About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, I really pity the white people who are left there, I guess they don’t have the money to leave that country? In any event, we can expect the same scenario here, just as soon as hyperinflation hits and the dollar buys nothing. Rioting on a mass scale, and already we are the only race of people in the US that it is okay to discriminate against. I am old, and frankly hoping that I do not live to see the coming pograms against us, but God help our children.

  2. I’d like to see some data about the attitudes of the whites who left Zim. Are they WNs, or is the brainwashing so general and deep that they are PC like most people in their new countries? Of course, if they are unPC they’d probably lie on a survey.

  3. I’m sure glad this movie has been made. Now we can show this to White kids and say, “this is the future if you don’t value your race and your racial kinship.”

  4. Well, I better take a deep breath here:

    the blacks were the majority and white people foolishly thought they could “civilize” them by turning them into farm workers and personal servants. We failed.

    In the western world, the dzhus are the minority and they believed that they could make us into their cattle. They have succeeded.

    At least the black people of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe have enough brains to see that a minority race should not be ruling over a majority. That they are stoneage people, inferior to us, is irrelevant.

    We did wrong and are reaping the whirlwind.

  5. @Stronza:

    Do you believe the Black population is acting independently in eradicating Whites from Rhodesia/Zimbabwe? I ask because though I admittedly know little of the situation, I would assume the usual suspects have played a hand in this racial upheaval.

    You’re dead on (no pun intended) about the folly of Whites in Africa.

  6. What is intersting to contemplate is what steps should have been taken by the minority there to assure their survival, other than leaving. Perhaps the numbers were so great that the outcome was inevitable, but it seems there was little real resistance after the Smith government fell.

    Why? Wouldn’t a ‘bantustan’ have been a better solution. Were there not enough Whites in Zim to organize a defensible area? I suspect (from the few conversations I’ve had with former and current residents) that it really was all about a loss of will.

    There is probably a lesson there, one that makes at least considering, for instance, the Northwest Migration (northwestfront.com) something worth discussing.

  7. The usual suspects have long since run away. Undoubtedly, they are happy at what is now taking place.

    Black people are not failed attempts at being us, they are what they are. Would this slaughter be occurring even if there had been no “usual suspects”? Possibly. The whites in Rhodesia were getting too rotten and arrogant, thinking they had it made in the shade, with all those little blacks serving them drinks by the pool and maintaining Little Europe for them in a hot climate. It could not last forever.

    Thanks for not abusing me, WNYer.

  8. “I am old, and frankly hoping that I do not live to see the coming pograms against us, but God help our children.”

    Old one, you make the mistake of believing that your children are weak, like the family in the video. The poor bastards left in Zimbabwe have no hope there, because their numbers are too low. White Americans literally have 1000 times the numbers of the White Zimbabweans in their heyday. As others have stated, the US is the greatest reservoir of Northern European genes in the world. Whites are disunited now because they have been propagandized. But as the situation degrades, the genes will tell. European Americans are a sleeping giant, that have been aroused to great deeds in the past, and will be awoken in the future. When the economic troubles come, and the US begins to disintegrate, Whites will follow their survival instincts and we will see a secession.

  9. @ 9 Stronza

    “The whites in Rhodesia were getting too rotten and arrogant, thinking they had it made in the shade, with all those little blacks serving them drinks by the pool and maintaining Little Europe for them in a hot climate. It could not last forever.”

    Good God – you are ignorant. You must be trolling this website.

    You obviously do not know about Henry Kissinger, Andrew Young and Jimmy Carter (to name a few) that twisted arms in the Southern African region. Ian Smith was given an ultimatum. The South Africans were warned not to assist (their compliance helped not, 1994 came and went – leaving it on the same course as Zimbabwe).

  10. @Stronza;
    If anyone abuses you for your remarks on this matter, it is probably because those remarks rings all too true. White solipsism is pandemic.

    Your theory is what I’m banking on. Hope it plays out soon, because that numbers advantage is slipping away each open border day. (Not to mention the disadvantage we face in “legal” immigration.)

  11. I remember a news story from some years ago (late 90’s or early 00’s), coming from the Republic of the Congo. That’s the former French Congo, the smaller (western) one on the map, without the wars and genocides.

    The government invited White farmers from Rhodesia and South Africa to move to their country. The farmers would be given the abandoned or inefficient farms of the old French colonialists (note that the French left in 1960!). They would also be given tax-free status for X number of years.

    What was the catch? None. All these White farmers would have to do in return was to run the farms and hire the (empoverished and largely unemployed) local blacks as farmhands, thus providing them with jobs, paychecks and making the economy function.

    As Clint Eastwood once said: “Man’s gotta know his limitations”. The Congolese do and it seems to benefit everyone. I’m not saying that the government won’t pull a Mugabe later, but for now it seems to work out.

  12. I have had a half hour to mull over what I saw in the video, and I am angry. Not at the blacks. Thats their nature, they cant help it. I am enraged at that cringing, pathetic, ball-less thing that calls himself a man in the video. There are negroes outside who are threatening to rape his wife and eat his children, and he sits on his couch whining about it. His friends have been murdered, what did he do to help them? Probably nothing, he sat on his couch whining about it. This disgusting piece of crap has 2 choices:
    1) Leave. His duty is to his family, he MUST see to their safety and welfare at whatever cost.
    2) Stay and Fight. If so, he needs to band together with his fellow Whites, and build an armed fortress. This is what the Boers would have done. Breed attack dogs, scrape together a supply of arms, barricade the windows, build thick adobe walls and keep a watch.

    Instead, he cringes and whines like a dog, and it is sickening. In a previous era, in a more just era, such an individual would have been despised. He deserves to be caned, then horsewhipped, and then banished forever, his wife and children given to someone who would actually defend them. I know this must sound harsh, but G-d damn that worthless piece of trash!

  13. Yeah, it’s disturbing on two different levels. One, because globally we are every bit as much of a minority as the Whites were in Rhodesia, and, two, because our own culture is obviously incapable of producing very many men. That adds up to one thing, and one thing only: Those of us who wish to survive are going to have to take charge and the very first thing we’re going to have to do is stiffen the spine of our own people by making examples of those who won’t fight.

    That will be difficult and it won’t be pretty.

  14. @ 15 Andrew

    “I am enraged at that cringing, pathetic, ball-less thing that calls himself a man in the video.”


    No sympathy then? White folks in Africa have quite a capacity to endure suffering (which leads to non-action unfortunately). You seem to forget this fellow is completely demoralized. The situation is quite hopeless. No help is forthcoming.

    Will YOU help?

    I suggest you put your strong man words into action. I can send you a link for an online South African travel agent. I take it you won’t be buying a return ticket. So, a one-way fare to Zimbabwe would set you back about US$ 1, 500 – (JFK, Washington, Addis Ababa, Harare). You’ll be flying Ethiopian Airlines from Washington, DC onwards. I hope this is OK with you.


    Once you arrive. You will probably be wearing hi-end outdoor gear in varying tones of khaki, your face is pasted white with SPF 95 sunblock, while clutching a bottle of Purell. You will stick out like a sore thumb. If you have money, you should be able to travel in relative comfort to help this fellow in the video. As you exit the Harare Airport, you will enter a crucial phase. Will you become overwhelmed by the streetwise hordes of locals or stand your ground heroically and hail a taxi?

    You soon realize no taxis are available. Fuel is only available intermittently or to well connected cronies of the Regime. You decide to bite the bullet and soldier on! You spend 3 weeks walking to your destination.

    I expect you to post a YouTube video every week, so as to detail your progress.

    Your excellent knowledge of local customs and Shona will soon win you many friends and avoid tricky social situations that could cut your adventure short. As your bush warfare skills increase you will wean yourself off your decadent Eurocentric diet and live exclusively off the land. In less than 4 weeks you have raised a vast army of white farmers and black sympathizers. Things have moved up into high gear so quickly – you simply cannot comprehend why no one hadn’t done this before! You are in the final phase of eradicating the Western condoned anti-White sentiment, as personified by the ZANU-PF Government. Your last video claims victory for all oppressed White Minorities of the world!

    No more videos are forthcoming. The ADL note a hint of anti-Semitism in your videos. The SPLC file for “Hate Crime” charges to be brought against you in your absence. You are found guilty. Human Rights groups cotton on to your campaign. Interpol is approached by pressure groups. The UN works diligently to criminalize “White Nationalism”. The Human Rights Court in The Hague prepares for possible charges to be enforced via a newly formed UN Human Rights Task Force. Minimum sentence is lifetime imprisonment.

    The years roll by. Friends and family have forgotten why you left for Africa on that bright sunny day in March 2010. YouTube deletes your account.

    Because you never married or had children, there are no fond memories or tales to be told by your spouse to your offspring regarding your exemplary life. You are forgotten.


    “Let’s start the fight!” and “Don’t take crap from negroes” type comments from posters like “Andrew” – indicate immature thinking that are not grounded or based on reality, and also ignorant of complex historical events. 60+ years of Liberal Western Culture brought about the fall of Rhodesia and South Africa. Change yourselves before preaching “strong man” actions to those at the receiving end of YOUR FOREIGN POLICIES.

  15. Whites in Rhodesia trusted early Mugabe regime, allowed themselves to be disarmed. Not going to happen here: millions of Whites are armed and organized in everything from NRA to militias, with gun and ammo sales skyrocketing. When the ZOG pyramid-scheme economy collapses, the DC regime will attempt to impose martial law…and fail. Result will be a complex combination of class, regional vs. center, and race war. Eventual outcome: destruction of ZOG regime; Jews to Israel; Mestizos back to wherever; Blacks get one-way ticket to Zimbabwe. Restoration of White Republic. Impossible, you say? Wrong. Anything that can be imagined can be done.

  16. TrekBoer makes critical points here. It’s easy to talk, too easy, but to do anything is another issue altogether. Also it’s really the same here as it was there when you think about it.

    On the one hand I’m mystified as an observer why no one does anything. But what are people doing here? Too few people have spoken out against immigration, black on white crime, and countless other racial issues in countries like the US or Canada where the threats are far less severe than in Rhodesia. This is while knowing full well what the statistics mean in terms of immigration numbers in the near future.

    I’m sure many more nationalistic Whites in Rhodesia or SA thought like the ranters here: that when everything went to Hell other Whites would wake up. Well, if you read expatriate South African sites you will find that a good number left in disgust because other Whites never woke up. And never will.

    That’s the more likely future for all the fantasy-prone people here who think a big crash will stimulate the Turner diaries. It’s extremely unlikely that will happen even if there is such a crash. Just look at Rhodesia! It doesn’t get to be more of a crash than that. And nothing. No outbreak of resistance.

    I think it’s tragic what’s happened in Rhodesia and S. Africa, but it truly does seem like a failure of will and vision as well as a degrading of the ability to co-operate and take action among Whites.

    Personally I think the issue is almost exclusively about how to co-operate in the midst of diversity, even though diversity is known to destroy the cooperative spirit among even those similar to oneself.

    This is not some ultra-simple problem to solve. If it were it would have been solved long ago and this site would have no reason to exist.

  17. @TrekBoer
    Lighten up, Francis. I have admitted in a previous post I know little on the subject, but can understand Stronza’s opinion that Whites may shoulder some of the blame here. Either way, I’d hope that gentlemen in the movie trailer gets his family out of there. That land is lost to Whites.

    If you have a dissenting view you could always try posting it in a mature manner instead of attacking people.

    My god, it’s no wonder I’ve avoided these sites like a sleep-over at Morris Dees’ house. I sometimes wonder if the internet has become generation Y’s answer to masculinity.

  18. 20 @WNYer

    Lighten up? You obviously do not grasp the seriousness of The Situation.

    “If you have a dissenting view you could always try posting it in a mature manner instead of attacking people.”

    Get real, you might as well have posted that I’m a racist – and then get me to foolishly try and argue myself out of it. I take no ownership of your labelling of me. Nice try.

    “My god, it’s no wonder I’ve avoided these sites…”

    Then what are you doing here? Hurry along and go play on your XBox 360.

    “I sometimes wonder if the internet has become generation Y’s answer to masculinity.”

    Get real, you might as well have posted that everyone frequenting this website is a racist – and then get me (or us/them) to foolishly try and argue myself (themselves) out of it. I take no ownership of your labelling of me (us/them). Nice try.

    Again, hurry along – your game must’ve loaded by now… maybe you can get the high score tonight and post your gameplay on YouTube.

    Let me repeat:

    Good God – you are ignorant. You must be trolling this website.

  19. Hee hee! I con’t even know what it means to “be trolling this website”. Please tell me exactly what this means.

    As to my ” ignorance”, I am not ignorant of the machinations that led to the overthrow of white people in Rhodesia. I was just opining that maybe white people don’t belong in Africa. Maybe it’s wrong to make servants out of paleolithic people for your own comfort & benefit. Maybe white people should be doing their own damn housecleaning, shitwork & manual labor instead of loading it onto black stoneage people and telling them how fortunate they are. And maybe some white people with a bit of vision could have predicted a violent revolt by the natives, with or without the help of the Kissingers of this world.

  20. Stronza you’ve proved why it’s important for REAL White Nationalists to meet in person. The online “community” is populated with wannabes, poseurs, saboteurs and instigators.

    Stronza, WHYer and Andrew… keep on trolling.

  21. #19″ “On the one hand I’m mystified as an observer why no one does anything. But what are people doing here? Too few people have spoken out against immigration, black on white crime, and countless other racial issues in countries like the US or Canada where the threats are far less severe than in Rhodesia.”

    Sorry to be a broken record, but the plain fact is that most of the diverse white American peoples just do not know how to speak out of a white voice on white-centric issues. That’s the reason.

  22. Okay, Trek, I broke down and looked up “troll” on wikipedia:

    “In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.”

    Anyone who disagrees is “disrupting”? Oh, my.

    No, I am not a troll, but if you want us all marching lockstep, then I suppose I might appear to be a troll. There was probably more freedom of speech in the USSR than there is in this joint.

    White people don’t belong in Africa and never did.

  23. “White people don’t belong in Africa and never did.”

    It’s a no-brainer. It’s precisely this past white colonialism that’s now being used as moral leverage against us by our enemies. There is a jew on VOR in a thread using this very argument against us.

  24. “White people don’t belong in Africa and never did.”

    Well then, ‘Khazars don’t belong in the Middle East — and never did’!

  25. @ 25 Stronza

    “White people don’t belong in Africa and never did.”

    Where do White folks belong then?

  26. White folks belong in temperate, 4-season climates. Like the area where they (we) developed into what we are. Hot places are not good for us; we slow down over a period of time. Even S. California is a stupid place, rife with neurotics.

    But I am very much bothered by white people taking nonwhites as servants, too. We were designed to work hard, to do things ourselves. All the tribalists I know, even lower middle-class ones, hire people to even wash their dishes for them! Why were we copying them in Rhodesia & SA? Isn’t anybody here at least a little bit bothered by this?

  27. “But I am very much bothered by white people taking nonwhites as servants, too. We were designed to work hard, to do things ourselves. All the tribalists I know, even lower middle-class ones, hire people to even wash their dishes for them! Why were we copying them in Rhodesia & SA? Isn’t anybody here at least a little bit bothered by this?”

    I agree with you on this Stronza. This is just one of those cases where we white “race realists”, who are very objective about jewish and other non-whites’ foibles, sometimes find it difficult to be about our own people’s shortcomings. We’re very perturbed at jews who traditionally see themselves as too good to do menial labor and get their goyim to do it for them, while simultaneously thinking it’s fine to employ non-whites in the same capacity, because we’re superior and they’re “beasts of the field” or whatever.

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