Cross of Gold

At Takimag, Dylan Hales describes himself as an anti-egalitarian populist and along with Richard Spencer calls for a return to the gold standard. Normally, I would let this pass without comment, but the historical irony caused me to raise an eyebrow. Didn’t the Populists fight to abandon the deflationary gold standard? Weren’t the Populists for “free silver” and greenbacks? Weren’t they famously against “crucifying mankind” on the Cross of Gold? Didn’t the Populists want the income tax? I’m sure I have my history right.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Instead of arguing about splitting Whites up in to an aristocratic class versus a bunch of slavish ‘peasant’ underlings, we should instead seek to incorporate all classes as much as possible. There should be no major and permanent class-divides, only the divide which separates the White race from the non-White races. Consider this: Whites actually have more people descended from royalty and/or the warrior/semi-aristocratic class than any other race. White aristocrats and royalty in the past had many more children than the poorer and dumber Whites. Weak Whites had also been culled from the overall population by the harshness and difficulties of living in Northern climes where only the strongest survived, unlike the easy living of more tropical climates where non-Whites so often degenerated. It is only since the advent of the Industrial Revolution that the human tide has been turned, with the inferior now predominating over the superior; this especially applies to the huge numbers of non-Whites who have been allowed to reproduce and thrive unchecked because of their use of White-invented technologies.

    I envision something similar to what the American Founding Fathers tried to set up but which was thwarted by the rise of mass-industrialism and anonymous mass-urbanism, that being mostly independent farmers/ranchers who are also warriors and scholars as well. Some of the Founding Fathers embodied the best of this.

    In a future White ethnostate, there does not need to be a huge divide between moneyed aristocrats, the politicians, the warriors, the scholars, the ‘peasant’ farmers, the artisan class, and so on…ideally, we would seek to bind all of those classes closer together (or even roll them in to one?) through major cooperative/collective pro-White initiatives. Also, people should always be able to rise (and be allowed to fall) according to their individual abilities. All old-guard aristocratic/royal families of the past who refused to allow a much-needed infusion of new blood from the lower peasant classes of their fellow race eventually fell due to decadence, inbreeding, ‘fossilization,’ and so on…we must never make the same mistake.

  2. Gentilhommes,

    *”Okay, let’s see/ NN says he wants to see me in chains and he is working to found a society based on sado-masochism and that jews and niggers are superior to whites.”* (YA)

    Unlike YA’s Schopenhauer, whose Will masquerades as his Intellect, I believe that rational conceptualization of the world is possible – for achievement of the “greatness” of mankind, as envisioned by Nietzsche.

    Some persons, such as a female relation of mine with whom I have had long experience, are incapable of this – because the sayings of other are distorted by internal filters, as above. So let us repeat what I *actually* said or was implicit in my remarks:

    1) Aristocracies do not place their yeoman in chains. The Latins intruded into Italia in two classes, warriors and agriculturalists, and *enslaved* the aboriginal meditarranid Pelagians, and *other* nations in later conquest. In fact, YA identifies with the legendary parvenu, Cincinnatus, elevated to consul, general, and dictator in the 5th Century, BC – an early period when there was relatively little class distinction among the Latins following the Etruscan overlordship (as among the Anglo-Saxons after suppression by the Normans).

    2) The founding of a stratified society is the product of the temperamental *affiliate* of SM, the inclination to formation of a Dominance Hierarchy.

    3) The “superiority” of our resident alien minorities is the *significant* one, i.e., the political one. The alternative is properly denigrated by Nietzsche as the “rank of the salon”.


  3. Gentilshommes and Gentilhommes,

    *”Instead of arguing about splitting Whites up in to an aristocratic class versus a bunch of slavish ‘peasant’ underlings, we should instead seek to incorporate all classes as much as possible.”* (WP)

    Excellent point – one with which I am much concerned. This was the NS formulation for unification of Germany as a whole in confronting its enemies. And this was very important for electoral success. Unfortunately for us, ours is not an authentic democracy as was the artificially-imposed Weimar Republic – we cannot achieve durable power in stage-managed pageants, no matter how popular we become.

    What I intend, in *this* context, is a clarification of values and of the logic and history of political economy as it concerns us. This is not possible without analysis of class conflict. Serious mistakes were and will be made by ignoring this consideration (“How can such a primitive people produce such advanced weapons?” (asked Adolf Hitler, fighting the Russians))


  4. But let us not then throw out the baby of *fiat money*, which, in the proper hands, is a useful stimulant to the prompt increase of physical capital (good for national survival in global military and commercial competition).

    Because, need I add again, that fiat money is essentially community trust constituted as currency. It only works temporarily, if at all, in multiracial empires. As currencies debase, trust erodes, confidence in the future is lost and a negative feedback loop is created leading directly from inflation to demoralization.

  5. Gentilshommes and Gentilhommes,

    *”I envision something similar to what the American Founding Fathers tried to set up but which was thwarted by the rise of mass-industrialism and anonymous mass-urbanism, …”* (WP)

    Which you are, of course, going to eliminate and prevent with someone other than a Pol Pot and his policies.


  6. I envision something similar to what the American Founding Fathers tried to set up but which was thwarted by the rise of mass-industrialism and anonymous mass-urbanism, that being mostly independent farmers/ranchers who are also warriors and scholars as well. Some of the Founding Fathers embodied the best of this.

    This is indeed Jefferson and Washington’s (possibly a few others out of the groups) ideal but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was the ideal of all the founding fathers at the time of the revolution.

    I that is was the majority opinion of most of the Founders that man, even with universal education extended, will naturally stratify and aristocracies will naturally arise even when the playing field is level.

    It is my ideal as well that an educated if not erudite, super-literate, refined, diligent and monoracial yeomanry dominate the socio-political institutions of our land. A yeomanry, so aware of the dangers of the Judaizers, so scarred by the legacy of Yankee Judea that the forever remain the dangers of allowing the central bank to run wild or be conquered by foreigners.

    Also, we hope this yet raised group of Patriots will turn there backs on mindless consumerism and turn their heads heavenward and never forget that the hard to heat hearth surrounded by family and loving friends is far superior to being alone in a crowd in a studio apartment with central heating.

    It will take men capable of wielding both swords and plowshares.

  7. I that is was the majority opinion

    Should read: I think that

    so scarred by the legacy of Yankee Judea that the forever remain the dangers of allowing

    Should read: that they forever remember the dangers

    will turn there backs

    Should read: will turn their backs


  8. Gentilshommes and Gentilhommes,

    *”Because, need I add again, that fiat money is essentially community trust constituted as currency.”* (danielj)

    It is more than that, in that the state backs its value with force. And the alternative is the failure to keep pace with the material advance of other entities in possession of such force.

    *”It only works temporarily, if at all, in multiracial empires. As currencies debase, trust erodes, confidence in the future is lost and a negative feedback loop is created leading directly from inflation to demoralization.”*

    That is, rather, the *long-term* progress of the evolution of civilization. Perhaps this is inevitable. Nevertheless, fiat money is a tool or weapon that can be used and/or abused. Failure to use available tools and weapons may involve the *short-term* loss of one’s civilization to the superiority of another.


  9. “Failure to use available tools and weapons may involve the *short-term* loss of one’s civilization to the superiority of another.”

    Good point. Which leads me to another thought. It would be nice if instead of turning their back on finance, young WN professionals actually infiltrated the banks, corporations, and investment houses and made a few million $$$ which they could then plough back into WNism. 😉

  10. From now on, all you guys are “Gentil(s)hommes” in the process of cultivation.

    My Mommy-in-Law, the French Teacher, says that, despite three million uses of “Gentilhommes” on the Web, Fred is right.

  11. NN:”Which you are, of course, going to eliminate and prevent with someone other than a Pol Pot and his policies.”

    I am in no way a Marxist, or a Bolshevist, or a Judeocommunist, or anything else of that sort. All of those sickening doctrines are Judaic corruptions of ideas originally formulated by idealistic European socialists (socialism has its ideological origins in Prussia, pre-dating Marx by a long while). In fact, most of the best and most enduring ideas found within ‘Marxist’ doctrine came not from Marx’s Jew brain but rather from Friedrich Engels who was of course an ethnic German.

    The main mistake of those aforementioned Judaic systems is that they have a view of history and society that is entirely based in materialism, or “dialectical materialism” to use Marxist lingo. However, we can now put those foolish notions aside and definitively state that the basis and crux of history and society is not economics (or politics, or religion, etc) but is rather race/ethnicity. The famous Marxist quote: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle” should be revised by modern White racialists to read “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of racial struggle.”

    I am, though, a pro-White racial ‘cooperationist’ or ‘collectivist’ while at the same time being a very fanatical believer in the extreme importance of individualism.

    The fact is that people of White/European racial descent cannot expect to keep competing on a level playing field as individuals or even small groups against hordes of very collective oriented non-White Jews, Asiatics (especially East Asians), Arabs, Indonesians, unending Hispanic hordes, and so on who are racial/ethnic collectivists both by their racial/ethnic inheritance (they lack strong individualistic tendencies) and also via the policies of their ethnocollectivistic governments.

    The innate individualism of Europeans is one of our greatest strengths but also one of our greatest weakness because in the current world of the 21st Century no White individual and/or small to medium-sized White racial group can seriously expect to compete with large (and still growing) racial collectives of non-Whites which are increasingly well-organized and financed, especially groups like Jews or Chinese who use ethnic networking and other ethnocollectivist strategies very successfully in order to outcompete Europeans.

    The future of this Earth, assuming it does not undergo vast depopulation via ecological and/or natural disaster(s), will belong to those racial groups which most successfully manages to officially implement racial/ethnic collectivism or at least better cooperationism. Right now Whites are failing at this compared to other groups because of our innate European sense of individualism which must be partially overcome if we are to survive and thrive. Nietzsche’s ravings about a mythical ‘Blond beast,’ a hyperindividualistic warrior who predatorily rules over all of the bourgeoisie and peasant cattle, are fanciful inanities of the late 19th Century which no longer apply here in the 21st with a population of many billions (and still growing) of hungry non-Whites eager for White territories and White resources. No single White leader or small band of pro-White fanatics are going to be able to repel these billions of hungry non-Whites who are currently imposing upon us on all sides; it’s going to take a collective and cooperative effort by Whites as a whole to deal with the non-White locusts which seek to devour us.

  12. After posting my last comment above, I left to go out of town. I’m just now waking up and reading through this comment thread. Usually, I’m busy posting new material and don’t read the comments closely. Aside from apollonian’s brief appearance, we haven’t had many problems in the comments and there hasn’t been any reason to go to post moderation.

    I said before I left that there would be no further discussions of sadomasochism and the like on this blog. There are other venues for that stuff. I left everyone unmoderated thinking that a warning would be sufficient. Looks like I was wrong.

    My apologies to Lena. OD isn’t a nest of perverts. Neo is on moderation until he can stop making SM posts. For future reference, flag inappropriate comments by sending me an email to

  13. NN:”How can such a primitive people produce such advanced weapons?” (asked Adolf Hitler, fighting the Russians)

    Was that from the TABLE TALK?

    With devious Jewish and other Asiatic brains at the helm and armed with stolen White technologies, the USSR was not as primitive as Hitler naively assumed because they had just gone through a torturous period of 20+ years of Jew-led hyperindustrialization and massive military buildup wherein the native ‘primitive’ Slavic peasantry was forcibly de-ruralized (which led to mass-death as we now know) and they were forced in to ramshackle cities and heavy industry against their ‘primitive’ will.

    Also, while many of the so called ‘primitive’ Slavs of course died fighting off the German invasion, very many millions of outright Asiatics (mostly from the Central Asian provinces of the USSR) were also utilized to repel the Germans. They German armies were constantly killing and capturing very many non-Slavic/non-White Asiatics who were being used by the USSR as soldiers, and the Judeocommunist industrialists also put millions of them to work in their Commie war-factories far behind the front lines too. The last public speech of Hitler is very telling, and it warns that if White Europe goes down then Asia will rise in its place –

    This is even more true in modern times. If Whites do not get their act together soon and start being much more cooperative/collective in a pan-White racial sense, we will eventually lose control of the world to very ethnocollectivistic Asiatic groups.

  14. The Admiral:”It would be nice if instead of turning their back on finance, young WN professionals actually infiltrated the banks, corporations, and investment houses and made a few million $$$ which they could then plough back into WNism.”

    I generally disdain anything almost everything dealing with ‘fauxnance,’ but a good investment opportunity for y’all if interested in land, construction, food production, and local-regional autonomy/self-sufficiency is this idea of ‘Agriburbia’ – learn a bit more at: – it’s actually not a new idea at all, just a reviving of more traditional patterns of living that have been largely lost by most people in the last 100+ years of the confusing urban/suburban/industrial shuffle.

    Also related investments like exurban and/or suburban ranches or livestock farms of small/medium-size where decent amounts of high-quality cattle, sheep, goats, or other livestock can be raised for people living in that local community. Especially with energy issues being rather unstable worldwide, food production closer to home will become more important in the future and mass-industrialized food production will likely slowly be phased out.

    I say all this because many of the most racially-conscious Whites in the USA and elsewhere are seeking to do what they can in order to remove themselves and their families from the Judaized system of crypto-Communist control that is creeping up on them. Thus if you can work in the financial sector to somehow provide them with alternative all-White communities in the suburbs, or the rural areas, or small towns/villages, or even some cities where they can be much more in control of their own collective racial destinies then they will respond. There are literally hundreds of excellently situated small towns all around the USA just waiting for people and investments to revive them — and who better to do that than the Whites who left them to go in to the cities and suburbs to work as peons for urban/internationalist Jewry in the last few decades?

    Investing in revitalizing America’s small towns/villages, rural areas, and even some suburbs should be a main focus because that’s where most of America’s best and most racially-conscious Whites still live; as we know, most of America’s urban areas are infested with Jews, Blacks, Asiatics, Hispanics, and all their associated liberal degeneracy and racial decline. However, American urban areas composed of a large percentage of non-Jewish Whites (like in the Midwest or some Southern cities) would also be good investment opportunities I think.

  15. Well, now I semi-regret posting my previous comment about pro-White investment opportunities because now some Jew or Jewish ally might read it, steal the idea, and make millions via vicious landlording over White tenants which he will then likely reinvest in various anti-White/pro-Jewish activities.

  16. Gentilshommes,

    NN:”Which you are, of course, going to eliminate and prevent with someone other than a Pol Pot and his policies.”

    I am in no way a Marxist, or a Bolshevist, or a Judeocommunist, or anything else of that sort. (WP)

    Of course you aren’t – you miss the point. Which is that by other than such methods you cannot interrupt, if at all, “…the rise of mass-industrialism and anonymous mass-urbanism,…”. Thus your dream of, “…something similar to what the American Founding Fathers tried to set up but which was thwarted by the rise of mass-industrialism and anonymous mass-urbanism,…” is chimerical.

    However, we can now put those foolish notions aside and definitively state that the basis and crux of history and society is not economics (or politics, or religion, etc) but is rather race/ethnicity. The famous Marxist quote: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle” should be revised by modern White racialists to read “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of racial struggle.”

    It is both.

    I am, though, a pro-White racial ‘cooperationist’ or ‘collectivist’ while at the same time being a very fanatical believer in the extreme importance of individualism.

    The logic of this proposition is suspiciously infirm. Having one’s cake and eating it too.

    Nietzsche’s ravings about a mythical ‘Blond beast,’ a hyperindividualistic warrior who predatorily rules over all of the bourgeoisie and peasant cattle, are fanciful inanities of the late 19th Century which no longer apply here in the 21st…”

    I find this to be an unbalanced characterization of N.’s brief and correct remark, in GM,/i> about historic barbarian peoples who founded the aristocratic regimes of the past. In fact, if you will consult BGE, and further pages in GM, you will find that he was a Bonapartist who thus fully understood that a massive army and a unified aristocracy were elements of a modern imperial state.

    …with a population of many billions (and still growing) of hungry non-Whites eager for White territories and White resources. No single White leader or small band of pro-White fanatics are going to be able to repel these billions of hungry non-Whites who are currently imposing upon us on all sides; it’s going to take a collective and cooperative effort by Whites as a whole to deal with the non-White locusts which seek to devour us.

    Thus the famous advice of Septimius Severus holds for our purposes: enrich the soldiers and forget the rest.” Talking to ourselves and the gallery is a waste of time, if this information is not trickling into the military.


  17. Gentilshommes,

    NN:”How can such a primitive people produce such advanced weapons?” (asked Adolf Hitler, fighting the Russians)

    Was that from the TABLE TALK?

    With devious Jewish and other Asiatic brains at the helm and armed with stolen White technologies, the USSR was not as primitive as Hitler naively assumed… (WP)

    Again, correct – but again you miss the point. Which was that mere racial analysis of the pre-war Soviet polity did not necessarily indicate what was to be expected of the Russian military.

    Guderian informed Hitler of the massive armored forces to the east, which revelation Hitler dismissed out of racist principles. Had he combined them with the implication that a higher class of intellect was at work, he might have profitably credited what he had been told.


  18. “Talking to ourselves and the gallery is a waste of time, if this information is not trickling into the military.”

    Precisely. WNs should infiltrate the security forces and military. That is where the REAL power will originate, when things break down.

  19. Good point. Which leads me to another thought. It would be nice if instead of turning their back on finance, young WN professionals actually infiltrated the banks, corporations, and investment houses and made a few million $$$ which they could then plough back into WNism.

    Despite my current occupation, this is my ultimate trajectory and my wife is on board one hundred percent as a result of being wise and racially aware. I think that is going to be key to my success and any others: i.e. finding a suitable mate, like minded and someone willing to engage in mutual sacrifice.

  20. Some say that we are on the verge of a giant collapse that will make the 1930s look like a tea party. So maybe it’s too late to infiltrate the banks & corporations.

  21. “Despite my current occupation, this is my ultimate trajectory and my wife is on board one hundred percent as a result of being wise and racially aware. I think that is going to be key to my success and any others: i.e. finding a suitable mate, like minded and someone willing to engage in mutual sacrifice.”

    Indeed, there’s nothing sexier than a beautiful white woman who is pro-white and supportive… your muse, your personal valkyrie!

  22. Indeed, there’s nothing sexier than a beautiful white woman who is pro-white and supportive… your muse, your personal valkyrie!

    She just had a beautiful little white warrior exit the womb too!

    I’m going to be posting the entire story and pictures on my blog at some point. It is pretty personal, but I think maybe it will help some people.

    Some say that we are on the verge of a giant collapse that will make the 1930s look like a tea party. So maybe it’s too late to infiltrate the banks & corporations.

    Perfect time to infilitrate and hopefully correct the imbalances of the previous system in a new system that we can direct toward achieving our aims.

  23. @White Preservationist

    I agree with White Preservationist 100%, this is one of the most important and profound pieces of pro-White writing I have read in the last few years:


    ‘Money,’ which is a very Jewish idea to begin with and which is currently losing its sway and power amongst a large portion of the White middle-class populace in many White nations because they already have everything needed for a secure and decent existence, is just a stand-in for labor and/or various skills performed with labor, or needed natural resources (water, land, timber, oil/energy, necessary metals, etc), or the things necessary for life and existence which I note below.

    Things which are worth the most include the stuff which is necessary for life: necessities like water, agricultural land, pastureland/livestock, ready-to-eat food, timber, coal/oil/energy, and of course other basic things like shelter, clothing, and so on. Certain skills are also more valuable than others — very complex skills like major-industrial knowledge, heavy engineering, surgery and some other medical skills, specialized agriculture, some areas of chemistry/physics …

    White Preservationist: “liquidity” is the current term for “money” and it really means that you can spirit out vast amounts of wealth from a (White) community outside of typical rules of human decency/behavior.

  24. Again, I’m puzzled by NN’s turn to …. “Apollonianism”. He used to be so level-headed. But I suppose it’s still better than the high priest of everything, Wintermute.

    Indeed, there’s nothing sexier than a beautiful white woman who is pro-white and supportive… your muse, your personal valkyrie!

    Jesus, that’s gay.

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