Cryptos (I): Cloaked Websites

This is the ninth installment in this series.

I’m going to borrow a term from Jessie Daniels and endorse the idea of using “cloaked websites” (how insidious!) to facilitate the transmission of racialist discourse. These sites wouldn’t be explicitly White Nationalist, but they would be controlled by our people and used to present our ideas on a level playing field. In particular, a popular discussion forum is needed where 18-25 year olds (youth cutting their teeth on racialism) can be exposed to a variety of far right ideologies. We have spent a lot of time discussing “front groups” offline and this is about the best example of one that comes to mind.

I’m not suggesting we create yet another White Nationalist forum. That’s about the last thing we need right now. Stormfront has already filled this niche and any similar project would only attract its rejects. Rather, we need a website that caters exclusively to intelligent, alienated, introspective college students who come online to discuss current events, politics, philosophy, history, race and topics of that nature. It would provide fertile soil for recruiting fresh blood into the movement. The best prospects could be identified and funneled upward as they mature into a higher tier of sites and networks, for instance, the racialist version of Lew that we are aiming at creating here.

In a previous blog entry, I proposed building up a strong presence on Southern college campuses where White racial attitudes are still relatively strong. A crypto forum would prove a useful tool in identifying sympathizers on college campuses all across America. We could put bright, isolated people in touch with each other and seed academia with pro-White youth groups. When I was a younger man, I reached thousands of people this way, but I had a cavalier, nonchalant attitude and it never occurred to me to put this medium to any productive use. White Nationalism needs a tentacle of this sort to reach directly into the frat house and dorm room.

I’m too old to launch a project of this nature. I’ve outgrown that stage of my ideological development. Like Robert Campbell, I have already had my fill of these discussions, but I was reminded this past weekend that the rising generation below me hasn’t. These people are still going through that phase when they question authority. It is the ideal age to reach them. My younger brother and his friends have borrowed all of my old Nietzsche and Heidegger books. They would eat up an outlet of this sort if it were available.

A few points:

1.) A “free speech” forum will degenerate into a circus. If any fool can register an account, the bad will chase out the good. I’ve seen it happen a million times before. In order for a project like this to work, it would require rigorous moderation to maintain a high level of discourse, like the filter in a swimming pool. The participants should be screened for intelligence and education, not ideological orientation. In this context, a smart anarchist is more interesting and useful to us than a dumb racialist.

2.) The owners should be a consortium of older, more established figures in the movement. I have in mind men like Yggdrasil. These people could hand select the administrators and dispense with them as the occasion demands. This would forestall a situation in which a rogue administrator, who gets into a position of power by virtue of being a “friend” of someone important, is able to get away with wrecking an entire site.

3.) A full time webmaster is indispensible. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to pay a clerk a small sum to take regular database backups and update the software. A friend of mine made the remark a few days ago that the NSDAP flopped as an organization until it hired its first full time secretary.

4.) Such a website could be done for peanuts in comparison to the return it would earn. A vBulletin license and BlueHost hosting account is all it would take. You would also need 50 to 100 prescreened volunteers to get started and build momentum.

5.) There is nothing resembling competition in the market. The closest sites don’t have the standards to attract and retain such an audience.

I have no interest in doing this. I’m fully committed to building up our presence in the blogosphere, or as I like to call it, the “second tier.” This would have to be someone else’s baby. I do need someone though working along these lines in the “first tier” below me. Combined, this “two tier strategy” could have a powerful impact.

In Cryptos (II), I will get around to addressing how moles could be used to funnel people into White Nationalism by stressing points of interest we have in common with other ideologies. I’ve had some second thoughts about these conductors of the pro-White Underground Railroad.

Note: I hope this post of mine proves eeevvvill enough to get special mention in the SPLC Intelligence Report or Jessie Daniels’ Cyber Racism.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Until the thinkers (CEO’s, chieftains) use their lofty thoughts to help direct doers (managers, lieutenants) into practical action, nothing’s going to happen.

    For example, if we created new sites, exactly what are the sites’ goals, and why these goals over others which seem equally worthy? Who *exactly* is our target market and why? Daily or weekly? What is the percentage of positive to negative articles? What content and why? What percentage of articles would discuss the JQ and how should it be addressed? How is the JQ to be approached at some times, how at others? Where do we get the data to set and adjust our marketing strategy? Who is on the board of directors and how do we get in touch with them? There are hundreds of these guidelines which need to be formalized. They can be tweaked later but are essential to a good beginning.

    Lieutenants have plenty of ideas but need help identifying the best ones making them operate as effectively as possible. Equally important, we need den Stammesfürsten endorsement.

  2. Great idea. I think there can be (at least) two different kind of ‘White websites’. Those that focus on the more explicit racial issues, such as notorious Black-on-White crime incidents, the immigration insanity, anti-White educational materials, etcetera. The American Renaissance website is an example of this, as are OD, MR and even, to some extent, Vdare. I call them ‘White political websites’.
    Then there is another sort of internet activity that has been undervalued in my opinion. I am referring to ‘White social websites’. We could use a place on the internet where there is ‘White talk’ in a more, say, relaxed, casual tone and less political tone. We want people to feel comfortable with having a White racial identity. Instead of basing it solely on controversial political issues (immigration, affirmative action), we want people to look through White-coullared glasses whenever they think about a broad range of topics.

    As you know, there are a wide variety of Black social websites. By accident, I came across one a few days ago,
    It is obviously a self-conscious Black website, but it manages to talk about a broad range of issues that are not necessarily overtly political. I want to see White Americans thoroughly racialised and this can be encouraged by broadening the topics that are considered racial in nature.

    I hope I managed to get my point across :).

  3. How could such a site be kept from drifting toward explicitly racialist, jew-wise truths (the good squeezing out the bad) without becoming the kind of gatekeeper every other “respectable” website becomes, drawing lines and banning politically incorrect thoughts at some threshold?

    Isn’t this niche filled by AmRen?

    I can see the utility of different sites that focus on presenting various depths of discussion or areas of knowledge, unrestricted except to exclude trolls. I don’t see the value of crypto tactics until we’re forced underground by bolshevist thoughtcrime laws. We trying to shine a light on how our people have been and are being duped, not dupe them ourselves.

  4. Dear [….]:
    I am a brilliant {writer, inventor, computer programmer}. Here is {an idea for a screenplay/novel/website, ecofriendly device worth millions of dollars if marketed correctly, video game}. I {have outgrown such childish things, cannot devote the time needed, have done the hard work already in coming up with the idea} and offer it to you now. Don’t miss the opportunity I am offering you! I am a genius!

  5. PS I would retain all rights and reap the glory, but I will let someone like you be in the first tier below me and report directly to me, as long as you do the work and keep the glory flowing in.

  6. I’m with tanstaafl, here. Crypto tactics would be a violation of the trust of our target audience. I like to frame it as auditioning for the role of elites and anything which violates trust would be a potential step back for that. Additionally, there are those within our movement who seek to assure that we remain marginalized and radicalized by cannibalizing the less marginal and radical elements in our movement.

    Hell, maybe Guy White has the MacDonald trilogy on his nightstand and you’ve been botching his elaborate scheme!

  7. I’m with tanstaafl, here. Crypto tactics would be a violation of the trust of our target audience. I like to frame it as auditioning for the role of elites and anything which violates trust would be a potential step back for that.

    I, too, stand with Tan on the point.

  8. “How could such a site be kept from drifting toward explicitly racialist, jew-wise truths (the good squeezing out the bad) without becoming the kind of gatekeeper every other “respectable” website becomes, drawing lines and banning politically incorrect thoughts at some threshold?”

    Good goals, planning, policies and guidelines. The thinkers must decide these things and put them out to the doers.

    I think a very simple LR/Mises-style setup could consistently reach a lot of people with news and commentary.

  9. 1.) The site would allow us to discuss our ideas, but it wouldn’t be explicitly racialist (a movement forum). We could get a bunch of young fascists, anarchists, National Socialists, libertarians, paleocons, and racialists there and let them discuss a wide variety of material.

    2.) Obviously, a balance would have to be struck. As I said before, the site would have to be heavily moderated to ensure the content doesn’t degenerate.

    3.) If the site was billed as a WN forum, it would become just another Stormfront. We already have one of those and don’t need another. And besides, a lot of people (who are at an early stage of development) wouldn’t participate in an explicitly racialist forum.

  10. Soren,

    As I told Rusty in the other thread, I am not Hercules. I can’t do everything without spreading myself too thin and torpedoing everything I do. I’m committed to building up our presence in the blogosphere, but there are a number of veins of gold we would be wise to exploit. I’m just offering suggestions. This is one suggestion I have made amongst a number of others.

    I think a radio show would be an incredibly useful way to reach the explicit Whites in the Southern States. Unfortunately, I have no interest in doing radio. I’m not a broadcaster, but James Edwards at The Political Cesspool is and he has already moved into this niche. All I am suggesting is that another James Edwards move into the 18-25 year old niche and develop it to its full potential.

  11. 1.) The goal of the site would be to reach alienated, intelligent, introspective White youth on college campuses across the United States. We need a tentacle that can reach into their dorm rooms and expose them to our ideas.

    2.) The purpose of the site would be to get isolated people in touch with each other and ideally to coax them into setting up pro-White youth groups on campus.

    3.) I explicitly defined the target audience as 18-25 year olds. These people are going through a phase when they question authority and formulate the basic worldview most of them cling to for the rest of their lives. It is our best opportunity to reach them and change their minds about race. That’s why it is a “more worthy” goal than others.

    4.) It would have to be a daily updated website like a forum. The membership could generate new content on a minute-by-minute basis. Young people have notoriously short attention spans from watching television and won’t sit around waiting for a quarterly academic journal.

    5.) It would be freewheeling. We wouldn’t devote a percentage of bandwidth to discussing Jews, a percentage to race, a percentage to ideology. These subjects would be included. Amongst other things, they would be “on the table” to discuss.

    6.) There would be debates on the JQ: pro and con. Naturally, the pro side will win because there are stronger arguments to be made.

    7.) There are all kinds of web statistics tools out there. Using WordPress, I can tell if a visitor is coming to us from a college campus. I have visitors here from universities every day.

    8.) That remains an open question. I think it would be a cheap, worthwhile project. We should pitch it to the White Nationalist leadership and get their feedback.

    9.) The basic guidelines wouldn’t take much work. We want smart, educated people who are good contributors and have the potential to contribute more at a later date. We should screen out the dumb and infantile posters who would ruin such a forum.

    10.) I don’t want anyone to be my lieutenant. I have no interest in doing such a project or even really participating in it. I’ve had thousands of conversations about Nietzsche and every aspect of WW2 imaginable. The younger crowd (people my brother’s age) haven’t had this opportunity and are still fleshing out their basic philosophical framework. All I am saying is that we should cater to them.

  12. If we are capable of transmitting some of our ideas through more “mainstream” vehicles, we would be very foolish to avoid that opportunity simply because not all of our ideas are being expressed, and therefore it lacks purity and “violates a trust” of some sort.

    I believe in speaking and writing with forthrightness across the board, but as Greg Johnson often stresses, we need to allow other people to choose their level of involvement. Those with much to impart to us also have much to lose, and we need to be mindful of this truth.

  13. Funny and spot on there, Soren.

    Well, if nothing else, this topic will inject more paranoia into the left. They already think conservatives are really crypto racists!

  14. The new forum should not [i]look[/i] like another racialist forum. In other words, there shouldn’t be sub-forums with titles like “Race and IQ” or “The Jewish Question”. It should be just a standard political forum, except with a disproportionate pro-white membership, necessary to ensure that any new members are exposed to racialist ideas.

  15. I don’t think a site would necessarily have to be “crypto”, but it would be nice to have websites that discussed both race and issues not related to race. As it is, most white nationalist websites are all race, all the time. Obviously these websites can only preach to the choir or to the exceptionally curious. Lots of fringe movements have this problem.

    Guys like Steve Sailer and Robert Lindsay might be good models to follow (neither are really racialist, though obviously they have some things in common). They write about a wide variety of stuff and thereby attract a broad audience.

    Ultimately it would be nice to have a full-service news site (with current events, weather, sports, etc. – something like CNN, NYT, or Newsweek) that also included stories that would be otherwise be censored by the MSM as well as a white racialist-oriented editorial board, though obviously that would take a lot more resources than we currently have to get going.

  16. It seems as if 1) there are too many damn websites already, and 2) people spend too much time online.

    All the time spent on websites making each other feel warm and fuzzy and important would be better spent 1) reading actual books, and 2) MUCH MORE IMPORTANT: improving oneself, improving one’s face-to-face relationships, and improving the material circumstances of one’s life.

    To the extent that you really want to do something online, practice going to mainstream Republican websites or college newspaper commentary sites and trying to put out racialist or anti-Jewish ideas WITHOUT getting banned. Perhaps it can be done if you’re crafty enough. (I guess that is what is meant by crypto.)

  17. I agree with Reader. We need to attract a broader audience. To this end, we need to be blogging and writing columns about a wide variety of issues – race being simply one among many. And there is nothing ‘crypto’ or deceptive in such an approach.

  18. Yosemite:”To this end, we need to be blogging and writing columns about a wide variety of issues – race being simply one among many.”

    I agree, but people must realize that we are pro-White racialists/White nationalists first and foremost, that we take a racial view of history rather than a social one, or religious view, or one based on economics, etc.

    Every story or column must stick to a racial/ethnic angle that is explicitly pro-White or else it’ll just degenerate in to another ‘social issues’ website, or even worse a right-wing gabfest infested by Jewish neocons trying to divert our attention away from the racial/ethnic problems plaguing the USA and many other Western nations. Really, what sets racialism apart from all other ideologies is that it places the biological realities of race/ethnicity first and foremost above ALL other social, political, economic, and/or religious concerns, that everything (within reason) is interpreted through the prism of race/ethnicity. We are White nationalists/pro-White activists here, thus we ask first and foremost “Is it good for the White race?” rather than secondary stuff related to economics or abstractions like ‘liberty’ or mostly irrelevant social stuff about abortion or gays or whatever else is used to distract the masses from the true basis of human culture and society, which is race/ethnicity.

  19. Anyone have any ideas related to starting a new pro-White wiki?

    It looks like a pro-White wiki already exists over at ‘Metapedia,’ but it doesn’t seem very active – Thus, should we collaborate on that already existing project, or start another one?

    I especially want to start a new wiki which is focused on and skeptical of Jewry, as a lot of the most Judeskeptic stuff over on Wikipedia is slowly being deliberately censored by the Jews who have hijacked that website. Anyone know the best, easiest, and cheapest way to start a wiki that is based on the same software that Wikipedia and Metapedia uses?

  20. White Preservationist,

    We must avoid (both the practice and perception of) one issue politics. And sometimes it pays to be more national-minded that racialist or ‘pro-white’ (as long as the nation is defined in terms of an explicitly Anglo-Saxon ethnocultural core).

  21. Also, as I mentioned in a previous comment – – one or more pro-White/White nationalist ‘social networking’ websites might currently be in order that’ll help pro-White activists get more organized face to face for more effective networking — suggested names of such sites might include: LinkedWhite, MyWhite, Whitebook, Whiteface, etc 😉 Perhaps even a separate pro-White networking website for each U.S. state which is even further broken down by specific county, city, town, neighborhood, and so on? Facebook is owned/operated by a clique of Jews who have some connections to the U.S. government, so I’d be careful about using that website.

    Security of the associated databases of such pro-White social networking websites must be a prime priority if one or more of them ever got off the ground though. It would be a disaster if the FEDS/Jews ever got access to the info in such a database. At this stage in the movement it might still be too risky for such a venture, so it might be better to wait for the pro-White movement to grow in the USA before such websites like that spring up.

  22. Yosemite:”We must avoid (both the practice and perception of) one issue politics. And sometimes it pays to be more national-minded that racialist or ‘pro-white’ (as long as the nation is defined in terms of an explicitly Anglo-Saxon ethnocultural core).”

    I agree, but still I think that being fully open and explicit about keeping America a White/European majority nation is the best policy. The Republican Party is already an implicitly White political party, but their fortunes are declining as America is becoming more multiracial — the Republicrats are trying to adapt to the new racial reality instead of openly resisting it. Also, since they general American public has been getting a healthy dose of truth on the uncensored internet, an increasing numbers of people are just sick and tired of the hyper-PCness and general ‘Sovietization’ of the heavily pro-multiracial far-leftist Jew-dominated media — thus we can offer them an alternative to that.

    I agree with Mr Wallace’s main point though, that some ‘moderate’ leaning crypto pro-White websites are certainly a good idea, if only to slowly ease more White Americans in to accepting White racialism … because if pro-White views do not become at least partially mainstream in the comging decades, the European colonization of lower North America will have proven to mostly be a failure as the nation enter terminal decline due to the simmering multiracial stew of Asiatic Mestizos, Sub Saharans, East Asians, some Arabs, tens of millions of mixed race degenerates, and a few White holdouts ruled over by a Sovietesque Judeoplutocratic/Judeobureacratic urban elite.

  23. a few points

    humour, as The Man pointed, is fundamental. There should be also discussion about girls, with pics included. I wonder if Roissy isn’t the website tht already fills Prozium’s niche

    Also, you should highlight how little blacks contribute, and how much they cost, wrt the Tax System. The easiest way to convert a “neutral”white to WNism is pointing to him bhow much blacks take from him as taxes

  24. “If we are capable of transmitting some of our ideas through more “mainstream” vehicles, we would be very foolish to avoid that opportunity simply because not all of our ideas are being expressed, and therefore it lacks purity and “violates a trust” of some sort.

    I believe in speaking and writing with forthrightness across the board, but as Greg Johnson often stresses, we need to allow other people to choose their level of involvement. Those with much to impart to us also have much to lose, and we need to be mindful of this truth.”

    “I think the most important thing to reach that desired demographic is humor. You can say anything if its funny. If its funny they will come.”

    “I agree with Reader. We need to attract a broader audience. To this end, we need to be blogging and writing columns about a wide variety of issues – race being simply one among many. And there is nothing ‘crypto’ or deceptive in such an approach.”

    “You have to be crypto about the crypto strategy.
    Don’t say crypto, just say “diplomatic”.”

    “We must avoid (both the practice and perception of) one issue politics. And sometimes it pays to be more national-minded that racialist or ‘pro-white’ (as long as the nation is defined in terms of an explicitly Anglo-Saxon ethnocultural core).”

  25. Lord, what would we do if we didn’t have the SPLC and Jesse Daniels to out us for the wicked racists that we are. Of course Jesse and her flock are quick to rattle their sabers anytime a white person offends a racial minority but are MIA when whites are on the receiving end.

    I agree campuses in the Southeastern U.S. are more fertile ground for pro-white racial activism. You may not be able to take the entire country by storm at once so maximum effort should be concentrated in the region where it will yield the greatest results.

    The web forum that’s being proposed sounds remarkably similar to Amren. What kind of niche can be filled and how would it differ from Amren in layout and content?

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