaving in such an interlocking fashion that any attempt to tease this knot open and tally the final score as to determine who is MOST culpable is a waste of time.

    It’s a waste of time both because the analysis necessary to assign absolute responsibility for each step of this horrible process is hideously complicated and because it diverts energy from the proper course of action.

    Let me take your gazelle analogy to make my point clear. You and I agree: the gazelles (European-Americans) are being slowly picked off by the lions (our enemies). You say that of all the lions out there hunting the gazelles, the real threat is the head lion, the Jew lion. So, naturally, when I say playing “spot-the-Jew” is a waste of time, you take exception.

    But the reality is that there are a whole host of lions out there. Gazelle Tanstaafl is only interested in one, when there are a whole pack on the prowl. Gazelle Tanstaafl may be correct that the head lion is the only real threat, but given that the very white lion over here called the “Catholic Church” does more in Southern California in a week to promote massive third world migration to Los Angeles than any other institution in that city, I’m not willing to risk my neck assuming that if we kill one, the others will slink off.

    You mistake me for an enemy, which is part of our problem. It doesn’t matter if the single-cause people are right or the multiple-cause people are right. What matters is that we are under threat and until we begin unifying and ACTING, against all these damn lions, we will continue to get badly beaten.

    Finally, I am not interested in a right wing fight. I have no enemies to the right.

  21. No Anglos, just right. German pride, world wide.

    Actually the Germans who settled in America were also bleeding hearts.

    If you study the history of the Scots-Irish in the US you’ll find that they were often condemned by moralistic German settlers due to their rough treatment of Indians. On some occasions the Germans used their superior numbers to obstruct attempts by Scots-Irish to expand westward. Germans, along with Yankee Puritans were also the most determined to go to war with Southerners over slavery. In the 1840s Germans joined forces with Irish Catholics in Boston to protest Massachusetts laws deemed hostile to against immigrants.

  22. WhitePreservationist-

    The “superiority” argument is dead. And it is true. To most half bred mongrels, and freaks of nature, Whites are not “superior” they care nothing of White accomplishment and feel nothing deeply towards it, who cares, why should we want to convince them otherwise? The fact is that most of what Mr. Greer writes about is true, and it is precisely why the idea of a White Ethno State is so revolutionary! But as an anti-racist dedicated to this value, he leaves out the fact that Whites are the only people on the planet as a collective that are working to undo this damage, and attempting to undo it politically, many risking their lives to do so. In fact they are the only ones who have proven to be able to reverse it.

    What have the Indian or the Chinese done about pollution or all out ravishing the environment in their own countries? And it has all been for a buck and it is going on now, meanwhile most of Europe is trying to clean things up. It is really offensive that he just entirely ignores the fact that the White race has worked so hard and many hundreds of thousands have dedicated their lives to loving this planet and the creatures on it so to be debased for policies of the past for which they had then and have now no control over is nothing short of grotesque… but hey, it is always hip mock the effort of Whites, nobody would bother reading his blog if he did not have the obligatory white bashing. It makes him cool and friendly. He thinks it is a real hootin’ good time to piss of ignorant racists.

    As far as his idea, when pouring over the pages of history of Europeans, it seems to be this endless procession to world tyranny and total exploitation of the planet, I can’t say that I disagree. And this is why the protectionist values of the White Ethno State as a response to the poverty of globalism and “free trade” is such a profoundly revolutionary idea.

  23. Edit: When pouring over the pages of history, with the exception of the German Revolution, fascist and the Anti-Industrial Southern stance of the American South….. – And a few Religious responses,

    I think, perhaps, the beginning of the American Revolution can be included…

  24. “European Germans don’t consider American Germans their kin”

    The greatest German in history, Adolf Hitler, considered German-Americans to be his kin.
    …. What’s a matter, cat caught your tongue?

  25. Tanstaafl – You misunderstand my point. My point is not to remove Jews from blame for the current situation; note that I clearly referred to their political influence and tradition as devastating to European-Americans.

    I didn’t misunderstand you Matamoros. You changed your position. Here’s what you wrote:

    The self-loathing of white Americans for their own history is legion. It swamps by a huge magnitude the hostile attitude of (some) Blacks and (some) Jews, and that hostile attitude is nothing more than an opportunistic infection that arises from whites losing their civilizational confidence.

    In any case, there are no shortage of enemies. We should not be wasting our time playing spot-the-Jew or guess-the-latest-Stupid-White-People-idiocy.

    You clearly assert here that White “self-loathing” is to blame “by a huge magnitude” more than the “hostile attitude” of jews, which you diminish further by conflating with the hostility of blacks who wouldn’t have fuck-all to say about anything if it weren’t for jewish sponsorship and a jewish emancipatory template to follow. And in the end you assert this is “nothing more than an opportunistic infection” that arises from “Stupid-White-People-idiocy”.

    In other words Whites are to blame. All of us. As if we’re doing this to ourselves. As if the White perpetrators aren’t traitors who don’t in any way loath themselves. This is exactly where I differ from faux-Whites like Auster or Gottfried, whose jewish apologetics come through even more clearly in the efforts of people like Kaufmann. It’s “suicide”, they say. It’s all so complicated, they say. That’s bullshit, I say.

    But the reality is that there are a whole host of lions out there. Gazelle Tanstaafl is only interested in one, when there are a whole pack on the prowl.

    The reality is there are quite a few jews pretending to be gazelles, trying to tell the gazelles which lions to worry about.

    The reality is that you try to twist out of your position, blaming me for misunderstanding when I clearly didn’t. Then you try to twist my position, transforming your advocacy of willful blindness toward one very specific part of the problem into a supposed pathology on my part for not accepting that. You advocate the same blindness that brought about jewish emancipation – the prototype for all subsequent “non-discrimination” elevating non-Whites above Whites.

    You mistake me for an enemy, which is part of our problem. It doesn’t matter if the single-cause people are right or the multiple-cause people are right. What matters is that we are under threat and until we begin unifying and ACTING, against all these damn lions, we will continue to get badly beaten.

    I’ll decide who my enemies are.

    Infighting is certainly part of our problem. A great deal of it is caused by poseurs who misdirect attention away from what’s more important toward something lesser. There’s also a history of infiltration by provocateurs urging people to ACT.

    We should be spending our time organizing and preparing lampposts for the lot of them.

    Yeah well, there’s the problem. You urge everyone not to play spot-the-jew, but it’s exactly because of the disproportion of jews in high places (and their own hyper-sensitivity to it) that even the blindest justice is forever thwarted. Haven’t you ever wondered why the bankers got bailed out? Why nobody has gone to prison for subprime/CDS/MBS fraud? Let’s hear your argument about the Catholic influence behind that. After that you can tell us you use a pseudonym to keep the Catholic Church from hounding you out of your job.

  26. “The greatest German in history, Adolf Hitler, considered German-Americans to be his kin.
    …. What’s a matter, cat caught your tongue?”

    That time has gone, and has nothing to do with my statement.

    They regard German-Americans as you do the rest of Americans.

  27. Yes, Tanstaafl, you’re a great Internet debater. If you can’t find common ground with me, you’re not going to find common ground with anyone and the movement you hope for won’t happen. In any case, you suspect anyone of urging action to be an infiltrator and an agent provocateur, so what’s the point anyway? Why are you bothering to write and urge people to action and knowledge?

    In any case, so we disagree on the scope of the root cause and the allocation of responsiblity. Big deal! This is nothing more than a boring academic point and I think all reasonable people know that both Kaufman and MacDonald have good points. Again, their views are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

    I didn’t just urge people not to play spot-the-jew. What I said was that endless argument about spot-the-jew versus the-latest-Stupid-White-People-outrage is a waste of time since: a) we’re never going to get a large body of people to agree on the exact allocation of responsiblity, a fact our argument here makes crystal clear if nothing else and b) it detracts from White Nationalists unifying around a simple, easily-agreed to platform: an end to the United States and the creation of a new European-American, racially restricted nation in our historic home, North America.

    And what is your point about Catholics and my name? What’s your name, Mr. Heinlein Acronym? In fact, when you were slurred for adopting a Nazi-like name by Auster it was me who defended you and explained to him the actual source of your name. Yes, that’s right: your big enemy here defended you. Because, unlike you apparently, I recognize a comrade and am interested in fighting about something other than the exact amount of Jewish influence behind the 1965 immigration bill. (Was it 67% responsible? or 48.543% responsible? We’ll never know!)

    We all use fake names. And for good reason.

    I think you, like me, are connected to Southern California so you gosh-darned should know about the scope of Catholic involvement in the massive Latino tidal wave. But, as you say, you will choose your own enemies: if you wish to choose to ignore one because you find another more culpable that’s your choice. Just don’t imagine you’re going to build a movement on it.

    You and I and Prozium and most of the commentators here agree about WHAT IS IMPORTANT. We must secure a future for White, North American, European-American civilization and children, and, as they say, by any means necessary.

    Do me a favor: send me an email and let’s talk off line. Or allow me to send you one. I think you’ll find that we are of the same mind when it comes to what is important.

  28. Let me put it another way: I’m not interested in Internet debates. I’m interesting in bringing about 7-10 leaders together for a face-to-face and to hammer out a program and fucking getting on with it.

    I urge anyone who is interested in that project to email me.

    I understand that we are watched and that people who beging to say “let’s talk in person and plan” feel wary. But, goddamn it, if we don’t have the courage to talk to each other about our goals and plans, then we might as well just become MMO and Anime enthusiasts and find a small community somewhere to hunker down, because we aren’t ever going to build anything.

  29. Per my post above, my email address is matamorosthirteen followed by the address one would expect if one had a Google email account. (Note that the thirteen is indeed spelled out and not “13”).

  30. Matamoros:“the gazelles (European-Americans) are being slowly picked off by the lions (our enemies). You say that of all the lions out there hunting the gazelles, the real threat is the head lion, the Jew lion.”

    Matamoros – in my opinion you have it all backwards. Why would you insult lions (which are noble and magnificent animals) by conflating them with Jewry? In reality, Jewry is best compared to scavenging hyenas more than any other animal [note that all subspecies of hyenas aside from 'spotted hyenas' are almost always scavengers, preferring to hunt only when absolutely necessary - however, spotted hyenas are still often scavengers too].

    In our natural, healthy, and unmanipulated state, Whites definitely more resemble lions than gazelles, though in modern times many of us Whites have certainly been brainwashed (or forcibly put in to Jew-created anti-racist ‘zoos’) to become unnaturally weak and ‘gazelle-like’ due to the poisonous influence of the Jew-dominated mass-media, Jew-infested academia, etc. Jews on the other hand have never been lion-like in any sense, as they always prefer to live as scavenging hyenas.

    Modern White lions aren’t being “picked off” by the “Jew lions,” we lone and unorganized White lions are being almost totally overwhelmed by a massive and deadly pack of Jewish hyenas just like in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Oel79kS4Iw&feature=relatedTHUS WE WHITE LIONS MUST WORK COOPERATIVELY AND COURAGEOUSLY TO REFORM OUR SCATTERED WHITE PRIDE AND WORK TOGETHER TO DEFEAT THE DEVIOUS INTERNATIONAL PACK OF JEWISH HYENAS IF WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO SURVIVE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jbFpQe271Y

    If Whites were/are not a highly evolved and intelligent predator similar to a lions, how then did we manage to courageously take over so much of the world as White territory? And in a striking mirror image of nature, the ugly, whiny, and deviously intelligent Jewish hyena scavengers weren’t ever far behind us courageous White lions, sneaking up behind us in the shadows of the night on our new hunting grounds and seeking to steal the meat away from us that we have hunted down. Also remember that lions and hyenas have always been ancient evolutionary enemies or competitors wherever they have lived in the same territory.

    Indeed, the similarities between hyenas (which are obviously disgustingly ugly, pathetic, dangerous, and deviously intelligent animals) and Jewry are quite evident:

    “The word hyena is derived from the Greek hyaina, meaning “pig”, and has a long association with cruelty, treachery and greed.”

    – “Hyenas, in particular the Spotted Hyena, are intelligent animals. Spotted hyena societies are more complex than those of other carnivorous mammals, and have been reported to be remarkably similar to those of cercopithecine primates in respect to group size, structure, competition and cooperation. Like primates, spotted hyenas use multiple sensory modalities, recognize individual conspecifics, are conscious that some clan-mates may be more reliable than others, recognize 3rd party kin and rank relationships among clan-mates, and adaptively use this knowledge during social decision making. Also, like cercopithecine primates, dominance ranks in hyena societies are not correlated with size or aggression, but with ally networks [NOTE:just like Jewish ‘ethnic networking’]. One indication of hyena intelligence is that they will move their killed prey closer together to protect them from scavengers. Another indication is their strategic hunting methods.”

    – “Many cultures have historically viewed the hyena in a bad light. Negative associations have generally stemmed from hyenas’ tendency to scavenge graves for food. They are one of the few creatures naturally suited for this, due to their ability to devour and digest every part of a carcass, including bone.”

    – Also notice how most Jewish females are very masculine and aggressive compared to non-Jewish women, which is also similar to female hyenas: “The majority of hyena species show little sexual dimorphism, with males being only slightly larger than the females. The Spotted Hyena is an exception to this, with females larger than males. One unusual feature of the Spotted Hyena is that females have an enlarged clitoris, called a pseudo-penis, demi-penis, or sometimes mistakenly referred to as a nanophallus … Early naturalists thought hyenas were hermaphrodites or commonly practiced homosexuality, largely due to the female Spotted Hyena’s unique urogenital system. According to early writings such as Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Physiologus, the hyena continually changed its sex and nature from male to female and back again. In Paedagogus, Clement of Alexandria noted that the hyena (along with the hare) was “quite obsessed with sexual intercourse.” Many Europeans associated the hyena with sexual deformity, prostitution and deviant sexual behavior … Group size is variable; a “clan” of spotted hyenas can include 5–90 members and is led by a single alpha female called the matriarch.”

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_Hyena

    And hey, what do ya know…native non-Jewish Ethiopians refer to Ethiopian Jews (the Beta Israel, or ‘Falasha’) as “the Hyena people.”

    Yes, Jewry is most definitely the “hyena race” — the disgusting similarities between Jews and hyenas is rather uncanny and impossible to ignore. Even the highly unsettling ‘talking’ or ‘laughing’ of wild hyenas is eerily reminiscent of the nasally Jewish voice and/or endless Talmudic babbling that we Whites are constantly harassed by in the Jew-controlled mass-media, in many White colleges/universities, etc.

    And since Jews are clearly the “hyena race,” that definitely makes Whites the “lion race”…an idea just popped in to my head — it might be worth thinking about forming a deeply selective group of very courageous/hardcore group of White nationalists that could call itself THE WHITE LIONS, a lion-like group of White nationalists who stand in bold and fanatically unflinching opposition to THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH HYENAS. Something to think about for the future…I think it’s a pretty good (even somewhat “mythical”) idea that might work to stir up some White (lion)hearts and minds. WHITE LION PRIDE WORLDWIDE! 🙂

  31. ME:”Modern White lions aren’t being “picked off” by the “Jew lions,” we lone and unorganized White lions are being almost totally overwhelmed by a massive and deadly pack of Jewish hyenas just like in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Oel79kS4Iw&feature=related

    Another thought — notice how in that video the large pack of hyenas [JEWS] deliberately targeted the weakened lioness [WHITE] pride because they were left more vulnerable and exposed due to the fact that there were no male [WHITE] lions around to defend them and secure the captured prey from the hyenas…does that sound vaguely familiar to some of the White American males here? If not, it definitely should.

  32. My previous comment to which I referred hasn’t made it through the moderation here yet because it contained a lot of links – thus my previous comment won’t make any sense until it does.

  33. Consider that Andrew Hacker, the self-loathing and white-hating writer, was the first to use the WASP hate caricature in 1957.

    It’s true that Hacker is “White-hating” but as a Jew he is not so much motivated by “self hatred” as hatred of “the goyum”, i.e White people + not Jewish.

  34. WP-
    I also should have added in my original post that if Mr.Greer thinks he is unique or interesting, he is not. A great many White Geniuses reject industrialism, in America one of the most notorious Henry David Thoreau, and for England one of the greatest poets that ever lived William Blake. A great number of Whites did rejecting modernity, including Nietzsche, and did it much better then him. These are just a few genius writers who raged against industrialism and progress. There has been plenty of whites against “industrialism.” These examples of this magnitude just do not exist in others.

  35. And what is your point about Catholics and my name?

    You equated Catholic and jewish support for immigration. My point is that there is no comparison when it comes to financial fraud. I wasn’t attacking you for using a pseudonym. My point was that it isn’t fear of Catholics that motivates anyone to use one.

    unlike you apparently, I recognize a comrade and am interested in fighting about something other than the exact amount of Jewish influence

    Problems don’t get solved unless the causes are investigated and discussed. Honesty is required, not friendship. I’ve never debated whether jews are 67% or 48.543% responsible. The great debate is between zero and non-zero. You argue that that argument is not important. I disagree.

  36. “… You equated Catholic and jewish support for immigration. My point is that there is no comparison when it comes to financial fraud. …”


    […] “Corrupt church leaders are just trying to sell themselves to the public, as always. They conform to the attitudes of the public, whereas the media shape those attitudes. Church leaders, business leaders, entertainers, and everyone else operates in an atmosphere over which they have little control; they have to conform to political correctness; the jews of the media shape it. But you liars are content to speak about political correctness as though it were a force of nature, mysterious and unexplainable, unrelated to any real interests or tangible power.” […]



    “Cheered by some, while others remain silent out fear of ostracism, fear of being politically incorrect, and in much of Europe fear of being locked up.

    “Yes, leftism is white self-hatred. But for the vast majority of jews who are leftists, and who make up the leadership of leftism, it is not self-hatred, but white hatred.

    “White self-hatred is induced by these jewish leftists, their media influence, their intellectual and cultural influence.

    “The whole jewish-leftist intellectual atmosphere on college campuses and the corresponding propaganda of the media is a jewish program, a jewish campaign aimed at advancing jewish interests and securing jewish power, by destroying potential sources of resistance to jewish pre-eminence.

    “Only by destroying the self-confidence and self-image and identity of whites and suppressing nationalism everywhere can jews hope to retain their dominance over the culture and politics of western societies.

    “Jewish leftists are not ‘ideological,’ they’re merely pursuing their own interests. At the same time that they’re ‘leftists’ they’re also Zionists and supporters of the state of Israel and its policies.

    “While 80-90% of American-resident jews vote for the Democrats, 90% of them are also pro-Israel.

    “They’re only ‘leftists’ when it comes to harming us, when promoting policies that harm us.

    “In Israel they support ethnic cleansing, ethnic exclusivism, expansion and military conquest. Here they promote multiculturalism, white guilt, universal tolerance and political correctness.

    “It is perfectly consistent: among themselves they promote what serves their group, among us they promote what serves their group by harming our group. There is no contradiction when you understand the basis of their activity.

    “Leftism is simply jewish politics in a gentile society; jewish intellectuals, jewish money, jewish organizers, jewish propagandists, advancing jewish group interests by rendering harmless potential sources of resistance to themselves: nationalism, racial identity, cultural cohesion, religious identity, etc.

    “Leftism is the jewish program for subduing a nation and bringing themselves to power in it; destroying the nation’s pride and self-confidence and cohesiveness, and thus creating conditions in which jewish power can thrive unopposed.

    “Seriously, how is it that in a country that is 90% Christian, public displays of Christianity are practically illegal? It is the jews alone who wanted this, for fear of the potentially antiSemitic consequences of a strong Christian identity in the population and the effect such might have on their status and position.

    “And at 2% of the population they’re able to do it, they have the power. It is no different where race is concerned.

    “Racial identity is as much a threat to the jewish dominance of western societies as religious identity; any identity, any cohesion among our people is a danger to jewish power over us.

    “It is jews alone who have had the motive and the ability to suppress nationalism throughout the western world for the past half century, jews alone who have blocked the advance of right wing and nationalistic political movements; through censorship, through distortion, through ridicule and demonization, through financial and media pressure; jews alone have had the motive and the ability to suppress nationalistic feeling and political activity in the white world.

    “And what they’ve done to us is precisely what they want to do to the Muslim world, and for this reason want to use American military might to subdue the Muslim world and open it up to jewish influence.

    “How long before Hollywood movies and jewish television programs come to dominate the culture of the new Iraq? How long before Judeo-Islam is proclaimed, and Sunni preachers are bewailing the historical guilt of the Muslim peoples for their intolerance and anti-Semitism?

    “Well, that is how the jews would have it. That is what they’re aiming for. It isn’t just about Israeli security, it is about total jewish control.” […]

    “Who Are These Jokers Kidding?”


  38. The White Lion group is a great idea, White Preservationist!

    The Hyena Jews have sold our women to foreign species. It’s time the King White Lions come home, and take their female White Lions back!

  39. On my blog, I have made a post relevant to this. The media is using Emmet Till to glorify the “right” of Non-White men to take White women. This is apparently supported even when the White women are married (to White men).

  40. The British = The Anglo-Saxons = WASPs = American Southerners = (white) Canadians = (white) Australians = (white) New Zealanders = (white) Rhodesians = residual white colonial people still living in India and Kenya, etc, etc.

    Edit: Tone it down.

  41. “All of these groups of the same Anglo stock, and they will all be righteously exterminated, along with the Jews.”


    Why do you let this guy post here??


    “Jews and Anti-White Activities – A Puzzle”

    “It’s pretty well-known that Jews are behind a lot of PC nonsense, and much of the anti-White propaganda that constitutes multicultural studies seems to be written by Jews. Cultural Marxism, the Godfather of Political Correctness, was formulated by a Jewish Marxist named Herbert Marcuse. Whiteness Studies, an interesting field that unfortunately is Ground Zero for anti-White propaganda, seems to have been invented by Jews.

    “It’s well-known that Jews were behind the rewriting of the 1965 Immigration Act which opened the floodgates of non-White immigration to the US*. Since then, they have been one of the leading supporters of continuing mass non-White legal immigration and even illegal immigration to the US.

    “Affirmative action seems to have been a heavily Jewish project, though most Jews seem to oppose it now.

    “A friend of mine is taking a sociology class now that he calls “Anti-White Studies.” The professor is Jewish. He’s been gone recently, and another professor came in to sub for him. The sub professor was Jewish too.

    “The worst White self-hating anti-racist PC loons and nutjobs are often Jews or half-Jews, such as Tim Wise (half-Jewish) and Noel Ignatiev. Given all this, it’s no wonder that White nationalist types often don’t like Jews. Who could blame them?” […]


  43. “Similarly, Jews scream racism constantly at other Whites, and are usually incredible hypocrites at the same time. I am starting to think a reasonable mathematical equation is Jew = hypocrite.”

    “… a reasonable mathematical equation is Jew = hypocrite. …” 😀

    You’re on fire Robert!

  44. Paul Gottfried said: “To put my cards on the table: I’ve never heard American Jews or American blacks pour as much contempt on white Protestant America as I hear coming from white Protestant intellectuals and clergy persons.”

    His decent column was marred by that comment. Gottfried is either willfully blind to Jewish influence in the white self hate phenomenon or is dissembling. Perhaps a little of both. It was author and Jewess Susan Sontag who declaimed “The white race is the cancer of human history”. Jew Noel Ignatiev needs no introduction. I’m not aware of any WASP elite who voiced similar opinions about their own people.

    White self loathing didn’t happen spontaneously once upon a time. We do have some universalist tendencies in our DNA, but it was the Jews who constructed the anti-white ideologies that we languish under. Their gentile flunkies like Teddy Kennedy and others are just along for the ride.

    Gottfried is good at attacking the symptoms of Jewish activism and appearing that he’s on our side but, like his ethnic kinsmen (Auster, Hart, etc.), he rarely if ever names the Jew as a root cause. In some respects he’s just another paleo-conservative con man.

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