Looking Ahead, 2010-2020

I left the following comment at TOQ Online.

A few reasons for optimism:

1.) I predict advances in genetics will deepen our understanding of racial differences. The data will undermine the scientific legitimacy of Boasian style anti-racism. This information will continue to trickle down into the minds of educated people. I think HBD could go mainstream. It has the potential to become “common knowledge.”

2.) In the decade ahead, what will Kevin MacDonald do with his time? I can only see him deepening his analysis of Jewish influence in destructive social and political movements. He has a strong foundation to build upon.

3.) Kevin MacDonald has a small staff now. He has created the nucleus of a group with enormous potential. In terms of theory, imagine where we will be in ten years.

4.) Four years ago, friedrich braun floated the idea of creating a multicontributor blog that would include daily commentary from the brightest minds in White Nationalism. We now have that in TOQ Online and TOO Blog. Finally, it is a reality.

5.) White Nationalists are taking their first steps into radio. Jim Giles has a regular radio show. Dietrich has Voice of Reason. James Edwards has The Political Cesspool. Ten years from now, I predict WN talk radio will be widespread and taken for granted.

6.) Craig Bodeker has created an excellent documentary about race. This is a model for others to build upon. YouTube can bring WN video and racialist commentary to millions for little cost.

7.) America’s immigration problem will only get worse. The Republicans will be under constant pressure to appease the growing Hispanic electorate. As the mainstream moves to the Left, a huge cross section of the Right will be pushed beyond the borders of respectability. This could possibly give us our first mass constituency.

8.) The internet isn’t going away. The print media is also drying up. Young people rely on the net to get the news. Ten years from now, the young will be middle aged, and the generations that follow will rely even more on the net. White Americans will find themselves in ever closer proximity to our ideas.

9.) Ten years from now, the new rhetoric of race and anti-Semitism will have completely replaced the old within the WN movement. The process is already well underway. The popular stereotypes found in the media will be ever more out of sync with reality. The improvement in our public image will result in more recruits.

10.) The influx of new supporters will reinforce the “mainstreamer” tendency. Suits and ties will be the norm. Costumes will be a thing of the past. The old rhetoric will be gone. Dysfunctional types will be nowhere near as prominent. Many of the issues that are debated today will have long been resolved.

11.) The cultural ground has been prepared for a mass membership activist organization. In the next decade, I predict it will finally emerge. Someone will finally do it. The number of sane and normal people will reach a critical mass and will demand action. The Feds won’t be able to shut it down because everyone involved will be ordinary concerned citizens exercising their rights.

12.) The vanguard or spearhead of this social movement is already emerging. You can see it happening here at TOQ Online and at Occidental Observer. Ten years from now, the movement won’t be divided between “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists.” This will be a thing of the past.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In ten years where will be the Ted Sallis type rejection (a rejection I share) of what many on the other side and some on ours see as the already achieved non-undoable fait accompli of partial negrification the white race?

    For my part, the no-compromise Ted Sallis position on this (also the Guessedworker position and my own) is the sine qua non of everything I’m fighting for: I will never compromise on this, and any movement that does, now or I don’t care how far into the future, I view as the equivalent of the ADL, the $PLC, and the rest.

  2. I predict that an absolutely unmixed Euro-race population will form, keep itself apart from any race-mixing, and intermarry based on Silver’s biggest nightmare, documented genetic analysis of each individual. Certainly a subset of Jews will do this to keep themselves genetically unmixed Jews, a fact which will prove useful when Euros doing it to keep “unmixed Euro” cite the Jews doing it in order to blunt the inevitable attacks from Jewry. I also predict extinct races/subraces/ethnies like the Visigoths/Ostragoths will be approximately recreated genetically by private clubs forming with the intent of choosing spouses having the right genetics as closely as can be determined and sticking with the project for generations, those whose interest doesn’t flag (and there will be plenty of them). I predict that no long-term-viable socio-cultural-reproductive niche will emerge for mulattoes and therefore mulatto lines will gradually die out.

  3. The Jews are already (in the terminology of Silver) “waving around their genetic analyses” but for the for the Tay-Sachs thing, to avoid two carriers marrying. I predict it’s only a small step from that to “waving around their genetic analyses” not for Tay-Sachs but to prove their genetically “pure” Jewhood and that this will interest a sufficient number of Jews that a group of unmixed or minimally mixed Jews will form, thrive, and grow.

  4. I predict Euros will do the same for themselves and even perhaps some Euro subgroups such as Greeks, Germans, Balts, some Balkans, Flemings, Albanians, will do it and keep their particular genetics going. Naturally the Jews and Jew-influenced governments will try to crack down on any such thing but 1) with Jews doing it — and they certainly will be if they haven’t already started, which they likely have — such crackdowns will be harder to get away with and 2) it will simply go underground.

  5. Some enterprising WN should set up a Euros-only singles club or marriage bureau, with membership requirements including a verifiable genetic test from a reputable lab.

  6. The HBD has already improved a lot.

    You can now test someone’s dna, and from it, know what nation they come from. German, French, Irish, Jewish etc. I consider HBD to be the bedrock of my racialism. Without belief in DNA and physical anthropology too which includes climate adapation, racialism doesn’t “make sense.”

  7. All white nationalist leaders should have a genetic ancestry analysis and make it public.

    I want to go get tested. Anybody have an idea of where to do it in New England?

  8. “Some enterprising WN should set up a Euros-only singles club or marriage bureau, with membership requirements including a verifiable genetic test from a reputable lab.” ( — The Admiral)

    Try that right now and the Jews and Jewry-influenced governments will launch a hurricane-force offensive to quash it. But in ten years it will have taken off and, as I pointed out above, with the Jews doing it — and they will be — Jewry and Jewry-influenced governments will find it harder to selectively attack just the Euro groups doing it.

  9. “perhaps some Euro subgroups such as Greeks, Germans, Balts, some Balkans, Flemings, Albanians, will do it and keep their particular genetics going.”

    Basques will certainly be doing it when the time comes.

  10. There are various companies that will do the test. You don’t have to personally go in, they will send you a kit, and you swab the inside of your cheek and send it to them through the mail.

    You may want to do the more complex lineage test to fine out what kind of European and non-European ancestry you may have.

    Anything over 5% is likely real and not error. You can corroborate the findings by having your parents tested as well as genealogical records.

    The results can be interesting. From “whites” finding out they aren’t, and others who think they have some noble Amerindian blood finding out they’re just a boring old white person.


  11. Dienekes is not a racialist, he has stated that someone can be Greek with non-white admixture. He believes in the communion of blood, not purity.

  12. All white nationalist leaders should have a genetic ancestry analysis and make it public.

    Silly and unnecessary. What difference is this supposed to make?

    I do think, however, that Ted Sallis is not the answer to Boas.

    Not Jew-friendly enough for you?

  13. No.

    It means doing things right. If we do things right, it may piss off some Jews who believe the difference between Caucasoids is greater than it actually is.

  14. Silly and unnecessary. What difference is this supposed to make?

    Are you saying racial purity is silly and unnecessary? If it is then what are you fighting for? If it’s meaningful then the test has value. Perhaps you are afraid of the truth.

    I also think all politicians should have polygraphs administered when addressing the public. 🙂

  15. ” I can only see him deepening his analysis of Jewish influence in destructive social and political movements. He has a strong foundation to build upon.”

    Imagine what kind of perfidious Jewish behavior will also be uncovered in this amount of time! One expects more about the corrosive role Jew neo-cons played in launching the Iraq debacle to come out for example.

    Probably the biggest change I am looking forward too though is alot of those liberal Bolshevik Boomers retiring and experiencing a Linderite ‘downward expulsion’ (going to the grave!). This will leave Generation X and Millenials who have had to eat from the bitter harvest the Boomers have wrought but hypocritically avoided themselves. (Affirmative Action, massive demographic changing immigration, running up the debt to insane heights, placating every minority in site. )

  16. To take the point about the dying print media and flip it around, the ones that survive will most likely have their remaining primary presence online, forfeiting the cache of a physical product and putting us filthy interwebs folks on a more or less even playing field with them and making it just that much harder to gatekeep information and stories that are damaging racially.

    Speaking of which I thought this was interesting…


  17. “I will never compromise on this, and any movement that does, now or I don’t care how far into the future, I view as the equivalent of the ADL, the $PLC, and the rest.” – Fred Scrooby

    Exactly. Negrification is absolutely unacceptable, as is Hispanicization, Arabization, Paki-ization, Turkofication, etc. Those people are not us and will not be tolerated. The Whites as they are now is the only thing I’m willing to accept. Even more simply you cannot be a racialist if you accept the adulteration of our genotype.

  18. W.N. will never become a viable political alternative until it stops obsessing about Jews and abandons anti-Semitism. The fact that you can’t see this now, although you did a few years ago, indicates that you need additional time to reflect.

  19. The cultural ground has been prepared for a mass membership activist organization. In the next decade, I predict it will finally emerge. Someone will finally do it.

    This is key. I would like to see more discussion centered on this idea.

  20. Hunter Wallace says:

    “Suits and ties will be the norm. Costumes will be a thing of the past. The old rhetoric will be gone. Dysfunctional types will be nowhere near as prominent. Many of the issues that are debated today will have long been resolved.”

    Suits and ties ARE a COSTUME, an old twentieth century clown costume that needs to go!! It is a costume of passivity, materialism and vulgarity, along with leather, whips and chains. It is a symptom of the loss of individuality. Suits and ties are ugly and drab.

  21. I note, Fade, that you have started to delete my posts in that Linder thread, something you haven’t done in eight years of our friendship. I think that we simply diverge too much in our thinking and approach at this juncture – you’ve even started a separate blog solely devoted to anti-Semitism. I will, therefore, leave your blog. I think you’re headed in the wrong direction: anti-Semitism is a political and philosophical dead-end. Lastly, I prefer not to assiociate myself with a man who calls a treasonous, toxic, back-stabbing, and genocidal fantasist like Linder a “friend”. Perhaps you deserve each other?

    I do not wish you luck.

  22. I appreciate your contributions here, FB. I know being censored is highly disrespectful to you, but maybe you will reconsider. Otherwise it will just be the Lindrones patting each other on the back.

  23. I tolerate people who have different opinions. That is why I post here. Prozium may have the wrong ideas on some issues but when I talk to him in private, he’s never been anything but nice to me.

    What I don’t get, Friedrich Braun, is with your newly acquired pro-Jewish stance, why you don’t try to cross post over at jobling and guy white’s website.

  24. “Are we then to label Finns unacceptable and non-white?” – Mark

    No. I’ve addressed this in the past when I pointed out in the past that Finns are Uralics, yes they are not exactly Aryan/Indo-European but to call them non-white is absurd. They are civilized and compatible both culturally and genetically with whites, imho. What is your opinion?

  25. Over 14% average Mongoloid admixture is pretty high. I don’t consider it absurd to recognize that and their language as outside of the European norm. However, if you think that level of admixture is acceptable then where do you stop?

    When you have non-white ancestry that is distributed throughout the entire population it is more troubling. If it is concentrated in certain regions then it’s easier to isolate and discriminate against it.

    At the very least people should be aware of it. Finland is a sovereign nation so they can do as they see fit among their own.

  26. 10.) The influx of new supporters will reinforce the “mainstreamer” tendency. Suits and ties will be the norm. Costumes will be a thing of the past. The old rhetoric will be gone. Dysfunctional types will be nowhere near as prominent. Many of the issues that are debated today will have long been resolved.

    I’ve always responded to “but WNism is too full of nutjobs for me” with “then drive them out by joining, with your suit-wearin’ self.” This is absolutely the way to drive out the wackos; every time a sane person joins us, a wacko leaves for wackier pastures.

  27. Actually the Yenisei/proto-Amerindian blood in Finns and other Uralics is not very surprising to me. I’ve always thought that Uralics looked more intermediate between West Eurasians and East Eurasians, not completely Aryan. Now we know why.

    But seriously, that’s something that was decided long ago. There are probably many White Americans with Amerindian blood as well. Oh well. What is your criterion for “acceptable” (not being snotty, just curious what you think)?

  28. “At the very least people should be aware of it. Finland is a sovereign nation so they can do as they see fit among their own.”

    Finns both in America and in Finland tend to be more ethnocentric and stick together more than Aryans so that “problem”, if you consider it that, may well take care of itself.

  29. Also some Russians share the N y-dna lineage commonly associated with Finno-Ugrics so might the supposed “Asiatic” component in Russians actually be related to Uralic admixture? An interesting question.

  30. I also think all politicians should have polygraphs administered when addressing the public. 🙂

    But for the fact that polygraphs do not work, that would be a good idea. 🙂

    You should refrain from ad homs, they betray weak arguments. I’m about as cracker as a man can get and I don’t want to post my gene assays online, for reasons that have nothing whatever to do with doubts about my “purity.”

  31. It’s not about my deleted posts (that’s only a symtom), it’s a question of a fundamental disagreement.

  32. They work, but the person giving it must be highly trained.

    What ad homs? If we are to have an ethnostate based on race, it is perfectly legitimate to question one’s ancestry.

  33. You are all tremendously naive about what dna sampling means and who has constituted it’s definitions. Scrooby calls ‘Germans’ a subgroup – to what? Americans? Subgroup to who?
    I have been to Finland, and I know Finnish people and the history of Northern Europe obviously better than any of you. And the Finns are a thousand times more Aryan than any AngloSaxon or Frank remnant surviving today, both culturally, historically and genetically.
    How do you know the genetic definition of Uralics represents anything other than a ‘concocktion’ of the same mindfuckers who have been busy at work everywhere? Do you know the origin of the distinction ‘Slavic’ peoples? Who are the Uralics? And when are we speaking of?
    You might as well play with your ouija board as talk about genetics…because it’s just another hollywood at this point.

  34. “W.N. will never become a viable political alternative until it stops obsessing about Jews and abandons anti-Semitism. …”

    Sure thing, Herr Friedrich, that will sure happen when the Jewish elites give up on anti-Gentilism.


  35. friedrich,

    Your comments were getting abusive. I may have deleted a few of them. If it wasn’t me, it could have been Robert Campbell. It was nothing personal against you. I deleted comments from others whose views on the JQ are closer to my own. The whole thread was degenerating into personal attacks and I chose to shut it down for that reason.

  36. You are not being singled out. Iceman, White Advocate, DK, AngryJew and others post here. Guy White has posted here. No one has ever been censored here for their point of view.

    As for your change of heart on anti-Semitism, by all means, continue to advocate an alliance between Jews and racialists. Like Ian Jobling, Jews will continue to ignore you or worse. Feel free to prove me wrong.

  37. On MSNBC this morning, they were discussing the possibility of a third party rising. So they threw out some poll that was taken.

    Those in favor of the tea party movement 40%

    Those in favor of the Democrat party 32%

    Those in favor of the Republican party 28%

    These weren’t the exact numbers but it was close. Now all of us know that the tea party movement is implicit whiteness. So, the unspoken point on MSNBC was that Whites are moving away from the Republican party. As Hunter pointed out, this is only going to get worse in the coming decade as Republicans continue pandering to minority groups out of some need to be “relevant.”

  38. If I remember correctly, 20% of Americans are Republicans whereas 40% consider themselves conservatives. There are roughly twice as many self identified conservatives as there are liberals. This indicates a profound level of alienation from the GOP.

  39. Republicans continue pandering to minority groups out of some need to be “relevant.” ( — Millirone)

    No, it’s not “to be relevant.” It’s very simply because the Jews are major financial contributors. “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” The tune the Jews call when they contribute to any Eurosphere party (any party outside of Israel) is open borders to the Third World, together with the rest of the down-with-Eurochristians rĂ©gime, the whole panoply of legal measures that make it that once the waves and waves and waves of non-whites arrive in your country the new Jew-created system guarantees them a toehold at the expense of whites and long-term advancement over whites as whites are forced into a subordinate position, with the new non-whites the Jews have brought in ending up lording it over whites by force, and finally replacing them demographically. When the Jews contribute financially to any political party outside of Israel that’s the direction in which they push things. Inside Israel it’s of course different things they want (although there is, yes, a destructive minority of Jews who work hard to destroy Israel the exact same way diaspora Jews work hard to destroy the Eurosphere nations — these are the homozygotes for the Jewish Nation-Destroying gene, can’t control their nation-hating, nation-destroying termite-like behavior even when the nation is Israel).

    But no, it’s not “in order to be more relevant” that the GOP, or the Tories in Britain, or Sarko’s “conservative, right-wing” party in France, have embarked on policies favoring the annihilation of their nations and the genocide of the whites in them. It’s because the Jews are big contributors and “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”

    In Jews the ethnocentrism gene is immediately adjacent to the talent-for-making-lots-of-money gene on the same chromosome, so the two always go together in the same individual. In Euro-race peoples those two genes are located as far apart in the cell nucleus as it is physically possible to get, different chromosomes, one on the diametrically opposite side of the nucleus from the other, mathematically, geometrically you cannot get further apart than these two genes, so that they are absolutely, positively never inherited both in the same individual, it’s a physical/biological impossibility, like going against the law of gravity or two-plus-two equals five, ain’t gonna happen, never did happen, never will happen. So the result is the most ethnocentric Jews all have a billion here, a billion there to contribute to political parties which they never ever fail to do, while the most ethnocentric Euro-race people are always more or less broke while the super-rich Euro-race people spend their billions on stuff like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

  40. Of course Scrooby is right but the words they use such as “being relevant” are chosen to create a sense of inevitablity and demoralization. Minorities are relevant but you being a White are no longer relevant. Just accept it! No use in fighting! Imagine 2050! Is inevitable!

    The point is it doesnt seem to be working if the polls are right. Implicit whiteness is growing and the surrendering GOP isn’t. Whites are rejecting the idea that it is inevitable. Jews are not doing a good enouph job getting Whites to accept their extinction it appears.

  41. Support for the Tea Parties may represent implicit whiteness, but the Tea Party leadership is staunchly ‘anti-racist,’ which in practice means anti-White.

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