About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 1.) I didn’t expect the Jews who follow Amren to respond any differently.

    2.) I’m delighted to see that I have started a debate about the Jewish Question. Michael Hart is going to have a heart attack when he sees me being published at Amren! I can’t wait to see Guy White’s reaction.

    3.) I didn’t moderate my message in the slightest in that review. I said exactly what I thought.

    4.) The important thing here is the exposure of AR readers to Occidental Dissent. To borrow a phrase from Soren Renner, “discourse is war,” and a few useful memes have been injected into the debates there.

    5.) I have nothing but positive things to say about Jared Taylor. I support what he is doing.

  2. I agree with the comment they had there that all these groups shouldn’t be linked together. There is a difference in ideology between klan, nazi, “race realist,” hbd, paleoconservative, third positionist etc.

    Certainly every person who is racijalist doesn’t necessarily view themselves as part of a movement.

  3. Have you read Blood and Politics yet? Zeskind provides overwhelming evidence that people move through these subcultures. They are clearly interconnected.

    Follow the link to the Pyle review at Occidental Observer. Look at the graphic. It is a useful illustration. The different sectors over the pro-White movement overlap each other.

  4. I think the internet explains that.

    It’s easy to post on a free speech forum, then meet someone, then post there, then get in a fight and post somewhere else etc. The internet causes people to internetwork.

    I don’t think it is fair though, to argue that all people who are racialist are somehow tainted because of other racialists.

  5. From a comment at AmRen:

    Another problem with the “blame the Jews” ideology is that it ignores the crucial role that the white race has carried out in its own deliberate suicide.

    This “deliberate suicide” meme is getting more popular on pro-jew/faux-White forums. They permit “blame the Whites” but not “blame the jews” because jewish interests, protecting even guilty jews, takes priority. That isn’t suicide.

    The problem with the “excuse the jews” ideology (as epitomized by the AmRen comment) is that it ignores the crucial role “the jews” have carried out in the deliberate genocide of the White race. That isn’t suicide either.

    Defending Whites and blaming jews isn’t suicide. Defending jews and blaming Whites isn’t suicide. Most of what’s in between isn’t suicide. People mislabeling genocide as suicide isn’t suicide.

    So where is this “deliberate suicide”? It’s entirely in the minds of dissemblers who deliberately want us to overlook that it’s genocide being perpetrated without our knowledge or against our will.

  6. One of the reasons I quit amren was the frequency of blame-the-white comments. Everyone I talked to over there knows about the j question; the stifling has failed.

  7. Another problem with the “blame the Jews” ideology is that it ignores the crucial role that the white race has carried out in its own deliberate suicide.

    Like the SJC, the SWC is also incomplete. We must consider all the contributing factors.

    The problem with AmRen is the same with Stormfront, the moderation is just too extreme. I dislike gratuitous censorship and being subjected to the personal whims of tyrants.

  8. Tanstaafl: So where is this “deliberate suicide”?

    Almost no white people really approve of the race-replacement policy. Most people who accept it as an inevitability would change their minds if television was taken away from government/Jewish control. Even so, it does look somewhat like suicide, because there has been no violent reaction from the Whites, so far.
    Those who deliberately mistake forced race-replacement for suicide may also claim that the white birth rate is down because women value their careers too much, or because white society is suicidal. Those are misleading explanations.

  9. Almost no white people really approve of the race-replacement policy.

    And yet 43% of whites voted for Obama, a real and clear example of race replacement.

    I see too many examples of whites condoning and advocating for non-whites and race replacement to consider it a fluke. For most people racial preservation just isn’t a priority, rather religion, social status and personal considerations are much higher.

  10. In rocketry they used to bolt the rocket to the launching pad with bolts designed to break, snap in half, when the thrust of the engines reached a certain magnitude. Then the rocket would lift.

    Jewry’s suppression of opposition to forced race-replacement is like bolting the rocket to the pad: it doesn’t keep it from lifting, it only delays it and increases the energy required.

    The energy of opposition to government-enforced race-replacement is building. After a delay caused by the Jews’ bolting the rocket down the rocket will lift. Had the Jews not bolted it down it would already have lifted off.

  11. Mark: ” And yet 43% of whites voted for Obama “

    They had not much of a choice. McCain was a race-replacement enthusiast who planned to nuke Iran.

    ” racial preservation just isn’t a priority “

    What is certain is that logic and coherence are not a priority when voters cast their votes. It’s hard to analyze human behavior. We are full of contradictions. In France and Britain, many intelligent people who spend their time pestering against immigrants could not bring themselves to vote for the Front National or for the BNP because of the demonization of those parties by the media. Most white people still refuse to believe that our governments are out to get us. They underestimate what’s happening. They don’t understand that the West is about to become a hellish place.
    Even so, they mostly stick to the company of other white people, and they will move out of a neighborhood to improve their security.

    ” rather religion, social status and personal considerations are much higher. “

    At least, it is not the same as suicide.

  12. Even so, it does look somewhat like suicide, because there has been no violent reaction from the Whites, so far.

    There has been violent reaction from Whites, it’s just that academia and media and our treasonous governments demonize and pathologize this behavior. Zeskind actually documents White resistance while simultaneously pathologizing it. Most Whites who understand what’s happening are understandably unwilling to martyr themselves by acting out against these forces. If we were suicidal we wouldn’t hesitate. Most of the rest are either totally ignorant or accept the regime’s propaganda telling them that A) there’s nothing to see here, and B) if you think there is then you’re insane and begging for punishment. This is obviously true because you have to be insane to ask for punishment when there’s nothing to see.

    The regime doesn’t say any of this is suicide. They say there’s nothing wrong at all, except for those “haters”. We should all be busy celebrating Whites being immigrated and diversified and minoritized into extinction. To infinity and beyond! To even be concerned about White interests makes you one of those infamous “haters”. That’s their message.

    Only faux-White pro-jews characterize what’s happening as “suicide”. That’s only because they have decided to admit there’s something rotten going on, that’s potentially bad for jews, but they won’t accept any blame for it being assigned to jews. Thus they blame Whites, glossing over the fact that the supposedly “suicidal” anti-White regime is as pro-jew as they are.

    I’m reminded of how Auster recently claimed, in Jewish neocons, Islam, and the West, that the real problem was that nobody had ever challenged “the jews” on their misbehavior. To do this he had to overlook every challenge from every “anti-semite” in history, but he was able to do it because they’re “anti-semites”, and of course “anti-semites” don’t count. It’s likewise with this “suicide” meme. The only way anyone can call what’s happening suicide is to ignore the jewish role and the copious, explictly anti-jewish resistance to it.

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