Guy White, Liar

Guy White is a liar. Once again, he is making up stories on his blog:

This is not atypical. My friend Prozium described himself as being very far from anti-Semitism at the age of 19 (on 9/11), but moved sharply in that direction since. This happened when he was rejected from law school and had to get a Master’s in Political Science to get his grades up to the point where he could get accepted into a low-tier law school in Alabama. The only people I saw get a Master’s in PoliSci prior to law school are those who couldn’t got rejected in the first place.

1.) I haven’t said anywhere that I was 19 on 9/11. Search my posts.
2.) I never applied to any law school.
3.) I was never rejected by any law school.
4.) I never went to law school period.
5.) I haven’t written anything on this blog about going to law school.
6.) I’ve never been interested in the legal profession.

The oracle of race realism speaks again:

This shows that anti-Semitism isn’t caused by Jewish liberalism, but by Jewish success that annoys failed people, in the same sense that white success annoys ghetto blacks. That’s why Prozium went from not caring about Jews at all in college to being deeply anti-Semitic a couple of years later when he didn’t get accepted to law school and had to get a Master’s to raise his grades.

G.W. made every bit of this up. He fabricated it out of whole cloth. This is coming from someone who claims that anti-Semites have a “total disregard for the truth.” It isn’t the first time I have had to call foul on him for habitually playing loose with the facts.

As for the legal profession, I have always regarded it as a professional field the mediocre flock into. Like conservative politics, it is a gambit, a way to make a living, and little more. There is nothing intellectually stimulating about American jurisprudence. It is entirely within the sphere of liberalism. Most of our worthless politicians – hucksters who can’t write their own speeches – are lawyers.

In my entire life, I have never once aspired to be a lawyer. G.W.’s chronology is hopelessly broken. I became an “anti-Semite” as an undergraduate in business in 2002. “Anti-Semitism” is caused by the prominence of Jews in Boasian anthropology, the Civil Rights Movement, Hollywood, the Frankfurt School, Neoconservatism, etc. You learn about this sort of stuff in the library.

AS stems from the simple realization that White Americans, racially and culturally speaking, would be better off without deleterious Jewish influence in our society. If Jewish immigrants had been excluded from America in 1880-1920, America would still have a racial problem, but it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as it is today. Jewish influence magnified every degenerate trend that existed in pre-WW2 America and continues to do so in our times.

Guy White’s theory that anti-Semites are the “Achilles Heel” of White Nationalism is laughable. More than anything else, it is a rationalization of the failure of philo-Semites like G.W. to garner the mainstream credibility they so yearn for. For all their obsequious denunciations of anti-Semites, the MSM and the Jewish community have totally ignored the so-called “race realists” like Lawrence Auster, Guy White, and Ian Jobling. They remain just as excluded from the mainstream as anyone else on the far right.

Auster, the loudest champion of this cause, was booted off FrontPageMag by David Horowitz. His articles are regularly pulled by the censors at FreeRepublic. Ian Jobling was banned from Digg. I don’t see any mainstream conservative webzine publishing anything by Auster, Jobling, or Guy White. None of this has put the slightest dent in their delusions of grandeur though.

The race realists have been a minority within the “White Wing” for twenty years now. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Update: Having been chastised, G.W. is now backpeddling from the various claims made above. Now he is saying he only believed (his emphasis) that I became an anti-Semite after being rejected by a law school. Of course anyone can see that the word “believed” is nowhere to be found in the direct quotes cited above.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. David Horowitz is a contributing member to an American Renaissance elist. He’s sympathetic to racialism but unwilling to go public.

  2. He fired Auster for his racialism. There are multiple discussions about it on VFR. If I remember correctly, Horowitz also published Richard Poe of Black Spark, White Fire fame.

  3. Sailer:

    But what America can’t continue to afford is the pervasive unrealism imposed by the current code of silence about Jewish power and interests.

    Thus Jewish demonization of immigration reform patriots appears to have two motivations . . .

    And this demonization is the single most important reason that America’s immigration disaster is still above criticism, long after it has become obvious that it is a disaster, and despite the fact that an overwhelming number of Americans are strongly opposed to it.

    Jews will do fine when they compete openly in the marketplace of ideas. They don’t have to rig the market as well.

  4. “Jews will do fine when they compete openly in the marketplace of ideas. They don’t have to rig the market as well.”

    LOL! Extensive power. Pathologically inflated ego ideal. I love it.

  5. Friedrich Braun: “David Horowitz is a contributing member to an American Renaissance elist. He’s sympathetic to racialism but unwilling to go public.

    He’s sympathetic to Jewish racialism, and hostile to white racialism.

    Here is a reply from Jared Taylor, publisher of American Renaissance, to a criticism of his views by David Horowitz (September 2002) :

    ” Mr. Horowitz deplores the idea that “we are all prisoners of identity politics,” implying that race and ethnicity are trivial matters we must work to overcome. But if that is so, why does the home page of FrontPageMag carry a perpetual appeal for contributions to “David’s Defense of Israel Campaign”? Why Israel rather than, say, Kurdistan or Tibet or Euskadi or Chechnya? Because Mr. Horowitz is Jewish. His commitment to Israel is an expression of precisely the kind of particularist identity he would deny to me and to other racially-conscious whites. He passionately supports a self-consciously Jewish state but calls it “surrendering to the multicultural miasma” when I work to return to a self-consciously white America. He supports an explicitly ethnic identity for Israel but says American must not be allowed to have one. “

    Sailer: “Jewish demonization of immigration reform patriots”

    Horowitz takes part in the demonization of our leaders. At the same time, he pretends to be one of us, and a champion of the fight to save the West !

  6. Friedrich — David Horowitz…are you serious? You are looking for allies in the likes of him?

    The best thing Horowitz could do for America is to immigrate to Israel and live out the rest of his days there.

  7. This shows that anti-Semitism isn’t caused by Jewish liberalism, but by Jewish success that annoys failed people, in the same sense that white success annoys ghetto blacks.

    Guy White is employing a common tactic used by Jews and Judeophiles. It’s to insinuate that whites entertaining or holding certain ideas/beliefs are acting just like foolish Negroes. Since whites, especially racially conscious or nationalist ones, generally don’t want to be like (or at least perceived by others to be like) foolish Negroes, the aim is that whites will shy away from entertaining or holding those ideas/beliefs.

    You can see it being used here by “Sebastian” in the comment thread, and here by “sabril” in the comment thread.

    Be aware of this tactic and its variations.

  8. F.W. Braun lost his mind a while ago – or was put on the Jew’s payroll. He is now a total philosemite and a race-traitor.

  9. “Guy White is employing a common tactic used by Jews and Judeophiles. It’s to insinuate that whites entertaining or holding certain ideas/beliefs are acting just like foolish Negroes.”

    That’s the basic idea of the HBD types. They think racialism is so ugly, so crass, and turn their noses up at it. “You’re just acting like NAMs!” I find most of them and their excessive use of acronyms to be annoying.

  10. GW has either got to be a Jew or mischling, or paid to do it. Why else would someone write so much nonsense on a regular basis.

  11. “You’re just acting like NAMs!”

    That underscores their whole outlook. They’re fine with race-replacement, just so long as the populations are East Asian or Hindu rather than African, Amerindian, or Muslim Asiatic.

  12. Where did all these first and second generation lawyers and stand-up comics come from, anyway?!

    Below is an archive containing all of our immigration stories submitted by users in the HIAS community. Browse the site and read the many stories, poems and essays about leaving the Soviet Union and coming to the United States by men, women and children who were among some 400,000 Soviet Jews resettled by HIAS in America over the past four decades. Feel free to submit your story as well.

  13. Damn, am I the only one interested in white advocacy who is neither anti-Semitic nor philo-Semitic? Is there no middle ground?

  14. In our current situation it’s very difficult to remain neutral if you engage people. Typically if you are not for liberalism, diversity, Israel, then you are anti-Semitic, racist, etc. They demand obedience.

    You see this in the mainstream media, where the host will be overtly hostile and demand that guests answer provocative questions to establish their positions. Chris Matthews is especially dogmatic.

    Advocates of “white privilege” posit that all white people are racist, even if they don’t engage in racist behavior or language. Akin to the Christian belief of original sin. We are all guilty, and only through submission and anti-racist repentance and advocacy can we hope to be forgiven.

  15. White Cornerback – the person who comes closest to this ideal is probably Jared Taylor. He used to be a little more loose in his criticism of Jews (I know that Jared used to openly discuss Culture of Critique) but has toned it down a notch after the spat at one of his meetings between David Duke and some Jewish guy. Jared tries to avoid the question entirely and requires that his close associates do the same.

    The funny thing is that nutball Ian Jobling accuses Jared Taylor of being antisemitic (and this was his reason for disassociating with AmRen) despite all of this.

  16. The other Mark’s observation on “white privilege” is apropos.

    One might ask our Jew and Liberal friends: “White privilege” – what privilege is that? To get extorted by elite crooks and lowlife freeloaders? To get raped, robbed, and murdered by our colored “ekwalz”? To live in a squalid babel filled with superficiality and ugliness? To be alienated from our own kin? To constantly watch what we say to avoid ostracism? etc.

  17. “Guy White” is definitely one of the dumbest anonymous bloggers that I have ever come across (and that’s saying something). He writes like a 12-year-old and gets facts wrong in just about every post. But I don’t think that he even cares about spreading misinformation to be honest. Nobody should take him seriously on anything. After all, any idiot can start a free WordPress blog. It only takes about 10 minutes to set up.

  18. Damn, am I the only one interested in white advocacy who is neither anti-Semitic nor philo-Semitic? Is there no middle ground?

    It’s a pointless dichotomy. The most relevant question with respect to Jews is exclusion or inclusion. Are you an inclusionist or an exclusionist. There seems to be a million good reasons to be an exclusionist and hardly any to be an inclusionist. And you certainly don’t have to be ‘anti-semitic’ (in a judeo-obsessive nutzi sense) to be an exclusionist, just you don’t have to “hate,” say, Cubans to want to exclude them — you might genuinely like a few but realize and accept that there aren’t any grounds for singling out that handful of “A1 Cubans.”

  19. Guy White, give it up. If I had had my ass demolished in debate so many times I’d hang my head in shame and never show my face again. Keynes said, “When the facts change, I change my mind — what do you do sir?” We can all see what Guy White does.

  20. Corner, there are a few of us out there. To be honest, I find myself trending toward the “exclude” side of the equation these days.

  21. Guy White is simply becoming a bad joke. His feigned pro-white stance is really a cover for attacking and deconstructing the arguments of the so called anti-semites. He’s probably one of those Israeli bloggers tasked with spreading pro-Jewish and pro-Israel propaganda in the U.S. He even had the nerve to claim that Jews are being persecuted in Israel by Palestinians a couple months ago.

    When he decides to tackle the subject of “anti-semites” his blog entries are often a farrago of half truths and disinformation. He cites nebulous sources for some of his claims then other times makes wild claims without backing it up with source data. I just love how he touts Jewish intellectual superiority but won’t explain why Israel, the welfare drag queen of the Middle East, would implode without foreign aid from the U.S. and Germany.

    And Steve Sailer just might have finally made Guy’s shit list. I know Paul Craig Robert’s did a long time ago. Guy is a legend in his own feverish mind.

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