Stuff Libertarians Hate

A contribution to the Libertarianism is Poison thread at VNN Forum.

#1. The Passenger Pigeon

Consider the fate of the passenger pigeon. It was once the most common avian in the world. There used to be billions of them in the United States. The pioneers that settled Transappalachia often encountered flocks containing millions of birds. That was until settlers and loggers destroyed their habitat and market hunters annihilated the species. A cheap buck could be made in turning their carcasses into hog feed.

#2. The Buffalo

The American bison used to roam the North American heartland from Idaho to Georgia. Before the Civil War, there were 30 to 60 million bison on the Great Plains. By the 1890s, the bison had been hunted to near extinction. There were only around 1,000 of them left in North America. The bison would have gone the way of the passenger pigeon if the federal government hadn’t intervened at the last minute by creating the first wildlife refuges.

#3. The White Tail Deer

As hard as it is to believe, the white tail deer was once extinct nearly everywhere east of the Rockies, and thrives now only on account of the game laws that saved the species. In 1930, there were only about 300,000 of them left in the United States. They have since made a spectacular comeback thanks to government intervention.

#4. The Wild Turkey

Enjoy Thanksgiving? A turkey sandwich? The wild turkey (which Benjamin Franklin wanted to be America’s national bird) was similarly pushed to the brink of extinction by habitat destruction and market hunting. A century ago, there were only 30,000 of them left. The wild turkey could only be found in secluded areas like the swamps of Alabama. A coordinated effort between government agencies, the National Wildlife Turkey Federation, and the hunting industry brought the wild turkey back for sportsmen to hunt.

#5. The Black Bear

The black bear, Alabama’s state mammal, had been pushed back to a few isolated wilderness pockets by the twentieth century. Bears were shot as vermin, food, and trophies. The black bear population was wiped out in most of the Eastern United States. Like countless other species, the black bear was saved by legislation which outlawed market hunting.

#6. The Bald Eagle

What could be more American than the bald eagle? It is our national bird and a symbol of the United States. In the eighteenth century, there were once as many as 300,000 to 500,000 bald eagles in U.S. and their range extended across the continent. By 1950, there were only a few hundred nesting pairs left in the Lower 48. The use of pesticides like DDT, habitat destruction, and market hunting decimated the bald eagle population which rebounded after DDT was banned and commercial hunting was outlawed.

#7. The Pronghorn Antelope

The majestic pronghorn antelope was once a common sight in the Old West. By 1908, there were only about 20,000 pronghorn antelope left in the United States thanks to market hunters. The population only recovered after wildlife preserves and hunting restrictions were established.

#8. The Beaver

There used to be as many as 60 million beavers in the United States before the fur trade drove the American beaver to extinction in most of its original range. The European beaver was likewise hunted to extinction throughout many parts of Europe. Both species are recovering on account of the game laws which outlawed market hunting.

#9. The Blue Whale

Blue whales were abundant in the world’s oceans until the twentieth century. They could be found along the Pacific coast from Alaska to California. In a mere sixty years, 99% of blue whales were hunted to extinction by market hunters. There are only an estimated 5,000 to 12,000 of them left alive today. They have experienced a slow recovery since whaling was banned under international treaties in the 1960s.

#10. The White Man

Last but not least, White people are projected to become a minority in the United States by 2042. A perfect storm of third world immigration, miscegenation, abortion, and differential birthrates – which are all rationalized in the name of ‘freedom’ – have conspired to bring down the White man too in his native habitat. Like the black bears, wolves, cougars, and mountain lions of yesteryear, the White man is now despised as vermin and is denied an exclusive habitat and positive sense of racial identity by our Jewish cultural establishment.

So, I would say to Alex: there is something that government is definitely better at than private markets – wildlife management – of which White Nationalism is but a logical extension. Bring back the laws against third world immigration, miscegenation, abortion, and integration and perhaps the White race will thrive again in its former range.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Great work Prozium!

    The problem with libertarian ideology is that it doesn’t address mankind’s more destructive qualities. Human society has many problems and they cannot all be reduced to the level of the uncoordinated individual, there are some things that only a corporate power can achieve (i.e. conservation).

    Just because the leftist regime that we lived under is so utterly loathsome doesn’t mean that libertarianism is the solution that we need.

  2. Lewpus and his fellow philistines would pave over Yellowstone and cut down the California Redwoods and sell the timber at Wal-Mart Supercenters if they had the chance.

  3. There’s a big difference there though, those animals didn’t choose to shrink or become nearly extinct, whites are making that choice for themselves.

    We need representation and we need advocacy groups, and eventually we need our own racial nation.

  4. The argument made by libertarians is that if all property is privately owned, then the owner will automatically care for that property and presumably all the wild animals on it. Of course it’s b.s. but that’s what I hear from my libertarian acquaintances all the time. Everything they say is theoretical and abstract. OTOH, don’t some promoters of WNism like to say that if only we could have our beloved all-white state, we’ll all just start being happy & good and do what’s right…

    Libertarians’ thinking is that in the past, people were less evolved about animal protection, but now thru many trials we have learned our lesson, so with all-private property we’d behave ourselves where animals are concerned. I don’t know, but it is an argument that could be made.

  5. There’s no dichotomy between the state and the market. The state created the market.

    “The logic of the market actually imposed itself gradually, beginning
    at the end of the Middle Ages, when long-distance and local trade
    started to be unified within national markets under the impetus of the emerging nation-states, eager to monetize and hence tax formerly un-taxable forms of noncommercial intra-community trade. Thus, far
    from being a universal fact, the market is a phenomenon strictly local-
    ized in time and space. And, far from being “spontaneous,” this phe-
    nomenon was in fact instituted. Particularly in France, but also in
    Spain, the market was by no means constructed in spite of the nation-
    state, but rather thanks to it. The state and the market are born to-
    gether and progress at the same pace, the former constituting the lat-
    ter at the same time as it institutes itself. “At the very least,” Alain
    Caillé writes, “it is advisable not to consider market and state as two
    radically different and antagonistic entities, but as two facets of the
    same process. Historically, national markets and nation-states are
    built at the same pace, and one is not found without the other.”
    Indeed, both develop in the same direction. The market amplifies
    the movement of the national state which, to establish its authority,
    cannot cease to destroy methodically all forms of intermediate sociali-
    zation which, in the feudal world, were relatively autonomous or-
    ganic structures (family clans, village communities, fraternities,
    trades, etc.). The bourgeois class, and with it incipient liberalism, sus-
    tained and aggravated this atomization of society, insofar as the
    emancipation of the individual it desired required the destruction of
    all involuntary forms of solidarity or dependence that represent as
    many obstacles to the extension of the market. Pierre Rosanvallon ob-
    ‘From this perspective, nation-state and market reflect the same type of socialization of individuals in space. They are conceiv-
    able only within the framework of an atomized society, in which
    the individual is understood to be autonomous. Thus both the
    nation-state and the market, in both the sociological and eco-
    nomic sense of these terms, are not possible where society exists
    as an encompassing social whole.’

    As to the market preserving nature, Linder cannot be serious. If it would be more profitable to fully exploit and kill a nature preserve than to keep it alive and going, a libertarian cannot object to it on market grounds. His faith in markets is childish and cultlike. It’s all just more evidence that he’s not a serious thinker but a wooly-headed dilettante and a toxic presence in White Nationalism.

  6. I don’t understand the origins of all this re Linder & libertarianism. A few years ago, the finest dissection & critique of libertariamism that I’ve ever read (yes, really) was written by Himself! What happened?

  7. “As to the market preserving nature, Linder cannot be serious. If it would be more profitable to fully exploit and kill a nature preserve than to keep it alive and going, a libertarian cannot object to it on market grounds. His faith in markets is childish and cultlike. It’s all just more evidence that he’s not a serious thinker but a wooly-headed dilettante and a toxic presence in White Nationalism.”

    Agreed. His main motivation seems to be some chip on his shoulder he carries around from being fired by a Jewish boss some time ago.

  8. Linder’s personality certainly isn’t libertarian, he’s more of a mad dictator.

    Libertarianism is against power structure, patriarchy, hierarchy including race, and is individualist. This could only work in an all white country, which couldn’t be created in the first place with that philosophy.

  9. Actually the libertarian answer to all this is that these problems happen because the property rights haven’t been properly defined and assigned. Once they have been, the owner has an interest in preserving the population, and does so.

    In the case of human beings, the natural extrapolation is that of a monarchy. The Crown owns everything, and is strong enough to permit and enforce a mostly-libertarian society within its property. The principle on which the Crown’s legitimacy rests is that of property rights: it owns the country outright. Therefore it is in the Crown’s interest to protect the principle of property rights for everyone, because it protects the Crown most of all.

  10. >Actually the libertarian answer to all this is that these problems happen because the property rights haven’t been properly defined and assigned. Once they have been, the owner has an interest in preserving the population, and does so. In the case of human beings, the natural extrapolation is that of a monarchy.

    If you’re going to go all Mencius Moldbug, you might as well go all the way. The natural extrapolation of privatization for humans would be slavery. And it would work. Slaveowners would breed high-value slaves. There would be at least a niche market for whites. Existence of our people and some sort of future for our children secured.

    Libertarians for slavery!

  11. Private owners regarded many of these species as vermin and shot them whenever they had the chance. It was only later (after government intervention had saved many of these species) that their long term commercial value was realized.

  12. “The natural extrapolation of privatization for humans would be slavery”

    The end extrapolation of privatization for humans is a market for human flesh for consumption. The Morlocks don’t want Elois with good taste. They want Elois that taste good.

  13. This is a superb effort! I hope you do not mind if it is shared via email. It is skillfully crafted to induce naive individuals to reflect on our predicament in a fair-minded way.

  14. The argument made by libertarians is that if all property is privately owned, then the owner will automatically care for that property and presumably all the wild animals on it. Of course it’s b.s.

    In fact they often make the exact opposite argument when they assert that people have the God-given right to destroy their own bodies and lives with excessive use of drugs and alcohol!

    Which is it?

    Does enlightened self interest lead to self destruction or infinite progress?

  15. The argument that humans now care enough about species to preserve them is proven wrong here in the West. Even here in ultra-liberal California, the glorious salmon are nearly extinct. The striped bass fishery in the Delta and Bay has also been ruined. The vast herds of Tule Elk that roamed all over the valleys and coastal areas of our state have been decimated and only exist on miniscule preserves. Fishers and spotted owls are being driven extinct by the timber industry as we speak.

    A lot of CA endangered species are not real celebrities, but salmon would seem to have quite a bit of worth. Yet the salmon fishery in CA and up and down the West has been decimated. And even the ultra-liberal CA senators like Feinstein insist that we have not creamed the salmon enough, and need to take them out for good.

    The notion that humans now value wildlife enough to be trusted with preserving them in a libertarian society is seriously wrong, and we can prove it right here in California.

    In the 3rd World, humans are so bestial, venal, animalistic and backwards that they indeed are well on the way to exterminating everything in sight. An excellent in favor of White superiority (which I agree with) is that Whites are really the only humans on Earth that care about non-human life enough to preserve it. Virtually every other race of man will gladly exterminate every single non-domesticated species in its land at the drop of a hat. Preserving species is something only Whites can do. And it’s something on White governments can do, the White private sector haven proven endlessly to have failed at this endeavor.

  16. Thank you for presenting the instances where Whites through government action passed good laws and regulations to protect beautiful wild life.
    Anything goes Capitalism is not good for our race/nation for so many reasons. One of the most important reasons is that less than 2% of the White American public, let alone the entire American public go for this Libertarian true believer cult in Presidential elections. It’s political suicide.
    Another horrible side of the American Libertarian intellectual elite is the insistence on open borders immigration. The Wall Street Journal used to run July 4th editorials stating: “There shall be open borders” – unlimited in size or racial/health composition. It was/is a religious fundamentalist belief of the Libertarian elite that we must not control immigration in any way. Libertarian fundamentalists are racially color blind – and blind people have no business driving cars, planes or the American ship of state!

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