Looking Ahead, 2010-2020

I left the following comment at TOQ Online.

A few reasons for optimism:

1.) I predict advances in genetics will deepen our understanding of racial differences. The data will undermine the scientific legitimacy of Boasian style anti-racism. This information will continue to trickle down into the minds of educated people. I think HBD could go mainstream. It has the potential to become “common knowledge.”

2.) In the decade ahead, what will Kevin MacDonald do with his time? I can only see him deepening his analysis of Jewish influence in destructive social and political movements. He has a strong foundation to build upon.

3.) Kevin MacDonald has a small staff now. He has created the nucleus of a group with enormous potential. In terms of theory, imagine where we will be in ten years.

4.) Four years ago, friedrich braun floated the idea of creating a multicontributor blog that would include daily commentary from the brightest minds in White Nationalism. We now have that in TOQ Online and TOO Blog. Finally, it is a reality.

5.) White Nationalists are taking their first steps into radio. Jim Giles has a regular radio show. Dietrich has Voice of Reason. James Edwards has The Political Cesspool. Ten years from now, I predict WN talk radio will be widespread and taken for granted.

6.) Craig Bodeker has created an excellent documentary about race. This is a model for others to build upon. YouTube can bring WN video and racialist commentary to millions for little cost.

7.) America’s immigration problem will only get worse. The Republicans will be under constant pressure to appease the growing Hispanic electorate. As the mainstream moves to the Left, a huge cross section of the Right will be pushed beyond the borders of respectability. This could possibly give us our first mass constituency.

8.) The internet isn’t going away. The print media is also drying up. Young people rely on the net to get the news. Ten years from now, the young will be middle aged, and the generations that follow will rely even more on the net. White Americans will find themselves in ever closer proximity to our ideas.

9.) Ten years from now, the new rhetoric of race and anti-Semitism will have completely replaced the old within the WN movement. The process is already well underway. The popular stereotypes found in the media will be ever more out of sync with reality. The improvement in our public image will result in more recruits.

10.) The influx of new supporters will reinforce the “mainstreamer” tendency. Suits and ties will be the norm. Costumes will be a thing of the past. The old rhetoric will be gone. Dysfunctional types will be nowhere near as prominent. Many of the issues that are debated today will have long been resolved.

11.) The cultural ground has been prepared for a mass membership activist organization. In the next decade, I predict it will finally emerge. Someone will finally do it. The number of sane and normal people will reach a critical mass and will demand action. The Feds won’t be able to shut it down because everyone involved will be ordinary concerned citizens exercising their rights.

12.) The vanguard or spearhead of this social movement is already emerging. You can see it happening here at TOQ Online and at Occidental Observer. Ten years from now, the movement won’t be divided between “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists.” This will be a thing of the past.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mark, suggesting that someone takes a position on gene testing based on fears about what the test will dig up on him personally is a textbook ad hom.

    If I remember correctly, 20% of Americans are Republicans whereas 40% consider themselves conservatives. There are roughly twice as many self identified conservatives as there are liberals. This indicates a profound level of alienation from the GOP.

    Self-identification is the key here. There are scads of that 20 and 40 percent who are in fact liberals. I’d take a healthy dose of salt with those numbers, but yes it does indicate that people aren’t happy with the GOP.

  2. But no, it’s not “in order to be more relevant” that the GOP, or the Tories in Britain, or Sarko’s “conservative, right-wing” party in France, have embarked on policies favoring the annihilation of their nations and the genocide of the whites in them. It’s because the Jews are big contributors and “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”

    It’s also raw capitalism. Our elite has no loyalty to its own race in part because it is loyal to nothing but Mammon. And currently the white proles are looking rather troublesome as a serf race compared to non-whites.

    Capitalism is a wonderful tool, but as a system of living it’s a disaster.

  3. Support for the Tea Parties may represent implicit whiteness, but the Tea Party leadership is staunchly ‘anti-racist,’ which in practice means anti-White.

    Or maybe, in this group, in practice it means the cleavage between anti-white “anti-racism,” and implicitly white “anti-racism”? I suggest that because clearly implicit whiteness largely is, at this stage, “anti-racist.”

  4. Svi: “It’s also raw capitalism. Our elite has no loyalty to its own race in part because it is loyal to nothing but Mammon.”

    I agree with what Sam Davidson wrote in another thread (my awakening): “While I still feel that capitalism has done incredible harm to the West, it generally works within the system to achieve its goals, rather than changing the system.”

    In any case, the capitalist race-traitors would feel less free to organize mass immigration if the ideological environment had not been set right by the anti-white activists. The employers would not attempt to hire illegals if there was any effort to enforce the immigration laws. Besides, anti-immigration activists are usually persecuted by Jewish organizations, not by employers’ organizations.

    There is another question: I’m sure that many capitalists are losing money due to mass immigration. Why have they not organized into an anti-immigration lobby ? I wish the anti-immigration movement could get money from them.

  5. I didn’t delete any comments by Friedrich, unless he was posting under another name. I have only deleted two or three comments, which were scrapped because they were extremely abusive and lacked substance.

    I have not censored any opinion. If I had to do that, I would seriously reconsider my perspective. We are right, and our world-view can weather any criticism.

  6. Svi: “It’s also raw capitalism. Our elite has no loyalty to its own race in part because it is loyal to nothing but Mammon.”

    I agree with what Sam Davidson wrote in another thread (my awakening): “While I still feel that capitalism has done incredible harm to the West, it generally works within the system to achieve its goals, rather than changing the system.”

    In any case, the capitalist race-traitors would feel less free to organize mass immigration if the ideological environment had not been set right by the anti-white activists. The employers would not attempt to hire illegals if there was any effort to enforce the immigration laws. Besides, anti-immigration activists are usually persecuted by Jewish organizations, not by employers’ organizations.

    But ceteris paribus, capitalism is corrosive to everything but Mammon. If it’s a system, it’s a problem. If it’s a tool, it’s an asset. E.g., if there’s a cheap source of labor, capital wants it, period. If capitalism is the system, capital will get the cheap labor. If it’s a tool, society says “no, sorry, not worth it, we worship something other than Mammon.”

    There is another question: I’m sure that many capitalists are losing money due to mass immigration. Why have they not organized into an anti-immigration lobby ? I wish the anti-immigration movement could get money from them. As for working within the system, that’s what capitalism does with the things it can’t corrode.

    In any case, the capitalist race-traitors would feel less free to organize mass immigration if the ideological environment had not been set right by the anti-white activists.

    If capitalists want cheap labor (via mass immivasion), and there were no anti-white activists, capitalists would invent them. Who’s to say they didn’t?

    Besides, anti-immigration activists are usually persecuted by Jewish organizations, not by employers’ organizations.

    True, but again, the “anti-racists” are carrying capital’s water for them, so they have no need to carry their own. I don’t mean to get the ideologues off the hook, obviously, I’m just saying that globalism and Jewry and leftism all dovetail rather neatly.

  7. And I know I’ve asked this question before, but I don’t remember any answers; which corporations or capitalists are losing out via mass immigration?

  8. Mark, suggesting that someone takes a position on gene testing based on fears about what the test will dig up on him personally is a textbook ad hom.

    Only I didn’t say that, so you are creating a straw man. I said maybe someone would be, not the same. Your statement that you’re as cracker as one can get is not meaningful to determining admixture, nor is “acting white.”

    If you think people should be able to hide their ancestry then that removes the ability to legitimately discriminate against hybrids who don’t show obvious signs of admixture or are questionable.

  9. Are you saying racial purity is silly and unnecessary? If it is then what are you fighting for? If it’s meaningful then the test has value. Perhaps you are afraid of the truth.

    Okay, so “[p]erhaps you are afraid of the truth” isn’t an ad hom? Then please explain what you meant by that.

  10. Mark,

    Be careful about who you endorse or pay attention to in the genetic ancestry testing arena. DNAtribes is crap. AncestryByDNA is/was crap. 23andMe is about the only player that appears to offer useful autosomal ancestry analysis right now.

  11. Svigor: ” which corporations or capitalists are losing out via mass immigration? “

    I’m no economist, but my guess is that most of them are losing out, through corporate tax. In any case, we know there can only be less money around as the West becomes more third-worldish.

    Peter Brimelow says that immigration leads to income transfer from labor to capital :

    although there is no aggregate benefit for Americans, immigration does have an enormous impact on the native-born community in the form of the redistribution of income, fundamentally because it reduces wages. It’s transferring income from labor to capital in the U.S., from native-born suppliers of labor to native-born owners of capital. And by no small amount—2-3 percent of GDP every year.

    And that explains the class nature of this debate. Although immigration is not beneficial in aggregate to Americans, it is beneficial to people who run factories and farms and things like that. They like it, and so they lobby for it. And, in a common phenomenon in political science, when you have a small organized group that benefits a lot from something, it can overwhelm the disorganized majority that is disadvantaged from it only slightly.

    (Source: VDare)

    I suppose it is similarly true that immigration leads to income transfer from most capitalists to the capitalists in labor-intensive industries.

    I suppose many a small business that employs cheap workforce would fare better with an all white staff in an all-white America. It would have to pay higher wages, but lower taxes, and would charge higher prices. The most profitable situation is if you can cheat by using underpaid illegal Mexican workers while every other employer pays white workers at the full wage. But I think the employers’ collective interest, at the trade union level, would usually be to resist immigration. I don’t think their collective interest necessarily differs much from the collective interest of white people.
    Usually, a higher labor cost is simply passed on to the consumer, especially if the labor cost is the same for all employers. If local employers have to compete with foreign firms, they should lobby for protectionism, not immigration. The government could also pay off the lobbyists with tax money, so they would stop lobbying for race-replacement.

    The fact that many corporations are lobbying for immigration doesn’t mean it is in their interest. Trade unions now do the same, and so do associations of schoolchildren’s parents. Western governments have become the biggest advocates of race-replacement.

    The question of determining which capitalists are losing out via mass immigration should be asked on the VDare website.

  12. Maybe Capitalists are on average losing out (somewhat) because of Immigration.

    But here’s the thing, they’re losing out FAR MORE because of the Community Reinvestment Act leaning on Banks to make risky loans, and yet the Business Community supports the CRA!

    So even if Immigration was bad for Capitalists, I wouldn’t count on them being against it given that the “Placate NAMs” part of their Brain will overwhelm the “Make Money” part every time (see Affirmative Action).

    To the extent that Capitalists have a rational reason for liking Immigration, it’s because Immigration diverts income from labor to capital. Just look at the stagnant wages for the Median American Worker since the 1970’s as compared to the freakish growth in income for the top 1 Percentile.

    I swear that even if you look at the top 5 Percentiles all the growth is in that Top 1 Percentile!

    It’s not so much the Capitalists who have an interest in Immigration as it’s the Plutocrats.

    But among the rich it isn’t just the Plutocrats who support Immigration, suggesting that sub-logical mental mechanisms are at work here.

  13. Some good observations here guys. It’s amazing how the plutocrats and their subordinate ideologues, like the Cato Institute nerds and the Limbaugh polly parrots, keep greedily digging their own graves. In my area, during the most recent maleficent Bush years, there were several local businessmen, who were big Bush cheer leaders and high GOP state functionaries, who, while their manufacturing business were being destroyed by the effects of the Republikaner ‘free trade’ policies, held fast to their self-destructive ideology. Yes, ideological delusions are everywhere to be seen in the great American Fools’ Paradise, even when it bankrupts the pugnacious White ‘tards, and harms their racial and national interests.

  14. “local businessmen (…) who, while their manufacturing business were being destroyed by the effects of the Republikaner ‘free trade’ policies, held fast to their self-destructive ideology.”

    Another example of this is advertising. I suspect advertising would be more efficient if it featured fewer non-whites.

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