My Awakening

A biographical note.

I didn’t start out as an anti-Semite. The Jews didn’t appear on my radar screen until Fall 2001, shortly after my 21st birthday, when my concern over third world immigration led to my participation in online political forums. At the time, I was reading David Horowitz’s Hating Whitey and Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West. In the aftermath of 9/11, I began encountering various anti-Semitic arguments in cyberspace, mostly on Age of Kings chatrooms and messageboards.

Growing up in Alabama, I had no real life experience with Jews. There were very few in my local area. As an undergraduate, I didn’t encounter that many at Auburn either. Jews had about as much relevance to my life as Eskimos. Insofar as I thought about Jews at all, I had a vaguely positive attitude towards them. I tended to believe their narrative of victimology and resisted anti-Semitic arguments when I was first exposed to them.

In late 2001, I stumbled upon Stormfront, which had been relaunched as a vBulletin only a few months before. I don’t remember exactly how I got there, but I think it was through a Google search for Buchanan’s The Death of the West. David Duke was arguing that Jews were responsible for 9/11. There were a lot more Neo-Nazis and Third Reich fetishists back then. At the time, Stormfront was still a small internet forum.

When I showed up at Stormfront, I was already a racialist, but not yet an anti-Semite. I took offense at the widespread anti-Semitism there. I argued against it for several months and eventually created my own “free speech” messageboard. It was at Stormfront though that I was first exposed to the theory that Jews were responsible for many of America’s racial problems. I dismissed the theory, but logged it in the back of my mind.

In 2002 and 2003, I began to research America’s racial decline. I read almost exclusively mainstream academic sources in my college library. I stayed away from the anti-Semitic stuff. To this day, I still haven’t read Duke’s My Awakening or Jewish Supremacism. It quickly became clear that there was a Jewish angle to the problem. In particular, I noticed the “New Books” section of the AU Library always seemed to be filled with recently published anti-racist screeds by Jewish authors. I developed the impression that Jews were ubiquitous in anti-racist circles.

Anti-Semitism is like tuning a radio. If you adjust to the right frequency, a distinct pattern emerges. In the daily grind of current events, you begin to see multiple confirmations of Jewish malfeasance. I’ve experienced thousands of these “ooh” and “ah” moments over the past seven years. This weekend it happens to be the Jewish reaction to the Swiss ban on minarets. A week ago, it was Barry Mehler on White Nationalism. A week from now, it will be something else.

The culmulative weight of these moments adds up over time into the attitude that White Americans, racially and culturally speaking, would be better off without the Jewish impact on our society. So that’s how I became an anti-Semite.

How did you?

Note: In 2004/2005, I had a brief relapse while arguing with Neo-Nazis over whether or not the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration was Jewish controlled. I was also beginning to realize that America’s racial decline was complex; that the war propaganda and backlash against the Third Reich played an important role in changing White racial attitudes. While arguing against extreme anti-Semites, I allowed myself to get polarized into taking an equally extreme position.

As the polarization wore off, I came to my senses. The drip, drip, drip of daily Jewish misbehavior solidified my view of the Jewish Question. In the past five years, I have seen nothing out of the Jewish community to give me reason to change my mind, only implacable hostility toward racially conscious White Americans. While there are arguably a handful of pro-White Jews, they have no influence over the wider Jewish community which remains committed to our destruction.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. FB, how is it in the interest of Jews to destroy the societies where they have achieved the most? South Africa and Israel traded nuclear materials and the Jews still destroyed it. The United States was initially very open to the Jews until it became clear that they were the brains behind the Bolshevik Revolution. Jews like the Rosenbergs sold nuclear secrets to the USSR and Jewish congressmen like Celler and Javits opened our borders! It’s not any more ‘rational’ than blacks burning down their own neighborhoods is rational.

  2. Ecology 101.

    Parasitism is the exploitation of large groups by small groups.

    Predation is the exploitation of small groups by large groups.

    Free association and ethnonationalism mean allowing small groups to be large groups in their own territories or to continue to be small groups in other territories that wish to include them. They imply not only the desire to not prey upon certain small groups, but also to avoid even the risk of predation upon certain small groups.

    Small groups that ignore or disrespect large groups’ desires to exercise free association, ethnonationalism, etc., and demand inclusion and free movement, depend upon or seek to engage in parasitism. And even if they don’t depend upon or seek to engage in parasitism at that point in time, by insisting inclusion they disregard large groups’ rights to protect themselves from the risks of suffering parasitism in the future.

  3. FB, how is it in the interest of Jews to destroy the societies where they have achieved the most?

    Organisms are adaption executors, not fitness maximizers.

  4. Jews have never been mistreated in the United States. They were accepted as White. They have always enjoyed all the rights and privileges of other citizens. The same is true of Canada.

    The Jews began to get involved in subversive movements in the late nineteenth century/early twentieth century. Franz Boas had launched his crusade against race in anthropology; Otto Klineberg in psychology. Jews were involved with the formation of the NAACP and the Communist Party USA. Tellingly, Jews led the opposition against the Immigration Act of 1924.

    This was going on decades before Hitler and NS Germany. It can’t be explained by “persecution.”

  5. Sam, I’m under the impression that a White ethnostate would expell Jews. True or false? Why in God’s name should Jews not undermine White Nationalism when it’s hostile to their ethnic interests? All of you losers are blaming Jews for not supporting their marginalization or worse. Jews are on top of the food chain in the West, why would they want a change in status quo? The only threat to Jewish hegemony is Islamism, not White Nationalism – a phantom movement uniquely present on blogs and chat boards and a few harassed publications. That’s it. Islamists have access to money and international organizations and networks of determined men. W.N.s are mostly well-read isolated introverts and some young costume fetishists. That’s the W.N. “movement” in a nutshell.

  6. Apparently, FB didn’t read “The Alliance” thread. The Swiss ban on minarets was condemned by Jews in France, Switzerland, Germany, Britain, Canada, and the United States.

  7. I’m more interested in a solution than an explanation. Jews have proven themselves a menace. They played a leading role in undermining racialism and traditional moral values. Why should they be included in an White ethnostate?

  8. What’s your point, HW? Jews were persecuted since time immemorial on account of their religion. How did you expect Jewish organizations to react?

  9. Not only have Jews been preyed upon by their hosts, but they have also exploited and undermined their hosts since time immemorial on account of their vulnerable and precarious position. How did and do you expect Whites to react?

  10. Of course Jews should be included in a White ethnostate. I don’t see why they shouldn’t be if they self-identify as White. The Jews are a driven and intelligent lot and definitely an asset to any society. Those hostile and subversive Jews are another matter. However, many liberal Whites are also hostile to White interests. I wouldn’t have an issue with a Michael Levin, for example. I’m a eugenicist above everything else. Well-disposed Jews are a gigantic plus to any state.

  11. “Why are idiots here shocked that Jews oppose White Nationalism?” ( — FB)

    I think part of the shock, where shock is an issue at all, is at the realization that Jews oppose simple white survival, never mind white nationalism (whatever “white nationalism” is supposed to mean, if other than simple white survival). Jews don’t want whites to survive. That’s a pretty shocking realization. (Is wanting whites to survive “white nationalism”? If so, why the fancy name if that’s all it is?)

    Richard Poe once said he was not in sympathy with those who “put race first.” But in the context under discussion there’s no difference between putting race “first” and putting it “at all.”

    If your sine qua non is survival of the race, how do you put that “second in importance” and still accomplish it? You can’t, by definition: insisting on white survival means rejecting whatever overrides it. If you want to call that “putting race first,” go ahead; I’ll call it “putting race at all.”

    If you are wrong to stipulate survival of the white race as a sine qua non, we are entitled to ask, “OK, what other race is next to be extinguished? I vote for the Jews. They go next. Does that meet with everyone’s approval? Then after the Jews the Negroes, then the Orientals, then the Mexicans, and so on down the list of races to be extinguished in order to not be guilty of ‘putting race first.’ ”

    “Wait, I’m a Negro, and I don’t agree with extinguishing the Negro race.”

    Sorry, you’re guilty of “putting race first” which is illegitimate. There are no grounds for opposing Negro-race extinction among folk who put race second, which is the right place to put it: second. Likewise for Jewish race extinction, and so forth. We don’t like “race-firsters” around here.

    If there is potential for significant representation of Jews in the ranks of those opposed to white race-replacement there have been no signs yet of that potential being realized. I see a number of reasons for Jews to oppose white-race extinction purely on grounds of Jewish group self-interest.

    For example, Jews are in a sort of gene-exchange equilibrium with Euros that started a couple of thousand years ago and I think significant numbers of them would strongly prefer not to be in that sort of slow, low-level gene-exchange relationship with a race than whites: they want to be what they are, namely part-Euro, and not start becoming part-Chinese, part-Negro, etc., which is what will happen with whites out of the picture. Also Jews appreciate Euro-race culture and many will not want to switch to another racial culture such as yellow or one of the browns (you can’t really call black a culture though some anthropologists try, without fooling anyone). Then there’s Israel’s protection: are the Negroes, Mexicans, and North African mulattoes going to protect Israel from, let’s say, China’s nukes? Will Jewish schmoozing the Chinese protect Israel? Will Jewish and Israeli trade links with China protect Israel? How about Israeli threats to nuke China back if China does a first strike? Any chance of that working as a threat given China’s population of a billion and half and land mass a couple hundred times the size of the Jewish state?

    There are additional reasons one can come up with for Jews, purely on grounds of Jewish group self-interest, to prefer not to extinguish white people. But there’s no sign yet of a significant Jewish voice opposed.

  12. I don’t see any grounds for Jewish inclusion in a White ethnostate.

    1.) The Jews have played a major role in wrecking the United States: pushing America in an anti-racist, cosmopolitan, multiculturalist direction. Hence, the need for an ethnostate.

    2.) The Jews played a major role in subverting the American conservative movement.

    3.) Jews are opposed to anything that smacks of White racial consciousness. This includes Lou Dobbs style nativism.

    4.) There are only a handful of arguably pro-White Jews. I’ve said before that collectively they couldn’t fill half of an Applebee’s restaurant. They are statistically irrelevant and have zero influence over the wider Jewish community.

    5.) Jews have proven their inability to assimilate into Western liberal democracies. How would they assimilate into an explicitly White ethnostate?

  13. You keep saying that there’s only a handful of Jewish racialists. Tell me about the number of White racialists. Let’s keep in mind Whites are 65% of the population and Jews 3%.

  14. One can’t see what Braun is arguing for: he keeps saying if whites drop “anti-Semitism” Jews will end their push to race-replace whites. But aside from that being a “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question (are whites mad at Jews for trying to harm whites, or are Jews trying to harm whites because whites are mad at them?) Jews don’t care about anti-Semitism. They’re tough people who aren’t so bothered by others disliking them that they’ll deviate from what they see as their interest. If they see a certain path, or course, or alliance as in their interest they’ll just overlook any associated “anti-Semitism” that crops up and continue on course, as they do with Negro anti-Semitism, Moslem anti-Semitism, Aztlan anti-Semitism, and far-left anti-Semitism.

    I can’t see what Braun wants whites to do.

  15. I have lots of Jewish friends, and they are not opposed to white survival. Some of my Jewish friends really anti-christian and Zionist, but not anti-white. They come off as being white liberals who support Israel, and not anti-white conspirators.

  16. The Chinese are becoming really pissed at Jews. The intellectual elite in China believes that the Jews caused the current economic recession. With China maybe becoming a superpower, this very important to the foundation of Jewish power.

  17. I thought you were referring to racial theorists. Using that yardstick, historically speaking Jews were far more endogamous than White Gentiles. By the way, I will follow from now on the great Jared Taylor and refer to Ashkenazi Jews as fellow Whites. Fundamentally, HW, if you have a problem with me you also have a problem with AmRen and Taylor. Notice that Nordishists accept Ashkenazi Jews while excluding greaseballs. Ashkenazis are certainly of greater racial value than a gesticulating SE swarthoid, a step removed from a self-detonating idiot Arab.

  18. Notice that Nordishists accept Ashkenazi Jews

    Name them, this is news to me.

    a step removed from a self-detonating idiot Arab.

    Despite the fact that they cluster closely with Jews.

  19. Occam’s Razor states that Braun has his nuts in a vice by the Feds.

    That or he simply has stroked from any variety of causes.

  20. “Notice that Nordishists accept Ashkenazi Jews while excluding greaseballs. Ashkenazis are certainly of greater racial value than a gesticulating SE swarthoid, a step removed from a self-detonating idiot Arab.”

    Dude, that was a low blow. Silvio Burlesconi is amazing. Italians actually elected the grand daughter of Mussolini to Parliament. I have meant many Greeks who are far more nationalistic than every blond guy I know. And the Mafia was far cooler than any gang that any black dude could think up. Don’t be dissing Southern Europeans, Braun, or you may find a horse head in your bed 🙂

  21. HW #73: I don’t know what I said that you’re replying to there. I am aware that Jewry very strongly supports both the Islamization of Europe and the race-replacement of all Euro-race peoples inhabiting that continent with Maghreb mulattoes and Sub-Saharans. Have I said something else?

  22. Eileen #84: his mother was half-Jewish on her father’s side (with a French Catholic mother). She, the mother of Sarko, was raised Catholic from birth. Sarko’s father was entirely Christian (Hungarian family background, I think Protestant). Sarko was raised Catholic from birth.

  23. Braun said: “Of course Jews should be included in a White ethnostate. I don’t see why they shouldn’t be if they self-identify as White.”

    I might self-identify as a banana, but that doesn’t make me a banana any more than you are.

  24. Fred: “Eileen #84: his mother was half-Jewish on her father’s side (with a French Catholic mother). She, the mother of Sarko, was raised Catholic from birth. Sarko’s father was entirely Christian (Hungarian family background, I think Protestant). Sarko was raised Catholic from birth.”

    Yes, so that leaves Sarko as part ethnically/genetically Jewish — 1/4 Jewish.

  25. One should understand the context of Scrooby’s definition of Jewish. When he says someone isn’t a Jew, he means one who doesn’t practice Judaism. For instance, Sarkozy has Jewish ancestry, a grandparent, but was raised Christian. I suppose this is at least partially due to his own identity, since Scrooby has Jewish ancestry but doesn’t identify as a Jew, rather as a white Christian.

    So by his definition, Mark Potok and Tim Wise would not be Jewish, they’re just white liberals.

  26. 61Hunter Wallace

    In theory, Jews were supposed to assimilate like other European ethnic groups.

    I agree and we allowed them to, but they chose to remain apart, as they have for millennia. Even if we were to pursue a philo-Semitic assimilationist stance they would still perceive that as anti-Semitic (as they do to Christans). They want to remain a distinct ethno-religious group.

  27. Mark said: “When he says someone isn’t a Jew, he means one who doesn’t practice Judaism.”

    Oh, well, there’s your problem! 😉

  28. “So by his definition, Mark Potok and Tim Wise would not be Jewish, they’re just white liberals.”

    No, they’re members of the tribe. (And their motivation isn’t “liberal” but JN.) I’m not a member of the tribe and neither was either of my parents.

  29. Scrooby, how about your sisters and your brothers-in-law and their children, your nephews and nieces? Are they members of the tribe out to destroy Euros? What do you do to stop them?

  30. I leanred the truth about Die Judenraus on Stormfront, as well. I found SF right after 9/11/01. I was searching the Web, looking for “patriotic” sites. I thought every-one on SF was NUTS! The Klan members were glad; they wanted the Government to fall. There were Muzzie-haters, and Mexican-haters. I understood that. But the Jews? EVERY-ONE was piling on them. “Why does every-one hate the poor Jews?” I wondered.

    I moved on….but kept coming back. I used to defend Jews. I got FLAMED. Naturally! I used to rail about the Muzzies…………and I read. I read every-one’s comments. I read the Koran years ago. And of course, the Bible. I used to compare and contrast. Finally, a wonderful member with the nic of “Messiah” asked me if I ever read any Jewish texts. I said, “Not really – just the Old Testament, etc”. He told me to check out the Talmud. He sent a link to the Talmud. I did not use his link, as he is a “racist”. I went to a Chabad Lubavicher site, (and scanned the comments about them feeding trief to the Goy). I pulled the copy of the Babylonian Talmud from that site. I still have it stored, and I got it for free. HA!

    That was how I learned about the Demonic Satan Seed, infesting the Earth, that calls itself “Jew”.

    So – Jews- STORMFRONT ennabled me to learn the truth about YOU – form your own words and your own beliefs. Now don’t blame SF, or any other website, for telling the TRUTH about your Demonic nature. BLAME YOURSELVES. You are a Race of DEVILS.

    FB – JEWS ARE NOT WHITE. Jews are Satan Seed. NO White must EVER allow Jews ANYWHERE near them AGAIN, Whites must stop JEWS. NOT the other way around. How DARE you post your Anti-White HATRED on this site!

    Jews have NEVER been “persecuted”!!!! Jews have been CAUGHT! Jews have created every situation that has happened. And you monsters have gotten a lot LESS than oyu deserve. The truth is emeriging. It’s world wide. You will not stop it.

    And a Millennial Reckoning is DUE.

    And it’s coming.

    Sucks to be YOU.

  31. FB,

    It’s true that most White Nationalists would expel Jews from the West. I don’t blame Jews for not wanting to be expelled. I blame them for gaining a monopoly on our media, damaging our culture, and ushering in what will most likely be the death of the West.

  32. Sam, why do you “blame” Jews for being successful? That’s highly irrational. Jews will always defeat W.N. with a hand tied behind their back.

  33. “No, they’re members of the tribe. (And their motivation isn’t “liberal” but JN.)”

    Potok was raised as a white Christian. Both Potok and Tim Wise are against Zionism.

  34. Sarkozy looks and acts like a PURE JEW. His lineage proves that even the slightest infusion of Jewblood is a DISASTER.

    He was elected by the idiotic French, be cause the Jew Deceiver ran on a Le Pen Lite campaign. The implication was that he would wittily, sophisticatedly boot out the Mohammedans. As per would be expected, of the Jew Wise, the first thing he did was screw over France. His first act was to award Uber Jew Hag Barbra Jew-sand a “Most Fabulous Jew” award, of some kind, for being particularly odious and corrisive Jew (“You got the Goy to buy all your records, with a vibrato you could drive a truck through, and yo ustarred in all those movies, with that schnozz, and that horrible voice, and those crossed-eyes? Super Jew!). The next thing he did was demand that French schoolchildren worship fictitious Dead Jew Hatchlings in Fictitious German Camps. He’s been busily feeding and breeding more African Muslims, in France, ever after.

    The French have gotten what they deserved. Any-one that does not see the Jew for the Escaped Demons from Hell, that they ARE, deserves whatever they get.

    Finally – Hitler was the good guy.

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