RE: Noblesse Oblige

The griefers deserve a bonus for doing their job this week: Steve Sailer is directly discussing Jewish power and their abuse of that power. For years, critics have accused him of deliberately evading the Jewish Question, but that never did make sense to me. I was sure that the man was far too lacking in basic social instincts to strategically avoid ANYTHING.

I’ve been vindicated. He has finally gotten around to it.

He dove right to the crux of the issue: That they’re alien elites. He contrasts their disregard for and even reflexive hatred of the White American nation with the spirit of noblesse oblige manifested by the WASP elites they’ve replaced.

The problem with Sailer is that a part of his bargain with the devil to be an analytical genius was that he be socially retarded. To quote Brimelow from his foreword to America’s Half-Blood Prince:

He often reminds me of a gangly, goofy Labrador pup, bounding happily into the living room eager to show off the latest filthy bone he’s dug up, utterly oblivious to the universal shock, horror and dogicidal glares.

This sword slices both ways in this case. His condition leads him to casually stroll down this dangerous path of inquiry yet it renders him incapable of devising a workable solution after so thoroughly presenting the problem.

Veterans of the “Citizenism vs. White Nationalism” debates will see a familiar pattern emerging in Sailer’s plea for Jews to radically reconsider their relationship with White America. Why don’t our Jewish overlords stop thinking of us as a threat and expand their tribal sympathies to include us?

That’s just not how neurotypical humans work, Steve. You can, with constant pressure, disable the tribal instinct altogether. But you can’t arbitrarily mold it to your fancy. By analogy, you can castrate a child molester but you can’t make him have a normal sex drive.

Jews innately sense an “us” and “them” separation between themselves and their gentile hosts at a very basic level. That’s healthy, natural, and appropriate. Humans exist in tribes as naturally as geese exist in flocks and fish exist in schools. The problem is that only an indigenous elite can be expected to treat a nation fairly.

Jews are the abusive stepfather of Western Civilization.

The only lasting solution is to raise up or rehabilitate an indigenous elite. Jews aren’t the only managerial elite capable of latching onto an alien people, as the Overseas Chinese demonstrate. Simple anti-Semitism without accounting for the necessity of having an indigenous elite can only serve to deliver us to different alien overlords.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. Well I’m glad he finally told the truth about them. I always thought American Renaissance was a Jewish front to keep prospective White Nationalists spinning their wheels and not learning the truth. It turns out alot of people new to the movement go there to get their feet wet, like myself, and then head on to better things like Stormfront where there’s not a great deal of censorship. When you think about, Jared Taylor is merely advocating a watered down version of White Nationalism with our Jewish elite still in charge. That’s not something we should even consider given their history in this and other countries.

  2. Rodger @ #2

    We have to allow for gateways into the movement and recognize that those gateways will be constrained in some ways. Because without them how do people who think we’re the debbil learn the truth?

    I would make the same argument about Vdare, I think they act as a gateway for those who are inchoately concerned about this nations European cohort to slowly make their way over to sanity.

  3. Sailer has been talking about Jewish power for a while now. He quotes and links to Kevin MacDonald often enough. I don’t know how anyone can accuse him of dodging the JQ. If you’re going to criticize him for something, criticize him for his materialist-reductionist HBDism and his goofy ‘citizenism’. On the JQ, he seems to be in the right spot.

  4. Dean,
    Depends on which one. It’s complicated and worthy of in-depth review.

    This is by far the most direct he’s been about it.

  5. There’s no way a small group of wealthy and powerful aliens can dominate the indigenous population of this country if it doesn’t want to be.

  6. Great post, Wik. But we need a new elite. The rehabilitation of the WASP elite is a non-starter.

    It pains me to say this, speaking as a WASP and something of an Anglophile, but my people gave away this country, and they cannot take it back, nor do they deserve to get it back.

    They were too polite, too unwilling to speak about unpleasant things, too unwilling to express their fears and anger, too yellow, too obsessed with status and money and legality and abstractions, too individualistic and irresponsible to recognize the Jews for what they are and band together to prevent their takeover.

    The same weaknesses that caused them to give this country away will prevent them from taking it back. And they certainly do not deserve to have it handed back to them by a White Nationalist movement that outside the South will draw most of its “in your face” fighting spirit, foot soldiers, and effective leaders from the “ethnics” that my people disdain: the Irish and Italians, the Germans and Slavs, a good majority of them Catholic.

    We need to form a new elite that is organically connected with the emerging American people — an increasingly hyphenated Euro-mongrel. This elite will contain rehabilitated WASP elements, to the extent that we can purge ourselves of our weaknesses, but it will not be the old WASP elite.

  7. “Why don’t our Jewish overlords stop thinking of us as a threat and expand their tribal sympathies to include us?”

    Oh, so that’s Sailer’s question? Doesn’t sound very hard to answer to me: Jews will be Jews, and Jews will not be fooled.

    My questions are why are gentiles so able and willing to be dominated by this 2% of the population; so willing to ask “how high?” everytime they’re asked to jump, as some other commentator here once posted? And why do anti-Jewish white nationalists insist that whites will never learn to behave differently, will never acquire the ability to stand up for their own interests while in the presence of this tiny little group?

  8. We need to form a new elite that is organically connected with the emerging American people — an increasingly hyphenated Euro-mongrel.

    You’ll need arrange an elevation of the popular IQ by about 15 points.

    I understand that the Swedes are working on a “smart pill”.

  9. Dr. Greg,
    I’m in general agreement about the potential for rehabilitating WASPs, but I want to encourage White Advocates to keep an open mind as to where or how the indigenous elite capable of challenging Jewish hegemony will emerge. It could take the form of a religious priesthood, emerge as a political elite from the Tea Party crowd, or even take the form of some sort of NeoNietzsche-inspired military elite.

    I’ll certainly bet on and root for specific candidates, but I think it’s important to maintain an open mind, ride the tiger, and avoid allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good. If the East Coast WASP elites rise up and attempt to recapture the American nation-state, I’ll be right there behind them. But I certainly don’t think that’s likely.

  10. Simple anti-Semitism without accounting for the necessity of having an indigenous elite can only serve to deliver us to different alien overlords.

    And what would be the durably unifying agenda of this indigenous elite – lacking ethnic distinction as an intrinsically cohesive element?

  11. NeoNietzsche,
    America doesn’t lack ethnic distinction. There’s a monolithic and homogeneous White American ethnonational entity. But, like I said, I’m flexible. If the Great White Hope is in some kind of splinter movement that considers itself a new tribal entity altogether, then that’s acceptable, too.

    An indigenous elite which lacked an explicit sense of racial and religious identity would be superior to an alien elite. But there’s absolutely no way that the Jews can be supplanted without explicit and strictly enforced tribalism. Anything which falls back on managerial merit will be short-circuited by the fact that Whites are inferior to Jews, Mandarins, and Brahmins at the managerial niche.

  12. NeoNietzsche,

    Go read the global guerillas blog. I think it’s going to be networked tribes with no central leadership, but an open source homeschooling curriculum, localized economies, and a pro-white agenda.

  13. the form of some sort of NeoNietzsche-inspired military elite.

    I long for a coup, myself. I like the Constitution and all, but as we learned under the Bush regime, it’s just a piece of paper.

    But let’s be honest – the officer corp of the US military is full of a bunch of gutless, career loving cowards with barely an honorable man among them. From 911, to the anthrax attacks, to their open complicity in the Afghani heroin trade, to their raping of little girls in Iraq – to their network of pedophiles at the top levels of the Navy – the majority of the officer corp of the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines are dishonorable and in many cases, nearly treasonous. Did that fanatic Boykin work for the US – or Israel? I’m pretty sure his whore pastor said that the US was founded to protect and fight for Jews and Israel. Boykin seemed to agree. How is that not disloyalty?

    So don’t look for any leadership coming from them.

    Remember – after the raghead shot up all those soldiers at Fort Hood, the white CO went on TV to plead to America to “strengthen our commitment to diversity” or somesuch.

    I’m no tough guy but I’d brave a broken nose and missing teeth to tell one of them personally. Gutless, disloyal, traitorous scum.

    If there’s any hope it’s the NCOs. I’ll support the troops when they shoot their officers.

  14. While Sailer’s article is good in that it acknowledges that Jews have replaced WASPs as the dominant ethnic group in the United States, it is bad in that it asks Jews to be good overlords of the rest of us. It should be abhorrent to all gentiles that our nation has a Jewish elite that controls our lives. If we must have an elite then it should be a white gentile one.

  15. And what would be the durably unifying agenda of this indigenous elite – lacking ethnic distinction as an intrinsically cohesive element?

    Evolution of consciousness.

  16. Oh yeah – and whatever happened to that investigation into the “mishandled” nukes? The creme de la creme Air Force is still covering their asses for that one. If they can’t be trusted to keep the nukes safe, what good are they?

  17. I don’t understand all the attachment here to the US nation state. Sure, as it was formed it was an overwhelmingly British Anglo nation, but we didn’t get to where we are today by accident. The US as a state embodies liberal democratic and republican values that inherently work towards equality and levelling, as DeTocqueville pointed out so well in Democracy In America. It is this world historical force which has worked its way through the entire West, resulting in a self-defeating political and popular culture that actively seeks out and destroys anything which is not hyper-rational (Blood ties and race are SO yesterday!) and meritocractic (equal opportunity!).

    That is the complete opposite of what we want. It’s monumentally tragic, but the US is a lost cause. In fact, if you look at its political reaction to the very small stirrings of European nationalism in its response to Vlaams Belang, the PVV or the Swiss People’s Party, you will see that the US is THE leading anti-nationalist, anti-traditionalist, pro-equality, pro-hyper liberal capitalism force in the world today.

    There is no such thing as the American people. There is no coherent, collective body of people here with a common language and a common history. You think there is because you are the remnants of the time when there was one, and those forces are still strong in our individual lives and families. However, if you get out there in the great American cities–go on public transport for example–and look around with fresh eyes, you will see nothing more than a set of tribes, each with their own language and culture, each here only to make money and to jockey for power, influence and position.

  18. Here is what uber-liberal gay intellectual Gore Vidal has to say about the neocons (who are basically the same thing as elite Jews):

    “This is a little cabal which is not acting in the interest of the American people because the neocons don’t know who Americans are, and if they knew, they wouldn’t like them. They have great contempt for Americans.”

  19. NN:”You’ll need arrange an elevation of the popular IQ by about 15 points.”

    No need. The normal IQ White masses are going to be encouraged and helped in to returning to easier and more simple times by the new pro-White elite; they will become ‘re-peasantized.’ Most of them will return to simpler lives, locally, rurally, and small-town focused where they will have large sustainable families, plenty of healthy White babies raised on great local food, fresh air unpolluted by mass-industrialism, stronger local communities. Most normal Whites will again become local craftsmen, farmers, ranchers, soldiers, metalsmiths, teachers, local gub’mint officials, electricians, etc. You don’t need to be overly smart to do those things.

    Meanwhile, the White dregs will be sent in to the cities to work as factory-worker assembly-line drones, or else we’ll just bring in Hispanic guest workers to do that. The new pro-White government will work closely with the White masses every step of the way to relearn those job and life-skills, and they will work with us to begin to make this country as White as possible forever and also repair the ecological despoilment of the last 150+ years — it is a win-win for everyone. The White peasants who show ability will be plucked from the general populace for leadership positions in order to continue the pro-White tradition onwards. Eugenics will be utilized amongst all classes.

    “I understand that the Swedes are working on a “smart pill”.”

    It already exists. It’s called Adderall.

  20. Dean:”Whatever happened to our indigenous elite anyhow?”

    Decadence due to over-easy ‘urbane’ living. A lot of them also had their DNA stolen by gene-thieving Jews.

  21. Wiki,

    You criticise Sailer for not having workable solutions, yet this blog is dedicated to promoting what seems to me like the least workable solution imaginable – partitioning the territory of the USA into ethnostates.

    Whites are only unable to defend their interests in multi-racial America because they are divided against each other. The white gentile elite is filled with scorn and contempt for white gentile commoners, to the extent of deriving self-righteous satisfaction from consciously working against their interests – for example, Bill Gates’ “No whites need apply” scholarship. (In my response to TOQ’s post on this Sailer article, I argued that Nietzsche-ism contributed to this fatal rift via its American proponent H.L. Mencken. White Nationalist enthusiasm for Nietzsche thus seems like cruel irony to me.) Abandonned by their natural leaders and attacked from all sides, white gentile commoners rally around leaders as woe-fully clueless as themselves, such as Palin. Simultaneously, white advocates are powerless to heal the fatal breach because their nazi-sympathising holocaust-denying extremism completely isolates them from 99.99% of the white community.

    As we begin to heal our own internal divisions, we can defend our interests in the political and cultural sphere using the institutions of the currently existing society. The key is to concentrate on isolating, fighting, and beating our most implacable enemies, elite Jews. Policy positions which seem eminently reasonable to 70% or more of white gentiles, and can even attract the support of large numbers of allies among non-whites (even including some non-elite Jews), are the ideal weapons to use in this fight. Examples of winning issues include:
    1. Adopt an Immigration Moratorium based on Sailer’s “Citizenist” opposition to immigration, which emphasizes the economic benfit of higher wages and lower housing costs for all working class Americans.
    2. End aid to Israel (hundreds of American counties have a lower GDP than Israel – why should they be taxed to support foreigners with a higher standard of living than themselves?)
    3. Adopt a semi-isolationist foreign policy which wages war on Al-Qaida while seeking peace and trade with Iran and Syria.
    4. Reverse the Wall Street Bailout.
    5. Either eliminate affirmative action completely from our society, or classify Jews and Whites separately and develop the quotas accordingly.
    6. Reform prisons to eliminate all possibility of homosexual rape in our prisons. The current system is a national disgrace, and almost everyone (including the perpetrators) knows that it is a disgrace. The only clueless fools who applaud the current system are Hollywood Jews, who apparently think inter-racial homosexual gang rape is a wonderful joke. This issue could unite every man women and child in the USA with a sense of decency against elite Jews and sadistic black extremists. Publicly and persistently confronting this national disgrace will force a realization that Hollywood’s glee at the current situation is the exact opposit of all morality and ethics.
    7. Provide a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to translate Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years” into English, thus undoing the defacto censorship of the “Jewish heavyweights” who pressured Yale University Press to abandon their 2001 plans to publish the book in English translation.

    Intelligent, charismatic, well-respected individuals with deep roots in their local community can present themselves as candidates in Congessional primaries with a reasonable chance of success due to light turn-out (as long as their potential supporters aren’t disqualified from voting in a Republican primary due to their A3P party membership). The above platform is so superior to the current Republican and Democratic platforms, a major party candidate espousing it would be bound to win in a swing district.

    Although none of the items on the platform are explicitely racial, their implementation would strengthen our ethnic group while weakening our primary ethnic rival. This is how other ethnic groups defend their interests in our society, and we should do the same.

  22. “The ADL has polled Americans four times on whether or not they agree with the proposition “The movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews”. In 1964, 47 percent agreed versus 21 percent who disagreed. By 2008, amazingly, only 22 percent of the public agreed and 63 percent disagreed.

    Columnist Joel Stein laughed: “Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.””

    Dumb yes maybe. Or may just wary.

  23. Matamoros,
    There are wide swaths of America which remain quite American.

    Whites Unite,
    You can’t just offer up a list of things that ought to be done without explaining some mechanism by which those things could be done. This site is not firmly dedicated to secession, though I don’t see how you’re so sure that it’s a non-starter.

    The big problem with your plan is that it’s not explicitly tribal. Any kind of neo-Masonic system that does not explicitly exclude Jews will be overwhelmed by and eventually controlled by them. They will then do what’s good for the Jews, which is typically not what’s good for us. We cannot out-compete Jews at the managerial game any more than we can out-compete Blacks at basketball. To include them among the elites is to exclude ourselves.

  24. Wikitopian, I admit Jews seem to have some kind of demonic supernatural ability to manipulate people and things but they’re not omnipotent. The NBA discriminates against White players saying they’re not good enough to compete but European basketball players regularly beat American blacks at their own game. Obviously if you keep out the competition you can maintain the illusion.

  25. Wiki:”It could take the form of a religious priesthood, emerge as a political elite from the Tea Party crowd, or even take the form of some sort of NeoNietzsche-inspired military elite.”

    I for one favor the rebuilding of the traditional Indo-European ‘wheat and beef’ populace as described in C&H’s The 10,00 Year Explosion [- -] along with the following article – – in close alliance with differing groups of pro-White elites focused on martial, religious, political, scientific, intellectual, and artistic pursuits. The rebuilding and reconstitution of the traditional tripartite White society – (1) elites [of varying types]; (2) soldiers; and (3) workers (with some modern modifications of course: there can be switching between the three areas because many modern Whites are above-average).

    There is no need to limit ourselves to one option when we can have them all. Most importantly though the normal IQ White populace should be returned to simpler lifestyles as I described in a previous comment directly above because the modern mass-industrial system is severely throwing them out-of-whack and weakening/straining them: Whites need more physical space than other races to be healthy and breed healthy children, and also heartier food and better air. The cornerstone of a race, nation, and society is control of land and associated food production for the preservation and expansion of said race: that is the first priority. All other things ought to orbit around that fact. The American Founding fathers understood that, but as degenerate modernity and mass-industrialism set in those facts have been mostly forgotten. The pro-White elites who can better handle the befuddling complexity and mental/physical strains of modernity will work closely together amongst themselves and with the wider populace to secure the racial-national borders from further non-White racial intrusions, clean up the environment, repatriation of non-Whites, solving the Jewish problem, providing for national security, focusing on macroeconomic issues, etc…without losing touch with the normal IQ landed Whites as our modern corrupt Judaic/Judaized elites have done.

    You’d be surprised how much smarter and livelier the normal IQ White populace would become if they weren’t forced in to being suburban worker tax-drones, if they weren’t being daily fed sickly livestock and other Frankenfood that is largely ‘grown’ and ‘raised’ by Jewish-controlled factory-farms, if they had the time and freedom to control their lives outside of the daily 9-5/M-F Jew-money yoke, had more time to spend with their family and friends and hobbies, or hunting and fishing, raising cattle, engaging in productive jobs and trades, had time to focus on their local communities and region, and so on. It is Judeo-modernity (mass-industrialism/urbanism, liberalism, mass-mediaism, feminism, etc) which has sickened the White race so much, and thus we must undo all of that to restore the race to health.

  26. Wiki,

    My mechanism for accomplishing white advocacy is to use the same strategy against elite Jews as was employed by 20th century Jews against White Protestants. Find issues which unite all other groups against the powerful group, and at the same time divide the powerful group against itself. White Protestants lost power because they waged a cultural civil war between Brahmins and Rednecks, while the Jews united all other groups against the White Protestants. We need to unite our own ethnicity, divide Jews against each other, and form alliances with other ethnic groups as much as possible – all while maintaining the universalistic morality which our people love so much.

    The issues on my list are not a wish list of things I’d like to accomplish in a daydream world. They are issues which isolate elite Jews, unite our people, and leave room for alliances with other ethnic groups. We need to find, push, and accomplish such issues until it becomes habitual, then cliche, and finally automatic.

    The framework for pushing these issues can be essentially tribalistic, but with universalistic rheotoric. That is how the ADL, NAACP etc. operate.

  27. This site is not firmly dedicated to secession, though I don’t see how you’re so sure that it’s a non-starter.

    We’re the national government’s primary asset. There is no way they would let us go.

  28. That’s just not how neurotypical humans work, Steve. You can, with constant pressure, disable the tribal instinct altogether. But you can’t arbitrarily mold it to your fancy. By analogy, you can castrate a child molester but you can’t make him have a normal sex drive.


    Absolutely fascinating!

    This is why, I suppose, all the ‘diversity dorks’ you see mulling around a large polyglot (usually urban) area, look like they are refugees from the planet Uranus.

  29. Some good observations in comment #7 there Greg, especially the third paragraph.

    A coup d’etat by the multi-culti U.S. military is highly unlikely. It would be very unwise and not directly beneficial to real White interests. Military patriotards without a mass movement or large base of support, would only accelerate the break-up of the system, without lasting benefits. It could even discredit and harm the White cause. What would be the upshot, even if “successful”, more “democracy” and flag waving? Without a real race-based goal, it would only result in accelerated chaos, which is coming anyway.

  30. An oft-overlooked thing about the whole military thing is just how little value formal military training actually adds. The swamp of negroes, tiny and tyrannical women, and status-striving White wankers dishonors America’s military history by pretending to be part of it. The once-transformative initiatic ritual of BCT has been reduced to a politically correct and racially sensitive farce.

    Besides, military leaders can just as easily emerge from among coffee shop radicals (Lenin), middle class idealists (Che), and even librarians (Mao).

  31. “This is a little cabal which is not acting in the interest of the American people because the neocons don’t know who Americans are, and if they knew, they wouldn’t like them. They have great contempt for Americans.”

    Doesn’t sound that much different from the white right and some people here.

    The argument is pulled in so many different directions when it is this broad, there’s anti-Americanism, anti-WASPism, anti-Semitism, pro-northwest migration, pro-South, anti-South, etc. Europeans on the other had don’t usually obsess over the “white race” or Europe as a whole, they are more focused with their particular country and ethnicity. I think Hunter should create a new blog dedicated to Southern racialism in the future.

  32. How right you are, Wiki, you have only scratched the surface of military ineptitude with your litany of stated problems. I was there at one time, when I was young and dumb, and saw the inter-racial martial circus up close. Part of the racial learning curve, if you know what I mean. There are lots of pitfalls in life that test our mettle. The human zoo we live in is one of them, big time.

  33. Junghans,
    Indeed. Nothing drives home the ingroup/outgroup morality difference between ethnic groups or the behavioral propensity difference between racial groups like taking a swig of water toward the end of a long field march and finding out that one of the niggers has jizzed in your canteen.

  34. Roderick>” I admit Jews seem to have some kind of demonic supernatural ability to manipulate people and things but they’re not omnipotent.”

    Not so much supernatural ability as control of enormous quantities of money. Think what we could do with a white friendly film industry, 40 wealthy foundations, and another 50 billionaires eager to contribute?
    We are not going to replicate the Jewish formula. We will have to look to different strategies for success, and there are many other strategies. Look at Latino strategy. Power is dropping into their laps through the power of the cradle alone. Hardly an intellectual or billionaire amongst them, and yet both parties and bowing and scraping at their feet.

  35. Scott – untrue. Jews have taken enormous pains to acclimate, and normalize, the White Goy to serve their needs.

    I have struggled in dealing with my fellow Whites, in the Tea Party groups. There groups al almost competely White – yet they doggedly, willfully, dementedly resists any type of racialist intstincts (FYI – I just learned that the primary group I was in is even more Jewed up than I had previously thought). The groups have been thoroughly co-opted. Glenn Beck is their Godhead. Glenn Beck is the worst (best? Most complete?) Zionist-paid whore, of any figure in the media. Michael Weiner is getting pretty bad, these days, in being overtly Juden Supremacist – but he’s an actual Jew. I don’t know what Beck is. As far as a member of any identifiable species, that is. I think he is a sort of a bizarre one-off Tel Avivian lab product, created from a bunch of purloined organs, to serve as Shabbos Goy Number 1. Anyway – he’s the Pied Piper of Moloch. They do not question anything he does. I got howled at, by a scary Suvivalist Guy, when I questioned something Beck said. ….

    Anyway – I digress. They serve the Jew cause the Media Whores tell them to serve the Jew. Most have no idea exactly what Jews are, however. They know nothing about actual Jews.

  36. That’s a really disgusting example, Wiki, did that happen to you? Is that your awakening story? LOL *puke*

  37. One short, controlled burst about the military: The US military is a bigger engine of miscegenation than Hollywood. Again, I don’t think we will find any solutions in the military.

  38. Not so much supernatural ability as control of enormous quantities of money.

    Ruling out something akin to supernatural ability is not a good idea.

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

  39. I second (or third) the problems with the military. If the military takes over the problem is that rule by the warrior caste is sufficiently adept at creating rules and order that the racial issues will, if anything, fade in importance.

    What is needed is the rise of a spiritual elite.

  40. Re: Greg Johnson

    You said we need to create a new elite, but haven’t you guys(TOQ/Macdonald) taken the position of trying to influence the current non-Jewish elite?

    Re: #4, The Man

    What is the rationale for “gateways?” Jared Taylor would probably be in the same position in terms of his status in society(beyond the pale) if he took a Jewish-realist position, so why not do it? That doesn’t mean going around talking about hating Jews, but being up front about their power and influence. Would the type of person who comes into race-realism really be hostile to explanations of Jewish influence in the same manner?

  41. Mark,
    Yup. I called them out for sexually harassing a 17 year old boy by teabagging him while he was asleep. I was under the assumption that the numerical majority of Whites would stand up to a small cohort of street thugs who were terrorizing a teenage boy. They privately sympathized with me and whispered supportive statements, while being too cowardly to do a damn thing.

    I’m proud of myself for having distracted them from the boy, who was seriously freaking out about the whole thing. I’m sure his dad had no idea what he was sending his child off to deal with.

    And, yes. It was an awakening story in a sense. It’s when I developed a deep hatred of my fellow Whites. It’s when I truly comprehended just how cowardly, pathetic, and dishonorable my people have become. I’m getting myself angry right now just thinking about it.

  42. Whites Unite,
    You can’t just divide the Jews in the same way they divided us. The harder you try, the harder they’ll stick together.

  43. One short, controlled burst about the military: The US military is a bigger engine of miscegenation than Hollywood. Again, I don’t think we will find any solutions in the military.

    This is not the correct way to think about future developments.

    Amidst coming global catastrophe, mid-century, whatever is left of the military will inevitably assume command of the situation – for good or ill. Satan is on his way to collect his due for WWII, after a century of party-time for the conniving and back-stabbing Anglo-Americans. Indeed, the ghost of Hua Guofeng whispers to us his cautionary tale, from the shadows around us into which we do not see.

    Thus it is important for military personnel, above all others, to have been exposed to a brutally forthright explanation of the roots of the catastrophe. The Big Tent propaganda effort, to sneak as many goyim under the White-wing canvas, detracts from that vital project by sliding over differences in ideological perspectives (to the extent that they are even recognized amidst a lack of clarity as to the nature of reality). [Harken, Christers, Populists, and Colonists.]

    Unfortunately, and for the present, the White-wing basically dwells in the late Eighteenth Century, in terms of its ideological sophistication, and grasp of political economy. One despairs of illuminating even this element, in the mass, as to the Foundations of the 21st.

    Therefore, the military strategy is our only hope for survival. This is the time, in the evolution of the culture, when the Republic is long past in other than pretense. So, if you reckon the military approach to be a false hope, you might as well close the door, on your way out, as you get back to your little life, as it is for now.

  44. A quote on “The Jews took over this country without firing a shot. They did it by controlling the pictures you see and the words you hear. From that the institutions that control the social ordering of society were easy prey.”

    #8 I totally agree. The WASPs are incapable of placing blood above all else. When it comes to poor rule, no one deserves a second chance.

    If the Jews are so intelligent, why do they keep creating so many enemies? Armies of enemies throughout the centuries. Their wealth and positions of power are always short lived and never protect them in the end. The US will be no different.

    The famous anti-white line by Susan Sontag actually describes her people perfectly. The Jews are the cancer of human history (someone probably said it to her and she distorted it). And, they are. Parasitic and destructive. They feed on the host until it’s destroyed. That’s why Hitler went after them. They took far more from Germany than they ever delivered to her and her indigenous people. We aren’t allow to talk about Hitler because his original motives were not so psychotic.

  45. NeoNietzsche,

    This isn’t the first time that your thirst for transcendence in this desert of modernity has led you to look at some jackasses in costumes and see a mirage of martial valor.

    Just like your uncle Fred, you’re keen to philosophize with a hammer but incapable of offering a coherent vision for a future direction. You speak of your having mastered the science of political economy and your years of careful research. But I don’t see anything. Your blog is dandy, but it’s not a substitute for a coherent exposition of your vision. I would love to be proven wrong, but all I see is falconry and tearing down.

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