Jewish Power: Campaign Contributions IV

Guy White is back with more mathematical silliness. In his latest post, he is saying ” Prozium just claimed that 150,000 Jews donated an average of $11,000 to Presidential candidates last year.”

This is false. I didn’t say that anywhere. Yet again, G.W. has misread my blog entries (see his comment on millionaires), jumped to conclusions, and engaged in more mathematical smoke and mirrors. In Jewish Power: Campaign Contributions III, I wrote:

Point #1: As I have shown, it is entirely possible for Jews to make 60% of contributions to the Democratic Party and 30% of contributions to the Republican Party. It would only cost 5% of Jewish millionaires a few thousand dollars every two years; 10% of Jewish millionaires $11,000 per contributor every two years if we include 43% of Democratic presidential campaign contributions.

“… if we include 43% of Democratic presidential campaign contributions.” In other words, 10% of Jewish millionaires donating $11,000 per contributor INCLUDES 1.) all Jewish contributions to the Democratic Party, 2.) all Jewish contributions to the Republican Party, and 3.) finally all Jewish contributions to Democratic presidential candidates. Under the campaign finance laws, an individual can contribute $2,400 to each candidate and $28,500 to a national party committee. $11,000 per Jewish contributor is entirely reasonable.

Guy White has nothing to say this time around about the parties. Now he is only arguing that Jews donating 43% of campaign contributions to Democratic presidential candidates is “mathematically impossible.” Maybe he gave up on the arguing about the parties in the last round. To prove this, he cites the federal limit of $2,400 per individual and confuses it with my total average contribution of $11,000 to the parties and presidential candidates.

In 2008, Democratic presidential candidates raised $1,079,500,000. According to The Washington Post, Jews are responsible for 60% of campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. Mearsheimer and Walt cite a study that says Jews are responsible for 20% to 50% of campaign contributions to the Democratic Party and Democratic presidential candidates. I’ve cited all of this in previous installments.

Let’s assume that Jews are responsible for 43% of campaign contributions to Democratic presidential candidates. $1,079,500,000 x.43 = $464,185,000. We should also keep in mind the $2,400 individual donation limit.

This election cycle stirred unusual excitement among the wealthy Jewish millionaires who donate to the Democratic Party. The primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama was easily the closest within my lifetime (29 years). Let’s suppose that 20%, 25%, or 30% of Jewish millionaires contributed to Democratic presidential candidates.

$464,185,000 = est. 2008 Jewish contribution to Democratic presidential candidates.
1,500,000 = est. number of Jewish American millionaires.

/75,000 contributors (5%)= $6,189 average Jewish contribution.
/150,000 contributors (10%)= $3,094 average Jewish contribution.
/225,000 contributors (15%) = $2,063 average Jewish contribution.
/300,000 contributors (20%) = $1,547 average Jewish contribution.
/375,000 contributors (25%) = $1,237 average Jewish contribution.
/450,000 contributors (30%) = $1,031 average Jewish contribution.

As the gallery can see, the estimated number ($464,185,000) for presidential candidates is doable if +15% of Jewish millionaires are contributors. If +10% of Jewish millionaires are contributors, the total amount is doable. If +5% of Jewish millionaires are contributors, the Democratic and Republican Party numbers are doable. There isn’t a “mathematical impossibility” in any of the three cases or all of them combined.

Guy White claims that I am “completely ignoring him.” I’m calling bullshit. I have responded to all of his claims about campaign contributions. None of my scenarios include any “bundling” on the part of Jews. His own case keeps getting thinner and thinner.  In his latest response, he had nothing to say about the party contributions, which was the original issue, the source of “the 60% figure.” The Jewish Federations alone raise billions of dollars every year. Jewish ethnic defense, advocacy, and disciplinary organizations raise hundreds of millions.

There isn’t a shortage of “big donors.” It is a minority of Jewish millionaires, multimillionaires, and billionaires contributing a few thousand dollars every two years. They contribute far more to the Jewish Federations which have no parallel in the White community.

Guy White is arguing against ALL the mainstream sources. There are multiple sources which claim that Jews are 50% – 60% of contributors to the Democratic Party and Democratic presidential candidates. Jewish scholars and journalists reproduce these figures. They aren’t contested by the ADL or any Jewish organization that has an interest in “fighting anti-Semitism.”

Why does G.W. spend so much time arguing with anti-Semites? He spends more time on this than Lawrence Auster. The Jewish community is solidly anti-White. There are only a handful of arguably pro-White Jews. He isn’t arguing from a pro-White perspective. He obviously has some undisclosed, personal stake in this debate.

Is Guy White really Jew White? It is a fair question.

Addendum: I want to respond to his comment:

His math is based on 10% of Jewish millionaires donating tens of thousands of dollars. He came up with this number out of nowhere. So the question is: if 10% of Jewish millionaires donate, shouldn’t we expect the same number of Gentile ones to do so as well?

No, we shouldn’t. Gentile millionaires spend nothing on pro-White ethnic defense and advocacy. They spend nothing on European-American charities. There are no European-American regional organizations like the Jewish Federations. If Jews are 900% more likely to be millionaires, they are significantly more likely to donate to political causes. I won’t even guess how many thousand of times Jews are more likely to invest in ethnic organizations.

There are 4 times more Gentiles millionaires, so why is it that we expect all the major donations come strictly from Jews? … How do you expect 10% of Jewish millionaires to donate, while at the same time expecting nearly-0% of Gentile millionaires to do so? Why would 10% of well-off Jews donate money, but not a similar percentage of Gentiles in the same financial class?

I haven’t said anywhere that all the major donors are Jews. They are only responsible for est. 37% of Democratic/Republican contributions in 2009.

That’s exactly what I mean when I say that he’s deranged.

You’re the one who is deranged. ALL the mainstream sources are in agreement that Jews are 20% to 60% of contributors to the Democrats. If a minority of Jewish millionaires donate a few thousand every two years, a much smaller percentage than they do to charity annually, the numbers are doable.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We don’t need to rely on secondary sources. We can do the calculations from the raw data.

    Take an average Jewish name, Levinthal.
    Levinthal’s have a US population of only 132 in the US:

    Levinthal’s donate $13,430 in total towards presidential candidates:
    (note: all donations are for Democrats)
    So, (13430 / 132) = $101.74 per Levinthal.

    Now let’s take an average Gentile name, Jones. Jones have a population of 1362755 with a total amount of donations of $5,082,123.
    So (5082123 / 1362755) = $3.73 per Jones.

    Levinthals donate 27.27 times more than Jones.

    The US Jewish population is 2.2%.

    So, if we multiply that 2.2% by 27.27 we will get the percentage of contributions that Jews make to presidential candidates.

    2.2 X 27.27 = 59.994

    So, I would say that 60% is clearly an exaggeration, when the true figure is 59.994%.

  2. Has Guy White gotten anything right?

    1.) His math was wrong on campaign contributions to Democratic presidential candidates.

    2.) His math was wrong on Jewish millionaires.

    3.) His math was wrong on campaign contributions to the Democratic and Republican parties.

    4.) He was wrong on Jewish surnames.

    5.) He was wrong about there being an insufficient number of big Jewish donors.

    6.) He was wrong about the $5.3 billion estimate.

    7.) He was wrong about the 2007/2008 numbers and the preliminary 2009/2010 numbers.

    8.) He was wrong about Jews having to give 5,000% more.

    9.) He was wrong about there being no Jewish DNC and RNC chairs.

    10.) He was wrong about powerless Jewish “backbenchers.”

    11.) He was wrong about there being no Jews in the party leadership.

    12.) He was wrong about successful politicians all being Ivy Leaguers, top lawyers, or wealthy businessmen.

    13.) He was wrong about Jews spending 50% of $5.3 billion on campaign contributions.

    14.) He was wrong about the “impossible standard” of determining the percentage of Jewish civil servants.

    15.) He was wrong about Episcopalians.

    16.) He was wrong about the most important SCOTUS decisions regarding race relations.

  3. “8.) He was wrong about Jews having to give 5,000% more.”

    Was this so wrong? How many times more money did the average Jew have to give? 40-60 times more? That would be 4,000-6,000%.

  4. HW:”Is Guy White really Jew White? It is a fair question.”

    He did mention before that his best friend is a Jew. And he works (or worked) in law and thus likely has a lot of personal contact with a whole lot of scummy legal Jews who have now cornered, monopolized, and largely corrupted the American legal field in many urban areas.

  5. “… And he works (or worked) in law and thus likely has a lot of personal contact with a whole lot of scummy legal Jews who have now cornered, monopolized, and largely corrupted the American legal field in many urban areas.”

    Maybe that’s why he doesn’t work in law anymore.

    Wonder why his philo-semitism couldn’t help him there.

    And he has the nerve to say that Proz ‘failed’ at law.

    Goy White: Failed lawyer who can’t stop kissing up.

    Give it up dude, your sychophantic servility is only causing them (the jews) and others in the ‘Race Realist’ movement to lose what little respect they may have had for you.

    You behave like a love-struck school-girl with an crush, and your philo-semitic behaviour is assuming OCD proportions. Get a grip.

  6. I have to think that anyone who would argue so persistently and mendaciously against the idea that Jews have any sort of power or influence in America is Jewish. Gentile philo-Semites don’t have that much energy for the subject. I could be wrong, but the more effort “Guy White” expends on apologies for Jews, the more I think he is one.

  7. Re: Big Donors

    Rather than start a new thread, I will respond here. The “big donors” (those who contribute over $200) were 46% of Obama contributors. It would be even easier for “big donors” to raise the money than the statistics above indicate.

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