About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Note: Keep the comments productive and civil. I will be away this evening. Don’t scream “Jew” and reaffirm negative stereotypes.

    You don’t have a lot of faith in your readership here. 😀

    I’m just listening to the beginning now… and Mr. Potok who is a professional spokesperson is stumbling over himself a little bit, so I don’t think Mr. Campbell and Mr. Johnson have anything to worry about.

  2. I have no intention of listening. Hearing an hour-and-a-half’s worth of non-stop disgusting Jewish lies doesn’t do wonders for my nerves.

  3. Overall I thought the interview was interesting. Mark Potok wasn’t hostile, but was very cordial and polite.

    I think it’s funny that our political adversary knows more about our own movement than the host and probably the majority of white nationalists. Jim got more information and dirt about our movement from Potok than he did from Metzger or Linder. It is Potok’s full time job of course.

    Potok doesn’t consider himself Jewish, his father is Jewish, he was raised Christian.

    Potok reminds me of Steve Zahn in the face.

    Potok wasn’t being honest when he tried to excuse disproportionate black crime with poverty and preying on whites because they have more money. It’s not robbery we’re talking about, it’s the violent crimes such as rape, assault and murder.

    Whatever criticism of Giles some people might have, he has courage and determination. No one else is bringing us these interviews.

    I’m looking forward to Hunter Wallace making his debut.

  4. Potok wasn’t being honest when he tried to excuse disproportionate black crime with poverty and preying on whites because they have more money.

    In the most recent Color of Crime, it was demonstrated that there was a significantly higher correlation between the racial makeup of a city and its crime-rate than there is between a city’s income level and crime.

  5. In the most recent Color of Crime, it was demonstrated that there was a significantly higher correlation between the racial makeup of a city and its crime-rate than there is between a city’s income level and crime.

    I don’t feel like fact checking right now, but I’ve read somewhere that West Virginia is very poor, very white and has a very low crime rate.

  6. Anti-white racists like Potok want you to believe that poverty causes crime. But correlation is not causation. The fact of the matter is that there’s a correlation between poverty and crime because they both share the same underlying cause. A person who is lazy, shiftless, and/or stupid is much more likely to end up poor than a person who doesn’t have these traits. People who are lazy, shiftless, and/or stupid are also much more likely to become criminals. And this is true for people regardless of their race. It just so happens that these traits aren’t evenly distributed across races.

  7. off topic but of interest:

    the GNXP guy recently did a Bloggingheads.tv diavlog with David Sloan Wilson, an evolutionary biologist who is a proponent of group selection (also referred to as multilevel selection). David Sloan Wilson has defended Kevin MacDonald in the past, and even discussed MacDonald’s work in his own book Darwin’s Cathedral.

    they discuss MacDonald in this segment.

  8. “Anti-white racists like Potok want you to believe that poverty causes crime.”

    Back in my teens, I believed the Potoks of the world were just misguided libs. Then my opinion changed as I progressed to the conclusion they are duplicitous bastards out to deceive. Now I’m beginning to believe libs acually believe the propaganda they espouse. I’m starting to latch onto the notion liberal behavior/weirdness is in fact gene-expression. They are genetically programed to be a-holes.

  9. Potok was surprisingly candid on most subjects but less so on others. On The Channon Cristian and Mark Newsome tragedy he conceded it was a horrible crime but that it was not motivated by race. I’m sure that would be a relief to parents of the victims! There are still details about that crime being closely guarded by the Knoxville police so we’ll never know the whole truth.

    It started getting deep when he stated that bias crimes or “hate” crimes are mostly perpetrated by whites against non-whites without offering any supporting data. The SPLC spends an inordinate amount of their time and resources monitoring and harassing whites who hold politically incorrect views. There’s no dearth of black and latino hate groups or college professors who foment hate against whites, but it’s obvious the SPLC’s priorities are elsewhere. I hope this fact wasn’t lost on Giles or the listening audience.

    Giles should have asked how many donors to the SPLC are Jewish. My guess is it’s far higher than the 2.5% of the population. No doubt the legal and support staff is a little more than 2.5% Jewish at least according to those that have some familiarity with the SPLC.

    The SPLC’s motives are not pure, they have an anti-white agenda and I believe they pose a threat to our civil liberties.

  10. @versailles – thanks for that interview, I had read Sloan’s Truth and Reconciliation blogs before and this was a great supplement to that.

    It was amusing hearing the gnxp interviewer ask why group selection theory has been compared to fascism.

    I like his formulation of science as a cultural phenomenon and it’s always amusing to see bias in academics. If anyone has not read about the hysterically funny Sokal Affair please do, especially Mara Bella’s insightful musings on the biases of the Holy High Priesthood of theoretical physicists “At Whom Are We Laughing”? Then consider they popularize Higgs-Boson as “The God Particle”

  11. “I have no intention of listening. Hearing an hour-and-a-half’s worth of non-stop disgusting Jewish lies doesn’t do wonders for my nerves.”

    Last time I listened to him, it was actually quite interesting. The way he talked about the militia movement and the OKC bombing strongly suggested that the SPLC helped to orchestrate the bombing as a false-flag operation.

  12. versailles,

    The David Sloan Wilson interview was interesting. Thanks for the link.

    Regarding the MacDonald segment, they were both indirect and the original aim was to discuss the “political” direction MacDonald is said to have taken recently, but they never really discussed this.

    They just kind of vaguely discussed MacDonald’s work, and Wilson seemed to suggest that he basically agreed with MacDonald and that Jews were/are “parasites.” Khan didn’t say as much. He just said that he “didn’t really have a problem with the description (i.e. MacDonald’s work)” of Jews.

  13. Jim Giles really has it in for David Duke. Potok says he only knew what he read in the papers about Duke’s tax and mail fraud case. Duke recently discussed the case at length with Mark Dankoff in a two hour interview on the Republic Broadcast Network on Sunday November 15th and again on Sunday the 22nd. If I remember right, he said the case was mounted by Michael Chertoff.

    Potok called the university in the Ukraine which issued Duke his Ph.d a “diploma mill.” Here’s some info on Duke’s doctorate which was earned not bestowed. “MAUP is one of the leading Universities in Ukraine as well as Eastern Europe. Formerly a national university system run by the Ukrainian government, it was privatized after the fall of communism. It has grown to over 51,000 students with branches throughout Ukraine…. UNESCO recognizes the MAUP university system as one the world’s high-level educational institutions.”

    I dozed off during the interview. Did Giles get around to asking Potok what was up with the whispering campaign against Kevin MacDonald the SPLC mounted with a letters to the faculty in his department at Cal State Long Beach last year followed up by a campus visit from the SPLC’s Heidi Beirich?

    I hope Giles’ Blue Tick Coonhounds and non-adversarial manner will win over more enemies of WN and that after the first interview he will bone up for the second so he can lure these self-righteous griplings into having to admit that they pray on the public’s fear while manufacturing more of it.

  14. He does seem to have an axe to grind against David Duke. From what I’ve heard him say, David just didn’t support Giles’ political campaign, but Giles described that as David abusing him.

  15. “after the first interview he will bone up for the second so he can lure these self-righteous griplings into having to admit that they pray on the public’s fear while manufacturing more of it.”

    So when Mark Potek calls the leaders of huge numbers of pro-White groups, Klan in particular, “paper tigers” who don’t really do anything at all, doing what they do just so they don’t actually have to work for a living, paints them as losers who sit in their mothers’ basements, grifters, fraudsters, then HOW does he justify the hysteria SPLC foments about them?

    Seems to me the descriptors “grifters” “fraudsters who don’t wan’t to have to actually work for a living” applies a lot more to the SPLC staff.

    Also, is Mo Dees Jewish? Potok says he’s not. Who’s lying?

  16. Morris Dees started a marketing firm with Millard Fuller, the guy who went on to found Habitat For Humanity. I’m pretty sure Fuller was a Christian so Mo might be one, too. Although, if he’s a mischling why this would be kept a secret by self-confessed mischling Potok is beyond me. Habitat For Humanity, like The Nature Consevancy, is unassailable on the surface, but can probably be linked to big business and communitarian goals with a little digging. Communitarianism is packaged to sound like a Berkeley consumer’s co-op looks. I’m so suspicious of big do-gooder non-profits now that I can barely believe there’s any real altruism left in America. Communitarianism is the newest, progressivist, most self-abnegating “ism” going. It’s motto should be “Slavery Through Public Private Partnership and Volunteerism.” I don’t really know anything about Habitat For Humanity so I shouldn’t cast aspersions. I do know something about Mo Dees. I don’t like shady self-appointed experts on the American Right like him and Chip Berlet who have made careers out of smearing Populism by spreading rumors of it’s ties to the moribund militia movement, costume Nazis and cooked up Klan violence.

  17. Two more things for Jimmy Giles to consider for next interview:

    1) Potok falsely claimed that whites are more likely to commit racially motivated crimes against non-whites. According to the FBI in 2005-06 time frame, poor whites were at greatest risk to be victims of hate crimes. Therefore, since non-whites aren’t being slaughtered wholesale by wicked whites, is there any reason for the SPLC to exist?

    2) The SPLC harassment and character assassination campaign against Kevin MacDonald in 2008. I’m going from memory but I thought they attempted to get his tenure revoked which should have been grounds for civil litigation.

    Concerning item 1, The SPLC acts as if non-whites are being attacked and killed daily by racist whites but the reality is quite the opposite as any rational observer knows. Giles can still use his “Aw Shucks” demeanor while asking tougher questions.

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