
A few thoughts.

1.) I support using pseudonyms. In the current political climate, it is entirely reasonable that WNs would want to protect their identities. Using a pseudonym allows those who sympathize with our movement to speak out without incurring the costs of retaliation, namely, workplace harassment. Simply put, it is the smart thing to do.

2.) It is worth noting that those who demand WNs use their real identities are often unemployed bachelors without children. They have nothing to lose. I would rather have lots of people using pseudonyms and making financial contributions to the movement than a handful of unemployed people shouting “coward” over the internet.

3.) There is an element of fantasism to pseudonyms. I’ve come to believe that I am taken more seriously as “Hunter Wallace” than as “Prozium.” This suggests to me that the ideal pseudonym should be a name.

4.) In this movement, the use of pseudonyms is unavoidable. The vast majority of WNs have too much to lose. They aren’t going to be cavalier with their real identities. Arguing the point isn’t going to change that.

5.) The product is what matters, not the label. Does it really matter that William Pierce used a pseudonym to write The Turner Diaries, or “Wilmot Robertson” to write The Dispossessed Majority? Ultimately, it really doesn’t matter under what name memes travel under.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The vast majority of WNs have too much to lose. They aren’t going to be cavalier with their real identities. Arguing the point isn’t going to change that.”
    “Ultimately, it really doesn’t matter under what name memes travel under.”

    Not trying to be a smart ass, but if all continues to trend as most of us see things, wouldn’t we have to concede that we’re going lose most everything, anyway?

    Secondly, perhaps it isn’t imperative now that we use real names, Hunter, but if we start having success and building coalitions (isn’t this the point of all of this to begin with, other than circle-jerking?), a name and reputation become very important. How many of those with with so much to lose, are going to allow themselves to be lead by “Daffy Duck” and “FogHorn LegHorn?”

    And since I am being a whiny bitch, ya’ll think it is possible that we could lighten up on the word “meme?” I cannot be the only one who has noticed that it is thrown around here more often than a gaggle of qualitative research nurses throw the word “paradigm” around.

    AL might’ve hit closer to home with some of what he wrote than maybe some of us care to admit?

  2. It seems to me successful revolutionary and counter-revolutionary movements have a vanguard, an army of foot soldiers, and a fifth column. They also have money, some organization, and delberately attempt to influence their cohort in the culture and to discredit the reigning elite.

    Judging by the frustrated and some cases outright racist rantings in newspaper anonymous comment sections, it seems to me any far right wing or traditionalist-nationalist movement would have to capitalize on a few major areas where there is, if not majority, at least a significant plurality of believers among natural allies: (a) dissatifsfaction with the hypocricy and injustice of affrimative action (b) anger at black crime and suppression of the facts about the same in the media (c) anger at massive illegal immigration and its impact on wages and the quality of life (d) annoyance at the trashing of our historical symbols and defamation of our ancestors and (e) annoyance that a small and unrepresentative cosmopolitan elite endorses and then makes a mockery of free market principles to enrich itself at the expense of the producer class, broadly understood.

  3. “2.) It is worth noting that those who demand WNs use their real identities are often unemployed bachelors without children. They have nothing to lose. I would rather have lots of people using pseudonyms and making financial contributions to the movement than a handful of unemployed people shouting “coward” over the internet.”

    If I didn’t think it would affect my career prospects, I would come out. FUCK GOOGLE!

  4. They are totally acceptable for writers but leaders and in your face activists will have to come out.

    Therefore, fulltime activists and leaders will need our help financially and will also need physical protection for them and their families as well.

    One way or another, eventually all of us are going to have to sacrifice for this.

  5. I’ve rejected the term “White nationalist” since the beginning of time, but I share the same concerns about anonymity.

    Most patriotards are flat out ignorant morons. The people who run businesses will see you are associated with something controversial, and drop you even if you are qualified to do your job. We live in a pathetic society where you have to kiss people’s asses just to have a job.

  6. case and point, for former felons, the unemployment rate is 50%. That means half of felons who want a job can’t get one.

    Political extremists are as hated as felons are.

  7. I know Hunter did not mean to imply that Pierce wrote The Dispossessed Majority, but just to clarify:

    Dr. Pierce wrote The Turner Diaries and Hunter under the pen name Andrew Macdonald.

    Wilmot Robertson, author of The Dispossessed Majority, was the pseudonym of John Humphrey Ireland:

  8. I don’t think you need to worry about being called a WN, Iceman. Same for “Roach.”. I also think Feminized Western Male should lead the way in coming out. Do we know your name or where you live or work?

    As for calling people “cowards” for not using their real names, I find it interesting that the ones doing this are known Feds or associate themselves with known Feds. Canadians are all too familiar with police infiltration of forums and chat rooms and the consequences thereof. In fact, a certain forum frequented by people calling out others as “cowards” just happened to be infiltrated by a well known canadian HRC agent who collected a few names and made life hell for some posters there. I won’t name the forum but you can google Richard Warman.

    We should all strive for financial independence à la Bill White so we can say or do what we want out in the open. Even that is no guarantee however, since our enemies will do everything they can to bankrupt or otherwise ruin us. If one is still unconvinced, google David Irving.

    Hunter is exactly on point. There will be a time when we are in the open, and when that time comes our enemies will rue the day.

  9. One of the reasons Alex Linder started scrutinizing screen names more closely was so we would be taken more seriously. Realistic-sounding screen names, such as your own real name or an alternative name like Klaas Ebbe, project a more credible image, as do geographically-oriented screen names like Mike From Denver, Donnie From Ohio, or even my own.

    What Linder wanted to get away from is Rahowa-sounding screen names or frivolous names like A Taste Of Snowflakes. But whether or not you use your real name is dependent upon your own risk assessment; if you have a spouse or kids who are dependent upon your income, prudence is wise. Your ability to help the Cause becomes constricted if you are unemployed or incarcerated.

    One of the reasons we don’t have a gaggle of KGB or Stasi agents blanketing this country as they did in the old Soviet bloc is because corporations have been hijacked and used as proxy enforcers of political correctness. Most of your Human Resources wankers in the corporate world got stoked up with diversity brainwashing at the universities they attended, so their HR policies will reflect that conditioning. The modern MBA at a corporation may be just as much an enemy of liberty as Morris Dees or Abe Foxman.

  10. 3.) There is an element of fantasism to pseudonyms. I’ve come to believe that I am taken more seriously as “Hunter Wallace” than as “Prozium.” This suggests to me that the ideal pseudonym should be a name.

    Of course you are, because it has a more serious connotation and corresponds to social convention. Some may even mistake it for your real name, like Linder did.

    Quite right, for the defectives with nothing to lose it doesn’t matter if they use their real name, their reputation is already ruined.

    People should have control over their own destiny and well-being. They will go public when they feel it’s necessary.

  11. One of the reasons Alex Linder started scrutinizing screen names more closely was so we would be taken more seriously.

    Here’s a big hint: It’s not the screen names on his forum that makes others think he’s not credible. That’s the least of his problems. It’s typical of Linder to nitpick trivialities while being completely blind to significant and obvious personal failings.

  12. There are reasons, both numerous and perfectly valid, to use a pseudonym. For example, I can’t in good conscience advise a WN who is in law school to come out under his own name. That would be insane. Why the hell would I advise such a thing? A brain dead moron should understand the consequences of such a decision. And for what gain? What’s the upside? How would it benefit white nationalism?

    That’s just one example amongst a zillion.

    The same mentality that demands this also – amazingly – blames people for, well, doing what they do best. You’re a great writer? You should be out in the streets carrying a sign instead!! That’s real activism!! Writing is for losers!!

    Unreal. You find someone really good at something quite useful for the movement, and the Bitch Contingent shows up and starts demanding that he do something entirely different, something that he is not at all suited to do. Makes perfect sense.

    Take the clowns who criticize Macdonald for not running around in the streets, holding a sign. Give me a break. Um…I’d say Macdonald has done more for our cause than any sign holder ever has, or will. Times several thousand. That’s not to put down the sign holder. We need those sorts too. We need all kinds of approaches. But here we see it: Macdonald writes books, UNDER HIS OWN NAME, and yet there is that certain type of person who STILL BITCHES. “But he’s not out in the streets!!” The Bitch Contingent never fails to show up, and never fails to find something to bitch about.

    Fuck these people. You can’t win with them…so shun them. Ban them. Exclude them as best one can. They need to shut the fuck up, but of course they won’t. So the site owner has to shut them up, or they will certainly poison the well over time.

    There is no singular, one size fits all approach for this. Everyone has got to do what they can, as best they can, under their current circumstances. This is a self imposed duty. There is no shortage of things to do. Most do not require abandoning a pseudonym.

    Harping on pseudonyms misses the point. If there is a poster, regardless of pseudonym, who is causing problems…ban that poster. Get rid of him. The problem isn’t the pseudonym, it’s the particular poster’s behavior. Either he has something constructive to offer, or he is just stinking up the joint. For the latter, again, ban ’em.

  13. At this point, pseudonyms are necessary, at least online. Once the ‘movement’ gets going, WN leaders and organisers should use their real name. As I start networking with local WNs, I am starting to use my real name more often. Because I occupy a semi-public position, however, I am prudent in divulging this information. Interestingly enough, I’ve been given the real names of 2 people (using pseudonyms) connected to this site. Does it matter? No, not one bit. As HW said, it’s the product that matters.

  14. I’m all in favor of pseudonyms and if that makes me a “coward” then so be it. In fact, I think the practice of allowing pseudonyms will encourage more disaffected whites to post on WN sites and possibly network with others. It’s very disconcerting that political views that were the norm up until 1965 have been relegated to the fringes in 2009.

    A revolution has been waged upon America, the West, and it’s majority populations. It’s high time for a counter revolution and if the use of pseudonyms helps attracts more people to our just cause then that is a good thing.

  15. Incisive commentary in #14, Trainspotter.

    I agree with you that these toxic entities need to be contained. As Onkel Frederich said, “Where the rabble drink, all wells are poisoned.”

    Hunter doesn’t have time or inclination to go over every comment with a fine-toothed comb, but the comments here definitely need to be cleaned up, particularly as the site begins to gain traction and build a base of regular readership. I have agreed to assist with this endeavour, despite the fact that I find the task of moderation unpleasant and I don’t have much time to devote to it myself, and we are making a concerted effort to preclude divisive, well-poisoning gutter-sniping, while still allowing free expression, including gentlemanly dissension.

  16. Thanks, Robert. You mention that you find the task of moderation unpleasant, yet you recognize that it must be done. To my way of thinking, that’s precisely the type of person who should be a moderator. I realize that it’s a thankless job, but it’s necessary. And with what Occidental Dissent is/can become, it’s valuable as well.

  17. ” Using a pseudonym allows those who sympathize with our movement to speak out without incurring the costs of retaliation, namely, workplace harassment. ”

    There is also a small contingent of us that in fact work for the hated State and wouldn’t face harassment… we would face employment TERMINATION if we didn’t use pseudonyms.

    Professor MacDonald is very lucky that he is Tenured, but that is a very specific situation along a very specific career tract that just isn’t open to every one.

    Now take my situation for instance, the area I live in here in the Pacific Northwest has the 2nd highest unemployment rate in the Country (in reality it is around 18-20%!) , if I lose my job I won’t find another one and I even won’t be able to send in any anonymous contributions to The Occidental Observer. Just do the best one can and help out to the extent they can is the way I go.

    Also taking note of past political movements, there are lots that used ‘underground types’ to further their agenda. The commies had lots of underground types, that is who McCarthy had to go after and had to have extensive investigations to find ‘hiding commies’ and hey eventually the Gramscian Marxist Strategy did win, just look around, so for some folks to just contribute from the underground has in fact worked in the past!!!

    “One of the reasons we don’t have a gaggle of KGB or Stasi agents blanketing this country as they did in the old Soviet bloc is because corporations have been hijacked and used as proxy enforcers of political correctness. ”

    True, but one should be warned that Department of Homeland Security could easily morph into a ‘New Stasi’ overnight so be prepared for this to happen. There is no doubt that Organized Jewry is itching to throwing that switch!!

  18. There are multiple explanations for why someone like Alex Linder writes under his own name.

    One might be courage.

    Another might a narcissism so overweening that it cancels all concerns for safety or privacy. The man writes about his irritable bowels before God and everyone. There is a streak of narcissistic exhibitionism here. He clearly has a screw loose.

    Another possible reason is that he is operating under federal immunity.

    There are also multiple explanations for why Linder continually incites people to come out from behind their pen names.

    One is the obvious fact that the movement will not gain momentum until more people are open about their views.

    Another is that he is just malicious and wants people to ruin their lives. Clearly it was malice at work when he revealed that Greg Johnson was the reviewer of Goad’s SHIT MAGNET. Linder is a hater first, a white nationalist second.

    Ask yourselves people: can any of you afford to associate with Alex “irritable bowel” Linder, if he is willing to out you out of mere spleen? Alex just handed IP addresses over to the court in the Bill White trial. Can you afford to have anything linking you to this kook?

    Yet another possibility is that Linder is trying to get people to out themselves so they can be targeted by the police and Jewish organizations.

    Using a pen name is not just prudent, it is an exercise in disinterested idealism. Actually REQUIRING pen names — as INSTAURATION did — would drive out the poseurs like “big von.” It would prevent people from writing things merely to call attention to themselves. It would force people to focus on the content of what they are saying. In the end, it is only the ideas that matter, not the author.

    And the right ideas can save the world.

  19. Excellent post, Nonplussed. I think people would do well to heed your valid arguments.

    All the signs are there. In addition, look at his former associates, and even the current ones. Hal Turner being a prime example.

    I think it just shows what a lousy predicament we’re in that someone like Linder can have a loyal following. But hell, you’ve still got people at VNN that think Turner is legit and the feds just set him up.

  20. 9Orion14:
    “I also think Feminized Western Male should lead the way in coming out. Do we know your name or where you live or work? ”

    Try a google site search; however, I doubt you really wanted to be satisfied. Nevertheless, Michael Smith, Charleston, SC, Partner/owner of Low Country Internal Medicine of S.C., P.A. Call my nurse in the morning and tell her about your feminine-like curiosity problem. We’ll make a chart and call something in to alleviate that embarrassing itch! Gratis, just say you’re a friend of Prozium.

    Alas, “we” really haven’t addressed my concerns about remaining valiant keyboard warriors, have “we?”

    I fully recognize the justification and would sincerely recommend that the lion’s share of folks remain anonymous. I spend several hours a day at work assuaging fears, and generating paper to feed the managerial beast. Avoiding recognition has become a wise survival strategy (Hey, American, stop and think about that for a moment).

    Change will be made or forced upon us; eventually we will find that “Fight Club was the beginning, now it’s moved out of the basement.” Lurkers should anticipate finding 30-70% of the keyboard warriors MIA. Who will they turn towards? FogHorn LegHorn? I’m talking about LEADERSHIP.

    Heinous Heath:
    ” Using a pseudonym allows those who sympathize with our movement to speak out without incurring the costs of retaliation, namely, workplace harassment. ”
    There is also a small contingent of us that in fact work for the hated State and wouldn’t face harassment… we would face employment TERMINATION if we didn’t use pseudonyms.
    Professor MacDonald is very lucky that he is Tenured, but that is a very specific situation along a very specific career tract that just isn’t open to every one.”

    It is called sniping. Even a dullard can recognize (and avoid) those unwilling to sacrifice for righteousness. We are at a dead end if leadership is absent. We would be wiser to throw in our lot with the “hated State.”

    Additionally, my experience in academics is that luck and tenure have very little in common.

  21. As for screennames, my own personal proclivity is for the idea of an alterego, and compartmentalization of personalities. You could call this juvenile with justification – but one’s regular identity is forced to conceed to daily compromises and strategisms that one likes to leave behind when one is online. The thousand times a day i think of saying to someone, ‘you are a fucking idiot’, and don’t say it – instead ‘interesting idea….and so what brings you to this conclusion?’ I like to leave this behind. I didn’t spend thousands of hours reading, learning , researching, studying, travelling and correlating information and documents to be a diplomat.
    And that said, and true to my latter confession – I think you are all mislead as to how easy it is for someone like myself, or anyone with the knowledge and easily available tools to find out who each and everyone of you are, and where you live and work – in fact everything about you and your past, and much more – in a day or at most a week – notwithstanding psuedonyms or proxy or ip spoofing software.
    Psuedonyms are really no protection against anyone really trying to find out who you are. They are just a protection against casual researchers finding out who you are.
    People who say it is cowardice or evasive to use a psuedonym are ignorant of reality. And the reality is that the only anonymity you have, is from the technically illiterate.
    Also judging from the quality of the debate between Linder and friends, it seems to me you’d have to be a fool to let someone like that know who you are.

  22. my own personal proclivity is for the idea of an alterego, and compartmentalization of personalities

    As in, sock puppets?

  23. I join the others who’ve praised Trainspotter’s post #14. Good job. The “bitch contingent,” by the way, are very close to that other bunch I dislike, the defeatist contingent. They’re a hair’s breadth away from each other, almost the same thing, same kind of negative spirit, same cluelessness about where we stand and how to get where we want to get. Send them packing out of here, the Bitching contingent and the defeatists.

  24. Grimoire
    I think you are all mislead as to how easy it is for someone like myself, or anyone with the knowledge and easily available tools to find out who each and everyone of you are, and where you live and work – in fact everything about you and your past, and much more – in a day or at most a week – notwithstanding psuedonyms or proxy or ip spoofing software.

    Not true. If there’s no connection between the pseudonym and your real name, phone number, public email or some other clue it’s impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt who a commenter is.

    Most people whose pseudonym leads back to their real name aren’t concerned enough to use a different email when registering than they use for their real world activity. In some cases they use a work email, and it’s hard to feel sorry for someone that foolish.

  25. OldRight: You don’t need any names or pseudonyms. you simply take the server log and match ip timecodes for up and down transactions. There you can match an ip to a post. With the ip and timecode you have the initiating server and a location (doesn’t matter if it’s dynamic if it’s timecoded). Dynamic addresses don’t change that often…so you could probably track the ip through the netblock to the servers’s dhpc address field straight to the users machine address if you did it within a few days or a week. Once you have the machine address you have the user anytime you want, with the proper tools you can go right on his machine and install a key logger and have every single thing he does sent to you via email.
    All these tools are available in various degree’s of usability at hacker sites on the net. But you have to know what you are doing because the providers of these tools often boobytrap them.
    But in terms of commercially available tools, I worked for Microsoft Europe 7 years ago doing support and security for Enterprise Server II. We had a tool called Phoenix that could literally enter anyones computer at any time and take it over, grab whatever you where doing at the time right out of the ‘air or cloud’, and open any email account based on MS enterprise or server technology. For Unix systems we had a tool called ‘Orange’ and ‘Satan’ that did the same things and more. Of course we were severely restricted and watched, these tools were meant to solve problems (by us) any violation would result in firing and a lawsuit. None the less I did some things that truly blew my mind once when a bank of security systems went down and we were unrecorded for a few hours.
    Anyway, you are about as wrong as can be. Anything and anyone is available at any time. There is no true anonymity on the net.

  26. Kind of what I have heard as well, Grimoire, thanks for the tech picture. This type of surveillance, monitoring and snooping is what billions of our tax zogbuck$ are paying for with the likes of Mossad and Homeland-Insecurity. Plus, I believe that some WN websites are set up as honey traps to attract concerned and outspoken individuals, in order to track and profile them. Then they inject the trolls and infiltrators into the equation for psyops purposes to further muddy the waters.

  27. @Junghans
    Your welcome and thanks. Your suspicions have been proved over and over. It’s important that people know the score, you do not have anonymity if someone decides to look at you. And if your worried about the security of your docs…..keep them off a computer connected to the internet.
    On the other hand, if one is scared of exercising their legal right of expression…you’ve surrendered that right. Stay legal, stay aware…and the survelliance types can go on wasting their time.

  28. I’m going to do more activism under my real name with youtube videos. Linder may be right. But such a message will have to be much more carefully selected. To put it blunty, no “serial killer” stuff, no hyper-zionism, no nazism, no satanism. No talking about kane, eagleye, metal gear etc.

    Sensible stuff.

  29. I strongly recommend Perfect Privacy for those who, to Linder’s chagrin, do not wish to spend the next twenty years in a jail cell with Leroy Brown, or simply don’t wish to ruin their lives the way Linder did. The fact that he self-denoted is his business, the fact that he demands others also commit pubic hara kiri is another sign of his anti-social personality disorder or that he works with the federal authorities (as I believe) and Jewish organizations. I second what was said, Linder is a hater first and foremost, his White Nationalism is only ancillary.

  30. I may have already started to make such videos, but you’ll never find them. I have wisely not uploaded them under the “free media videos” account.

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