Why Bother?

1.) Why do I spend so much time writing about race?
2.) Why do I vigorously defend White Nationalism?
3.) Why do I hold such politically incorrect racial views?

I’ve been asked these questions many times over the years. The standard answer (I genuinely care about my race and ethny), while undoubtedly true, isn’t much in the way of an explanation. It only raises further questions.

I can say for certain that I am not motivated by the incentives that matter most to our critics. I care nothing for money or status. In eight years, I haven’t taken a cent from anyone to write about race. Philosophically, I consider myself an Epicurean; I enjoy worldly pleasures in moderation, but try to keep my material needs to a bare minimum. In contemporary America, there is no greater kiss of death to your social status than advocating and defending White racial consciousness. I’m innocent of those charges.

I don’t expect to be rewarded for my racial convictions (or see my enemies punished) in any afterlife. I’m not a religious man. I don’t believe in any transcendent level of reality (the supernatural) beyond the material world. Sorry Larry.

I’m not driven by irrational hatred of Jews or non-Whites. Until a few years ago, I had never heard of the Jewish Question. Like most Southerners, Jews were nowhere on my radar screen and I took a dim view of anti-Semites. If Jews were pro-White, I wouldn’t have a problem with them. I don’t believe any particular race is necessarily good or evil, superior or inferior, moral or immoral; there are extraordinary individuals and retrogrades in any group, as the data clearly shows. There are plenty of non-Whites that I like or admire on a personal level.  So that isn’t it.

To be honest, I don’t think I am driven by moral outrage either. If you have read my blog, you have probably noticed by now that (unlike our opponents) I don’t really use moral invective to skewer our enemies. We’re not the ‘forces of light’ clashing with the ‘forces of darkness.’ Jews and Christians tend to see us through this distorted and false moral lens of Semitic demonology. Any student of history knows that racial mores vary considerably across history and societies. There is nothing sacred about the anti-racist status quo (or profane about its predecessor). It was conjured into existence by the media within the lifetime of my grandparents.

If I had to explain my unique circumstances, I would point to my background, intelligence, and personality. I grew up in the Alabama Black Belt where Whites already have the misfortune of being a minority in many counties. More specifically, I grew up in heart of Wallace Country where my racial and political views came naturally to me. The region has a tradition of White populist radicalism that stretches back almost two hundred years. Undoubtedly, I imbibed it at some point in my youth.

In 1837, White settlers illegally arrived in the region and began the expulsion of the Creek Indians from East Alabama. In 1856-1857, Jefferson Buford of Eufaula, AL (an otherwise gentle scholar) led a brigade of 415 radicals to Kansas where they gained renown as Buford’s Calvary by participating in the bloodiest of the border wars. In 1857-1860, Barbour County was a hotbed of secession (the most radical county in the state). It was here that John Shorter and his fellow secessionists plotted the destruction of the Union. In 1861, Shorter rode to Montgomery to be sworn in as Governor of the Confederate State of Alabama. From 1874-1876, the Redeemers violently overthrew Republican rule in Barbour County and disenfranchised negro voters. In the 1890s, Barbour County was the epicenter of Alabama populism. Most famously, George Wallace in the 1960s and 1970s launched his various political crusades (for Governor of Alabama and later President of the United States) out of this area.

White racial consciousness, White Nationalism, understanding of racial differences, secession, populism, radical politics: given our peculiar heritage and inclinations, it all came very easily to me. I was born and raised in a milieu that was (almost) uniquely receptive to these ideals. Growing up, I never experienced any peer pressure to conform to anti-racism. In my local area, “democracy” translated into a stark choice between white supremacy or black supremacy. All politics were/remain racial politics. The ideal of a colorblind or post-racial society could not but look like a utopian fantasy in this environment.

Unlike many of my peers, I was smart enough to see through the lies about race in the mainstream media. Their fairy tales blatantly contradicted my own personal experience. I had a rare personality type (one that I suspect many intelligent racialists share) that inclined me to care far more about truth than social status.

I really think this was a decisive factor. The ‘conspiracy of silence’ in the mainstream media about the reality of racial differences struck me as an endlessly fascinating puzzle. I was naturally intrigued by it, spent years trying to figure it out, theorizing about it, and was finally sucked into the White Nationalist underground in the process.

That’s my honest and best answer: in my own small way, I am carrying on a tradition in a land that cares for nothing but progress. White Nationalism is the logical extension of the perspective that White interests (as opposed to universal liberal abstractions) should be promoted and defended. Unlike liberalism, it is a system that suits us and our descendants in the long term. The Occidental Quarterly has no peer as a gathering place for the most intelligent minds committed to our racial salvation. I’m genuinely honored and humbled to be allowed to participate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The simple answer: It’s in your blood.

    Our environment does enhance our own natural proclivities, but it is not the source, it’s much deeper than that. It’s genetic, it’s primordial.

    That’s why when I see other whites who are so bent on miscegenation and destroying our race and heritage, they cannot be of the same lineage. They’re a breed apart. I don’t see every white person as my own, although I’m willing to give them a chance.

    I can’t say I’m so disconnected as Prozium makes himself out to be. I’m not even sure he really believes that about himself. Because to care as much as we all do, it is not just a matter of introspective thought, there is a passion there too.

    I see far more self-righteous irrationality from anti-racists than I do from our side.

  2. “In my local area, “democracy” translated into a stark choice between white supremacy or black supremacy.”

    This is a critical statement because it illustrated the rise of the term, White Supremacy, which has become a club in the hands of our adversaries.

    The sharpening of the distinction between White Supremacy and Black Supremacy as political and social ideologies happened during the 15 years of so-called Reconstruction when the diverse white Southerners experienced Black Supremacy first hand, having been stripped of all their civil rights, including the right to vote and to hold political office.

    That experience has been forgotten in the rest of the USA, but it is interesting to see that the twin ideas still hold power. And it will be interesting to see if Black Supremacy as an idea gets traction once again with President Obama’s posse riding hard on our backs with the most bizarre verbal and symbolical slanders. They act as if they believe that they have been granted permanent power, instead of a mere four-year lease on power, or that verbally whipping and insulting us will persuade us to be more compliant. They’ll have to take another look at those notions.

  3. Most people, when they are drafted, will accept to go to war, at the risk of being killed, even if they think it is a useless war. But they will repress their anger about race replacement because they think it is safer to do so, even though the worst that can happen to them is a big fine and the loss of their jobs. –> It makes more sense to shirk the draft and to strongly protest against race replacement.

  4. blockquote>“[Most men] will repress their anger about race replacement because they think it is safer to do so, even though the worst that can happen to them is a big fine and the loss of their jobs.” ( — Armor)

    They’re also afraid they can’t defend themselves in an argument and will look foolish if challenged: “You didn’t know there were no such things as races? What a moron! You’re living in the Middle Ages, jerk! You’re an ignorant bigot. Sub-Saharans are exactly the same as we are, no difference.” The Jewish professors have taught us all there are no such things as races. You have to understand that that’s scientific nonsense and why, and it also doesn’t hurt to understand its provenance as nothing other than a Jewish tribal attack on Euros. Unfortunately the average person knows nothing of that, so is intimidated.

  5. “I don’t believe any particular race is necessarily good or evil, superior or inferior, moral or immoral; there are extraordinary individuals and retrogrades in any group, as the data clearly shows. There are plenty of non-Whites that I like or admire on a personal level. So that isn’t it.”

    You sound like an egalitarian… that is racialist?

    You’re certainly not going to convince anyone with that contradictory explanation. Hey, I think we’re all the same, but you should be a racial advocate anyway.

  6. Great post, Prozium. You’re doing a wonderful job here. You strike me as very serious, level-headed, and thoughtful, qualities needed in a movement seemingly dominated by wannabe philosopher-kings and nutjobs. I would say that you, Fred, and the chaps at MR (not necessarily in that order) have been most influential on my recent thinking.

    I come from a completely different background, but have reached many of the same conclusions. When it comes down to it, it is about love. Love for my wife, my family, my friends, my community, the countries and cities in which I grew up, schools and universities I attended, the eccentric priests and lay teachers who taught me at school, the restaurants and watering holes I frequented as a younger man, my favourite books, the music I listened to as a kid. It is about being connected and wanting to preserve that connection to all that you have loved and still love.

    Maybe this is due to my getting older or my reluctance to accept the rot (popularly called “change”) I see around me. There is a sense, for me at least and probably for everyone else here, that the tide of Western civilisation is fast receding, not only in terms of politics and demographics, but also in smaller ways such as literature, fashion/style, art, philosophy, etc. The world is becoming less meaningful to me, less worthy of being protected and saved. It is becoming a place in which I feel increasingly alien. Only by surrounding myself with the people I love most, and the books, art, music, culture, discourse, etc., that affect me the most, can I find meaning and avoid submitting to despair, and undertake to preserve, or save, the people and ‘things’ I love most before they (and I) are swept away.

  7. INTJ here.

    And btw most “Information Systems” people have my type. That means I’m judgemental and I carefully calculate my judgements.

  8. blockquote>“[Most men] will repress their anger about race replacement because they think it is safer to do so, even though the worst that can happen to them is a big fine and the loss of their jobs.” ( — Armor)

    Not in Judonia, apparently. No ‘repression’ of ‘anger’ here –

    Group tries to halt Arab-Jewish dating in Jerusalem | Jerusalem Post



    Petah Tikva discourages girls from interacting with Arabs | Jerusalem Post


  9. “All politics were/remain racial politics.”

    What was true in the South is now true everywhere. Ironically, the dream of a color-blind, non-racial society that was used so effectively to destroy America and usher in a culture of ugliness and decline is the same dream that motivates white nationalism. Except now we know that dream is only achievable in racially homogenous societies, whether they be Asian, African or European. There must be shared values, dreams and histories, and all must be cherished and defended. The great lesson from the period will be this: Protect your borders, preserve your culture and, perhaps most importantly, revere your ancestors. Let no others tread on them.

  10. Prozium,

    I had a rare personality type (one that I suspect many intelligent racialists share) that inclined me to care far more about truth than social status.

    I don’t doubt you do care more about truth than social status but that isn’t necessarily indicated by that Myer-Briggs personality type. What you mean, of course, is that you prefer acting on the basis of the truth in spite of any social costs, rather than simply knowing the truth (which doesn’t incur any social costs, except perhaps if it became known you had read certain racialist works).

    Like Iceman I’m an INTJ (INTJ Nationalism now!). These designations don’t seem to me particularly meaningful without knowing the percentages. I tend to score highly in introversion and thinking, while the J/P was much of a muchness — 50/50 according to the last test. Other tests divulge more interesting information, in my opinion. Other tests divulge more interesting information, in my opinion.

    It would be interesting to learn Mark and Admiral’s types. Racialist discourse clearly excites them and leaves them yearning to “do something.” My guess is they’d both affirm they prefer to act first and think later (and would acknowledge that this has landed them in hot water on more than one occasion). This makes them handy Indians, but as Chiefs it fates them to walk in the doomed footsteps of their predecessors who likewise expected the masses to share (or come to share) their racial passion.

    I’m innocent of those charges.

    What charges?

    I don’t believe in any transcendent level of reality (the supernatural) beyond the material world. Sorry Larry.

    It isn’t Larry you need to apologize to, rather your fellow Black (Bible) Belters.

    Any student of history knows that racial mores vary considerably across history and societies. There is nothing sacred about the anti-racist status quo (or profane about its predecessor).

    I don’t know that this is true at all. The intensity of feelings might have varied (and is never uniformly distributed in any case) but the only record of a civilization ever having expulsed settled outsiders on an explicitly (philosophically) racial basis I can think of is Hitler’s Germany. If the record demonstrates anything it is that peoples have initially held out against but eventually succumbed to admixture.

    I really think this was a decisive factor. The ‘conspiracy of silence’ in the mainstream media about the reality of racial differences struck me as an endlessly fascinating puzzle. I was naturally intrigued by it, spent years trying to figure it out, theorizing about it, and was finally sucked into the White Nationalist underground in the process.

    That’s really quite interesting. I was also fascinated by a puzzle: how a people who were once up in arms about s. euro immigration not only came to accept and tolerate (even embrace) it, but accepted, tolerated and even embraced races and cultures infinitely more alien, with no end in sight to the process. This naturally led me to the racialist underground; it initially struck me as hopelessly out of touch with reality (and morality) but since it dawned on me that the racialists are essentially correct and, more importantly, morally justified (some two years ago) I’ve thought about little else. Frankly, I’m convinced my racial views are superior to anything on offer in that underground — factually/conceptually, morally and practically. If there is little evidence of that in my blog it is because, alas, conscientiousnessisn’t exactly my forte.

  11. ” There must be shared values, dreams and histories, and all must be cherished and defended. ”

    Don’t forget Myths as well!

    Michael O’meara has been doing some ground-breaking work in that area! Myths and healing (from attacks from Frankfurt School Marxist Critical Theorists) should have a table at this discussion as well!

  12. I’m surprised to learn that you apparently don’t believe in, or have never experienced transcendence. One thing I find interesting about the international racialist neo-pagan underground is its psychedelic and entheogenic assisted thaumaturgy and music. I don’t think drugs are decadent. For me they’ve been a gateway to deep reflection, death defying self-awareness and art. I’m an old overland “Hippy Trail” to India traveler so when Jimi Hendrix asks, “Are you experienced?” and the answer is , “No.” I consider that person a cube. Most urban Blacks can’t handle forced introspection. That’s why they’re sullen crack heads instead of smiling acid heads. Party on Prozium.

  13. “Silver:
    It would be interesting to learn Mark and Admiral’s types. Racialist discourse clearly excites them and leaves them yearning to “do something.” My guess is they’d both affirm they prefer to act first and think later (and would acknowledge that this has landed them in hot water on more than one occasion). This makes them handy Indians, but as Chiefs it fates them to walk in the doomed footsteps of their predecessors who likewise expected the masses to share (or come to share) their racial passion.”

    Completely wrong.

    I’m INTJ, the Mastermind.

    “All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning.

    Masterminds are rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population, and they are rarely encountered outside their office, factory, school, or laboratory. Although they are highly capable leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once they take charge, however, they are thoroughgoing pragmatists.”

    I’d say that’s pretty close to my personality.

    Silver would be a squaw, as he likes engaging in gossip.

  14. Prozium,

    I would like to hear you expound on your thoughts on racial differences at some point, other than the obvious, such as black crime.

    I am morally outraged by miscegenation and white traitors. If someone isn’t then I don’t think they’re very racialist or they still have a lot of deprogramming to do.

  15. Silver ~

    Not sure what prompted your bitchiness, but you’re completely off the mark. “Act first and think later”? “Landed them in hot water on more than one occasion”? “Handy Indians”?

    Who the fuck do you think you’re describing?

  16. I took a Meyers-Briggs personality test and scored as an INTJ.

    I think people who spend time discussing politics on the internet tend to have have certain personality traits regardless of their beliefs.

  17. I will show revulsion at the sight of a mixed-race couple, whether it be human/negro or White/Asian, in any combination. I have noticed, in the company of family and friends, that reacting in such a way to race traitors usually elicits sympathy. Sane Whites instinctively abhor miscegenation, and yet are often unable or unwilling to articulate why. It’s the job of WNs to help them.

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