Forum Open

I’ve reopened the forum. It can serve as an outlet for the various recent pissing contests. Commentators will have the power to start their own threads. Hopefully, this will significantly cutback on the OT posts on the blog.

1.) I still haven’t fixed the spambot problem. That requires access to
2.) Sam Davidson made a banner for us. Uploading it will take a few minutes.
3.) The OD forum is not the crypto forum I have outlined.
4.) The only purpose of this forum is to be an OT release valve for the commentators.
5.) Be sure to use a randomized password specific to this site.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Uh should consider that his view of the world is pathologically pessimistic for the reason that were it universalized in binding fashion it would effect a castration of the will (and hence effect a self-fulfilling prophecy) and that it produces demonstrable lacunae (which I have in one instance demonstrated) in his diagnosis of particular instances as he deduces facts consistent with his pathological pessimism contrary the scientific outlook.

  2. Good idea in reopening the forum. I hope it is successful.

    The best thing about the forum is that it will allow for more sustained, deeper discussion in an environment that is much easier to read and follow than tiny/narrow comment blog comment boxes. Forums are also have a lot more permanence compared to blogs.

    For instance, that recent discussion here about drugs and so on would’ve made a good forum thread. But as it stands now, most of those comments will disappear forever down the blog comment hole — but in a forum those comments can be easily accessed and responded to for a long time to come.

    The layout of the website Majority Rights is good because each post is like a mix of a blog + forum all in one. I think we ought to try and build up something similar here instead of focusing entirely on the day-to-day blog thing; as stated above, MANY excellent comments are consistently made here that would make good forum posts. In the forum at least all of the good comments/responses wouldn’t be swept under the rug so to speak by the inevitable progression of blog posts and other less good comments.

  3. his view of the world is pathologically pessimistic for the reason that were it universalized in binding fashion

    Whew, pitiable non sequitur. For one thing, you misuse the word “pathological” to support the pesky imperative mode (or moral teleology) inherent to white nationalist thinking — one cannot sound negative because it “hurts morale”, which implies that morale is useful to anyone but the one of positive mindset, which is not demonstrable. For will to be relevant, its circumstances must be salubrious; if circumstances are not, and will persists in the illusion that it can effect change in the world, where it can’t, that is what I have called (selon une amie) pathological optimism — a textbook case in psychiatry under the heading “Denial”. Bottom line is that you refuse to entertain the metacritique I have offered because to acknowledge any narrative above your own instantly annihilates the value of the White Nationalist rhetorical project, in the same way that Big Von, whom I analyzed elsewhere, scrupulously protects himself against metacritique and cultivates the low-level White Nationalist critique which takes places within the context of his rhetoric, or on his own terms, to be short. This is, again, clinical denial. And that’s ok — I understand you feel threatened by this sort of thing, but because I don’t like you, I’m going to continue. You must learn that there is no “group morale” to harm, that behind your flaccid attempt to turn my rhetoric against me, above, is the knowable, classifiable subject in denial, which is to say — a coward.

    Whatever you think of your “will”, and I think of mine, what counts are the circumstances in which our “willing” takes place, the strictures in which our will(s) operate — you systematically misunderstand those strictures because White Nationalism is an elaborate therapeutic passion-play which gives you illusions of importance and effectuality, in a word power, beyond your precise, real-world circumstances. It can’t be called megalomania because the clinical megalomaniac is usually apolitical, and in general, analysis of apolitical subjects was how definitions were drawn up; the tricky thing is applying these definitions to political rhetoric found outside centers and networks of real-world power (“subpolitical”), in this case White Nationalism.

    Essentially, you’ve had for so long the habit of abstracting yourself as “group”, as guardian of “morale”, that you place this spectral obligation over my head too — and even though it doesn’t exist, is a false rhetoric (i.e. doesn’t match up to real world circumstances), it plays into your dialectic, where anyone not playing the “group” language game is a heretic (defeatist, crypto-jew, etc.). This is the same script for any cult or powerless interest group. There is a “correct line” (or a central illusion), there are enforcers of the line, there are followers of the enforcers, there are heretics, ideological divisions, and so on.

    it produces demonstrable lacunae (which I have in one instance demonstrated)

    You’ve demonstrated that you’re clumsy with English. That’s about all.

    Anyway, I could go on forever. See you on the forum, tuff guy.

  4. I think the forum is necessary, if for nothing else than to sideline my importunate ass, but something about the format draws real tards, and something about the blog/comment format, esp. at MR, stimulates real discussion. Another example: “Adam”, a brilliant commentator on VNN mainpage — and the only thing justifying its presence anymore — doesn’t post on VNNF, so far as I know.

  5. “You’ve demonstrated that you’re clumsy with English.”

    In what way? Your pessimism, which I diagnose as pathological, produces blind spots in your analysis which can be demonstrated as such, and in one instance I contend I did demonstrate the inaccuracy of one such bit of analysis.

    “Anyway, I could go on forever.”

    I’m sure.

    “See you on the forum, tuff guy.”

    I’m not inclined to follow you to what is in effect the ‘tard cage only to argue endlessly over differences of semantics that are the product of divergent and ultimately irreconcilable world views. To end on a gracious not, I hope you do have fun there, though.

  6. The forum will absorb the pissing contests and lower quality discussions. It can also be continuously updated by commentators around the clock with fresh content. This will keep more people on the site and should boost our traffic.

    I don’t want OD to turn into VNN though. Linder made a huge mistake when he handed over the mainpage to Franco and retreated to the forum.

  7. Your pessimism, which I diagnose as pathological,

    Listen to you now. You diagnose. Trying your hand at the clinical mode — you, the guy who once blustered: “Jedi mindfuck no workee.”

    Anyway, to toss you a bone, I don’t deny my pessimism is pathological — the question is: Is the optimistic or the pessimistic subject more accurate in correctly assessing the limits of personal extensive power? Put another way, is the optimist — who fills in uncomfortable “lacunae” with what he wishes were or will be the case — or the pessimist — who emphasizes (and sometimes exaggerates) the limits of personal power, or his lack of responsibility for what is or will be the case — closer to the truth? Optimism signifies the intrusion of ego upon circumstances under no direct control by the ego; pessimism signifies the retreat of ego and its acknowledgement of circumstances not under its control.

    But I’ll stop here. Suffice it to say, my “pathology” goes further back than my involvement with white nationalism, as does yours, which is to say, white nationalism is only temporary window dressing for each. The difference is I admit it is a “virtual” world, while you have elected to believe it is the “true” world, one which is “inevitably” coming.

    and in one instance I contend I did demonstrate the inaccuracy of one such bit of analysis.

    I don’t remember it. It must not have been very interesting. Feel free to try again instead of gloating about something forgettable.

    I’m not inclined to follow you to what is in effect the ‘tard cage only to argue endlessly over differences of semantics

    When I say “metacritique”, you must know that what I’m getting at is the semantics of White Nationalism exactly. In other words I am trying to engage people here in a debate about the structural semantics of White Nationalism itself, or the psychology and rhetoric of the individual White Nationalist. Of course there are semantic differences: that’s the crux of the matter, which you can’t really address or acknowledge because it threatens White Nationalism on a much deeper level than you’re used to, and that, again, threatens your ego. You’re now trying to pull off an imitation of my own analysis, and it just doesn’t work, because it’s — fake. Just as “The Admiral” tried to turn the tables on me by calling NeoN a “fantasist”. By grasping at my terminology, you show me you actually have no center for your opposition, as I already knew you don’t, because your opposition is more emotional than rational.

    Do you hear me, dude? That my pessimism is pathological is no argument against my analysis because it is negative — it posits nothing, it is limited to analysis of what you posit.

  8. Linder made a huge mistake when he handed over the mainpage to Franco and retreated to the forum.

    Franco = “Socrates”?
    I told him this when it happened. A few people did. As usual, he didn’t listen.

  9. I’m not inclined to follow you to what is in effect the ‘tard cage only to argue endlessly over differences of semantics that are the product of divergent and ultimately irreconcilable world views.

    But we aren’t arguing semantics here if they are the direct result of irreconcilable world views. In that case, we are arguing world views while utilizing semantic concepts; or something…

    I also take what I consider to be the more realistic mode, i.e. the pessimistic mode myself. I’ve seen too much of this country to have any hope.

    I welcome the contributions of uh and I hope he changes his handle to something more reasonable. I’m not sure what everybody is all heated about. He makes points that are worth engaging.

  10. Fuck, you’re right. There’s a baba of aguardiente with my name on it.

    I hope that doesn’t make me a race traitor or anything.

  11. Yea, because everyone knows Mossad agents are wizards at old English literary cadence, philosophical nuance, psychological terminology, and have nothing better to do than pick at White Nationalists on their own turf in this bizarre strategy where they “infiltrate” by being grotesquely obvious and weirdly out of place, just to “divide the camp” of the faithful upstarts of the comingly inevitable Pig Riddle Reich!

  12. ” It can also be continuously updated by commentators around the clock with fresh content. This will keep more people on the site and should boost our traffic.”

    Good idea. I have registered there and am awaiting activation! 🙂

    P.S. hey is Wintermute going to contribute any posts to the main blog? That would rule!

  13. Uh, Jews like you may be quasi-learned, but you’re still feeble minded paranoiacs that can’t help bringing the chutzpah – inbreeding does have its downside.

  14. “I don’t want OD to turn into VNN though.”

    I’ve been thinking the same thing. Unfortunately you’re halfway there already.

    Is your forum going to be anything other than VNN lite? I doubt it.

    I like the blog, and hopefully people can take their egomania to the OD forum, or better yet go back to the insane asylum known as VNN forum, rather than cluttering the comment section.

  15. He is the pneuma, yes. Do you want to know why?, as he would say.

    Find my email in the earlier thread and I’ll relate to you a telling anecdote about Wintermute.

  16. “Find my email in the earlier thread and I’ll relate to you a telling anecdote about Wintermute”

    Lets hear it.Wintermute sounds like a compelling personality to me.I’ve read some of his old stuff at MR.

  17. Find my email in the earlier thread and I’ll relate to you a telling anecdote about Wintermute.

    You have my email. It is on my blogger profile.


    Although this isn’t related to the opening of the forum, we wanted to share an archived resource of Traditionalist, New Right, Conservationist and Integralist Thought. It’s pretty much a collection of essays from people like Guenon, Evola, Oliver, Toynbee, Spengler, de Benoist, and more!

  19. Drifter — that’s a great website. Thanks for passing along the info.

    Not sure if y’all over at Amerika and are involved in building that website, but you’ll likely be able to find a lot more essays to add to that website from the thinkers/writers you mentioned at “The Occidental Quarterly Online,” especially in their ‘Classics Corner’ section — — and also if you go in to their archives:

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