Buchanan on Hitler

At VDARE, Pat Buchanan asks the shrieking anti-Natzees a few tough questions, which they will undoubtedly ignore. It was Great Britain that transformed a local border dispute with Poland into the Second World War. The British elite did so out of their fidelty to the highminded liberal principle of self-determination. They were outraged (on account of their liberalism) when Germany turned the rump Czech state into a protectorate. This is what prompted the fatal war guarantee to Poland. The Poles stubbornly refused to negotiate. The rest is history.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Buchanan delivers his message via the Chosenites media. They own it. He can only go so far and he knows where that line is. If he were to openly declare the Jewish involvement in all this, he would never be seen on TV or major print again. NEVER. There will probably come a day when he will inadvertently step over that line and they will crucify him and there will be no more Pat Buchanan on TV. I’m betting his every utterance is being watched. He serves a vital purpose doing what he does now. Far more than any other major media figure I can think of. Who else is speaking up for the white middle and working class and has some measure of mainstream respectability?
    He may not be perfect but I appreciate him for what he does do. He can set a spark. There are plenty of others around who fan the flames. The spark just may be the most important part.

  2. Germany planned to invade and colonize Eastern Europe whatever Britain did or didn’t do. They were quite open about this.

  3. @Intruder: Well put. Most people can read between the lines with Buchanan anyway. WWII was a disaster for Europe and whites. Millions of our young men and women killed, cities destroyed. The future handed to others (including those who provoked the war). Buchanan at least is beginning to question the orthodoxy. It’s a start.

  4. ATBOTL,

    I’m reading a book by Ian Kershaw at the moment where he openly acknowledges this. If the British had been inclined to do so, they could have easily cut a deal with Germany. The price though would have been giving Germany a free hand in the east.

  5. I fail to see how preventing Hitler from reclaiming Danzig was in the best interest of Britain. As to Russia, Stalin planned an aggressive war against German and made a secret speech in 1940 to the Politburo spelling out his intention. I believe that Danzig was to be Hitler’s last territorial demand. All else is tendentious speculation.

  6. By 1939, the British were moved less by self interest than fidelity to their precious liberal principles. I’ve been arguing with Dan Dare about this at Majority Rights.

  7. All else is tendentious speculation.

    Do ideas have consequences? Of course they do. So it’s eminently reasonable speculation (much more than that, imo), not “tendentious.”

    I’m extremely skeptical that revolutionary racial zeal/fervor can be maintained indefinitely, so I think you would have seen a 60s-like collapse at some point even had the 3rd Reich won the war.

  8. Do you mean liberal economic principals? The fight was not only about ideology.

    Hitler was for the common German man of his Germany. Churchill certainly was not for the common man of his nation. This is a fact. Consider this :

    “Black Friday”

    On 31 March 1921, the miners were locked out when they refused to accept pay cuts and an end to national bargaining. The miners had forged close links with the transport workers in the Triple Alliance of the Miners Federation (the Fed), the National Union of Railwaymen, and the dockers in the preceding years.

    The Triple Alliance set 15 April as the date for strike action in support of the miners. Lloyd George’s government prepared for a major confrontation. Troops were sent to the mining areas and the Emergency Powers Act was invoked.

    On 15 April, forever known as Black Friday, J.H.Thomas, the leader of the NUR, announced there would be no Triple Alliance strike.

    Betrayed, the miners fought on alone for 11 weeks and their defeat was a defeat for the entire working class. By the end of 1921, six million workers had suffered pay cuts averaging six shillings a week.


    The exploited miners were forced back into the mines, at cut wages, by gun point. The great novelist Virginia Woolf wrote about the General Strike. Her husband Leonard had been in complete support of the miners. For all Virginia Woolf’s faults she had ideas about Patriotism and an indisputable love of England, she was, in my opinion a frustrated Nationalist and it was the rhetoric of her day that made her so. She became very disillusioned, depressed and confused until she drowned herself. This is Churchill’s England.

    Compared to Hitler’s Germany, only one of them shows empathy for his own countrymen, and it is not Churchill.

    If we are talking “liberal” “free trade” economics it is one thing if we are talking about what is today considered “liberal” social policy it is quite another.

  9. It is indeed highly unfortunate that so many people, even back then, in their ignorance of history, did not realize that a good portion of the western territory of the post-WW1 Polish State (the ‘Polish Second Republic’), actually was Deutscher/Preußen (Prussian) land, such as Danzig, Posen, Silesia, Pomerania, that was gratuitously given away by the Masonic Marxists of Britain and Amerika in the Versailles Treaty.

    The Masonic-Marxists, in their arrogance, even foolishly seperated East Prussia from the Reich by way of that moronic ‘Polish Corridor’.
    As a result of this, Danzig held the world’s first commuter airport (I know, another example of German ingenuity/intelligence 🙂 )for East Prussians wishing to travel to the rest of Germany, since land travel through the ‘new’ Poland was forbidden.

    Chancellor Hitler primarily wished, in addition to getting back Danzig and majority ethnic German territories from ‘Poland’, also strongly wished for greater German access through the ‘corridor’.

    On another note, contrary to stereotypes, Hitler did not see Poland as an incorrigable foe. He highly respected them for standing up to the Soviet beasts in the 1919-20 Polish-Soviet War, where, at the Battle of Warsaw, they stopped the Commies and saved Europe from a Red takeover.

    As a result, Hitler felt they would be great allies in his, undisputed, desire to smash the Soviet (J)Union and forever remove the scourge of Marxist Communism from Europa (and the world).

    Of course, the forces of Marx, Mammon and Masonry interceded and brainwashed and bribed the Polish leadership from taking up his offer.

    […] Hitler had never wanted war with Poland, but an alliance with Poland such as he had with Francisco Franco’s Spain, Mussolini’s Italy, Miklos Horthy’s Hungary, and Father Jozef Tiso’s Slovakia.

    Indeed, why would he want war when, by 1939, he was surrounded by allied, friendly, or neutral neighbors, save France? And he had written off Alsace, because reconquering Alsace meant war with France, and that meant war with Britain, whose empire he admired and whom he had always sought as an ally. […]

    So right Patrick, so right.

  10. Oh my goodness, now even the Russians are getting into the act and (beginning) to recognize the Truth regarding the origins of the Second War of White Genocide, oops, “WW2” –


    “The Russian defence ministry posted a potentially inflammatory essay on its website which claimed Poland resisted Germany’s ultimatums in 1939 only because it “wanted to obtain the status of a great power”.

    “The lengthy diatribe, which is unlikely to be welcomed in Warsaw, also lashed out at Britain and France for giving the Poles “delusions of grandeur” by promising to intercede if the Nazis invaded.

    “”Anyone who has been minded to study the history of the Second World War knows it started because of Poland’s refusal to meet Germany’s requests,” the statement read. “The German demands were very modest. You could hardly call them unfounded.””


    Truth is stranger than fiction indeed!!!!!

  11. Silver: “…so I think you would have seen a 60s-like collapse at some point even had the 3rd Reich won the war.”

    You mean that then it would have been open season on Nordic women for wogs? That would suck.

  12. Buchanan’s case was lame. He thinks that the fact that Germany in 1939 was focused on ground war to the East was proof that the would never be a threat to Britain. By the same logic, since the Soviets were focused on ground war with Germany, they would never be a threat to the West.

    In fact, Buchanan fails to mention that Germany had started building a surface fleet intended to be able to challenge Britain (Z plan). It just wasn’t done yet. How do you expect a medium-sized country to accomplish that in the 6 years that the Third Reich had existed? All he proved was that Germany wasn’t ready for war with Britian in 1939.

  13. The Jewish haters-of-free-speech and their Orwellian lackeys are at it again:

    “MSNBC removes Buchanan column defending Hitler” (September 3, 2009) – “MSNBC took down the Pat Buchanan column defending Hitler’s actions hours after a Jewish group urged its removal”

    WASHINGTON (JTA) — MSNBC took down the Pat Buchanan column defending Hitler’s actions hours after a Jewish group urged its removal.

    The National Jewish Democratic Council had released a statement Thursday imploring MSNBC to remove the article from its Web site.

    Buchanan, a conservative pundit, had alleged that Hitler did not want war and that the Allies’ actions were unnecessary.

    “MSNBC took the responsible action” in removing the column, NJDC President David Harris [JEW] said in a statement.

    “No worthy news organization should employ and promote a commentator who engages in such vile fiction,” [the Jew] said. “This sort of historical revisionism is deplorable.”

    Buchanan has been accused in the past of making racially insensitive and anti-Semitic comments.


    So much for “freedom of the press” in the USA, a basic right guaranteed by our founding Constitution … thank you Jews for continuing to contribute to the downfall of the once-great U.S. of A!

  14. Oh, please. Buchanan has no Constitutional right to airtime/webspace on some Jew’s network. He can start a blog like the rest of you if they purge him. I’ve had my comments arbitrarily nuked on MR, but you don’t hear me whining about it – their board, their rules.

  15. “Oh, please. Buchanan has no Constitutional right to airtime/webspace on some Jew’s network.”

    Jews have no natural right to dominate the media that shape the opinions of our people. Jews cynically utilize the language of “individual rights”, “free market capitalism” and “merit based competition” all the while stacking the deck in their own favor through ethnic nepotism and ethnic aggression which breaks down the cohesion of the host population.

    “He can start a blog like the rest of you if they purge him. I’ve had my comments arbitrarily nuked on MR, but you don’t hear me whining about it – their board, their rules.”

    Marginalized to some obscure corner of the Net, precisely where you want all White advocates who dare criticize Jews. It is manifestly not about fairness with you, but about your tribal will to power.

  16. I’m just saying he has no Constitutional right to be on TV, any more than I have a right to post on MR (I suppose you agree with the latter but not the former). The previous commenter sounded ridiculous, pure and simple, and needed to be called out.

    >It is manifestly not about fairness with you, but about your tribal will to power.

    Sure, obviously I must be a Jew if I, like about 99.9992% of white goys, don’t toe the your party line.

    “manifestly not about fairness” – This coming from you? From a white nationalist who believe in judging people by their race, something you’re born with and can’t control? No, it’s not about fairness – life isn’t fair, “fair” is a lie – but it’s especially humorous to hear this particular lie coming from you.

    There’s something very unwhite about this lack of concern with fairness on both of our parts (well, you’re concerned about being treated fairly, but not about treating other people fairly). Most whites do try to be fair (everybody else is out for themselves). Maybe that’s why so few agree with either of us.

  17. Nobody has yet magaged to present a case why it was necessary to invade Poland to achieve the return of Danzig. Danzig was not part of Poland, it was an international Free City under a League of Nations mandate whose population was 95% ethnic German.

    Why didn’t Hitler just go to the LoN and ask for it back? The British and French would have supported him and there would then have been no need to invade Poland. Or would there?

  18. Incidentally, if anyone were interested on how Buchanan’s thesis might fare when tested in open public debate by professional historians, the answer is ‘not very well’.

    In this week’s Intelligence Squared debate in London the motion that ‘Churchill was more a liability than an asset’ was defeated by an almost 8 to 1 margin.

    Buchanan’s opening remarks can be enjoyed here.


  19. “… Why didn’t Hitler just go to the LoN and ask for it back? The British and French would have supported him and there would then have been no need to invade Poland. Or would there?…”


    “The Russian defence ministry posted a potentially inflammatory essay on its website which claimed Poland resisted Germany’s ultimatums in 1939 only because it “wanted to obtain the status of a great power”.

    “The lengthy diatribe, which is unlikely to be welcomed in Warsaw, also lashed out at Britain and France for giving the Poles “delusions of grandeur” by promising to intercede if the Nazis invaded.

    “”Anyone who has been minded to study the history of the Second World War knows it started because of Poland’s refusal to meet Germany’s requests,” the statement read. “The German demands were very modest. You could hardly call them unfounded.””



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