
I just got home a few minutes ago. Needless to say, I have quite a lot to think about considering the nature of my out of town trip. I’ve only briefly browsed the dozens of comments that have been left here in my absence. The discussion about Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor touches upon the very first order of business that I planned to address. I will have a lot to say about this in the morning, but I am dead tired right now and need to get some sleep.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mr. Prozium, Mr. Prozium!
    When you were out of the classroom Fred Scrooby was disruptive. He used bad words and hurt my feelings. I don’t think he should be allowed to accompany the class on our trip to the Williamsburg Colonial Indoor Water Park until he apologizes to everyone he raised his voice at.

  2. It was an honour to meet you, Prozium. I look forward to your commentary.

    There is a tremendous amount of pessimism and nay-saying (quite literally, in the Nietzschean sense, as you cannot say Yea to Life from a position of weakness and resignment) among many of those involved in Eurocentric Identity politics. It was inspiring to meet so many intelligent folks who are determined to say Yes to Life at any cost.

    “…and even our present acres of death shall someday bloom again.” – A.R.

  3. Prozium,

    As you know, I think it was unfortunate that some of us who were merely discussing and offering various opinions regarding Vdare were psychotically attacked for politely offering such opinions.

    Look, if some people want to have a crush on certain people, that is there business, but they should not be allowed to post and harass others here on this site, no matter how long they posted here or not.

    I will not tolerate such attacks on myself or other sincere individuals just because they do not subscribe to a particular person’s views, and who act’s like “he” owns this site.

    If said individual cannot control his obsessions and his other mental hangups, or does not get help for them, or frankly just stop behaving like such a bitchy asshole, then he should be banned. For life.

    We should all be able to discuss ANYBODY or anything here freely, RESPECTFULLY of course, on this site without getting attacked by such childish, imbecilic invectives.

    Thanks, and welcome back again.

  4. If those that explicitly exhort that which will lead to the genetic destruction of our race, such as Steve Sailer, are not to be criticized for it, then credibility -> window. I mean really, the price of co-opting South Asian wog-elites will obviously be the allowance of more of their co-ethnics into America. Sailer is of course aware of that, he just doesn’t give a shit. Fuck him, I say.

    Any thoughts Prozium?

  5. Get Real,

    After reading the comments, I closed the two previous threads. They had degenerated into personal attacks. Obviously, I wasn’t at home this weekend or able to moderate the discussions.

  6. Captainchaos,

    You gotta remember one thing about Sailer, and that he is an HBDer first and foremost, not so much a WN. Unfortunately.

    I like him and his site very much, but that perspective is one that is so hung up on mathmatical formulas in understanding race and tribe.

    I posted this under the ‘Cyber Anti-Racism’ thread and I think it captures the fundamental flaws of the HBD/RR crowd in respect to their concerns (or rather, lack of concern) regarding Wn, and Whites in general:

    Speaking of Jews and whether or not they ‘really’ understand the significance of the biology of race, do any of you get the impression that with many of the HBD/RR type sites, most of ‘em seem to be rather anti-White, anti-European, never pointing out or highlighting anything positive regarding Whites, just emphasizing the supposed ’strengths’ of other races?
    Many of them claim how much they ‘looove’ Asians (as compared to those ‘yucky’ “NAMs”) while some outright seem to have an Asian fetish and obsession, with a few calling for America to become ‘at least’ 20% Oriental.

    This is genocide of our people either way — either from the so-called “NAMs” from below, or from the Asians, Indians, Jews and other ‘market-dominant minorities’ from above.

    Happy Columbas Day.

  7. Captainchaos,

    I don’t know Steve Sailer. I’ve never met him. From what I have heard, he is clearly interested in race, but (like so many HBD’ers) he is not one of us. I don’t endorse “citizenism” and see nothing wrong with criticizing Sailer on account of that error. That said, it can be done reasonably and without vulgarity or invective.

  8. Several years ago, I had an amazing e-mail exchange with Sailer.
    He was claiming that there is more divergence within groups than between groups- a lot of overlap of the bell curves. I answered that the Sub-Saharan bell curve hardly overlapped at all with the (Ashkenazi) jewish. (Assumed median IQ 115, probably in fact lower.)
    I then added a few more trivial remarks. When I received his response, the bulk of my e-mail had been excised, as if never written!
    He answered my trivial remarks, as if they were the entire e-mail!
    He shoved inconvenient information down the memory hole.

  9. Get Real,

    After reading the comments, I closed the two previous threads. They had degenerated into personal attacks. Obviously, I wasn’t at home this weekend or able to moderate the discussions.


    Thank you for doing so! Those threads were getting pretty toxic, particularly with the incessant personal attacks, as you noticed.

    Please do not let any other threads get polluted with such gratuitous and unbalanced sickness.

    “Happy Columbas Day.”

    That should be Happy *Columbus* Day.

  10. I like him and his site very much, but that perspective is one that is so hung up on mathmatical formulas in understanding race and tribe.

    We can’t all be filthy Krauts stuck on all that “mystical” crap 🙂

  11. “…stuck on all that “mystical” crap…”

    Frankly, I don’t care for much of that “mystical crap” myself there daniel.

    Just what is in the best interests, both in the long and short-term, of Europeans and European Americans.

  12. The typical HBDer is a philo-Semitic and Mongolophilic cognitive elitist, who is disconnected both from their racial heritage and traditional morality. They don’t see anything wrong with miscegenation or often times pedophilia, as long as both parties are intelligent (Chris Brand, now married to an Asian woman, a sort of hero to many of them is quoted as saying the latter).

    When I disparage Derbyshire for marrying a Mongoloid and siring children by her, OneSTDV comes to his defense saying that it’s despicable to say such a thing. We should never judge someone on their personal romantic choices! After all, she’s Asian, they’re the good non-whites!

    Then you have Auster defending his fellow tribesman over pedophilia. Polanski’s a smart Jew, so that’s a double protection. Successful Jews are allowed to rape and sodomize any shiksa they want, and to speak against it is outrageous and anti-Semitic!

    I don’t think they’re all bad, but there’s a lot to criticize about them. I don’t think their strategy is effective in preserving our race and culture long-term. They’re basically advocating the conservative position, minus the pandering to blacks and Hispanics (their group IQ isn’t high enough), with some eugenics thrown in.

  13. John Derbyshire has described himself as a “race realist.” Clearly, he shares some of our racial views, but he isn’t one of us. His debate with Jared Taylor and his “Marx of the Anti-Semites” article about Kevin MacDonald come to mind. He also said a few days ago that he wants to live in a multiracial America where White Nationalism is unnecessary.

  14. I see way too many contradictory and hypocritical elements in HBD and race realist groups. It screams infiltrated and co-opted.

  15. Guy White, Ian Jobling, and OneSTDV are not White Nationalists. They have said as much. I don’t know enough about Dennis Mangan or Richard Hoste to formulate an opinion about them. From what I have seen, I wouldn’t lump the last two in with the previous three.

  16. To his credit, Lawrence Auster says what he thinks, at least most of the time. Although there is some overlap, he isn’t one of us either.

    He says what he thinks but he doesn’t know why he thinks it.

    If you wanna know why he says what he says go read the Age of Treason blog.

  17. I agree with all that’s been said here. I think people such as Sailer and other HBDers are useful–up to a point. They do some of the work, they provide some of the tools. But they are intellectually and spiritually stunted. They simply don’t “get it”. The ones who openly preach Asian supremacy are our enemies, and, if push comes to war, I wouldn’t hesitate to treat them the same way I would treat an enemy combatant. That doesn’t mean, however, that we can’t take from them what we want. We just shouldn’t pretend they are WNs, or extend any sort of welcome to them. They don’t belong.

  18. Interesting bit of trivia. Most people know that one of the writers of The Bell Curve, a breakthrough HBD book, was jewish. What they don’t know is that the other author, Charles Murray, married an asian woman and had two mixed race children with her.

    That’s why The Bell Curve was considered relatively jew and multiculturalism safe, and was allowed to be published. The authors were known to be reliably disloyal to white europeans.

  19. “What they don’t know is that the other author, Charles Murray, married an asian woman and had two mixed race children with her.”

    Charles Murray is a disgusting philo-semitic creep, bar none.

    He is a shabbos goy-toy through and through, especially when he emasculated himself by denigrating ‘his’ people at an AEI (“American” Enterprise Institute — the second Israel Lobby) conference on race a few years back, which was co-chaired with the homo-erotic, negro-worshipping Jewish supremacist Jon Entine.

    I think this article from the Occidental Observer sums up what animates, and motivates, the mind of many a shabbos goy philo-semite in contemporary Amerikwa today –

    […] While it is a commonplace for White Europeans and Americans to critically talk in private about Arabs, Mexicans, Africans or, for that matter, deride their fellow White citizens, a critical comment about the influence of Jews, even if founded on empirical facts, is viewed as an insult to Jews. …

    “While many authors in the West sport staggering erudition in unabashedly challenging modern myths, the most sensitive point of reference of the twentieth century — Jewish influence — is carefully avoided. …

    “If the subject of Jews is ever brought up in a European or American public forum, it is in a laudatory fashion — a clear indication of the morbid desire of White ruling elites to curry favor with the Jews.

    “In the same vein, many intelligent White American and European racialists frequently decorate themselves with their “token Jews” in hopes of achieving some legitimacy in the mainstream media and seeking some camouflage in their opposition to non-European immigration or to various other myths of multicultural ideology. […]

    “Who is an anti-Semite?”
    ~Tom Sunic

    “… many intelligent White American and European racialists frequently decorate themselves with their “token Jews” in hopes of achieving some legitimacy in the mainstream media …”

    Oh, how this says it absolutely all.

  20. I just like to add that Mr. Sailer is well-aware of the elite position of American Jewry and their role in advancing the interests of non-whites. He is at least familiar with the work of MacDonald.

    What really irritates me about him is his coyness about it all. He is supposed to live in Los Angeles, the frontline of White American dispossession, yet I never get the impression that he really feels passionately about it. His style is just to breezy for my taste.

    In my estimate, a lot of these HBD’ers embrace Asians because they don’t like to think of themselves as ‘real racists’, so that’s why they can’t bring themselves to just stand with whites only. It’s the same with those anti-Jihadists who harp endlessy about our so-called ‘Judeo-Christian’ heritage.

  21. A large and growing number of apolitical aspies exploring the demographic and genetic data have arrived at the conclusion that race is destiny as a simple conclusion from the data. They don’t share our motives. They aren’t a part of our movement. Maybe I’m naive, but I honestly believe that Steve and many of his HBd pals came to the conclusion that race is destiny with all of the innocence of the boy who announced that the emperor is naked.

    Peter Brimelow makes this point very well in the introduction to “America’s Half-Blood Prince”.

    He’s a brilliant statistician but gets a bit lost when attempting to devise policy solutions because he can’t really comprehend how neurotypical people think. Citizenism would probably be a dandy idea in some sort of parallel universe of autistic savants. He’s a resource, not a comrade. He is, to invert a popular idiom, “a useful genius”.

  22. “In my estimate, a lot of these HBD’ers embrace Asians because they don’t like to think of themselves as ‘real racists’, so that’s why they can’t bring themselves to just stand with whites only. It’s the same with those anti-Jihadists who harp endlessy about our so-called ‘Judeo-Christian’ heritage.”

    “…a lot of these HBD’ers embrace Asians because they don’t like to think of themselves as ‘real racists’…”

    This is, VanSpeyk, often EXACTLY the primary motive behind many an HBDer and RRer, in addition to their often typical embrace of philo-semitism.


    “Maybe I’m naive, but I honestly believe that Steve and many of his HBd pals came to the conclusion that race is destiny with all of the innocence of the boy who announced that the emperor is naked.”

    Like you say Wik, they like to pretend their “just being ‘scientific” with what the ‘data’ is presenting.

    You know, ‘racism’ is just so déclassé in the contemporary West, and no ‘upwardly mobile’ or ‘class-conscious’ White wants to be seen advocating for the interests of other White Euros (or ‘gentiles’), so the only ‘racism’ and ‘Supremacy’ they are allowed to stump and advocate for is Mongolophilia and, of course, Jewish Supremacism.

    “… many intelligent White American and European racialists frequently decorate themselves with their “token Jews” in hopes of achieving some legitimacy in the mainstream media …”

    My post at 23# on Charles Murray, with his Jewish business associates and his Mongoloid wife and mestizo kiddies (as well as the likes of John Curbyshire and pedophilia advocate Chris Brand, who are in the same situation as Murray) demonstrates, with the article from Tom Sunic, what *motivate$ the$e traitor$* to betray their own people.

  23. They want the image of being courageous truth-seekers, without the reality.
    As Lenin put it: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.”

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