Jewish Power in Jewcy

The shots fired across the blogosphere in the acrimonious Jewish Power debate has gotten the attention of Jewcy. David Kelsey of The Kvetcher portrays our exchanges as a debate between White Nationalists and Race Realists. In the past, I’ve included Kelsey in the small handful of pro-White Jews. I would also include Paul Gottfried and Michael Levin amongst their number.

Guy White advertises himself as a Race Realist. The truth of the matter is that his stance isn’t even representative of their position. Jared Taylor isn’t hostile to Kevin MacDonald. Steve Sailer has also been writing about Jewish Power lately. In a VDARE column, he demolished a number of Guy White’s favorite arguments. Sailer also spoke about Jewish liberals at the H.L. Mencken Club over the Halloween weekend.

With regard to political donations, Guy White is even more isolated. Jewish scholars and Jewish owned newspapers (who can hardly be accused of “anti-Semitism”) are the source of “the 60% figure” that he is disputing. The ADL doesn’t even deny that Jewish donors make over half of all financial contributions to the Democratic Party.

In any case, it would be great if other blogs weighed in on this debate. I would particularly like to see some more contributions from Z.O.G and Zsidozas. 

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Guy White is philo-Semitic and has posted numerous essays in defense of the Jews. These defenses, surprisingly, have not been well received by the White Nationalist community.”

    I’m open to a good defense of Jews. I’ve just never heard one.

  2. I remember Diamed once recommending that the whole US Negro population be genetically assimilated. I’d already thought he was a bit nuts before that, but that sealed it.

  3. I have to say that Kelsey’s article was quite fair, considering the source. He didn’t present any arguments against White Nationalism, though. Except that we’re anti-Semites. Had to laugh when he referred to Guy White as a ‘talent’. LOL!!

  4. Gee, I think I’ve been making some good, if soemwhat rambling defenses of the “Jews can be White” hypothesis in the comments section here!

    I also like this Kelsey guy…as Dasein admits, he is fair. Personally, he and I seem to share similar fascinations. Is he the guy responsible for the Jewcy symposium checking out Kevin MacDonald?

    Finally, why the hell are you opposed to being called an “anti-Semite”? Seems pretty clear cut: you don’t want Semitic people around European descendants, even if those Semites look and act white.

  5. WA, as others have repeatedly pointed out, you betray the notion of “Jews who act white” by virtue of constantly obsessing over your Jewishness. If you acted white and didn’t go flaunting your Jewishness as some giant badge it wouldn’t be an issue.

  6. @Mark, can you link to the post where “Guy White” promotes the idea of assimilating partial-blacks?

    @Dasein, can you post a link to Diamed(of MajorityRights) promotes the idea of assimilating blacks?

    It is hard to believe that either of those propositions could ever be written in seriousness by anyone who claims to be a racialist…

  7. Wanderer, I believe this is the post I was thinking of:

    It’s a bit of a strange post, but from what I can make of it, he finds this argument convincing:

    “E) Miscegenation can help as well as hurt. Mulatto’s are smarter and prettier and more decent than blacks, and if those mulattos were to interbreed with another white the children would be 75% white and their blackness virtually erased from the gene pool. With the vast number of whites versus blacks, we could easily marry them out of existence at no real cost to ourselves. Even more diabolical, hispanics could interbreed with blacks, and thus the entire black race be destroyed at no genetic cost to ourselves. With blacks gone, their unique stupidity and violence would also be gone, the hispanics are relatively benign – hardly worse than Irish or Greeks according to IQ measures. “

  8. @5 WA: “Finally, why the hell are you opposed to being called an “anti-Semite”? Seems pretty clear cut: you don’t want Semitic people around European descendants, even if those Semites look and act white.”

    1. The label has been rendered amorphous by liberals; the usage is as a verbal club to incapacitate opponents, regardless of an opponents intent.

    2. Once anti-goyim or anti-gentile or just Anglophobe becomes part of the vernacular, disseminated from jewish cliques, we can discuss whether a word such as anti-semite should be taken seriously.

  9. Notice that in his Jewcy article and in the related post on his blog David Kelsey intentionally did not provide a link to this website even though he stated the name of it outright a few times; typical Jewish tactics: “Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee”

  10. Robert Weissberg is more pro-white than Paul Gottfried. At some point you have to require them support some sort of preservationist policies. Weissberg you can imagine doing so; Gottfried, with his rabid little zionist son, I just can’t see it happening.

    White Advocate, it’s a matter of settling the racial borderlands issue. No matter what system you apply the line is going to run through ethnic groups and even family units, such that some people could as easily be placed on one side of that line as on the other. Any attempt to shift the line so as to include the questionable cases simply creates new questionable cases. A Jewish illustration of this issue is to compare, say, Esti Ginzburg and Donna Feldman (who could almost be my twin sister, if you’re wondering where I’m coming from): with respect to WN (and ‘semite-ness’ aside), the former would be clearly in, the latter clearly out. But the number of Jews who’d support such a division enthusiastically enough to be willing to fight and die to see it implemented could be counted on the fingers of one hand, if that; the anxieties it creates in people (“what, I’m not good enough??”) are enough to reinvigorate their devotion to anti-racism even if they now well understand the issues racialism addresses after having flirted with it. And yet just think what awaits future generations if no action is taken. That’s why I throw my support behind the nazi types — not because I like them, but because they’ll never let the issue of race die, and because of them the rest of us will be forced to work something out. (Squeezed by nutzis on one end, and insufferable islamic scum on other. Not a pretty picture. Good God.)

  11. “, the hispanics are relatively benign – hardly worse than Irish or Greeks according to IQ measures. “

    I never knew Diamed was such a Latino lover! He insults the Irish (who actually are smart, when they have enough economic development) and the Greeks, another great group of people; and he supports miscegenation that would eventually turn the White population into largely mixed-race. Diamed should not be taken seriously with these crazy plans. Hopefully, wise White Americans will just ignore his anti-White rants.

  12. Once again, JewAdvocate is dominating the conversation, effectively trolling everyone with his blatantly false “White” identity while doing advocacy for Jews. Once you allow Jews in, and treat them fairly, they will take advantage of your hospitality and dominate the conversation and attempt to set limits for “acceptable speech” for Whites. Whites need an effective way to exclude Jews from their conversations and community. Even when – perhaps especially – Jews are obviously not wanted they show up in force.

    This Jewcy article, and the one with (Derbyshire?) about Jewish power and conservative writers, amazes me with their open unabashed acceptance of Jewish domination. The article suggests that Jews “allow” Whites to be ethnically conscious.

    Is the dividing line between WNs and RRs really just the Jewish Question? How can White RRs finally come to grips with Jewish hostility to Whties?

    If Whites don’t figure out how to effectively exclude Jews, if the movement ever gains traction the Jews will jump out in front and declare themselves leaders.

  13. White Non-Conservative is correct about the Jews’ inclination to take leadership roles. Although they are technically not Jews, I have heard much of the Nazi’s top leadership was filled with half and quarter Jews!

  14. Silver, thanks for your feedback here. You are correct that boundaries have to be drawn somewherem, and there is something to be said for doing it as cleanly as possible, no matter how brutal, arbitrary or unjust it might appear on a case-by-case basis. Obviously, this is against my personal interest, but if a group of people truly truly feel that their immune system breaks down in the presence of Jews and a sterile environment is required, then by all means that is their prerogative. I’m in the mood to be generous because I think it very unlikely such a state will ever emerge, whereas what I am looking for — a nation that looks like the one that existed in the USA in the 40s or 50s — might easily come to pass, particularly in the event that state or regional secession from the U.S. becomes a viable option.

    Anyway, this is OT but I think others are probably thinking about this too and may wish to discuss. I’m really upset about the situation with that poor Justice of the Peace in Louisiana. I supported this guy. I’m not against interracial marriage in every instance, and I support Loving v. Virginia for the reasons put forward by Justice Stewart in his concurrence. But it causes problems, if it became widespread it is disasterous, and there is nothing wrong with setting the bar just a little higher for white girls who want to break their daddy’s heart by marrying a black man. And nothing wrong with allowing a justice with integrity to live by his values. This man had incredible courage. And he stood tough for a while against a terrible backlash. All kinds of attacks and calls for his head from the governor and senators and probably a million obscene phone calls. And I just KNEW he would say the hell with it, but the longer it went the more I allowed myself to think he might actually ride it out.

    My question is how much support did this guy get from all of us people who agreed with him? the fact is I bet he didn’t get a lot of supportive mail from people urging him to hang tough, thanking him for putting his career and name on the line and subjecting himself and his family to ridicule. How many people wrote letters to the editor of their local paper, expressing support for him? Did any movement lawyers offer free pro bono services against the threats he was getting from the ACLU? I doubt it.

    White non-conservative, I’m sure you in particular want to blame the Jews for this one, but what did you do, Jack, to support this guy?

    Comrades, I think too many of us need to have more courage. Spend less time in front of computers holding our peepees and talking smack under assumed names. And more time getting involved in the community, trying to engage with and persuade the unpersuaded, bettering ourselves (anybody here thinking of running for local public office?). And last but not least creating families that will allow our values and our genes to live on.

  15. Is Steve Sailer Jewish?:

    “I have one foot in all three camps (I guess that makes me a campstool): I’m Catholic; I’ve always assumed I’m biologically half-Jewish (I’m adopted); and I’m an Anglophile and an admirer of WASP culture. So, I wish everyone well.” (via Connelly)

  16. RE: MGLS — Very inteserting…


    This man is not even a racialist. What he wrote is the airheaded, nihilistic mainstream liberal/conservative position.

    What is his purpose in pretending to be a racialist at all? I wonder.

  17. RE: MGLS — Very interesting…

    [GUY WHITE: “I don’t subscribe to the one drop rule. If 3 of your grandparents are white, you are either white or biracial, and certainly not black.
    If Obama married the white girlfriend he dumped for being white, and had kids with her, I certainly would not consider them black.
    More directly, if you have children with a white woman, they won’t be black as far as I am concerned because they would have at least 75% European ancestry, and science is on my side.”
    This man is not even a racialist. What he wrote is the airheaded, nihilistic mainstream liberal/conservative position.

    What is his purpose in pretending to be a racialist at all? I wonder.

  18. RE:Dasein@03.Nov.2009 at 4:59 pm —

    That is indeed a strange post. Diamed does seem to be saying that each of his lettered-points is a potential refutation of the ‘rightness’ of European-oriented racialism.

    a) Unemployment will cause immigration to end. [Agree or disagree, but so far, so good in the logic department]
    b) Balkanized America will get along just fine as long as tougher laws are passed [Oops, the level of logic suddenly plunges]
    c) Scientists will, out of the blue, reach a “consensus” that race is real and stage a coup d’etat to install Jared Taylor as president-for-life [excuse my poetic license].
    d) Whites being a minority wont matter because they are more politically-active, therefore will vote more and be able to have white Senators “filibuster” Reparations-Bills and the like. [Inane, illogical]
    e) Absorbing the entire black race in America will be greatly beneficial to the interests of the white race in America. [A-D had been a bit silly and lacking in logic, but this one is just nutty and totally nihilistic on the race question. No serious racialist could ever say something like this, anymore than a trinitarian-Christian-theologian would compromise on the Jesus-divinity question] (NOTE: If blacks and whites in the USA had random, free intermarriage: eventually the population would stabilize with the “white” population at ~14% black by my count. A racial disaster– even the ‘whitest’ of people would look like what they used to call “high yellow” in blacks).
    f) There is no danger in Hispanic immigration because the country “can fit one billion people”. With 200million whites and anything under 800million Hispanics, all is well. [This is really stupid, but not as bad as E.]
    g) The decline of spiritual-belief will cause a rise in racialism. [Nevermind that most atheists are left-wing and have simply replaced the God of their ancestors with various P.C. memes that form a meta-religion. Point-G is interesting insofar as it reflects the myopia of many intellectuals IMO; the forest-and-trees problem.]
    h) A bizarre Deus-Ex-Machina-esque delusion of a “rebellion” in the distant future, saving the white race. [Still, this probably gets the “most logical” award].
    i) Ok, we are finished and our genepools will not survive. Fine. Not to worry, though: Human endeavor will not devolve because the Yellows will simply take over the world. Heck, they’re better than us anyway. [E and I are both things that a true racialist would never, never write.]

  19. Diamed is very probably at least partially Jewish. That is why he is indifferent to the survival of our people as such (genetically intact). He exhibits the same presumptuous, supremacist arrogance characteristic of “White Advocate,” and so many other Jews for that matter, as they propose to dictate what it is we will do with our own people.

    Diamed, wouldn’t you feel more at home in a kibbutz?

  20. Diamed’s posts at Majority Rights were strange. I’ve stumbled across stuff he’s written in the meantime which seems more normal, but what he wrote there was not consistent with being pro-White.

    This was the post that set off alarm bells for me:

    “There’s plenty of room for condemning evil in this world, without having to go around looking for categorical foes who we can smash with unrelenting fury, all the way down to the infants in their cradles. However if we spare an entire city of evil-doers because ten innocent nice infants are crawling around in it, it is our innocents, our good people, our women and children who are ravished and pursued with unrelenting fury. In a struggle for survival that has reached the highest pitch, we don’t have the luxury to sort out the good from the bad. Life must come first, justice later. Do I want it to be this way? Am I glad that I can smash infants in cradles and still be moral? That I could bayonet a pregnant woman and still be moral? I’m not glad about it. And yet there it is.”

    “And of course, I am not happy with whites either. It seems to me, we would all be happier if we were elves. Am I happy that there are no elves in the universe to supplant us at the top of the totem pole? Am I glad we have unchallenged mastery of the earth because we are the only half-sane gene combination on earth? No, it’s rather sad. If only elves existed, such flawed, truly wretched beings as the white race would no longer have to carry the burden of our existence. I’ve lived long enough to see that everything about humans, including whites, is so full of evil, that I could wish anyone, anywhere, to replace us, if only they could do better.”

    “So am I happy to know how irretrievably fucked we are? That there is no salvation? That the world cannot be made better but is certainly being made worse? That only evil can fight evil and good is simply too naive for this hellhole of a planet? That our children will curse the day they were ever born and our grandchildren will never be born? No, I’m not happy.”

    “. If there were a way to give every baby the list of goods I mentioned above, I’d want to give it to them, whether they’re black, yellow, red or brown. If there were a way for whites and non-whites to coexist peacefully, I’d want to, whether they’re black, yellow, red or brown. If there were a way for whites and non-whites to work together to create new heights of accomplishment, I’d want to, whether they’re black, yellow, red or brown. If a black and a white mixed together produced a high elf, I’d bless the couple and ask for pictures.”

    “With eugenics and genetic engineering, we could make every race better. We could abolish race entirely and make ourselves into an entirely new species, we could be equal, we could be good, we could be loving, compassionate, peaceful, empathetic, anything they wanted.”

  21. Lazar Diamedovitch offers us three solutions, all of them unacceptable:

    1.) The extermination of all non-Whites globally.

    2.) The genetic annihilation of the White race through miscegenation.

    3.) Formation of small, geo-stragically non-viable intentional communities consistent with his retreat into fuzzy libertarianism.

    There is a fourth option he should consider: Stepping out into the middle on-coming traffic during rush hour.

  22. @steve: Since you ask me so directly, I think it’s polite to answer: I support the genetic preservation of white people. I didn’t mean to get in an argument with anyone here, so I’ll refrain from commenting further. Dasein is quoting me quite fairly and people are free to conclude whatever they like.

  23. In case anyone missed it, here’s Guy White’s standard of white/European:

    “I don’t subscribe to the one drop rule. If 3 of your grandparents are white, you are either white or biracial, and certainly not black.

    If Obama married the white girlfriend he dumped for being white, and had kids with her, I certainly would not consider them black.

    More directly, if you have children with a white woman, they won’t be black as far as I am concerned because they would have at least 75% European ancestry, and science is on my side.”

    Keep in mind that in the past, race was taken much more seriously in America, especially the South. Appearing white did not necessarily make you white. If you had any black ancestry you were legally considered black and segregated accordingly.

    The idea of racial purity is typical of Celtics and Germanics. Whereas with Latins you have the idea of racial communion, such is the case in Latin America.

    I propose that race realists/HBDers and other miscegenists should move to either South America or Canada, depending on their preference of hybrids.

  24. “I don’t subscribe to the one drop rule. If 3 of your grandparents are white, you are either white or biracial, and certainly not black.

    Maybe “Goy Weiss” is a quadroon himself.

  25. There came together into this small place [the artists’ colony at Taos, New Mexico], representatives of the African Negro, the American and Chinese Mongol, the Semite and the Aryan … free intermarriage had set in … Why does this picture, part actual, part fanciful, fill me with a strange loathing, suggest the obscene, the obscurely beastly? … Why then does that village which my fancy conjures up call to mind a heap of reptiles breeding uglily in a bucket?

    [Maurice Samuel, I, the Jew, 1927, pp.244-6.]

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