
Several readers and commentators have inquired about creating a PayPal account and accepting donations.

The costs of operating this website (around $100 per year) are trivial, but that could change as our traffic continues to grow by leaps and bounds. So far, the bandwidth issue hasn’t been a problem, but we’ve jumped over 2,026,675 other sites on Alexa in three months. We could use a vBulletin license. If I had one, I could access the forums and download the spam filter that would allow us to finally get the forum up and running. I will be doing this anyway in the weeks to come.

I’ve been very reticent about taking donations. This website is a labor of love. I don’t like asking people for money because I want to avoid the impression that I write for profit. There is an old saying that every great movement starts off as a cause and degenerates into a racket. Until our expenses become more pressing, I see no reason to ask for financial contributions.

What I really need is content. If you have a worthwhile essay to contribute, I would be more than happy to publish it or link to it on your blog. My immediate goal here is to gin up the pro-White blogosphere by gathering more writers and spawning likeminded websites. I could also use a banner for the forum. I lack the photoshop skills to make one. Another huge way to help out is posting links to our material on the social networking sites like Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. I’m not familar with how this is done, but some of you probably are.

However, there is something financially that our readers can do right now to support our cause. You can subscribe to The Occidental Quarterly or donate to The Charles Martel Society that publishes it. Be sure to tell them “Prozium” sent you. These people are doing great work and need our assistance. You will also be getting something material for your money. Personally, I like reading an academic journal that I can hold in my hands. They make great collector items. You can also use them to expose your friends to our ideas without worrying about too outré content.

Greg Johnson, the editor of TOQ Online, is a regular guest and commentator here. I’m sure he would be as pleased as punch to sign a few of you up.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. >The Occidental Quarterly or donate to The Charles Martel Society

    Occidental Observer and Kevin MacDonald have set up an anonymous PO Box to send donations to, that is what I would suggest.

    This blog is great, but you are just another Google dot com blogger and don’t even have a forum up yet, I won’t donate for sure. I’d glady donate whatever money I can to a good effort from White people as long as the money stays in the community. Google is a Jewish company.

  2. It looked like the publishing part had gone quiet. I too like something to hold. When I enter the room, 50% of my patients are reading The Rifleman (NRA member), my Cheaper Than Dirt catalogs (cheap firearms/ammunition), The American Conservative, or The Intercollegiate Review. Is the print edition up and running quarterly, and if so, I’d enjoy purchasing a subscription, at the least to slip a copy into the exam room of my jewish partner. He he. He throws all of the above into the trash.


  3. ‘We could use a vBulletin license. If I had one, I could access the forums and download the spam filter that would allow us to finally get the forum up and running.’

    The “cypherpunk” movement has a lot of skilled people, but so far as I can tell, few user-friendly tools (other than TOR and Privoxy).

    However, if one of those skilled people happens to contact you, he (or she) might be able to advise you on a free spamkiller.

    seems like a candidate to me, but I am not highly skilled in such things.

    There are various freeware solutions for many Internet tasks, including hosting a Wiki, hosting a PHP forum, etc.

    appears to be freeware.

  4. Establish a WN foundation. Anyone interested? I have access to some seed money. Otherwise, annual donatations.

  5. “My immediate goal here is to gin up the pro-White blogosphere by gathering more writers and spawning likeminded websites.”

    You’ll need to repeat this a few more times, I almost missed it. And I recommend you put things like this on a single projects & needs page so they will be easy to find, remember, report progress and adjust.

  6. Sorry Hunter due to the format I assumed this was being hosted by Google.

    Also forget vBulletin (if it’s the one I’m thinking of) it just looks so amateurish. I would suggest DCForum+ which is free and easy. The liberals at use a modified version of this, and I think their layout is one of the most readable and best looking of the internet forums out there.

  7. The only project I am working on is the American Racial History Timeline. If I ever get the time to really work on it, I think it could become an invaluable educational resource. You can access it on the sidebar.

  8. Mr Wallace – I agree with the others here that your work here is deserving of some donations or other funding, and it is gracious of you to turn them away and redirect them.

    What is generally needed in the American pro-White/White nationalist movement are more ways to reach a wider audience, especially at this stage reputable websites such as the material which the people at TOQ produce. We need domain names, webspace, and sharp pro-White thinkers and writers to fill them up with good material. Nearly all of the necessary pro-White ideas are already out there and mostly formed, we just need various websites which can reach more sectors of the general White American public. Instead of centralization though, I suggest decentralization — some focusing on pro-White issues from a conservative/Republican perspective, or a libertarian perspective, or even a left-wing/progressive perspective. Others could be geared toward pro-White Christians, or pro-White pagans, or pro-White seculars. Some for Americans of Northern European extraction, others for Americans who are from Mediterranean Europe. Some for the White American working/blue-collar class, others for the White middle classes. Some for White Yankees, others for White Southerners, others for White Midwesterners and White Westerners. As stated, all of these need to be well written, reputable, and rather strictly run by non-sociopathic/non-Nazi personality types. We should create various pro-White sites that cater to the many niches or ‘roles’ which Whites have in the USA (different religions, socieconomic classes, regions of the USA, political leanings, etc) and all of these sites should perhaps direct their readers to a new 3rd political party which can be eventually created in time that is explicitly pro-White that will either replace the Republicans or else force that party to become a pro-White one.

    We also need to create one or more pro-White wikis for access to reliable information and statistics. Blogs are great, but they are too scattered and too difficult to read regularly at the rate at which they are multiplying. Collaborative blogs (such as TOQO) are certainly the best option though if blogs are to be used. More collaboration is certainly needed though, as Mr Wallace has stated, especially more good blogs with multiple contributors.

    Also, like the BNP does in the UK, more local, statewide, and/or regional meetups which occur regularly are needed, especially in places where good conversations, speeches, and planning can take place. And if the funding is available, the planned founding and creation of multiple pro-White think-tanks or ‘colonies’ in various areas of the USA might be in order for those very committed White nationalists who want to work very intensely and interact daily with their fellow pro-White freedom fighters…surely some pro-White people own a few close-by rental houses or an apartment complex in decent area(s) that they’d loan to the pro-White movement in order to spur the growth of the movement? 🙂

  9. BL:”I also find the National Policy Institute to be a worthy organization of support!”

    I agree that the NPI is good, but it is diversionary in a way in that it tries to cloak America’s racial/ethnic problems and concerns in a way that is political, specifically ‘conservative.’

    We need orgs that are explicitly pro-White, not just another ‘conservative’ crypto-racialist think-tank. America’s main problems are more the result of its changing racial/ethnic demographics (declining numbers of Whites; increasing numbers of non-Whites) rather than federal tax policy or various other non-racial social, economic, or religious issues.

  10. “America’s main problems are more the result of its changing racial/ethnic demographics (declining numbers of Whites; increasing numbers of non-Whites) rather than federal tax policy or various other non-racial social, economic, or religious issues.”

    That is certainly True, but I would mention that one needs to start SOMEWHERE and National Policy Institute is still pretty Racialist and also pretty High-class which is something that is going to be needed to lure in new converts to any types of White Racialism (I am more of a White Survivalist just trying to prepare to survive the coming Collapse then a White Nationalist fighting for a White Ethno-state, however that is a worthy goal and I shall not discourage those who pursue it! )

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