About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bernard:”A strong, viable, independent, self-sufficient, materially advanced state that forbids them is the ultimate abomination for that migratory race par excellence.”

    Yes, good point Bernard. The last few centuries of well-documented history shows that, by and large, Jews are a nomadic and often parasitic group that cannot thrive (or even survive) without latching on to other groups (especially White/Europeans) and ‘sucking their blood.’

  2. White Advocate:”Jews are not leaving America without a fight.”

    Yeah, at least you tell the truth sometimes. Kikery would rather murder the entire world rather than take their greedy little hands off of White America’s levers of power.

  3. WA:”Very, very few non-Jewish White people desire a Jew-free White ethnostate today…”

    Rule #1 of politics — the ‘democratic’ masses or general public are ignorant…they always have been and always will be. The masses don’t desire anything except to be lead, i.e. they desire what we of the informed socio-intellectual elite tell them they should desire — democracy is a sham, always has been and always will be. The masses must thus be guided by an enlightened and informed elite who is on their side. We of the White nationalist socio-intellectual elite are on their side, whilst the current rotten Jewish elite is not.

    Once we pro-White activists can gain a decent public soapbox and get better organized, we will assiduously educate them about the dangers of Jewry and we will, slowly but surely, change their minds. Just you watch.

  4. I think it is very unlikely that significant number of new supporters will be persuaded that most of their problems were caused by the Jews,

    Perhaps not, but it’s easy to believe they’ll come to understand that Jewish influence is real and it has been a net negative, and there is certainly no reason whatsoever to continue to submit to it.

    and that the inevitable bloodbath that would necessary to evict them from within the borders of their nation is essential to solving those problems

    Any race-based ethnostate is going to require forcefully shifting people from place to another (unless they comply and leave peacefully, which they very well might do if they believed there was something in it for them, but I digress), so if it’s an ethnostate people want then presumably they’ll be up for the “inevitable bloodbath” you claim will be required, whether it’s to separate from blacks, hispanics, jews or anyone.

    Personally, I don’t have anything against jews racially. But it’s quite clear that as Jewish jews, ie as a ‘people,’ they are liars and degenerates without equal in this world.

  5. Regarding comment #54, rule #1. A mega bingo on that concise, well stated comment, WP. You said it all in one simple paragraph!

  6. Bernard,

    You’re suggesting that the ideas of Alex Linder, who wants to exterminate Jews, or youself, who want to evict them from a white ethnostate against their will, open up the range of acceptable discourse on the Jewish question and the race question? I wonder if we asked Nick Griffin, Pat Buchanan, Paul Findley, Steve Sailer, Joseph Sobran, Jared Taylor, and yes even Kevin MacDonald, whether or not more people calling for Jew extermination HELPS them get their views into the mainstream, or hinders them, what would they say? I think they would say it hinders them. They constantly have to be on the defensive, against the accusation that their views are the logical precursor of your views and Lindner’s views. If they given any forum to talk at all. They face guilt by association, and much of the debate focuses not on the substance of what they are trying to say, but on the debate between whether or not they have distanced themselves from your odious views. I’m willing to be that they all want you or Lindner to go away.

    Also, why are Whites so easily dominated by Jews? Why are they so incapable of standing up for themselves, and of standing supreme in a country in which they outnumber every other group, and have so many other material, spiritual and intellecctual advantages? I think you underestimate the capacity of Whites people to take control of their destiny and dominate a society in which they are the dominant, but not exclusive group.

  7. I trust the Overton window more than your sophistry.

    This isn’t about the mainstream and going through the formal centralized media channels. That’s a dead end. A sure road to being castrated, co-opted, dominated, sublimated, deflected, manipulated, etc. No intellectually honest person believes that earning mainstream acceptance and respectability is even possible, let alone useful, while at the same time maintaining all the crucial principles. This is about bypassing the centralized mainstream media altogether.

    Anyway, you either misunderstand the concept of the Overton window completely, or are deliberately misrepresenting it for the purposes of this “debate.”

    Also, why are Whites so easily dominated by Jews? Why are they so incapable of standing up for themselves, and of standing supreme in a country in which they outnumber every other group, and have so many other material, spiritual and intellecctual advantages? I think you underestimate the capacity of Whites people to take control of their destiny and dominate a society in which they are the dominant, but not exclusive group.

    This is just pure sophistry. Trying to shame Whites into thinking that being critical of Jews is simply whining, not taking responsibility, a sign of weakness, etc., all with the goal of getting Whites to drop any attention on and criticism of Jews, of course. Now the question to you is, why are you so afraid of Whites forming and living in jew-free White ethnostates, and showing what Whites can do without jew-interference?

  8. “why are you so afraid of Whites forming and living in jew-free White ethnostates, and showing what Whites can do without jew-interference?”

    As I said elsewhere, I am not opposed. There have been many Jew free or virtually Jew free White states in the world previously, there is at least one that still is (Iceland), and I’d go so far as to say I’d like to see more again. America is not a good place for one. It has too many Jews and many more partially Jewish Whites. They’re shouldn’t have to leave against their will and they won’t, because absent the destruction of this republic, their citizenship rights are as inalienable as yours. And even if the Republic is abolished, they are still going to fight to retain their property, which rightfully continues to belong to them even absent a government, under the Anglo common law.

  9. America is a big place.

    I’m not sure why you’re pointing to the “inalienable” “citizenship rights” of the current regime as some kind of source of legitimacy when arguing with someone whose very positions directly counter the regime’s claims to legitimacy.

  10. Maybe it is big enough.

    You really believe its important to have people like me completely out of your life? Would you visit countries that have Jews? Trade with them? You say its about sovereignty, why is it so hard for whites to assert their sovereignty around jews?
    If you feel like answering, these are the kinds of questions I’m interested in.

  11. You’re not worried about failed politicians and bloggers being unacceptable because of being tainted by guys like Linder.

    What you’re really worried about is that if there are enough guys out there taking Linder’s positions, then simply deporting Jews will seem like the reasonable position.

  12. If you feel like answering, these are the kinds of questions I’m interested in.

    No more “debate” or “discussion” is necessary. We’ve recognized the right to free association. There’s no reason for us to engage Jews where they are relatively stronger (debate, verbal facility, argumentation, etc.). And there certainly is no reason for us to justify ourselves to Jews.

  13. Also, why are Whites so easily dominated by Jews? Why are they so incapable of standing up for themselves, and of standing supreme in a country in which they outnumber every other group, and have so many other material, spiritual and intellecctual advantages? I think you underestimate the capacity of Whites people to take control of their destiny and dominate a society in which they are the dominant [predominant, rather?], but not exclusive group.

    As can be detected from the attitudes in this venue, Whites refuse to dominate or (overtly) to be dominated. They want to be “free(-ranging) White Men,” unburdened by hierarchy and organization other than tribal democracy and its primus inter pares for leadership – if even so little would be endured.

    They are proud peasants who have historically presented, and today remain, an open invitation to exploitation by any master class of people who have discovered the tools of domination. Strong – and even well-armed – but stupid, nevertheless, they are most easily mastered and manipulated by lies and illusions – hence the identity and character of the master-people about whom they here complain in pathetic futility.

  14. JA:”why is it so hard for whites to assert their sovereignty around jews?”

    Because Jews are ever-prattling and disgusting Oriental hyena-types of human beings, using unfair debating tactics to undermine Whites. Most Whites are disgusted by Jews when in their presence and just want to remove themselves from them as rapidly as possible — to deal with such unpleasant people just makes them feel instinctually ‘icky.’

    The only thing Jews respond to is violence because it puts them back in their place, back in their urban-ghetto cribs where they belong; unfortunately, we are likely headed in that direction now that Jews have so wrecked the USA.

  15. In relation to my above statements, we should not even have to stoop to the level of debating or discussing things with Jews. They are the small and destructive non-White ethnic minority, and thus they should be the ones taking orders from us, the representatives of the White majority — and no ‘debating’ Jews is even is required, we are their superiors in every way aside from their ability to prattle endlessly about things of no consequence and also scream obscenities at people who they disagree with.

    Modern Jewry is comparable to a pack of once-captive hyenas (pre-liberation from their European ghettos) who have unfortunately been allowed to escape from their urban-ghetto cages (thanks to Napoleon and other people during the 1700s/1800s); now Jews are anarchically running wild like packs of rabid hyenas in the streets, tearing down and wrecking everything White/Western in sight, and as such they must be reigned in if Western civilization is ever going to begin to repair itself.

    Other peoples fully understand this, that letting Jews run wild has severely destructive effects; in Christian Ethiopia, for instance, they call the Jews living there “the hyena people” – http://books.google.com/books?id=bQs3aed0XpAC&dq=hyena+people&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=zQoHS8CzFIPglAfn1I3FCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CCcQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=&f=false

  16. JA:”which rightfully continues to belong to them even absent a government, under the Anglo common law.”

    Hey Jew Advocate, “Anglo common law” does not apply to Jews, because Jews are not Anglos.

    One of the first classes of people we White nationalists will target for opposition when we come to power are the hordes of Talmudic Jewish ‘lawyers,’ for they have invented various ‘rights’ which we view as invalid insofar as they were imposed upon us by an alien groups like Jews and other orientals.

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