Searching for Respectability

In TPMCafe and IREHR, Devin Burghart posts a hit piece on Jared Taylor and The Occidental Quarterly. He attempts to link both to Wayne Lutton of The Social Contract. By extension, John Tanton of the immigration reform movement is implicated in this White Nationalist conspiracy. We saw a preview of this in Sarah Viet’s article, Anti-Immigration is White Nationalism.

This latest article is relevant to the ongoing Arthur Kemp debate. It is a blow to the “naive mainstreamer” perspective. If we purge the Neo-Nazi fringe, the MSM will continue to smear us with charges of racism, nativism and anti-Semitism. They will continue to write about us like we are moral monsters. They will continue to insinuate that anyone associated with our movement (such as Jared Taylor or John Tanton) is somehow tainted and lacks respectability.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Taylor plays both sides of the fence. He knows that a substantial portion of his readers and listeners are anti-Semites, and that if he banned them only a hundred or so folks would show up at AmRen conferences rather than two hundred. He may very well wink at Hunter and other anti-Semites, make them think he is in on their game. But he winks at and wins the trust of Paul Gottfried and Michael Levin, as well. My guess is that in his heart he finds some anti-Semitic writing to be on target. At the same time, he recognizes that most American Jews behave like decent, civilized white American people, and also that the pro-white movement would be strengthened both intellectually and in numbers if it reaches out to heterodox Jews.

  2. “My guess is that in his heart he finds some anti-Semitic writing to be on target. At the same time, he recognizes that most American Jews behave like decent, civilized white American people, and also that the pro-white movement would be strengthened both intellectually and in numbers if it reaches out to heterodox Jews.”
    Which is my position. I don’t consider attacking the ADL to be anti-semitic though and I don’t consider attacking judeo-christian-islamic religion to be anti-semitic.

  3. AmRen used to publish discussions of Kevin MacDonald and CoC. This was a while ago, though. They wont touch it now. I respect their decision. Although I am a huge fan of Kevin MacDonald, I am painfully aware that the JQ does bring out a lot of crazies who aren’t helpful.

    As for Yosemite – he’s entitled to his opinion, regardless of how asinine it is. Lumping in an accomplished professor who meticulously references his claims in great detail with David Duke (of which I think there are some real criticisms one could make) is pretty ridiculous.

  4. @barb

    What sorts of arguments / phrases / word choices have you found to be effective? So many of our people who are serious Christians have swallowed the dogma of “God blesses / curses he who blesses / curses the Jews.”

    Please email me I will also be writing certain things along this line and about Christian Zionism in my blog (whenever I stop being lazy)

    In the meantime, this blog is quote interesting:

  5. @Z.O.G.

    reads like a spook resume

    Yale? Check. Washington newspaper? Check. Finance? Check.

    Most interesting: consumer computer technology in the 1980s (think Microsoft, AOL, and coincidentally, a Japanese connection)


  6. “Respectability” is quite different than outright respect. We as a movement should be demanding respect and not grovelling for a respectability defined by our enemies. No longer should they determine the rules of discourse and no longer should we stab our people in the back for choosing to fight in a way different from our own. No matter what we do we will be called “racists.” So who cares? We know how to get respect. It’s common sense. There is no need to overthink this matter. Forget about their lame “Shut-Up” words and move forward. Ignore their shallow culture and create your own. There is no reason why we should be trying to fit in to their world. Instead, we should be working to tear down their paper mache fortress. They deserve NO respect. They are incompetent and delusional. A few swift kicks and their rotten empire will crumble. We must remain authentic, smart and courageous. The rest will fall into place.

  7. ” the same time, he recognizes that most American Jews behave like decent, civilized white American people, and also that the pro-white movement would be strengthened both intellectually and in numbers if it reaches out to heterodox Jews.”

    He recognizes money to run his think tank business. I wouldn’t fly halfway across the country after booking a $200 a night hotel room and plunking down whatever for an AmRem conference reservation only to be seated next to a tweedy intellectual who gets treated with psychic kid gloves because everyone in the room knows he’s the token Jew needed to lend the event the respectability it would lack otherwise. Jared Taylor’s books are fine. Read them. But you don’t have to join his crusade to get the anti-Semitism that’s been preventing you from being a decent citizen baptized away.

  8. Searching for ‘respectability’? Since when have ‘respectable’ people ever made history?

    Nay, we do not need ‘respectability,’ what we need is fanaticism combined with the mere veneer of respectability for the sake of recruiting a suitable number of the masses…but underneath that respectable veneer we should always and forever seethe fanatically.

  9. No matter what we do we will be called “racists.” So who cares?

    I was nodding until I got to that point. I see this sort of statement a lot in our circles, and I think we have to make a point about amending that statement somehow. It’s not enough to make that sort of statement, it has to be qualified, every time, so we don’t fall into any tiger traps.

    1) Media says we’re evil.
    2) Media says we’re evil, then shows us acting evil.

    See the difference? THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. Big difference. Huge.

    So what we do matters very much. Lots of folks from Missouri out there, in fact on some level EVERYONE’S from Missouri.

  10. I completely agree with De Deckert’s post above. That is the winning attitude.

    Ditto White Preservationist’s post.

    RE Who Dares Wings: AmRen conferences are a blast. I go for the people and the networking and the fun, not the talks. At the last one, the only talk I attended was Michael Walker’s, which was great. I also saw the keynote, but only because it was packaged with the banquet. The rest of the time I was busy talking treason, conspiring, and cracking jokes about the Elders of Zion Junior League who flocked around Rebbe Gottfried.

    By the way, the hotel is less than $100/night. Such a deal it is.

  11. The rest of the time I was busy talking treason, conspiring, and cracking jokes about the Elders of Zion Junior League who flocked around Rebbe Gottfried.

    What about the Elders of Zion Junior League who flock around Rebbe Samuel Schneider? 🙄

  12. Yale? Check. Washington newspaper? Check. Finance? Check.

    Most interesting: consumer computer technology in the 1980s (think Microsoft, AOL, and coincidentally, a Japanese connection)


    Yep. 😉

  13. The moment we stop giving a damn about “respectability” is the moment we gain back all the respect our ancestors toiled, killed and died to attain.

  14. ZOG = truth in advertising

    Many White Nationalists are Zionists. It isn’t “Zionist” bankers or “Zionist” manufacturers of culture that are the problem.

  15. By the way, the hotel is less than $100/night. Such a deal it is.

    I’d like to go to the next one as a group with ideological compatibles. If anybody is interested we should start making a list and exchanging e-mails.

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