About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It also goes to show you how relentless and ridiculous the left and non-white organizations are. He’s a miscegenator, has mixed children with a Mexican mestizo, is for non-white legal immigration, has some leftist views such as being pro-choice, and yet they call him xenophobic and anti-Hispanic.

  2. He is standing up for white America by helping to lead the backlash against illegal immigration. Now, I don’t know how far he’s willing to go in stopping LEGAL third world immigration, but the fact is that the more limited opposition to ammesty for illegals HAS and WILL CONTINUE to prevent the passage of an amnesty bill in Congress. That’s a very real victory.

    The race of his wife should be utterly irrelevant. After all, he’s doing tons more for white American causes than scores of other Aryan public figures married to proper Aryan women.

    I must say that there seems to be a recurrent inability among posters on this site to distinguish between harmful behaviors that ought to be sanctioned or discouraged when practiced by a group, and those same behaviours that when practiced by outlying individuals can be tolerated without harm to the white race.

    For instance, it would be a disaster for the white race if male homosexuality was so prevalent that it led to a precipitous drop in births of white kids. However, the fact that certain leaders of the white nationalist movement in America are homosexual and thus extremely unlikely to reproduce can be tolerated without harm to the race. Same goes for Dobbs decision to marry whom he did, and my mothers decision to marry whom she did.

  3. “Now, I don’t know how far he’s willing to go in stopping LEGAL third world immigration, but the fact is that the more limited opposition to ammesty for illegals HAS and WILL CONTINUE to prevent the passage of an amnesty bill in Congress. That’s a very real victory.

    The race of his wife should be utterly irrelevant.”

    You don’t see a link between his Mexican mestizo immigrant wife and whether he favors legal non-white immigration?

    “For instance, it would be a disaster for the white race if male homosexuality was so prevalent that it led to a precipitous drop in births of white kids. However, the fact that certain leaders of the white nationalist movement in America are homosexual and thus extremely unlikely to reproduce can be tolerated without harm to the race. Same goes for Dobbs decision to marry whom he did, and my mothers decision to marry whom she did.”

    So now we see the angle, your mother married a non-white male? My condolences.

    Can a white person marry a non-white, have mixed children, and still advocate for white people? Would people take him/her seriously? I wouldn’t.

    There’s a huge difference between homosexuality and miscegenation. The main difference being the former doesn’t produce mixed children which go on to produce more mixed children, it alters the gene pool. Also, homosexuality, while distasteful, would never reach an epidemic level. Miscegenation on the other hand can and has: India, South America, and the Arab countries are examples.

  4. Same goes for Dobbs decision to marry whom he did, and my mothers decision to marry whom she did.

    Every comment of yours seems to include some sort of shifty, sly, passive-aggressive, indirect attempt to portray Jews/your heritage/yourself/family in a positive light. It’s all about you. As such, you deserve your own ethnostate. I would gladly help subsidize it if this was the price to pay for freedom. Others may be less charitable.

  5. Mark,
    I don’t think miscegenation is that dangerous unless it reaches some kind of tipping point, which I would say somewhere around 10%, also provided that all-white couples continue to reproduce in sufficient numbers. Mediteranean peoples generally have some admixture of non-European blood, as do many Slavics, and thats not even talking about Jewish intermarriage, of which I am a product. But looking at the white race as a kind of integrel organisim, I’d say it’s tolerable as long as its within single digits. If Dobbs’ kid is raised in a white culture and marries white, then they got a 3/4 white kid, that’s not a problem, if they marry hispanic, well then yeah sure we lost them. But its just one kid anyway.

  6. Bernard, as I said in a reply to you that you didn’t respond to, I believe in the principle of free association. You shouldn’t have to deal with Jews if you don’t want to, and its a big enough country that it shouldn’t be a huge problem staying from them. You can do what I did just the other day with a current legal problem I am facing: I called a non-Jew lawyer for a second opinion, and decided to go with him instead. Similarly, you can turn off the Jew tube. Or move to Iceland, which I don’t believe has a Jewish problem. As the person with the problem, the ball is in your court. Jews are not leaving America without a fight. If you want to live in a Jew-free country, go somewhere and create it yourself.

  7. and thats not even talking about Jewish intermarriage, of which I am a product
    Bernard is right.

    If Dobbs’ kid is raised in a white culture and marries white, then they got a 3/4 white kid, that’s not a problem
    Do you agree with Guy White’s view that quadroons may be considered white?

  8. Jews are not leaving America without a fight. If you want to live in a Jew-free country, go somewhere and create it yourself.

    I’ve got a better idea, Weiss Advocate. I think we should kick the Jews(and half-Jews like you) out of America, just like they have been kicked out of every other European nation they have ever inhabited in their miserable history.

    So what do you think? I think it’s a plan that can really work. It has a proven track record of success. 😀

  9. Weiss Advocate,

    Don’t you get it? We don’t care what you think. If we were interested in the Jewish opinion, we would go watch television, listen to the radio, or read a magazine or newspaper.

    Understand, dumbass?

  10. @JewAdvocate I thought you were going to come back as a non-Jew “character” – you’re not trying very hard, not even a new handle?

    You do make a good point about idiosyncratic behavior that doesn’t reach a critical mass to damage White people; and I, as the most tolerant of people, pretty much agree with you.

    One unfortunate behavioral characteristic of a lot of Whites is allowing Jews to dominate their discussions and movement – that has proven very dangerous to White people and cannot be tolerated.

    If you were a half-Jew or gay no one would have known, this is the internet after all. But no, you really have to make a big deal about it – you had to “come out of the closet” as a Jew, and demand we all accept you. You’re the problem.

  11. Z.O.G. — go for it. give it your best shot. have a ball. but don’t expect the other side not to fight back. and don’t expect them to wait until your side is strong enough to make it a fair fight.

    The alternative is to deal with American Jews as a partially assimilated/partially unassimilated sub-group of the white race, work things out, and work together. In response to Jared Taylor’s “They Look White To Me!” comment, Lindner once wrote “wait, does this mean we can criticize them as we criticize other whites? Of course not.” I don’t go along with that, I accept and actually join in on criticism of the Jews. But it has to be in the same spirit as criticism of other misguided whites, seeking improvement, rather than confirmation of utter depravity.

  12. >Jews are not leaving America without a fight. If you want to live in a Jew-free country, go somewhere and create it yourself.

    That’s the most *White* thing you’ve ever said on this forum, JewAdvocate. Why are you surprised when Whites say the same to you? I hear Israel doesn’t have a White problem. Aliyah be seein’ ya.

    Others, he’s laid down the gauntlet pretty clearly hasn’t he?

  13. “But no, you really have to make a big deal about it – you had to “come out of the closet” as a Jew, and demand we all accept you.”

    Bullshit, go back and read the threads. I was “outed” by the owner of this blog, and decided to tell the truth. Later threads, I’ve made comments that people have disliked, and they’ve brought up my Jewish ancestry as the focus of their displeasure. Who brought it up on this thread here? Bernard, not me. If you’re sick of hearing about my Jewishness, attack the message not the damn messanger.

    I will say that a couple months ago I had been discussing my interest in and attraction to pro-white and anti-semitic ideas with some friends, and one of them said, “tell them you’re half Jewish and see what transpires, see how you feel then.” My hope was that no one would make a big deal of it, evidently thats not the case. My friend gave me some good advice.

  14. Dobbs is another conservative racemixer. He spends all his time blaming the corporations for the problem of mass-immigration. While they certainly profit from it, Jews like Emanuel Celler spearheaded the effort for open borders. If the power of big-business is the root of the problem, then why was all of our restrictive immigration legislation written during the time of the robber-barons and laissez-faire economics? This does not, however, mean that a return to that time would help us. In fact, reducing the power of government to cope with these problems would be precisely the combination of action that would destroy White America the quickest. Conservatives are incapable of both solving the problem AND understanding it. (Sorry, Wikitopian.)

  15. JewAdvocate, I could personally pretty much consider you White and an ally under two conditions. First, don’t advocate against Whites. Your Jew advocacy comes close, but you don’t seem hostile for the most part.

    Second, accept Jesus and become a Christian. What you can’t? You know why? Because you’re a Jew.

    Stop pretending, Christ killer, and go tell your Jew friends I said that.

  16. That’s an awful White-looking “mestizo” he is married to. Around these parts, those are considered to be the White Mexicans, pretty much. She could easily pass for Spaniard. At most she’s a light mestizo.

    Lou Dobbs is a total catastrophe on legal immigration. It’s around 1 million a year now and I believe that he is on record on TV saying he would like to up it to 2-3 million. It almost wipes out his positive effects on illegals.

  17. Later threads, I’ve made comments that people have disliked, and they’ve brought up my Jewish ancestry as the focus of their displeasure. Who brought it up on this thread here? Bernard, not me.

    No, you obliquely mentioned it first.

    Same goes for Dobbs decision to marry whom he did, and my mothers decision to marry whom she did.

  18. I’ve already noticed an explosion of miscegenation (specifically black men and white women) in Minneapolis since Obama’s election.

  19. MGLS, you’re right, I mentioned it in passing, as an aside. Bernard made it the entire subject of his reply. Regarding quadroons, if you mean 3/4 white, 1/4 black, yeah i would possibly consider them white, but it would really depend on the individual, their features, where they grew up, and whether or not they adopted black or white mannerisms. If they were still fairly dark skinned and/or grew up in black neighborhood or acted black, I’d call them “mixed” or maybe even black.

    White Non-Conservative, I know some Jews are hung up on being anti-Christian but certainly not me. Jews are basically a tribal group, not a religious faith. And they certainly can accept Jesus. They may upset some of their relatives, but they’ll still look, talk, think, feel and be treated like a Jew. Most of my Jewish relatives are athiests or agnostic, and the one that is religious is a follower of an Indian guru. I know several Jewish Christians and I agree with them that they are a Jews. Isn’t Laurence Auster a Christian too? To paraphrase Jared, he looks Jewish to me! As for myself I would actually like to become Christian, but there are some basic tenets of the faith that unfortunately make no goddam sense to me.

  20. >but there are some basic tenets of the faith that unfortunately make no goddam sense to me.

    Whites gave Jews an opportunity to assimilate, and they come up with all sorts of excuses not too. Why? Because you’re a Jew. That’s what you are, that is your identity.

    You are not interested in assimilating into White, you are interested in changing White to assimilate under Jew. No thanks.

    If your Jew identity is so important you can’t be a regular Christian and give up Judaism, you have no interest in assimilating. So – be a Jew. You’re not one of us (Whites).

  21. His Mexican wife was on 60 Minutes a couple of years ago. This is nothing new. She looked dark but not Mestizo; sort of like a Mediterranean. I also recall her saying sometimes Lou doesn’t go far enough in his immigration restrictionism. (I can’t recall if that was on 60 Minutes or an interview I read with her and Lou).

    His views on legal immigration are awful. Yet even he is considered a die-hard racist by SWPLers and non-whites, including Jews and Asians, not just Hispanics. What matters is not his wife but that he was the only one in the MSM discussing illegal alien crime rates, strains on social services, La Raza, etc, during his ‘Broken Borders’ series a number of years ago. The conservative media has rarely touched the issue of illegals, never mind legal immigration.

  22. WA,

    Well we’ve finally managed to cut through your sophistry and arrive at some straightforward points of agreement:

    1. Freedom of association, which entails jew-free White ethnostates.

    2. Struggle. The determination of the ethno-political landscape will involve struggle in all its various forms.

    3. Jews believe and demand that they have a right to the geographic territories that currently comprise the United States of America, and/or that they have a right to live amongst and alongside Whites.

    4. Jews do/will act and fight to assert these perceived right(s). In your own words, “don’t expect the other side not to fight back. and don’t expect them to wait until your side is strong enough to make it a fair fight.”

  23. White Advocate:

    I am certainly not endorsing homosexuality; I even think sodomy should be illegal. But, Male homosexuality is not a major problem for the White birthrate. Where our race’s reproductive future lies, is in the woman. The actual threats to our demographics are White Female homosexuality, and non-White Male Heterosexuality towards White Females.

  24. You don’t see a link between his Mexican mestizo immigrant wife and whether he favors legal non-white immigration?

    Can a white person marry a non-white, have mixed children, and still advocate for white people? Would people take him/her seriously? I wouldn’t.

    Dobbs is not a white activist. Nobody can be a white activist in mass media! There is nothing to indicate that non-white immigration or white nationalism are issues in American politics.

    Given that hardly any voters read political blogs incremental progress can only begin with some mainstream coverage of immigration to just get the issue on the public radar. That’s really the only job a Lou Dobbs has from a WNist point of view. If he does that his marriage is irrelevant.

  25. Regarding the non-White quadroon rule:

    I know somebody who claims to be a quarter Guatemalan, and 3/4’s White. And she looks unmistakably Tropical AmerIndian. She doesn’t look White in any real sense; nor even Temperate AmerIndian (American Indian).

    She looks like she came fresh from the Central American Jungles, not the Woodlands of Europe or even non-Mexican North America.

  26. Just an observation: you guys will need every White Advocate you can muster for when the shizen really hits the fan for you all. For White Advocate is intellectually and morally way way whiter than much of the filth our race has spawned, especially of late. Of course I cannot comment genetically, just as none of us anonymous keyboarders are in a position to do so since we exist in these discussions as little more than avatar names. Or choose the alternative and become an 8% sold out minority like us whites in South Africa. Your greatest enemies are respectable white elitists and certainly not the White Advocates of this world, from what I can gauge of his writings.

  27. Z.O.G. — go for it. give it your best shot. have a ball. but don’t expect the other side not to fight back. and don’t expect them to wait until your side is strong enough to make it a fair fight.

    You arrogant little prick. You think it won’t happen again? There isn’t one nation or city state that the Jews haven’t been kicked out of in their history. What makes you think America will be any different? History is against you, Jew. It’s only a matter of time. You’re only 2.2% of the population. You don’t have a chance in hell, and you know it. 😀

  28. “I’ve already noticed an explosion of miscegenation (specifically black men and white women) in Minneapolis since Obama’s election.” – Interloper

    Oh, that’s been going on here since before that. Go to downtown MSP and it is literally crawling with degenerate race-mixing whores with their savage kaffir pets. I just hope that when these tramps are run down in 30s and 40s and looking to settle down with some white men to provide for them, that the men in question do not fall for it, especially if there are half-apes in tow.

    These days if you are looking for a white woman in America to settle down with, you’d better screen her very carefully.

  29. SM, maybe because cheap foreign labor wasn’t a sufficient incentive back then? Wages were already pretty depressed and there was no social protection for workers.

  30. Yeah Bernard, I think lasting honour and sincerity to ones own kind is the true acid test at the end of day. In principle. And genetic overlaps exist all over the place. Heck, come to Africa and see, eg: amongst these intra-Congoids – like grab a coke and bag of popcorn and settle in nice ‘n comfy for Deh Big Bad Cargo Cult Show ‘coz it’s feeding frenzy time on Whitey’s leftovers like, but… nit-picking around for the odd chromosome here and there that’s not quite in place is just trivial. I mean let’s face it, were anyone of us serious WNs to become the next “Fuhrer” I’m sure the first thing we’d do is vapourize at least 70% (or 85?) of the White Race offal scum who are currently categorized as Caucazoid then immediately initiate serious eugenics programmes upon the leftovers, hey?

  31. There must be jew-free White ethnostates.

    Personally, I would have no problem if there were White ethnostates that include or tolerate Jews, in addition to those that exclude them. Others may differ.

    It’s possible that those devoted to jew-free White ethnostates and those devoted to White ethnostates that include or tolerate jews could work together on some common goals if the circumstances demand it. However, in such a situation the distinction between the two camps must be vigorously maintained along with the goal of jew-free White ethnostates. There is considerable risk that this goal will be compromised due to the great intelligence, energy, and will-to-power of Jews. Undoubtedly, they will seek to to influence, control, co-opt, etc., everything they come across, including groups or movements devoted to jew-free White ethnostates.

    Including and tolerating Jews in a White ethnostate, or any kind of state for that matter, always exposes oneself to the risk of Jewish influence and power, even if Jews are segregated from the general populace and encumbered by many restrictions. This is a risk that simply does not need to be tolerated. One can try integrating them completely (i.e. through intermarriage) with the aim of virtually eliminating them as a distinct people, but the problem with this is that Jewish genes may become widely dispersed among the population, or they may reassert themselves because they are dominant in certain traits. Furthermore, many if not most Jews would be very uncomfortable with the idea of dissolving and disappearing as a distinct group. With all this in mind, exclusion is reasonable, responsible, and humane.

  32. I have no problem with competition Bernard, when operating in an environment where the rules are the same and the appropriate punishments upon relevant transgressors are meted out in indiscriminate fashion. Providing, of course, the rules are WHITE.

  33. These days if you are looking for a white woman in America to settle down with, you’d better screen her very carefully.

    The key of course is to find a non-American white woman.

    Let white American bitches die a slow death in the ghetto with their negro chums . It’s just what they deserve. (Are you reading this, you stupid nigger-loving whores?) 😉

    P.S. Minneapolis sounds awful. I had no idea…

  34. P.S. Minneapolis sounds awful. I had no idea… – The Admiral

    Minnesota would be the best state in the nation were it not for the truckloads of immigrants and urban race mixers. But honestly, if you live out in the majority Aryan and Jew ‘burbs like I do, it is quite nice. I just never go into the city unless I have to. But in terms of open, unspoiled land MN is beautiful – plus, the small towns are still very white and homogeneous.

  35. “I don’t think miscegenation is that dangerous unless it reaches some kind of tipping point, which I would say somewhere around 10%.”

    According to some statistics I saw recently, just over 10% off the children had by white women in America now have non-white fathers and the percentage of children of white fathers who have non-white mothers is only a little bit lower.

  36. @ #44, The Admiral: it’s a cruel world innit?

    If you’re looking for decent breeding material anywhere upon this planet you had better be well-versed in the art of good old-fashioned seduction as well as in Black Ops Deprogramming albeit against heavily-loaded odds. Where our heads are at and where theirs are right now are worlds apart. To top it all, Active Measures is well into its advanced stages and that’s regardless of the sexes. Anyone here got a reliable antidote-recipe for the Kool-Aid? Ah! – forgiveness! – courage? – and greatness of heart?

  37. I think most White people would have an experience similar to Kasimir, namely that “if you live out in the majority Aryan and Jew ‘burbs like I do, it is quite nice.” Very, very few non-Jewish White people desire a Jew-free White ethnostate today, and to the extent that explicitely pro-White political advocacy grows in the coming years, I think it is very unlikely that significant number of new supporters will be persuaded that most of their problems were caused by the Jews, and that the inevitable bloodbath that would necessary to evict them from within the borders of their nation is essential to solving those problems. Obviously, those who support this idea now either disagree with me, or don’t care what I think. Perhaps they might consider advocating their state in white areas that currently contains very few or no Jews. I’m sure there are many thousands of square miles of land in North America with not a single Jew or crypto-Jew (that’s me, right?) currently in sight.

    The problem with these crazy extremist ideas is that they make it harder to get a fair hearing for legitimate, non-malicious criticism of Jewish behavior.

  38. WA,

    You’re being deceptive. As usual.

    I’ve made it quite clear that a sovereign, jew-free White ethnostate does not entail having the belief that most “problems were caused by the Jews,” nor some sort of “inevitable bloodbath.”

    The problem with these crazy extremist ideas is that they make it harder to get a fair hearing for legitimate, non-malicious criticism of Jewish behavior.

    It’s called the “Overton window,” and you’re clearly trying to narrow and completely shut it, if possible. All the more reason to expand it and encourage the “specialists” like Linder to take the “extremist” positions.

    Anyway, it’s quite evident that ultimately, deep down you don’t really respect free association and the desire and indeed right to form a sovereign, jew-free White ethnostate. This isn’t surprising, of course. A strong, viable, independent, self-sufficient, materially advanced state that forbids them is the ultimate abomination for that migratory race par excellence .

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