It’s a radio play in 3 acts with a surprise ending. Link here
Very entertaining, and set near where I grew up. There are brief references to some sort of militia group called “The Alliance.” I wonder who they could be.
It’s a radio play in 3 acts with a surprise ending. Link here
Very entertaining, and set near where I grew up. There are brief references to some sort of militia group called “The Alliance.” I wonder who they could be.
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Another way to access the play is @
I started to listen to it and at the beginning the dialogue said something like “…to the nation’s White Power elite…”
Yes, “The Alliance” is definitely a reference to a pro-White group. Kunstler and other Jews are definitely increasingly paranoid about “corn-pone Naziism” arising in the USA in the future – Kunstler’s latest post mentions that phrase yet again, about the 12th time he has done that in the last year or so.
So someone’s got to spill the beans on the surprise ending. Did anyone guess what was going to happen? You have to listen to the whole thing, because it ends quite decisively.
Kievsky, I enjoyed Big Slide. (Warning: spoilers below)
I found it particularly interesting how Kunstler handled the character of Dan, which I’ll go into more below. In contrast to Dan, most of the family members were utterly useless, making virtually no effort to adjust to the new reality. When faced with a looming shortage of food and supplies, what do they do? Take a pleasure hike. But of course! Their sense of entitlement matched only by their unwillingness to deal with reality. Clueless Kwans, in all of their glory. Many of them seemed far more interested in taking verbal pot shots at one another, posing and posturing, than doing anything useful (remind you of a certain movement? lol). Essence of Kwa.
The grand finale caught me by surprise, but at the end of the day, I didn’t really care whether this group made it or not. Part of me muttered, “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
Anyway, back to Dan. The guy certainly had his faults. He could be unnecessarily rude, and had failed to prepare for any sort of emergency. He had clearly been interested in survivalism before the crisis, yet had neglected to put away any supplies whatsoever. He neglected to do this even though he was a man of means and could have easily afforded to do so. He also failed to “bring the family together” during the crisis, but that’s fairly understandable given the cast of repugnant characters that surrounded him.
In short, the guy was far from perfect. He may have been a Kwan, but he was a cut or two above. He’s the one guy in the group who is actually trying to be productive. He’s putting food on the table while others waste time and insult him. He recognizes, far more than those around him, what is happening. He’s trying to take responsibility for the situation. Dan is not doing great, but he’s not doing too bad either.
Of particular interest to me was that Dan pretty much quotes, chapter and verse, many of Kunstler’s own positions on the Kwa: the something for nothing consumerism, the idiot culture, the massive squandering of resources, etc. Dan, goy though he is, “gets it.” He is clearly closer to Jew Kunstler in terms of world view than any of the other members of the cast. Far closer. Again, much of what Dan says is straight out of Kunstler’s mouth (I’ve listened to all of his podcasts and read many of his books, so for me it’s easy to spot).
And yet, drum roll please…it’s clear that Dan is something of an anti-Semite. At the very least, Dan gets the Jewish connection, the Jewish role in this mess. One might ask why Kunstler would make one of the more competent members of the group, let alone a guy who “gets it” and agrees with much of Kunstler’s own world view, an anti-Semite. Very interesting.
The sheriff who liquidates the family at the end, accuses the family of “sending the country’s wealth to the Rothschilds in Switzerland.”
The funny thing is, that’s TRUE!
So Kunstler is basically saying the shabbos goy WASPs who sold out to the International Jew are going to be expropriated and liquidated by cornpone Nazis.
I hope the cornpones took Raven for eugenics breeding purposes though, instead of shooting a perfectly good White woman of breeding age. I’ll have to e-mail JHK and ask him.
“I hope the cornpones took Raven for eugenics breeding purposes though, instead of shooting a perfectly good White woman of breeding age.”
I understood Raven to have been Jewish.
As to the sheriff, yes, he “gets it” to an extent…but he is made into a villain. Dan, on the other hand, is also Jew-wise. Interestingly, he is not made into a villain.
I think that Kunstler realizes the disproportionate Jewish role in the destruction of our nation, but he is quite conflicted about it. He must find it profoundly disturbing that large numbers of people who “get it,” and agree with him on many issues, also understand the Jewish question. To cope with this, he often prefers to focus his contempt on the “yeast people,” Nascar “morons,” and cornpone Nazis. In other words, run of the mill Whites.
Yet, at the end of the day, he knows damn well that these yeast people don’t exercise any real control over the society, certainly not nearly as much as the Jewish elite. And that’s part of his conflict: on the one hand, Kunstler hates what has happened to this country. On the other, he realizes the disproportionate Jewish role in (and profit from) these disastrous policies. And yet…he remains a Jew.
Personally, I like the guy. He’s quite interesting, very insightful. His podcast is currently the only one on my “must listen” to list. Yet he has to understand, on some level, that if the disastrous policies that have wrecked our nation are to be undone and reversed, that this disproportionate Jewish power must be broken. I don’t envy him his quandry.
Was she? I missed that. I don’t think Farnum would have cared or been able to check.
I have been trying to figure out exactly what he means by modifying Nazi with “cornpone.” As it turns out, “cornpone” is a reference to corn based moonshine. Corn pone, aka “corn squeezings.”
I think he’s referring to drinking alcohol. And because of drinking, they are dangerous in the short term, but not a threat in the long term, because they aren’t serious enough to take over the running of civilization.
If you want to get something done right, you have to be serious. Kunstler invented the term “unserious” as far as I know, and it fit perfectly.
The opposite of “cornpone” (aka drunk) Nazis, would be sober Nazis. Sort of like the Muslims or Mormons, who don’t drink. Liquor prevents “jihad” or self-overcoming. That’s why the Muslims forbid alcohol. So it’s either drunken cornpone Nazis, or sober jihad Nazis. Take your pick.
You’re off on cornpone.
It just means “redneck”. He’s afraid of rural whites.
Kunstler didn’t invent “unserious”, either.
“Cornpone Nazi” = hillbilly that hates blacks/Jews
This is slightly OT, but I thought you might be interested in it Kievsky. There is an organization in Moab, UT that accepts interns in the 18-24 year old range, and teaches them how to build straw-bale homes from the foundation up. Might be a useful learning experience for the idealistic youths among us.
Your source may have missed the older meaning of “cornpone.” Moonshine is made from corn.
I know I read somewhere that moonshine is called “corn-pone.”
Where have you seen the term “unserious?” I’m pretty well read, and I would have remembered such a word.
The most popular usage of cornpone is to denote a hillbilly or redneck. It also fits the context that Kuntsler uses it in much better. Your explanation is convoluted and implausible. Frankly it sounds half-baked. What would Brother Occam say?
Kuntsler is merely expressing a relatively common Jewish fear of small-town whites.
From Ben Stein’s book “The View From Sunset Boulevard” (h/t Ben Tillman)
Page 63:
There is a special genre of TV shows cutting across situation comedy and adventure, which deals with small towns. That kind of show might be called ‘the city innocent in jeopardy’ tale. Every adventure show that deals even once with small towns uses it, and every situation comedy set in the city eventually takes a stab at it.
There is also an ethnic difference that frightens some. The Hollywood TV writer tends generally, although not always, to be Jewish or Italian or Irish, and he sees people in the small towns as not being ethnic at all. He sees them, moreover, as not being friendly toward ethnics, especially Jews. * * * And, of course, it could hardly be more natural for people who fear that they might be ‘beat up’ in small towns because of their race to feel some anger toward them.
The thought of a hinterland full of small towns who voted for Nixon, as Meta Rosenberg said, makes them uneasy. They see a strong challenge to the brand of politics they favor, and, quite naturally, that affronts them. Politics in the small town are not only different, but to a large extent they are also incomprehensible.” * * * “A variety of differences and fears separate the Hollywood TV writer and producer from the small town as he sees it. Fear of violence and animosity being directed at him because of race or religion, fear and lack of comprehension about the politics of small-town people, and a generalized fear of the unknown produce a powerful wave of dislike of small towns in the minds of TV writers and producers, which makes itself felt in TV programming.
154,000 results for “unserious” on google. It’s not as rare as you think.
Wikipedia says that cornpone = cornbread.
It also notes that “The term “corn pone” is sometimes used to refer to one who possesses certain rural, unsophisticated peculiarities (“he’s a corn pone”), or as an adjective to describe particular rural, folksy or “hick” characteristics (e.g., “corn pone” humor). The term is sometimes intended as a pejorative, often directed at persons from rural areas of the southern and midwestern U.S.”
Did you ever find that study on eye color?
If you don’t want to look I can probably find it.
Note no mention in the article about moonshine.
I am going to dig for it. I’ll post it on your blog when I find it.
I posted a link to it on your blog.