My Awakening

A biographical note.

I didn’t start out as an anti-Semite. The Jews didn’t appear on my radar screen until Fall 2001, shortly after my 21st birthday, when my concern over third world immigration led to my participation in online political forums. At the time, I was reading David Horowitz’s Hating Whitey and Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West. In the aftermath of 9/11, I began encountering various anti-Semitic arguments in cyberspace, mostly on Age of Kings chatrooms and messageboards.

Growing up in Alabama, I had no real life experience with Jews. There were very few in my local area. As an undergraduate, I didn’t encounter that many at Auburn either. Jews had about as much relevance to my life as Eskimos. Insofar as I thought about Jews at all, I had a vaguely positive attitude towards them. I tended to believe their narrative of victimology and resisted anti-Semitic arguments when I was first exposed to them.

In late 2001, I stumbled upon Stormfront, which had been relaunched as a vBulletin only a few months before. I don’t remember exactly how I got there, but I think it was through a Google search for Buchanan’s The Death of the West. David Duke was arguing that Jews were responsible for 9/11. There were a lot more Neo-Nazis and Third Reich fetishists back then. At the time, Stormfront was still a small internet forum.

When I showed up at Stormfront, I was already a racialist, but not yet an anti-Semite. I took offense at the widespread anti-Semitism there. I argued against it for several months and eventually created my own “free speech” messageboard. It was at Stormfront though that I was first exposed to the theory that Jews were responsible for many of America’s racial problems. I dismissed the theory, but logged it in the back of my mind.

In 2002 and 2003, I began to research America’s racial decline. I read almost exclusively mainstream academic sources in my college library. I stayed away from the anti-Semitic stuff. To this day, I still haven’t read Duke’s My Awakening or Jewish Supremacism. It quickly became clear that there was a Jewish angle to the problem. In particular, I noticed the “New Books” section of the AU Library always seemed to be filled with recently published anti-racist screeds by Jewish authors. I developed the impression that Jews were ubiquitous in anti-racist circles.

Anti-Semitism is like tuning a radio. If you adjust to the right frequency, a distinct pattern emerges. In the daily grind of current events, you begin to see multiple confirmations of Jewish malfeasance. I’ve experienced thousands of these “ooh” and “ah” moments over the past seven years. This weekend it happens to be the Jewish reaction to the Swiss ban on minarets. A week ago, it was Barry Mehler on White Nationalism. A week from now, it will be something else.

The culmulative weight of these moments adds up over time into the attitude that White Americans, racially and culturally speaking, would be better off without the Jewish impact on our society. So that’s how I became an anti-Semite.

How did you?

Note: In 2004/2005, I had a brief relapse while arguing with Neo-Nazis over whether or not the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration was Jewish controlled. I was also beginning to realize that America’s racial decline was complex; that the war propaganda and backlash against the Third Reich played an important role in changing White racial attitudes. While arguing against extreme anti-Semites, I allowed myself to get polarized into taking an equally extreme position.

As the polarization wore off, I came to my senses. The drip, drip, drip of daily Jewish misbehavior solidified my view of the Jewish Question. In the past five years, I have seen nothing out of the Jewish community to give me reason to change my mind, only implacable hostility toward racially conscious White Americans. While there are arguably a handful of pro-White Jews, they have no influence over the wider Jewish community which remains committed to our destruction.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Note: In 2004/2005, I had a brief relapse while arguing with Neo-Nazis over whether or not the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration was Jewish controlled.

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Jewish Cabal

    Some of these Jews were directly responsible for plunging America into WWII by deliberately alienating America from anti-Communist countries such as Germany and Japan long before the outbreak of hostilities. These Jews also pioneered the idea of Big Egalitarian Government in America; some of them were later discovered to have been spies for the Soviet Union.

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt (photo at right), president of the United States of America, 1933-1945, was himself partly of Dutch-Jewish ancestry.

    1. Bernard M. Baruch — a financier and adviser to FDR.

    2. Felix Frankfurter — Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR’s New Deal system.

    3. David E. Lilienthal — director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America.

    4. David Niles — presidential aide.

    5. Louis Brandeis — U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; “Father” of New Deal.

    6. Samuel I. Rosenman — official speechwriter for FDR.

    7. Henry Morgenthau Jr. — Secretary of the Treasury, “unofficial” presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII.

    8. Benjamin V. Cohen — State Department official, adviser to FDR.

    9. Rabbi Stephen Wise — close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress.

    10. Frances Perkins — Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed.

    11. Sidney Hillman — presidential adviser.

    12. Anna Rosenberg — longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission.

    13. Herbert H. Lehman — Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of UNRRA, 1944 – 1946, pal of FDR.

    14. Herbert Feis — U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs.

    15. R. S. Hecht — financial adviser to FDR.

    16. Nathan Margold — Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser.

    17. Jesse I. Straus — adviser to FDR.

    18. H. J. Laski — “unofficial foreign adviser” to FDR.

    19. E. W. Goldenweiser — Federal Reserve Director.

    20. Charles E. Wyzanski — U.S. Labor department legal adviser.

    21. Samuel Untermyer — lawyer, “unofficial public ownership adviser” to FDR.

    22. Jacob Viner — Tax expert at the U.S. Treasury Department, assistant to the Treasury Secretary.

    23. Edward Filene — businessman, philanthropist, unofficial presidential adviser.

    24. David Dubinsky — Labor leader, president of International Ladies Garment Workers Union.

    25. William C. Bullitt — part-Jewish, ambassador to USSR [is claimed to be Jonathan Horwitz’s grandson; unconfirmed].

    26. Mordecai Ezekiel — Agriculture Department economist.

    27. Abe Fortas — Assistant director of Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of the Interior Undersecretary.

    28. Isador Lubin — Commissioner of Labor Statistics, unofficial labor economist to FDR.

    29. Harry Dexter White [Weiss] — Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; a key founder of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank; adviser, close pal of Henry Morgenthau. Co-wrote the Morgenthau Plan.

    30. Alexander Holtzoff — Special assistant, U.S. Attorney General’s Office until 1945; [presumed to be Jewish; unconfirmed].

    31. David Weintraub — official in the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; helped create the United Nations; Secretary, Committee on Supplies, 1944-1946.

    32. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster — Agriculture Department official and head of the Near East Division of the Board of Economic Warfare; helped create the United Nations.

    33. Harold Glasser — Treasury Department director of the division of monetary research. Treasury spokesman on the affairs of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

    34. Irving Kaplan — U.S. Treasury Department official, pal of David Weintraub.

    35. Solomon Adler — Treasury Department representative in China during World War II.

    36. Benjamin Cardozo — U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

    37. Leo Wolman — chairman of the National Recovery Administration’s Labor advisery Board; labor economist.

    38. Rose Schneiderman — labor organizer; on the advisery board of the National Recovery Administration.

    39. Jerome Frank — general counsel to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Justice, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1941-57.

    40. Gerard Swope — key player in the creation of the N.R.A. [National Recovery Administration]

    41. Herbert Bayard Swope — brother of Gerard

    42. Lucien Koch — consumer division, N.R.A. [apparently-Jewish]

    43. J. David Stern — Federal Reserve Board, appointed by FDR

    44. Nathan Straus — housing adviser

    45. Charles Michaelson — Democratic [DNC] publicity man

    46. Lawrence Steinhardt — ambassador to Soviet Union

    47. Harry Guggenheim — heir to Guggenheim fortune, adviser on aviation

    48. Arthur Garfield Hays — adviser on civil liberties

    49. David Lasser — head of Worker’s Alliance, labor activist

    50. Max Zaritsky — labor adviser

    51. James Warburg — millionaire, early backer of New Deal before backing out

    52. Louis Kirstein — associate of E. Filene

    53. Charles Wyzanski, Jr. — counsel, Dept. of Labor

    54. Charles Taussig — early New Deal adviser

    55. Jacob Baker — assistant to W.P.A. head Harry Hopkins; assistant head of W.P.A. [Works Progress Admin.]

    56. Louis H. Bean — Dept. of Agriculture official

    57. Abraham Fox — research director, Tariff Commission

    58. Benedict Wolf — National Labor Relations Board [NLRB]

    59. William Leiserson — NLRB

    60. David J. Saposs — NLRB

    61. A. H. Meyers — NLRB [New England division]

    62. L. H. Seltzer — head economist at the Treasury Dept.

    63. Edward Berman — Dept. of Labor official

    64. Jacob Perlman — Dept. of Labor official

    65. Morris L. Jacobson — chief statistician of the Government Research Project

    66. Jack Levin — assistant general manager, Rural Electrification Authority

    67. Harold Loeb — economic consultant, N.R.P.

    68. William Seagle — council, Petroleum Labor Policy Board

    69. Herman A. Gray — policy committee, National Housing Conference

    70. Alexander Sachs — rep. of Lehman Bros., early New Deal consultant

    71. Paul Mazur — rep. of Lehman Bros., early consultant for New Deal

    72. Henry Alsberg — head of the Writer’s Project under the W.P.A.

    73. Lincoln Rothschild — New Deal art administrator

  2. Now watch kikeman try to deny the facts and say that FDR’s administration wasn’t drowning in Jews, and that it’s just an “anti-Jew conspiracy theory”.


  3. ”So that’s how I became an anti-Semite. How did you?” ( — from the log entry)

    You’re using the other side’s terminology. You’re not an “anti-Semite.” You’re trying to use the term the way the Jews do but to them any Eurogoy who still breathes, who hasn’t yet assumed room temperature, is “an anti-Semite.” You think I’m exaggerating? Watch how hyper-extreme Jewish ethnocentrists and Eurochristian haters like Abe Foxman use the term.

    I would avoid the terms “anti-Semite” and “philo-Semite.”

    Do you call yourself a “fascist” and a “Nazi”? Might as well then, if you call yourself the other, because those are also what the Jews call you. (And while we’re at it, I’d avoid the terms “white nationalist,” “racist,” and “racialist.”)

    Do not try to adopt the other side’s terminology: you will not win. You will only lose. Their terminology is rigged that way, it’s set up that way. It serves their purposes, never yours. “Racist”/”racism” for example are strictly Bolshevik/Jewish terms of tribal attack which have no place in a Euro’s vocabulary except conceivably for purposes of counterattack.

    You are neither an “anti-Semite” nor a “philo-Semite,” whatever those words are supposed to mean. You are a reasonable person who will criticise or approve of Jews or anyone else when they deserve criticism or approval. That’s all. That’s all there is to it.

  4. I have to agree with Fred here, we have to take back the language and symbols of our people as one of the first revolutionary acts we commit. Until we can fight on some kind of stable linguistic ground we have to gain three yards for our enemies every one, and that fight is all but unwinnable.

    I still refuse to call myself an anti-semite, though as I said in an earlier comment I certainly share the majority of your concerns of Jews and their unfortunate effects on this country.

    My problem, such as it is, is that I know a bunch of Jews who are 110% on our side, is there no hope whatsoever that they can be coaxed onboard the civilization project?

  5. Like you, I had little experience with Jews during my youth. They simply weren’t on my radar, at least not all that much. Some I liked personally, but I do think that I experienced something of an aesthetic repulsion to the few that I met back then. Nothing overly serious, but a vague sense of “the other.” There were additional small happenings that reinforced this sense of “the other,” but nothing sufficient to make me an anti-semite.

    Unfortunately, my healthy instincts were counteracted by my passionate libertarianism, which of course features many a jewish writer in its holy canon. Jewish writers that, at the time, I respected.

    I accepted the Holocaust story at face value (keep in mind that this was all pre-internet for me, happening mostly in the nineties, so I wasn’t exposed to radical writers). As a libertarian I had bigger fish to fry. But, as I moved through my twenties, it was becoming more and more obvious to me that, true or not (and again, I didn’t doubt its truth at the time), Jews were using the Holocaust in an extremely manipulative fashion. As a history buff, I was of course already aware of innumerable slaughters and persecutions throughout man’s checkered past. Why are we always harping on this one? Who benefits? Why is a Jewish life worth more than a gentile one? Why are Americans being guilt tripped about the Jews, when we paid in blood and treasure to defeat their arch enemy?

    Basically, I began to sniff Jewish hyposcrisy and manipulation. Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups, yet they demand to be viewed strictly as a victim. And worse, I could see that this blatantly hypocritical and self serving strategy worked! The goyim ate it up!

    I began to realize the enormous importance of the Holocaust myth, and the tremendous benefits that Jews were extracting from it, typically at the expense of my own people. From that point on, I had more and more of the “aha” moments that you describe. More and more evidence of Jewish perfidy, more and more examples of Jewish hostility to the survival of my people. This was largely going on during the nineties, when I first saw miscegenation on a large scale and began to fear deeply for the future of whites. It took some time, but gradually I began to put two and two together, and the patterns were emerging. Again, this was pre-internet for me. I’m convinced that the internet would have vastly sped up the process. As it was, I had to figure it out on my own.

    During this process my racialism resurfaced in force, having largely been sublimated to my libertarianism. Of course I also noticed that, when one spoke up in defense of whites, the “you’re a nazi” claim wasn’t far behind (assuming you are talking to a lib).

    But…but…I wasn’t a Nazi. LOL! I was a libertarian, though becoming less of one by the day. Hell, even if you are too stupid to make the connection, the libs will make it for you! As Linder says, anti-whites know where you are going before you do. I slowly began to understand that Jews equated any desire of whites to survive as a people with anti-semitism. They were entitled to survive, but whites where not.

    Over time, the “aha” moments revealed to me the central role that Jewry has played in misinforming our people, suppressing information that doesn’t suit their agenda, not to mention reaping enormous and quite unearned benefits. It pissed me off. Being lied to has that effect on me. Rank hypocrisy has that effect on me.

    So it’s not that I came to anti-semitism through revisionism. To this day, I’m not certain as to what actually happened. There is a reason I’m not certain: because honest research and free debate on the subject is not allowed. This is either unique, or damn close to it, in terms of historical events. This was not lost upon me, and it started me on the path. Ceaseless, constant and unrelenting Jewish hostility to my people supplied plenty of fuel for the rest of the long journey.

  6. I’ll also mention that, during the nineties, I ran into jew-wise racialists on a couple of occasions. They didn’t “convert” me on the spot, but they definitely had an long term impact. They certainly gave me food for thought, and just knowing that they were out there was probably significant. The steady stream of “aha” moments did the rest.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

  7. I picked up a paperback book, WANTED! The Search for Nazis in America by Howard Blum over a decade ago. It was published in the mid Seventies so it was already dated. The chapter on the founder of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate in America, Archbishop Valarian Trifa, intrigued me.
    I used my branch library’s inter-library loan system to order histories of interbellic Romania. East European Monographs, distributed by Columbia University, is an invaluable source for rare and expensive academic texts on Eastern European history. I read Religion and Politics: Bishop Valerian Trifa and His Times by Gerald Bobango and not only learned a lot about the history of Judeo Bolshevism in Romania, but also about organized Jewry in post-war America and it’s influence on politics and culture.
    The reason Trifa’s story intrigued me originally is because he was a default member of the Iron Guard which is usually written up as having been worse than the Nazis. The story is that Hitler had to rein them in, but of course, this turns out to be crap because until only recently most histories in English of Romania between the wars and in WWII have been written by ex-Communist (often Jewish) refugee academics precision placed in universities throughout the West. The Romania desk at Radio Free Europe is currently entirely Jewish. So, in effect, Gerald Bobango woke me up to the JQ, but this knowledge is a curse and I almost wish now that I had never never stumbled on it.

  8. The Sound Of All Hell Breaking Loose: Our Friends, The Saudis
    The Australian;

    SAUDI Arabia has seized on a series of stolen British university emails to become the first country to cast doubt on the consensus about man-made climate change ahead of next week’s Copenhagen summit.


    [C]hief Copenhagen negotiator, Mohammad al-Sabban, suggested in an interview with the BBC yesterday that there was now no longer any point in seeking an agreement to reduce emissions.

    “It appears from the details . . . that there is no relationship whatsoever between human activities and climate change,” he said.

    “Climate is changing . . . but for natural and not human-induced reasons. So whatever the international community does to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will have no effect on the climate’s natural variability.”

    His government might be prepared to take “no cost” measures to control emissions but more drastic and painful action would be out of the question until there was “new evidence” about what was causing climate change, he said.

  9. I had a similar experience defending Jews against an anti-Semite on a general interest website. I knew from the start that Jews were heavily overrepresented in positions of power, and in the end I could see that Jews were especially heavily overrepresented in destructive movements. I agree with the statement: “White Americans, racially and culturally speaking, would be better off without the Jewish impact on our society.”

    Unlike you, I had a fair number of Jews in my social circle. Most of them seemed perfectly harmless. I don’t see the point in blaming them for the misdeeds of their relatives. There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough (as you have noticed yourself: that it might not help as much as you think.

    I recognize that, in practice, I’m opposed to what most Jews believe in, and they’re opposed to what I believe in, but I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support. I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

  10. Good point, National. Imagine the average German’s horror at those smelly kaftan-wearing freaks settling in their cities — they were “Semites”. Scrooby forgets the term anti-Semitism was used positively from the first. No reason to wrangle over terminology. Let’s be brief: let’s be anti-Semites.

    Anyway, for me it was the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq. My buddy and I were reading a lot of German poetry and noticed all the neocons had those germanish Jew names; after some brief readings in Chuck Pearson (, precursor of VNN), Heretical and The Holocaust Industry, we were confirmed. Everything fell into place, as we say. The poet Heine, one of my favorites, was revealed as the reprobate and irritant to German culture that he was. Anti-music was put in context; television, politics, and so on across the board — Linder’s “skeleton key to politics”, to all modernism.

    I’d read Mein Kampf when I was sixteen and revisited. There it all was, first to last. Even he rejected it at first, refused to believe they could be responsible for these immense social disorders — “only after very great soul-torments” did he come around, I believe were his words.

    For a few years thence life was passed as though under a heavy black raincloud. They haunted me in everything. Was always outraged, wanted to lash out somehow. Finally I lost steam and apparently became a Jew myself, according to you guys.

  11. I first had contact with Jews in a private school. The school was Christian-based and named after a saint. We didn’t make religion part of our everyday routine but we did have a ‘service’ every Friday morning. We would also have special events for the holidays. Well, a good number of Jews attended this school because it allowed individual children to learn at their own pace. I didn’t realize it at the time but whenever a Jewish holiday approached, despite the fact that Jews were perhaps 5% of the children, we had to celebrate that as well.

    Now, I didn’t know anything about race or history when I was 12, but I did know that most of the Jews tended to be emotional and foul-mouthed. I think the first time I heard the word ‘bitch’ was when a Jewish boy goaded a group of us into reciting it, to prove we weren’t wimps or something. There was also a Jewish girl who had constant fits of depression and rage. One day one of us made a friendly joke about her mood swings and she began fuming and stormed away. There was also a boy named Zimmerman who seemed totally austistic. He would respond defensively to almost every statement. My best friend at the time was a Jew. I went to his house frequently. His parents were nice people who enjoyed having me over and they kept a very nice house in a very nice area. His older brother went to Israel at some point. I eventually drifted apart from this friend because I would go to his house and he would play computer games while I sat there trying to find something to do. He was also an incessant whiner whenever his parents asked him to do something like take out the trash.

    When I went to High School I didn’t know any Jews, although I’m sure there must have been a few. During that time I became interested in Marxism for some reason. I began using online forums to discuss the topic and I quickly noticed that all the leading Marxists were Jews. But then I thought, surely, Jews are also disproportionately bourgeois? Marx, Engels, and Lenin were all members of the upper-bourgeoisie. Well, pointing this out did not make me popular with any of the Marxists. It certainly seemed odd but my interest in the question waned and I stopped thinking about it.

    Years later in 2005 the world witnessed Hurricane Katrina. Until then I had been mostly race-blind in my worldview. The aftermath of Katrina forced me to investigate racial differences. Why, after every disaster against White people, did they band together and help each other? Why did the blacks choose to loot and destroy and kill one another instead? This led me to American Rennaissance. From that point on I came to view the racial question as being of the utmost importance in world events.

    I then began to wonder why the West went from ‘white-supremacist’ to our current pro-diversity stance. Well, I looked across the board and ruled out religion, even though different sects had always been egalitarian they did not manage to change our culture. I also ruled out capitalism, even though it eroded national consciousness and constantly searched for means of exploiting cheap foreign labor. While I still feel that captialism has done incredible harm to the West, it generally works within the system to achieve its goals, rather than changing the system.

    Then I looked at the Jews. In every nation they go to they foment upheaval and revolution. When they arrived in America they immediately began to undermine both the culture and the institutions of White society. I already wrote about this topic in “Jewish Activists and White Institutions.” It seems crazy that one group, a minority, could be responsible for so many changes, but the evidence proves it.

  12. “It seems crazy that one group, a minority, could be responsible for so many changes, but the evidence proves it.” ( — Sam Davidson)

    Correct. You either dismiss the evidence or interpret it some other way, on grounds the conclusion in question is too unlikely, or you accept the evidence and what it appears to imply, and see what it tells you about the way society works assuming it’s true. The first path is most people’s initial reaction (most who see it and think about it at all). The second is the way to go, it turns out. And once you go that way, as Wintermute said one time and as “Uh” refers to above with his term “the skeleton key to politics,” all falls into place (including past events that had baffled you at the time) and you can make extremely accurate predictions of the future based on this new understanding.

  13. “skeleton key to politics and to [virtually] all modernism” ( — Uh)

    Bullseye by Linder (quoted above by “Uh”). That’s exactly what it is, the skeleton key to understanding/explaining a huge amount of otherwise unexplainable stuff in those domains.

  14. An update on FB’s hero Michael Levin:

    I’ve said everything I think I have to say on race, and I see no point in repeating myself. [. . .] More important, perhaps, the country’s reaction to 9/11 made me think that the push for racial egalitarianism was far from the worst problem the country faced, and liberal egalitarians far from the worst and most dangerous people. Liberal egalitarians began to seem to me to be sentimental fools, whereas conservatives were obviously malevolent and murderous. [. . .]

    AR: In your view, have race relations improved, deteriorated, or stayed the same since the mid 1990s, when you were writing about race?

    ML: My sense is that race relations have improved. On a personal level, I find I can jog through Harlem without being bothered, something unthinkable fifteen years ago. At the same time, my sense is that whites are becoming more comfortable dealing with blacks on a day-to-day basis, as day-to-day interracial contact becomes more common.

    AR: What are you impressions of Barack Obama, and of the outpouring of enthusiasm that greeted his election?

    ML: He impresses me very favorably. He is obviously extremely intelligent. It is a pleasure listening to him, after his stupid, bullying predecessor.

  15. HW, may I suggest that you continue your education by not only reading Duke’s excellent books, but also by reading Griffin’s book THE FAME OF A DEAD MAN’S DEEDS. However William Pierce may have impacted White nationalist thinking, and it was huge, the fact remains: he was a racial genius, bar none.

    As regards my racial awakening, all it took in my case was personal exposure to 24 carat Negroes in the raw, as a teenager in high school. I knew then that we were living a regnant lie. The JQ was rather obvious to me, as their mendacity and duplicity has always been there for anyone sentient enough to open their eyes and take off the blinders. The hypocritical WWII propaganda lies that the Anglo-Judeo establishment peddled, convinced me of their deceit. Their nation wrecking influence today, in occupied America, is testament to their ingratitude and contempt for their proxy “shabbos goyim”. How the average clueless White American can be oblivious to such an obvious state of maleficent affairs, is an indication of the depth of their mind adulteration, and willful ignorance.

  16. By the way, the Jews aren’t the percentage of the U.S. population everyone claims. They’re at least twice that and probably more than twice.

  17. “By the way, the Jews aren’t the percentage of the U.S. population everyone claims. They’re at least twice that and probably more than twice.”

    Probable. The Minneapolis-St. Paul area is crawling with Jews, no exaggeration, but try to find census info about that and you’ll be scratching your head. The fact is that they downplay their real numbers to stay under the radar and to give themselves an air of great power and influence for all their small numbers which are, in fact, not that small at all.

  18. Anti-Semitism is like tuning a radio. If you adjust to the right frequency, a distinct pattern emerges. In the daily grind of current events, you begin to see multiple confirmations of Jewish malfeasance. I’ve experienced thousands of these “ooh” and “ah” moments over the past seven years.

    This is pretty much my story as well, as I’m sure it is for many others. One would have to be more than a little dull to be a race-realist and yet fail to notice a pattern of ethnically-motivated anti-white Jewish behavior.

    I was also given a big assist in my journey from Larry Auster. About three years ago or so I was a regular reader of VFR and Majority Rights when some of the MR bloggers got into a spat with Auster about anti-semitism. Auster’s reaction to reasonable criticism of organized Jewry was illuminating. There was a lot of flailing about and name-calling from his camp, but nothing in the way of actual arguments. This was standard Auster on Jews, the type of behavior that Tanstaafl has documented at length on his blog. The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the philo-semites made everything the anti-semites had been saying come into much clearer focus for me.

  19. Related to that point, I always knew the Jewish character thanks to my close proximity to them. So I guess I didn’t have really an “awakening” because I knew so many Jews from a young age. However, their overall pernicious effects on society did not become clear to me until around the rise of the neocons during the Bush presidency. At that time I began reading more about them. But I actually didn’t come across racialism until around 2007 or so, altho’ when I think of it I was always somewhat aware of racial differences, it seemed obvious despite the PC environment and where I grew up racism was not really frowned upon. When I was younger though I was a liberal, then in my early twenties I was sort of a libertarian. It happened in reverse to me, I guess, in that I was aware of the JQ before I really knew much about race. It all sort of came together for me, race, the JQ, liberalism, etc around 2008.

  20. Coldequation: “I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group”

    Are you saying you don’t see why we should “name the Jew” ? I think it is legitimate to try to end the Jewish over-representation in the media and institutions. Besides, if we make people realize that much of the anti-white activism and race-replacement activism are inspired by Jewish racial animus, the resistance will increase. We should not be too afraid to hurt Jewish feelings.

    F.Scrooby: “(And while we’re at it, I’d avoid the terms “white nationalist,” “racist,” and “racialist.”)

    Do you like “white separatist” better?

  21. Armor, what do the Jews pushing race-replacement call themselves, “genocidalists”? No, they present themselves as the innocent normals (“only a sicko Nazi would question immigration or projected white minorityhood”) and us as the wacko, sicko fringe crazies. We should do the same in reverse: whatever word we use for ourselves we should portray ourselves as the non-descript more or less nameless normals and the other side as the crazies who need a special name because they’re so insane. I wouldn’t use the three names for us that I mentioned there, no. I don’t like any of them. As for what would be better, we could discuss that. No, I would no more use “white separatist” for ourselves than the Jews “Christian-hating genocidalists” for themselves, though both of those are perfectly accurate (the one for us and the one for Jews).

  22. This is a quick list of Jews in the Obama administration i came up with. I wanted to see how his cabal compares with FDR’s. I edited out all of the “married to a Jew,” and “Israel friendly” office holders that anti-Illuminists like to pad their lists with. For the umteenth time, FDR, John D. Rockefeller and Lassie weren’t Jews!

    1. Rahm Israel Emanuel (Jew/White House Chief of Staff)

    2. Benjamin Shalom Bernanke (Jew/Federal Reserve (the FED) Chairman)

    3. Sheila Bair (Jew/FDIC Chairman)

    4. Karen Mills (Jew/Administrator, Small Business Administration (SBA)

    5. . Paul Volcker (Jew/Economy advisor/twice FED Chairman)

    6. Mary Schapiro (Jew/SEC Chairman)

    7. Douglas Shulman (Jew/Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner)

    8.. Lawrence (“Samuelson”) Summers (Jew/NEC Director)

    9. David Axelrod (Jew/Senior Obama Advisor)

    10. .Jason Furman (Jew/Director of Economic Policy)

    11. Alan Blinder (Jew/Obama Economic Adviser)

    12. Robert Rubin (Jew/Obama Economic Adviser)

    13 .Dan Shapiro (Jew/NSC Middle East desk)

    14. Ross (Jew/Envoy to Iran)

    15. Puneet Talwar (Jew/NSC Middle East Desk)

    16. Jared Bernstein (Jew/Biden Economic Policy Adviser)

    17 .Richard Holbrooke (Jew/Afghan-Pakistan Envoy)

    18 .Ronald Klain (Jew/VP Biden Chief of Staff)

    19. Peter Orszag (Jew/Head of Budget)

    20 .Eric Landers (Jew/Science & Technology Advisory Council Co-Chair)

    21. Elena Kagen (Jew/Solicitor General)

    22. .Gary Gensler (Jew/Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chmn)

    23 .Steven Rattner (Jew/Treasury Adviser-Auto Sector)

    24 .James B. Steinberg (Jew/deputy Secretary of State)

    25 .Jacob Lew (Jew/deputy Secretary of State)

    26. Jared Bernstein (Jew/Chief Economics Policy Adviser to VP Biden)

    27. .Jon Leibowitz (Jew/FTC Chairman)

    28 .Julius Genachowski (Jew/FCC Chairman)

    29. Margaret Ann Hamburg (Jew/Commissioner – Food and Drug Agency)

    30. Joshua M. Sharfstein (Jew/Deputy FDA Administrator) – FDA head has always been a Jew since Clinton era.

  23. I don’t know what the word is for me. I don’t like the connotations of “anti-semitism” or “racism” for that matter. I believe we should simply make appropriate judgments and evaluations of groups, not be afraid to defend traditional majorities, elites, and their status, and recognize that minorities of all kinds have a distinct interest and agenda from that of the majority, even when it’s couched in universalist terms. I discuss this at length in my latest blog post.

    I do think since the Nazis were genocidal and un-Christian and frankly complete unjust in many ways–i.e., why mass murder rural Polish Stetl Jews and their children for what Bolsheviks were doing 2,000 miles away–that it has overshadowed reasonable criticism not just of Jews, but of minorities of all kinds, who behave badly when they are given a cloak of moral invincibility from all criticism and reasonable generalization. Anti-semitism is unfortunately used for everything from Nazi mass murder to Ivy League quotas and wanting to have prayer at high school graduations, and thereby is itself an unjust and innacurate canard for folks that are simply trying to appraise reality and defend their people and a known way of life.

    I respect your honesty in this post, and hope you check out my latest:

  24. I was just out of high school and was working at Radio Shack when 9/11 happened. Our store was filled with televisions and sound systems, all of them tuned into different channels as the event unfolded. Like most Americans, I only had a vague idea about terrorists and the Middle East and stuff, but I made a commitment while (virtually) surrounded by the chaos and carnage, to completely understand how this happened, why it happened, and how to assure that it didn’t happen again.

    Before that, I was a militant atheist and libertarian who was really just excited about science. Being racially aware was merely a natural extension of my interest in evolutionary science and anthropology. Reading the Bell Curve only further corroborated my materialist worldview. I was inclined to parrot banalities like “East Asians are actually more intelligent” and “Ashkenazi Jews are the most intelligent of all”.

    That’s when I learned the astounding extent of Jewish influence, power, and control over our foreign policy, our political machines, our media, and our entertainment. For a while, I was bitter about it in a way that could be appropriately characterized as anti-Semitic. Ironically, it was diving into the “fascist” works of Evola, Guenon, and Traditionalist Catholics that brought me to recognize the true root cause lying in the failure of our own managerial elites and own GES/tradition/religion/memeplex.

  25. Whodareswings: number 5 on your list, Paul Volcker, often included in such lists, isn’t Jewish. I’ve looked him up a number of times. (I don’t have any links at my fintertips.) It does our side no good to compile lists of “Jews” which include gentiles. Of course the “Dwight Eisenhower, FDR, and Winston Churchill were Jews” sorts of lists are beyond insane but plenty of less extreme claims are common internet fare, such as Gen. Wesley Clark and French President Sarkozy “are Jewish.” (Neither is.) When Walter Cronkite passed away the other month I saw online where someone asserted with total confidence he was Jewish. I said to myself, “That’s interesting, I never thought he was Jewish, but knowing now that he was, his politics are consistent.” Then a few months later I looked it up: he was not Jewish. Annoying when people put that kind of false information (that kind of lie, really) on the ‘net or elsewhere in public. It does not help our side at all. What helps our side is truth and good sense.

  26. Trainspotter:

    Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups

    I for one would like to see a comprehensive treatment of this subject. Nothing too deep, just an overview using common sources.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

    So true.

    I don’t see the point in blaming [Jews] for the misdeeds of their relatives.

    Neither do I, but it’s not as simple as that. How much money does organized Jewry get from “rank and file” Jews? Sending twenty bucks to the ADL doesn’t make you Abe Foxman, but it puts you on the field.

    John Hartung, in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    Suppose you put the JQ to those blameless Jews. Would you encounter an open mind, or a staunch defender of the tribe? Who raises the kids who become the Abe Foxmans?

    There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough

    I think this is nonsense. Obviously, it’s all speculation on either side. But there’s such a huge gulf between Jews in this regard, and non-Jews. Who gives the lion’s share of the political money in the big game in America? Jews. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?

    How would the outcomes described in those links have been different sans Jews? Would non-Jews have taken up the banner, filled the breach? I think the answer is obviously “no.”

    Jews are the active ingredient, so to speak. A Jew and his extended phenotype are not equivalent or interchangeable. If they were, non-Jews would be doing all (or at least, a lot more of) the work, because Jews are smart enough to know to keep at arm’s length when possible.

    I’m not saying Jews are a sufficient factor, but they are a necessary one, per KMac. They are, without doubt, the brains of the operation. There are operators, and there are useful idiots, and the proportion of the latter among non-Jews is way too high for them to be trusted to lead the operation.

    I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support.

    In my case, it was realism vis-a-vis Jewry that made me into an ethnopatriot. If not for the need I perceived for my people to defend itself against this hostile group, I’m not sure I ever would have crossed the Rubicon.

    I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

    I don’t see it that way. I prefer ethnopatriotism be marketed under a variety of brands, so shoppers can pick the ones that work for them. Clearly the Jew-aware brand worked for me, and I submit that there is an entire strata of white men who, like me, are rigorous thinkers not cowed by the prospect of thinking “incorrect” thoughts, and likely to have their senses of justice and tribal identity inflamed by a realistic treatment of the JQ.

  27. I find my own background unusual compared to the stories I read online; I seem to be in the distinct minority of ethnopatriots who were raised with a degree of ethnic patriotism. Stranger still, the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances from my parents’ wider social circle* were somewhat racially aware as well.

    *Well-to-do good ole boys, mostly. This is a social strata I’ve never seen referred to in the popular culture, but definitely exists in the south.

    The whole thing is hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. The first thing to remember is that “cool” race-realism is very common in southerners, especially males. We grow up elbow to elbow to blacks, like our forebears, so no one is much interested in trying to whitewash that particular rotten fence. But by the same token, we’re brought up knowing we have to maintain a modus vivendi with blacks, so “hot” ethnopatriotism just isn’t done. The second thing is general southern identity, which makes for a sort of libertarian, iconoclastic attitude about conventional wisdom.

    And unlike where HW’s from, a very cool form of anti-Jewish sentiment was common in my circles. Added to that was my father’s Jew-awareness; he was very much aware of the Jewish power over Hollywood, and watching credits for -bergs, -baums, -steins and the like was mother’s milk. It wasn’t something I had rammed down my throat, rather, it was the sort of thing that went in the file with all the other things a perspicacious father teaches his son about the world that he wouldn’t get anywhere else (before the rise of the Internet, of course); e.g., my dad taught me about “planned obsolescence” and that sort of thing. The closest he ever came to drilling something into me was “think for yourself.” I got a rudimentary education in critical thinking from him that I consider priceless.

    In 1999 or 2000 or thereabouts, I got a computer and a modem for the first time. I’d been a “cool” ethnopatriot and race-realist, as well as interested in how the world works, for most of my life. So it was only natural that I was like a kid at an amusement park. A portion of my reading was race-realist stuff. Then along came 9/11, and I determined to find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes. A year later I decided I was in deep enough to not care if joining Stormfront (which I considered to be home of quite a few wackos) put me on some kind of list.

    I should add that my rudimentary education in critical thinking meant that, in that early period around 2000, I found the common attempts on message boards to censor un-PC ideas to be evidence of their truth. This isn’t a good state of affairs for our masters.


    but I made a commitment while (virtually) surrounded by the chaos and carnage, to completely understand how [9/11] happened

    Bingo, this is how it happened for me, though it took me a few weeks to make that committment.

  28. What’s up with the posting? I posted a comment replying to some of the comments here prior to posting my “ethnopatriotic origin story.” When it didn’t show I posted it again, and got a “duplicate message” notification, but it still hasn’t shown up. Does the code here hold comments with links in them, or what?

  29. Trainspotter:

    Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups

    I for one would like to see a comprehensive treatment of this subject. Nothing too deep, just an overview using common sources.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

    So true.

    I don’t see the point in blaming [Jews] for the misdeeds of their relatives.

    Neither do I, but it’s not as simple as that. How much money does organized Jewry get from “rank and file” Jews? Sending twenty bucks to the ADL doesn’t make you Abe Foxman, but it puts you on the field.

    John Hartung, in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    Suppose you put the JQ to those blameless Jews. Would you encounter an open mind, or a staunch defender of the tribe? Who raises the kids who become the Abe Foxmans?

    There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough

    I think this is nonsense. Obviously, it’s all speculation on either side. But there’s such a huge gulf between Jews in this regard, and non-Jews. Who gives the lion’s share of the political money in the big game in America? Jews. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?

    Jewish vs. Euro-American Voting Patterns
    By Their Deeds Ye Shall Know Them!

    How would the outcomes described in those links have been different sans Jews? Would non-Jews have taken up the banner, filled the breach? I think the answer is obviously “no.”

    Jews are the active ingredient, so to speak. A Jew and his extended phenotype are not equivalent or interchangeable. If they were, non-Jews would be doing all (or at least, a lot more of) the work, because Jews are smart enough to know to keep at arm’s length when possible.

    I’m not saying Jews are a sufficient factor, but they are a necessary one, per KMac. They are, without doubt, the brains of the operation. There are operators, and there are useful idiots, and the proportion of the latter among non-Jews is way too high for them to be trusted to lead the operation.

    I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support.

    In my case, it was realism vis-a-vis Jewry that made me into an ethnopatriot. If not for the need I perceived for my people to defend itself against this hostile group, I’m not sure I ever would have crossed the Rubicon.

    I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

    I don’t see it that way. I prefer ethnopatriotism be marketed under a variety of brands, so shoppers can pick the ones that work for them. Clearly the Jew-aware brand worked for me, and I submit that there is an entire strata of white men who, like me, are rigorous thinkers not cowed by the prospect of thinking “incorrect” thoughts, and likely to have their senses of justice and tribal identity inflamed by a realistic treatment of the JQ.

  30. Trainspotter:

    Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups

    I for one would like to see a comprehensive treatment of this subject. Nothing too deep, just an overview using common sources.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

    So true.

    I don’t see the point in blaming [Jews] for the misdeeds of their relatives.

    Neither do I, but it’s not as simple as that. How much money does organized Jewry get from “rank and file” Jews? Sending twenty bucks to the ADL doesn’t make you Abe Foxman, but it puts you on the field.

    John Hartung, in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    Suppose you put the JQ to those blameless Jews. Would you encounter an open mind, or a staunch defender of the tribe? Who raises the kids who become the Abe Foxmans?

    There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough

    I think this is nonsense. Obviously, it’s all speculation on either side. But there’s such a huge gulf between Jews in this regard, and non-Jews. Who gives the lion’s share of the political money in the big game in America? Jews. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?

    Jewish vs. Euro-American Voting Patterns
    By Their Deeds Ye Shall Know Them!

    How would the outcomes described in those links have been different sans Jews? Would non-Jews have taken up the banner, filled the breach? I think the answer is obviously “no.”

    Jews are the active ingredient, so to speak. A Jew and his extended phenotype are not equivalent or interchangeable. If they were, non-Jews would be doing all (or at least, a lot more of) the work, because Jews are smart enough to know to keep at arm’s length when possible.

    I’m not saying Jews are a sufficient factor, but they are a necessary one, per KMac. They are, without doubt, the brains of the operation. There are operators, and there are useful idiots, and the proportion of the latter among non-Jews is way too high for them to be trusted to lead the operation.

    I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support.

    In my case, it was realism vis-a-vis Jewry that made me into an ethnopatriot. If not for the need I perceived for my people to defend itself against this hostile group, I’m not sure I ever would have crossed the Rubicon.

    I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

    I don’t see it that way. I prefer ethnopatriotism be marketed under a variety of brands, so shoppers can pick the ones that work for them. Clearly the Jew-aware brand worked for me, and I submit that there is an entire strata of white men who, like me, are rigorous thinkers not cowed by the prospect of thinking “incorrect” thoughts, and likely to have their senses of justice and tribal identity inflamed by a realistic treatment of the JQ.

  31. Trainspotter:

    Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups

    I for one would like to see a comprehensive treatment of this subject. Nothing too deep, just an overview using common sources.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

    So true.


    I don’t see the point in blaming [Jews] for the misdeeds of their relatives.

    Neither do I, but it’s not as simple as that. How much money does organized Jewry get from “rank and file” Jews? Sending twenty bucks to the ADL doesn’t make you Abe Foxman, but it puts you on the field.

    John Hartung, in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    Suppose you put the JQ to those blameless Jews. Would you encounter an open mind, or a staunch defender of the tribe? Who raises the kids who become the Abe Foxmans?

    There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough

    I think this is nonsense. Obviously, it’s all speculation on either side. But there’s such a huge gulf between Jews in this regard, and non-Jews. Who gives the lion’s share of the political money in the big game in America? Jews. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?

    How would the outcomes described in those links have been different sans Jews? Would non-Jews have taken up the banner, filled the breach? I think the answer is obviously “no.”

    Jews are the active ingredient, so to speak. A Jew and his extended phenotype are not equivalent or interchangeable. If they were, non-Jews would be doing all (or at least, a lot more of) the work, because Jews are smart enough to know to keep at arm’s length when possible.

    I’m not saying Jews are a sufficient factor, but they are a necessary one, per KMac. They are, without doubt, the brains of the operation. There are operators, and there are useful idiots, and the proportion of the latter among non-Jews is way too high for them to be trusted to lead the operation.

    I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support.

    In my case, it was realism vis-a-vis Jewry that made me into an ethnopatriot. If not for the need I perceived for my people to defend itself against this hostile group, I’m not sure I ever would have crossed the Rubicon.

    I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

    I don’t see it that way. I prefer ethnopatriotism be marketed under a variety of brands, so shoppers can pick the ones that work for them. Clearly the Jew-aware brand worked for me, and I submit that there is an entire strata of white men who, like me, are rigorous thinkers not cowed by the prospect of thinking “incorrect” thoughts, and likely to have their senses of justice and tribal identity inflamed by a realistic treatment of the JQ.

  32. Trainspotter:

    Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups

    I for one would like to see a comprehensive treatment of this subject. Nothing too deep, just an overview using common sources.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

    So true.


    I don’t see the point in blaming [Jews] for the misdeeds of their relatives.

    Neither do I, but it’s not as simple as that. How much money does organized Jewry get from “rank and file” Jews? Sending twenty bucks to the ADL doesn’t make you Abe Foxman, but it puts you on the field.

    John Hartung, in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    Suppose you put the JQ to those blameless Jews. Would you encounter an open mind, or a staunch defender of the tribe? Who raises the kids who become the Abe Foxmans?

    There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough

    I think this is nonsense. Obviously, it’s all speculation on either side. But there’s such a huge gulf between Jews in this regard, and non-Jews. Who gives the lion’s share of the political money in the big game in America? Jews. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?

    How would the outcomes described in those links have been different sans Jews? Would non-Jews have taken up the banner, filled the breach? I think the answer is obviously “no.”

    Jews are the active ingredient, so to speak. A Jew and his extended phenotype are not equivalent or interchangeable. If they were, non-Jews would be doing all (or at least, a lot more of) the work, because Jews are smart enough to know to keep at arm’s length when possible.

    I’m not saying Jews are a sufficient factor, but they are a necessary one, per KMac. They are, without doubt, the brains of the operation. There are operators, and there are useful idiots, and the proportion of the latter among non-Jews is way too high for them to be trusted to lead the operation.

    I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support.

    In my case, it was realism vis-a-vis Jewry that made me into an ethnopatriot. If not for the need I perceived for my people to defend itself against this hostile group, I’m not sure I ever would have crossed the Rubicon.

    I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

    I don’t see it that way. I prefer ethnopatriotism be marketed under a variety of brands, so shoppers can pick the ones that work for them. Clearly the Jew-aware brand worked for me, and I submit that there is an entire strata of white men who, like me, are rigorous thinkers not cowed by the prospect of thinking “incorrect” thoughts, and likely to have their senses of justice and tribal identity inflamed by a realistic treatment of the JQ.

  33. Trainspotter:

    Their own holidays celebrate the butchering of rival ethnic groups

    I for one would like to see a comprehensive treatment of this subject. Nothing too deep, just an overview using common sources.

    Just remember that with most people education is going to be cumulative. It doesn’t happen overnight. Plant seeds. Many will grow in time.

    So true.

  34. coldequation:

    I don’t see the point in blaming [Jews] for the misdeeds of their relatives.

    Neither do I, but it’s not as simple as that. How much money does organized Jewry get from “rank and file” Jews? Sending twenty bucks to the ADL doesn’t make you Abe Foxman, but it puts you on the field.

    John Hartung, in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    Suppose you put the JQ to those blameless Jews. Would you encounter an open mind, or a staunch defender of the tribe? Who raises the kids who become the Abe Foxmans?

  35. There are also a lot of gentiles with the same attitudes – at this point, if all the Jews disappeared, whites have internalized attitudes associated with them enough

    I think this is nonsense. Obviously, it’s all speculation on either side. But there’s such a huge gulf between Jews in this regard, and non-Jews. Who gives the lion’s share of the political money in the big game in America? Jews. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?”>Jewish vs. Euro-American Voting Patterns”>By Their Deeds Ye Shall Know Them!

    How would the outcomes described in those links have been different sans Jews? Would non-Jews have taken up the banner, filled the breach? I think the answer is obviously “no.”

    Jews are the active ingredient, so to speak. A Jew and his extended phenotype are not equivalent or interchangeable. If they were, non-Jews would be doing all (or at least, a lot more of) the work, because Jews are smart enough to know to keep at arm’s length when possible.

    I’m not saying Jews are a sufficient factor, but they are a necessary one, per KMac. They are, without doubt, the brains of the operation. There are operators, and there are useful idiots, and the proportion of the latter among non-Jews is way too high for them to be trusted to lead the operation.

    I just don’t see what value it adds to pick on Jews as a group, when you’re already empirically opposed to 80% or more of them without reference to their Judaism, simply by opposing policies they support.

    In my case, it was realism vis-a-vis Jewry that made me into an ethnopatriot. If not for the need I perceived for my people to defend itself against this hostile group, I’m not sure I ever would have crossed the Rubicon.

    I have no illusions that Jews are going to switch teams if explicit anti-semitism goes away, but I don’t see the point in stiffening opposition and reducing the number of potential allies, few though they might be.

    I don’t see it that way. I prefer ethnopatriotism be marketed under a variety of brands, so shoppers can pick the ones that work for them. Clearly the Jew-aware brand worked for me, and I submit that there is an entire strata of white men who, like me, are rigorous thinkers not cowed by the prospect of thinking “incorrect” thoughts, and likely to have their senses of justice and tribal identity inflamed by a realistic treatment of the JQ.

  36. “Does the code here hold comments with links in them, or what?” ( — Svigor)

    My experience is: one link, the comment posts; more than one, it “awaits moderation.” Gets posted later.

    If you need to post more than one link, my guess would be do it in separate comments, each with one link.

  37. Does anyone here honestly think non-Jews are going to fill that vacuum?

    The simplest way I can put this is, non-Jews don’t really mean it. Theirs is a weak, adulterated form of the ingredient. Jews are the true believers, because it’s in their interests. Without regular injections, it would fade from Euros, because it’s not in their interests.

    Consider Hollywood. Does anyone here really think Hollywood would continue to serve Jewish interests to anywhere near the extent it does now without Jews running it?

    In the hands of captured Euro intellects, all sorts of “incorrect” behaviors would emerge, like the silly Euro habit of applying themes and processes universally. Bad idea.

  38. Similarly, look at the network of institutions working against Euro identity (minus the media Leviathan, which is far and away the most important). Subtract the Jewish institutions and the Jewish funding, and you’ve just gutted most of it. What, Euros are going to take up that slack?

  39. Some Overlooked Jewish Obama Czars

    Dept. of Homeland Security
    Special Representative for Border Affairs, Alan Bersin (Jew)

    Special Envoy for Climate Change
    Todd Stern (Jew)

    Advisor to the President and the Vice President on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Issues
    Lynn Rosenthal (Jew)

    US Department of State Special Envoy Guantanamo,
    Daniel Fried (Jew)

    Office of Management and Budget
    United States Chief Performance Officer and Deputy Director for Management, Jeffrey D. Zients (Jew)

    Office of Science and Technology Policy Director,
    John P. Holdren (Jew)

    White House Medical Czar
    Ezekiel Emanuel (Jew)

    Richard Haass (Jew)

    Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden
    Ron Klain (Jew)

    Deputy Secretaries of State
    Jacob Lew (Jew)
    James Steinberg (Jew)

    Deputy White House Chief of Staff
    Mona Sutphen (Jew)

    Federal Trade Commission
    Chairman, Jon Leibowitz (Jew)

  40. Why are idiots here shocked that Jews oppose White Nationalism when historically speaking ethnocentrism on the part of Whites has always ended in pogroms or expulsions? Viewing our unhappy history, one easily understands why Jews hate ethnonationalism and try to undermine manifestations of racial solidarity or ingroup outgroup dynamics. It’s all perfectly explainable by evolutionary psychology. It’s not that Jews are evil (a bullshit analysis if there ever was one) but because they’re rational actors. All of you stupid whiners envy Jews their organizational skills and intelligence. One cannot fault a people for looking out for their interests.

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