Cross of Gold

At Takimag, Dylan Hales describes himself as an anti-egalitarian populist and along with Richard Spencer calls for a return to the gold standard. Normally, I would let this pass without comment, but the historical irony caused me to raise an eyebrow. Didn’t the Populists fight to abandon the deflationary gold standard? Weren’t the Populists for “free silver” and greenbacks? Weren’t they famously against “crucifying mankind” on the Cross of Gold? Didn’t the Populists want the income tax? I’m sure I have my history right.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The LRC crowd has been exploiting the language of populism to sell an anti-populist economic agenda. Why don’t they just come out and say they want to return to the Gilded Age?

  2. Prozium,

    The LRC crowd (like the Objectivist Randroids) are stuck on their own intellectual fetishes and don’t really have a coherent societal ideal. At best you could say that these people have a well-developed critical perspective (i.e. precisely the type that Gottfried accuses White Nationalists of being). Conveniently enough most of their criticism is acceptable in mainstream discourse, you’re not about to find the likes of Dylan Hale expounding upon their anti-egalitarianism (if it even exists).

    White Nationalists, on the other hand, have a much more coherent ideal in a White ethnostate that values tradition and hierarchy over liberalism.

  3. Also this call to “end the Fed” reveals the nature of their intellectual fetishism because it begs the question, “How?!” I think that a reasonable person could conclude that ending the Fed is not realistic within the current political structure and that you can’t “end the Fed” unless you end the American empire. But theorizing about the end of America is much more political in nature than theorizing about ending the Federal Reserve, and on this point the LRC crowd just isn’t up to the task.

    White Nationalists correctly recognize that our problem is political in nature and not economic. Our society’s economic problems (like the Federal Reserve) are an outgrowth of its much larger political problems.

  4. Half of the board of the Federal Reserve and the member banks are Jews. We are in the middle of seeing Ken Lewis of Bank of America – the only non-Jew running a major bank from what I can tell – being scapegoated for the whole crisis, after he was set up over the ML deal.

    Without getting into libertarian fetishism and gold buggery, America has long fought against central banks. The Central Banks of the world are like another government, and one of their main functions is to finance wars.

    Central Banking is and always has been a Jewish game, and the Fed is a parasite on America. That being said, libertarianism today really is just about helping the rich get richer and stealing the wealth of the White working and middle class. Libertarianism is a Jewish ideology for people that hate their neighbors.

  5. Our problems are societal, even spiritual. It is our beliefs about who we are and what we should be doing that are deeply confused. Our politics will always reflect this. We have a serious infection that must be eradicated; the infectious agents must be destroyed.

  6. Prozium, you’ve identified “capitalism” as an enemy, and so far as “the rich” and corporations go, it’s hard to disagree. How do you stand on smaller scale private enterprise?

  7. Nothing is perfect. There’s a tendency for all kinds of different social, political, and economic arrangements to become “captured” and centralized by elites with interests hostile and contrary to the populace. This is true of both a gold standard and a fiat currency system.

    Switching from the current fiat arrangement to a gold standard would be populist in that it would drastically diminish the centralized power of the federal government. The gov’t would be unable to persist in essentially printing money and spending it on harebrained social engineering projects, war, useless make work gov’t jobs for minorities in order curry political support, welfare to minorities, massive bureaucracies to regulate the populace and implement Leftist social policies, etc. as it has been doing for decades now. Any gov’t spending would be strictly disciplined by taxation and borrowing. Federal power would be reduced, and local communities would have more relative freedom and power. The overextended and swollen financial sector, particularly its most usurious and speculative elements, would be thankfully reduced as well, as the sheer volume of financial paper outstanding which these elements manipulate would diminish.

    This isn’t to say that a gold standard is a panacea, nor that it is incorruptible and will always serve populist interests. Most likely, it will gradually degrade over time like all things, and eventually be “captured” by an elite and serve its interests against the populace. At this point, however, the fiat system is completely antithetical to populist interests and switching to a gold standard would be populist. It was completely different during Bryan’s era, of course.

  8. notuswind:”White Nationalists correctly recognize that our problem is political in nature and not economic.”

    I mostly agree, except in that sentence the word “racial” should be substitued for “political.” Remember, we here are racial/ethnic nationalists — with us, race/ethnicity trumps everything else, and the permanent preservation and advancement of the White race overrides all other concerns. All healthy nations should, as we once did in the past, have a solid and unbreakable racial/ethnic basis or core — nations should not be based on secondary issues like political abstractions, or pointless economic consumption, or absurd wild-eyed religious ideas, or whatever else — all of those issues are highly variable and subject to constant historical change, and while race also slowly changes over time via biological evolution we seek to prevent it from being forever corrupted by the massive influx of non-White blood that is now occurring.

    If we can work to fix the rapidly worsening racial situation in the USA and hopefully in other White nations too, then nearly all other problems (economic, political, social, spiritual, etc) will naturally be easier to repair and in most cases will just work themselves out within a more racially cooperative and cohesive society. More than anything else, it is the increasing presence of a huge number of unassimilable non-White ‘worthless eaters’ (who seek to breed with us) along with a nefariously parasitic Judeoplutocracy that is dragging White America down, and unless those problems are corrected we will continue to slide downward until we become just another racial morass like Brazil, India, etc.

    Again, what sets us apart from all other sociopolitical groups advocating for various ‘changes’ in American society is that we have a strict racialist worldview, while all others prefer to take a purely economic, or political, or religious worldview whilst generally ignoring the stark realities of biological race/ethnicity. We White nationalists, in comparison, recognize that the biological realities of race/ethnicity must always and forever triumph over secondary or tertiary concerns such as economics, politics, religion, and so on. As I said above, if we fix the worsening racial situation in the USA then successful policies relating to the aforementioned secondary issues will be a whole lot easier to implement.

  9. It would be very easy to end the Fed.

    The Congress could issue debt free dollars. Very simple.

    There are a bazillion underworked economists who could actually think up something and I’m sure Krugman would finally be deposed since he wouldn’t have any good ideas.

  10. @danielj

    >The Congress could issue debt free dollars. Very simple.

    That’s the idea, enshrined in the Constitution. All the typical problems of fiat paper money will be there, along with the problems of democracy.

    The alternative is to continue to allow the Federal Reserve to bleed us dry. I wouldn’t mind taking the populist route.

  11. The gold standard is of course a crock of shit. There isn’t enough physical gold in the world to even ‘secure’ the economy of the USA, which (supposedly) only has a population of just above 300 million. Gold is basically worthless except in cosmetic terms (jewelry) and in some industrial uses, and it isn’t even all that rare in the world overall.

    ‘Money,’ which is a very Jewish idea to begin with and which is currently losing its sway and power amongst a large portion of the White middle-class populace in many White nations because they already have everything needed for a secure and decent existence, is just a stand-in for labor and/or various skills performed with labor, or needed natural resources (water, land, timber, oil/energy, necessary metals, etc), or the things necessary for life and existence which I note below.

    Things which are worth the most include the stuff which is necessary for life: necessities like water, agricultural land, pastureland/livestock, ready-to-eat food, timber, coal/oil/energy, and of course other basic things like shelter, clothing, and so on. Certain skills are also more valuable than others — very complex skills like major-industrial knowledge, heavy engineering, surgery and some other medical skills, specialized agriculture, some areas of chemistry/physics, and so on are certainly more valuable than the skills of a menial laborer or disposable office worker.

    The gold bugs are correct though that the gold standard is, in general, a very good moderating mechanism which prevents plutocratic central banks (in America’s case the Jew-infested FED) from “printing money out of thin air” as they like to often say, or even nowadays just transferring bogus ‘computer cash’ from the computers of the FED to the computers of various banks and corporations which are teetering on the brink of extinction but which are somehow immediately revived by the insertion of this bogus ‘computer cash.’

    In the past 2+ years, the Jew-infested FED has just pulled off the biggest ‘legal heist’ in human history, transferring unknown amounts (it’s in the trillions) of this bogus ‘computer cash’ to their co-ethnics who work in various Jew-dominated commercial banks, investment banks, and corporations (AIG, etc). The bailout of the automobile industry was generally a worthy act (though it shouldn’t have been done of the FED but rather other government agencies), but everything else that has happened with the FED in more recent times was a sickening spree of white-collar crime committed by the international finance Jewish Mafia which is raping America’s coffers and indebting this country for all they are worth. In addition to controlling the printing-presses of medium of exchange (in our case paper), debt is the other way that Jewry has been keeping down Whites for many centuries now. By the forced imposition of massive debts upon us and our people, Jews virtually enslave us and use us to their greedy ends.

    The economic problems of the USA or other nations cannot be solved by reviving the gold standard, but only rather by undoing Jewish control of the monetary printing-presses and in other key areas of the economic life of White nations. Ideas about money in the USA and other White nations must become re-Westernized after many long centuries of the imposition of very poisonous Jewish/Mammonistic ideas about the meaning of money and what it actually denotes. Money is meant to serve the needs of humanity, not the other way around. We are not slaves to pieces of paper printed by a bunch of greedy Jews, or a soft yellowish metal, or any other medium of exchange for needed goods and services. If ideas and attitudes about money and consumption do not start to change within the next few decades here in The West, the human race will literally consume itself in to oblivion as we continue to wantonly consume rabidly and voraciously until we end up horribly degrading and ultimately destroying the very basis of all human existence, the environment of our Earth.

  12. ” Conveniently enough most of their criticism is acceptable in mainstream discourse, you’re not about to find the likes of Dylan Hale expounding upon their anti-egalitarianism (if it even exists).”

    Which way does this populist anti-egalitarianism go? Are they against Jewish bankers? That would be a good thing.

    If their populist anti-egalitarianism goes towards Racialism then perhaps they can draw upon the ‘Cross of Gold’-meister Jennings Bryan himself who stated Blacks should not be allowed to vote: “On the ground that Civilization has a Right to preserve itself”! ( ) Clearly one of the Truest utterances of an American politician ever!

    By the way I like to whip out that quote whenever debating liberals!

  13. This is a good example of why it’s important to clarify that many of us are “situational libertarians”. I demand an audit of the fed, abolishing the fed, and moving to a different standard. This isn’t about ideology, it’s about identity. This monetary system may be working very well…just not for us.

    As I understand it, “populism” is an epithet used by elites to describe political movements that threaten their interests. Sometimes, in a more healthy regime than our present one, there are situations where the elites possess a sense of noblesse oblige to their co-ethnics and a greater understanding of difficult issues. I suppose that makes me a “situational populist” who recognizes that a truly robust society has a benevolent elite with more power than “the people”.

  14. Gentilhommes,

    *”It would be very easy to end the Fed.

    “The Congress could issue debt free dollars. Very simple.”* (damielj)

    “Debt-free dollars” should be shouted from the rooftops all over this land.

    For a “Federal Reserve *Note*” is both nominally and actually an instrument of debt – it does not *permanently* circulate – it must ultimately go back to the Federal Reserve in payment of someone’s debt – presumably to be re-loaned so as to maintain the velocity of the money supply in commercial transactions. Hence the Greater Judean monetary system is *intrinsically unstable* and constantly vulnerable to a deflationary interruption of the credit cycle, such as we are now suffering (and as was the basis of the easily remediable Great Depression), lately due to the insane affirmative-action (Communist egalitarian) lending practices of the Clinton and Bush-fronted regimes and the fact that the extension of credit must continue in the system for its maintenance – NO MATTER THE WISDOM OF CONTINUING TO EXTEND CREDIT OTHERWISE.

    But a “Fed” *is* necessary to regulate growth of a permanent money supply.

    However, according to my own formula – the only *good* Fed is *your* Fed, even in that instance. [And some of you will want to say, in that instance, that the only good Fed is nevertheless a *dead* Fed – but that’s immature].


  15. Likewise:

    *”The economic problems of the USA or other nations cannot be solved by reviving the gold standard, but only rather by undoing Jewish control of the monetary printing-presses and in other key areas of the economic life of White nations.”* (White Preservationist)

  16. “The economic problems of the USA or other nations cannot be solved by reviving the gold standard, but only rather by undoing Jewish control of the monetary printing-presses and in other key areas of the economic life of White nations.”

    How? Much easier said than done. Whites must jettison their taste for a consumer lifestyle. I don’t see that happening any time soon. Will Whites refuse to take out loans for a new house, sports car, or flat-screen tv? Don’t bet on it. A mass religious awakening might help change attitudes, but how realistic is that?

    Ideas and attitudes about money and consumption ARE changing in the West, especially in Europe, thanks to Muslim immigration and the introduction of Islamic finance. WNs might want to examine contemporary Islamic attitudes towards finance–or, rediscover our ancestral Christian conceptions of money.

  17. Gentilhommes,

    *”Will Whites refuse to take out loans for a new house, sports car, or flat-screen tv?”*

    In a WN regime of permanent money supply – and government gifting of money (to grow the money supply and stimulate corresponding growth of the physical economy) prioritized according to the proportion of the purchase that a citizen can supply, the citizen won’t need a *loan* in order to make a purchase.

    [One is so accustomed to thinking in terms of the insanity of the self-serving Jewish system, that one naturally assumes its premise that one must borrow in order to make capital purchases. And, further, that the alternative to which I point is ludicrous. But the logic and practicability of the alternative is clear, once one is free of the credit-bound version of the “money illusion”.]



  18. Almost all the necessities can be provided for simply through barter and trade anyway.

    “Currency” is essentially trust when you break it down and trace it out in a way I don’t feel like doing right now. I’m certain that everyone gets my drift there.

  19. “Money” on the other hand is a substitute for trust since Jews and bankers and leeches don’t wanna do real work.

    I say arbeit macht frei should be part of the party platform.

  20. I like Post #8 until W.P. got to rating skills: “Certain skills are also more valuable than others — very complex skills like major-industrial knowledge, heavy engineering, surgery and some other medical skills, specialized agriculture, some areas of chemistry/physics, and so on are certainly more valuable than the skills of a menial laborer or disposable office worker.”

    I beg to differ, to some degree. While a society without people able to perform these “very complex” skills may be neither comfortable nor desirable, a society without plenty of people willing & able to perform menial labour & minor administrative tasks is not doable at all. The forever-increasing numbers of the complexly-skilled (i.e., specialists) are incapable of proceeding from one day to the next without a veritable army of grunts carrying out their designs & ideas. How far could this “creative class” get without millions of the less-talented propping them up? Not very far and not for long.

    But a group of people who had to, could get by – yes, a hard life – scratching the ground with a stick. Which is what humans were all doing at some point and, dare I add, those of us wanting to survive may have to group together and live this low-tech way, without question. Dare I add, that after some time, without high tech doctoring, etc. to keep every conceivable form of weakling going for 80 years, the human species will become tough as nails.

    It was really good to hear someone talk about the relative worthlessness of a shiny yellow metal. I’ve felt this way for some time, and couldn’t understand why so many folk mindlessly call for a return to a gold standard without any further thought, like a bunch of bower birds decorating their mating pads. It is not that simple and I’m glad you pointed it out.

  21. “I for one am very glad that NeoN is back.”

    I guess this is the overall feeling here.

    Great . It is nice to know where people here stand. The goal here is to have a site infested with sado-masochistic perverts and work towards an “ethno-state” lorded over by perverted freaks. I guess I have been hoodwinked, I thought people posting here would at least be decent. Yeah, boys, this is a REAL inspiration! Real cutting edge stuff – Spiritual jews! How new and bold. Good luck with your imaginary, masturbatory project to fool the masses and lord over Aryans with jewish values.

    Yuk, yuk, and yuk.

  22. “If Wintermute would come on out of the woodwork again we’d be sitting pretty here at OD.”

    A quantum-coded tachyonic subspace alert is going out to Alpha Centauri as we speak!

  23. Lena,
    I think if you read my blog you wouldn’t find that depiction an accurate portrayal of my views.

    I’m not sure if you had some sort of spate with NN or something else I’m unaware of, but certain people, even if they challenge your belief system are valuable just because they are thinkers.

    I don’t happen to agree with Mr. NN or Mr. Wintermute on a variety of very important subjects but I don’t question their intelligence and their ability to inspire me to creative thought.

    Perhaps, you should also lay off the invective and try to engage in argumentation instead of emotional outbursts.

  24. I’ve grown up around a lot of honest, decent White men. If you think the jews are turning them off your movement, you better look in the mirror. Your spiritual judaism repulses honest Aryans. Misled as they may be, you average Aryan still harbors in his heart Aryan values. It would be wise of you to try and discover what those are.

    In the mean time your top-down plan has already been formulated and I’m sure you will all groove to it. Here it is:

    1. ….Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the significance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall throw light upon surrounding facts.
    2. What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two points of view, that of ourselves and that of the GOYIM [i.e., non-Jews].
    3. It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorisation, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare.
    4. What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto?
    5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards – to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature, right lies in force.

    Good by jews, till the tide turns and the good start driving out the bad, and it’s coming.

    Natural Free Born Aryan

  25. Thanks Daniel J

    But no thanks. Nothing about fantasies of beating, flogging, gagging woman or trying to engage me in discussing oral sex on a political internet blog inspires me to creative thought. Perhaps your problem is your lack of emotional or spiritual virtue and the ability to actually reflect upon what NeoN actually writes and believes, and admittedly advocates.

  26. Prozium:”Weren’t they famously against “crucifying mankind” on the Cross of Gold?”

    Speaking of crucifixions, back in the late 1800s some astute Americans knew exactly what would happen if the international Jewish finance-mafia managed to hijack the macroeconomy of the nation; see —

    Notice the spear he is being jabbed in the side reads “GOLD STANDARD.”

    Brilliant cartoon. “HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF” indeed.

  27. Dear Lena,

    *”Spiritual jews!*”

    (I genuinely treasure the expression of your sentiments, Lena, as they form a pretext for administering instruction for those as yet untouched:)

    What I and certain others of us share with the Jews is the realization that this is a world in which one dominates – or is dominated. Puritanical peasants such as yourself and Yeoman Anthony thus are doomed to domination. You do not understand that the world, as it has evolved demographically since prehistoric times, is inescapably governed by lies and violence – the Jew having achieved historic Mastery of the Lie, and we Germanics the mastery of violence (“He does not know war who has not fought the Germans”), as have many other such peoples from the past.

    Perhaps you might grasp the thesis that masters of *this* world, of either variety, can comfortably and *realistically* be materialistic and Mammonistic dominators and exploiters of nature and of their fellow men – as predatory aristocrats (“parasites,” in your terminology). Thus they may live for this, the only world there really is, because their mastery of it provides generously for them, in contrast to the straitened circumstances of a humble peasant and his hope of a better life in heaven, joyfully contemplating the awesome deity who did not provide much for him in this one. (So from this masterful perspective, arises the putative *”Judengestank”* about me that YA noticed with his crude and indiscriminate sensibilities).

    Of course, the High Cultures of planetary history have always involved something of a priesthood or belief system according to which to help order society. This makes it possible to conduct affairs without too much time and talent-wasting whacking of the lower orders. Hence Jewish power and influence in the modern day in performance of this function – thanks, in part, to the historic vulnerability of your uninstructed element to lies and illusions operating under false flags.

    But – you will nevertheless claim to know about the Jews.

    But you don’t, really. Because you don’t understand that you don’t understand the principles of power according to which they have mastered you – the only alternative to which is mastery by my native and traditional sado-masochistic and dominance-hierarchy- inclined element. So, you will be forced to accept the one or the other.

    I’m here for you.


  28. Anthony:”Your spiritual judaism repulses honest Aryans.”

    Ha…”spiritual Judaism,” that’s funny stuff.

    You should learn that the so-called ‘religion’ of Judaism is not and never has been a true religion; Joodayizm is a Judeosupremacist blood-cult which celebrates worldly greed, mayhem, violence, chaos, parasitism, and finally the eventual enslavement of all non-Jews who will eventually be forced to bow-down to and ‘worship’ Jews as Yahweh’s ‘Chosen’ while Jews rule Earth from Jewrusalem, along with a ton of other gutter anti-cultural values. The ‘religion’ of Judaism is entirely devoid of any true spirituality. The majority of Jews in the world today are in fact atheists and/or entirely secular/non-religious, yet despite that they still remain ethic Jews of course. Please try again, Anthony.

  29. Perhaps your problem is your lack of emotional or spiritual virtue and the ability to actually reflect upon what NeoN actually writes and believes, and admittedly advocates.

    Did I say I had a problem? Did I say you had a problem? No, I didn’t. Mighty arrogant of you though, to try to inform me. I’m quite all right without condescending advice.

    It doesn’t matter what he advocates. That isn’t the issue. Engagin’ people properly and developing your own set of ideas to advocate is what is important.

    If you can’t take a lil tiny beat of back and forth, I don’t imagine you are cut from the right stuff to get theoretical about WN or engage in debate on the subject. May I suggest keeping house as an alternative?

  30. Thanks for that guys. Wow, what an “education” you have given me! Thanks, Prozium, if your goal was to make honest, skeptical, white woman feel like a fool, you have a achieved it! Good luck again with your perverse project.

  31. This nest of perversion has been discovered. You tolerate it, you own it. Shame on any Aryan who allows this. If you’re cowards in this, then when the time comes you’ll be cowards in combat. Fear and ignorance motivates things like NN, danielj and Prozium. Demand better. Be men.

  32. Lena, you are overreacting. It is just internet. Relax.

    Anthony, I’m not exactly sure how I’ve been lumped into that list. Aside from our dedication to racial preservation I’d say me and NN and me and Prozium are almost polar opposites. What position have I advanced that you disagree with? Cowards? What are you talking about? You are too obtuse for me.

  33. I forgot to bring up the fact that Bryan was still a support of ‘metal backed’ currency and despite his antipathy to gold he wasn’t averse at all to inflating through the use of silver backed currency.

    Still, it was ridiculous that somebody tried to tie the gold standard to populism.

    I think it stems from a mistaken assumption of a “more Christian” past where these Paleos project their moral code backwards and assume there was a nation that was composed of a Bible thumping majority when in reality people were poor and concerned with putting food on the table and blunting the sharp edge of the neo-enclosure (read: urbanizing and industrialization) movement and fighting off wage slavery.

    I think Bryan fought off evolutionary theory primarily because he saw that destructive Social Darwinism was the logical outcome and feared the theory in the hands of the big money on the block. Despite his fervent religion, I think his populism was primarily rooted outside Christianity and in a basic love for his people and a desire to see worldly justice and not merely dream of the heavenly justice to come.

    He did support the Federal Reserve Act.

    Lastly, he looks vaguely like Kevin Costner in his Wikipedia bio.

  34. Gentilhommes,

    Speaking of Bryan, Let me illustrate my points about Lena’s element and “false flags” – and about *good* government as none other than *your* government:

    (From SUPERHUMAN – Historic Faustian Pacts with International Entities:)

    “*Woodrow Wilson: Conspires with England (House-Grey Memorandum) to involve America in WWI, contrary to solemn promises otherwise. Jewry receives a pledge of Palestine as a “homeland” (Balfour Declaration) despite the wishes of its 700,000 residents, and America is brought into the war as Jewry’s part of the bargain. And the American plutocracy is saved from W.J.Bryan’s Populists by granting the latter’s desired central bank (Glass Act/Federal Reserve) while staffing the bank with the agents of the very plutocracy to have been controlled by the bank. The plan is devised by an agent of international Jewish banking interests (Paul Warburg) in exchange for a free hand in the penetration of American institutions with mendacious, destructive egalitarian doctrines and with catastrophic debt-based fiat-money circulation. Finally, the Allied “victory” in Europe is purchased at the price of the destruction of three ordered Western polities and of the empowerment of anarchic, megacidal, and globally ambitious Judeo-Bolshevism.”

    The part about the Populists being fooled [as they were, in part, by their own stupid belief in form-of-government as a measure of *good* government] is discussed in veiled terms in the old book ironically-entitled *The Triumph of Conservatism*, by Gabriel Kolko.


  35. @ Lena and Anthony:

    This site is actually one of the few which is devoid of Jew-engineered partisanship, chaos and confusion…For the most part anyway, you being exceptions to that rule. I wonder if your disruption is intentional, i.e. you are paid disruptors, or whether you just “go with the flow”, i.e. “white nationalism” is in such disarray that partisanship, chaos and confusion are the norm.

    I’m, for one, glad that there are people here like Danielj and NN who can actually do a little give-and-take for good ideas often arise from dialectic. They are the thinkers, the types we need more of. They offer insights and debate relevant to whites and what do you do, you who supposedly care so much? You piss on them. Pearls before swine, it is.

  36. Okay, let’s see/ NN says he wants to see me in chains and he is working to found a society based on sado-masochism and that jews and niggers are superior to whites. I call for a return to Aryan values and give very direct honest difference between jewish and Aryan worldviews.

    I notice theOQonline has a zionist troll post. I believe now Alex LInder was correct and the editor is a sexual pervert who is using his position to try and protect the rest of you perverts. I wonder if Kevin McDonald and some of the other contributors are aware of the company they keep.

    “the only alternative to which is mastery by my native and traditional sado-masochistic and dominance-hierarchy- inclined element.”

    That is batshit insane and perverted. Go asked anyone normal.

  37. “I call for a return to Aryan values and give very direct honest difference between jewish and Aryan worldviews.”

    Yes, let’s get back to that. Does anyone else here work in the financial sector and willing to discuss finance, from a WN perspective? 😉

  38. NeoNietzsche, before you set up your new aristocracy you’re going to have to disarm millions of gun loving fanatics, or come up with a modern version of the armored knight invulnerable to cheap peasant weapons.

    God bless the AK-47.

    As for credit, it should be private and uninsured by government loan guarantees. That will severely limit the amount of credit extended to the middle class, with a subsequent reduction in the price of homes and automobiles.

  39. ” Yes, let’s get back to that. Does anyone else here work in the financial sector and willing to discuss finance, from a WN perspective? 😉 ”

    An excellent idea!

    Personally I consider all forms of current financial instruments to be little more then Jewish Black Magic. That is how Esoteric Hitlerist Miguel Serrano (pbuh) described the current money system.

    Fractional Reserve banking is just nothing but hot air not based on anything.

    From my understanding National Socialists based their currency directly on Worker Productivity and that may be a sensible route (Free Silver has some good merits as well perhaps)

  40. Gentilhommes,

    NeoNietzsche, before you set up your new aristocracy you’re going to have to disarm millions of gun loving fanatics, or come up with a modern version of the armored knight invulnerable to cheap peasant weapons. (OldRight)

    Good Point, OR.

    Thus I hope to persuade you and yours, with reasoned argument rather than with resistant armor, to form of yourselves a new conquering nobility – and a future aristocracy, as did the Vikings and the Normans (from whom I am descended) in their day.


  41. Gentilhommes,

    *”I call for a return to Aryan values and give very direct honest difference between jewish and Aryan worldviews.”* (YA)

    This is why Puritans, of whatever founding faith, appear to be mentally deranged in their slavish inversion/rejection of reality, values, and language.

    This is to say, in our particular instance of the peasants, Anthony and Lena, that they would have it that the comparable lower and vulgar classes of ancient Roman and current GJ society are the “Aryan,” i.e., the “noble” classes. This is, both nominally and as a matter of history, a slavish/inversional absurdity, born out of the typical reaction – seen in the modern day in nascent Communist movements (explicitly named, in the instance of the *Spartakists*, for a slave revolt) – of lower-classes to the latter-day indulgences of aristocracies that have lost their discipline and are losing control of society. This latter development was depicted for YA by the instance recounted by a Roman Equestrian (thus of the middle rank of Roman society) of the personal refinement of some his superiors.

    Thus, for the “decent” peasants contrasting themselves with the “degenerate” aristocrats, any oligarchic government (and all of it is necessarily oligarchic in the long run) is “Jewish” in spirit and their own ignoble estate an “Aryan” one, in said ludicrous inversion of reality, values, and language.


  42. Gentilhommes,

    *”Fractional Reserve banking is just nothing but hot air, not based on anything.”*

    But let us not then throw out the baby of *fiat money*, which, in the proper hands, is a useful stimulant to the prompt increase of physical capital (good for national survival in global military and commercial competition).


  43. Gentilhommes,

    *”For the most part anyway, you {YA and Lena) being exceptions to that rule. I wonder if your disruption is intentional, i.e. you are paid disruptors, or whether you just “go with the flow”, i.e. “white nationalism” is in such disarray that partisanship, chaos and confusion are the norm.”* (Mark IJsseldijk)

    Being new to the venue, my first impression of YA was that he was some bizarre form of (perhaps ideological or mercenary) troll. But after encountering him at length, I’m confident that he is, rather, a sincere “John Brown” (of pre-WONA fame) in his righteous, fire-brand fanaticism. Thus his inability to restrain himself from “feces throwing” in his frustration over the rational exposure, as such, of a fanatic’s mere attempts at support of an irrational/inverted perspective.


  44. And we can say that, in this encounter with YA and Lena, we are within the context of a discussion of Bryan’s “Cross of Gold”.

    For *they* are, indeed, of the Populist spirit in their opposition to plutocratic exploitation of their class.

    Their failure in analysis arises from their comforting insistence upon believing that they can avoid, in a civilized context, mastery by one or another, more or less alien, oligarchic aristocracy.

    For it is the case, in the demographic history of the world, that peasants will repeatedly run out of farm land to pass on to their sons – and their sons will then take to the horses or to the boats or to the road – North, East, West or South – for raiding and for conquest, reproducing the cycle of civilization-founding on the basis of the consequent societal stratification and oligarchic formation.


  45. Gentilhommes,

    *”As for credit, it should be private and uninsured by government loan guarantees. That will severely limit the amount of credit extended to the middle class, with a subsequent reduction in the price of homes and automobiles.”* (Old Right)

    I advise the cessation of thinking of capital money in terms of credit. Please see my extended remarks in the 4th post (left side) of “SUPERHUMAN”. Lack of permanence in the circulation of money is the most damaging aspect of the current system. Assistance in consumer purchases of capital items should be the gift of the government in a rational regime.


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