Tim Mak on Alt Right

Tim Mak of Frum Forum has a new hit piece on Alternative Right. The article is called “The New Racist Right.” It is standard fare conservative boilerplate.

I would have responded to this trash yesterday, but I am on the road again in Raleigh, NC. Oddly enough, David Frum is also in town. Yesterday, he spoke at a free public lecture at NC State. If I had known about it at the time, I would have shown up and asked him a few uncomfortable questions.

The thrust of Mak’s article is that Alt Right is “racist,” “sexist,” and “reactionary.” Excuse me, I can’t help but laugh here. When my roommate read this piece, his dismissive reaction was “Frum Forum is such a gay ass website.” That concise statement encapsulates everything I had to say.

Mainstream conservatives are just so, well, pathetic. Frum Forum is a retread of mainstream liberal garbage from twenty years ago repackaged as the latest, cutting edge form of “conservatism.” All the terms of abuse used against Alt Right were imported into “conservatism” from the Left. “Conservatism” has been so completely co-opted by its enemies that the term is more or less useless.

I’m increasingly of the view that “conservatives” have a certain look about them. Jim Giles introduced me to this theory. I’ve begun to notice it myself since I have been in Virginia. Conservatives are always smiling. They also look like … there is no polite way to say this … but they usually look like pussies!

Check out Tim Mak. This Beltway hack couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paperbag. These people are going to preserve our culture? Please.

Note: I wrote this article yesterday but passed out before I could post it.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Matt,

    It’s out of your control. You can count on millions of “John Armstrongs” feeling the same way if racial preservation/survival/nationalism/anything-with-white-racial-in-it — and whatever political objective is pursued to secure it — ever becomes the burning issue in America (or anywhere). Some will shut up for obvious reasons of expediency but many, many, many will not. Again, you can’t control it. Far better for any emergent racial leadership to find some way to contend with it without it appearing all too obvious that you’re lying. As you yourself acknowledge, the idea that you’ll ‘set traps’ for Jews is idiocy on stilts. But almost as idiotic is the idea that you’ll set traps for Sicilians — which I use as a stand-in here for all those little-L whites, “census whites” but not “primary identity” Whites, or, at the risk of incurring your wrath, “real” Whites. FFS man, I’m certain that thirty years ago or even twenty years ago the idea that “White” in an American context included the far southern and or even eastern stretches of Europe would have been considered too absurd for words. And I can speak with granite authority that down in my country (excuse me, the-country-I-live-in, or for the Captainchaoses, “occupy”) the idea today remains too absurd for words. Anyone my generation (early 30s) or older can remember racially explicit street fights between us, FFS (your 20s were our 70s; maybe not quite, but not so different). You can only downplay incidents that occurred within living memory so much. Well, okay, times might have changed — demographics certainly have — and I agree there is an excellent hang together or hang separately case to be made, but then make it on those terms, and offer a reward for cooperation. That reward does two things. It keeps people racialized and it means there’s always a ‘fallback’ of ending up with your ‘own kind’ more narrowly defined (in my mind, not a fallback at all, for what that’s worth). Come on, Matt. You’re too smart not to realize what I’m talking about here is the real world.

    Allow me to use an example from my own life to illustrate my thrust. I sit down at my new barber’s. We get to chatting. Eventually he asks me, “So, what part of Italy are you from?”

    “Er…the Greece part.” [I’ve gone through this routine before. I can’t say “the Greek part” because he might think I’m being cute, because it’s relatively well-known that parts of southern Italy were once Greek colonies. Also, I could have answered Serbia or Macedonia, since I have roots there too, but it’s clearly the phenotype that prompted his question, so I play along.]

    “Oh,” he laughs, “I thought you were Italian.”

    Now, this barber’s no Sicilian dago. He’s Rienzi material; an Italian Good White Man. But let’s say race starts becoming an issue in this country. A serious issue. And he and I start talking race, and what might be done about it. Let’s say he hears your version, Matt. And then he hears mine. Whose voice is going to speak with more authority? Forget me — Silver — here. “Silver” could be his son, it could be his nephew, his cousin, it could be anyone close or important to him in the “human constellation” (to once again use that term I introduced in my diatribe to “Z”) of which he is a part. Remembering that he visually identified me as a racial ‘familiar,’ I ask you again, whose voice, yours or mine, speaks with greater authority to him? I know this is only one example, but imagine it playing out a million times over. Clearly what you think is the more expedient strategy is cast into some rather severe doubt.

  2. Silver,

    It’s not a trap for Sicilians. It’s a sincere olive branch (no pun intended). I believe that your having waded in the stagnant swamp of racial hobbyists has (understandably) led you to suspect that behind every “White Advocate” is a dissimulating Nordicist. It’s critical to be firm on the Sicilian Question. To waver on it is to open the pandora’s box of intra-White/intra-European competitiveness which would be ruinous.

    I recognize that there will be White ethnics in America who will choose not to integrate. But you overstate your case. Many (if not most) Whites of Eastern European or Italian descent are as White American as I am (I’m bonafide, btw).

    I’m totally confused by your last paragraph. It’s an invitation. Obviously, if you aren’t White American and don’t identify as such, then I’m not going to shove you onto the ark.

  3. …Forget me — Silver — here. “Silver” could be his son, it could be his nephew, his cousin, it could be anyone close or important to him in the “human constellation” (to once again use that term I introduced in my diatribe to “Z”) of which he is a part. Remembering that he visually identified me as a racial ‘familiar,’ I ask you again, whose voice, yours or mine, speaks with greater authority to him? I know this is only one example, but imagine it playing out a million times over. Clearly what you think is the more expedient strategy is cast into some rather severe doubt. @ Silver

    It’s not a trap for Sicilians. It’s a sincere olive branch (no pun intended). I believe that your having waded in the stagnant swamp of racial hobbyists has (understandably) led you to suspect that behind every “White Advocate” is a dissimulating Nordicist. It’s critical to be firm on the Sicilian Question. To waver on it is to open the pandora’s box of intra-White/intra-European competitiveness which would be ruinous.

    I recognize that there will be White ethnics in America who will choose not to integrate. But you overstate your case. Many (if not most) Whites of Eastern European or Italian descent are as White American as I am (I’m bonafide, btw). @ Matt

    Well said guys, well said. As you say Matt, if certain White ‘ethnics’ in America choose not to integrate, so bee it… the world is a big place.

    Like you said Silver in your very interesting blog piece adroitly refuting the legendary GoV dissimulator ‘Takuan Seiyo’ — the ‘worst’ that can oe would happen to unassimiable ethnics is that they would then ‘go to live amongst their own’ (I am paraphrasing you, of course). And like you said, not exactly the worst or most ‘oppressive’ fate that can befall a man.

  4. Matt,

    Here’s my opinion on what should be done.

    I honestly think that we should include all Americans of Eastern European descent. In my view, their numbers are small enough to where they can be completely assimilated without real negative consequences for the Northwestern European majority. In addition, Eastern Europeans are naturally much more assimilable than Southern Europeans.

    I also think that we should be open to including some Southern Europeans. However, I don’t think that we should include all of them. Many of the Italians in this country are of southern Italian descent, which makes them very genetically distinct from the Northwestern European majority. And there are too many of them here. Therefore, at least some of them have to be encouraged to leave at some point.

    And, of course, the Eastern and Southern Europeans who are accepted would have to respect the fact that the United States is a Northwestern European country. I think that this is a very reasonable request given American history. Americans of Northwestern European descent should be able to express their ethnic pride in the country that their ancestors built without being afraid of offending hypersensitive minorities.

    Basically, my position is very similar to Richard McCulloch’s. I don’t think that it’s threatening to our unity and cohesion because pretty much everyone is being included except for some Southern Europeans. We would naturally alienate some of them, but I think that the benefits would greatly outweigh the costs.

    Whites who aren’t Northwestern European won’t be truly loyal to or trusting of a movement which regards them as inferiors.

    The Eastern and Southern Europeans who are accepted would be given full membership granted that they respect the fact that America is a Northwestern European country. They wouldn’t be regarded as inferiors.

  5. Mark,
    That’s kind of slimy of you to take my rejection of Nordicism as an endorsement of out-n-out admixture.

    Matt, apparently you don’t understand punctuation marks. I phrased it in the form of a question. Your words are your own.

    I don’t technically consider myself a Nordicist, but people like simplicity and they like that word, as if it’s derogatory, similar to how the Left uses “racist.”

    Are you hostile to all Nordicists or do I get special treatment? Because the second in command here is probably more Nordicist than I am.

  6. Tim Mak knows kung-fu

    It won’t help him, he looks to have the upper body strength of a child. His application of it is probably artistic and not practical. Why do you think Bruce Lee developed his own style, the old ways were too rigid and impractical.

  7. I also think that we should be open to including some Southern Europeans. However, I don’t think that we should include all of them. Many of the Italians in this country are of southern Italian descent, which makes them very genetically distinct from the Northwestern European majority. And there are too many of them here. Therefore, at least some of them have to be encouraged to leave at some point.


    I empathetically understand the importance of protecting and maintaining Our NW Euro heritage; however I respectfully disagree with you and feel that you are overstating the case as well regarding ‘Eye-talians’.

    All that I ask and that I hope for is that we Whites are all very careful in how we may get and develop our images, perceptions and stereotypes of eachother, especially a group that is routinely lampooned in the hostile, anti-Euro media on their Talmudvision

    This is from the Council of Conservative Citizens website:


    ?Jersey Shore? cast not really Italian.

    An MTV ?reality show? that depicts New Jersey ?Guidos,? claims the cast is ?100% Italian.? Italian groups have been speaking out against the show for being offensive. The shows most offensive characters do not even look Italian and it turns out they aren?t. What do you expect from a network run by Samuel Rothstein that has been vilifying white people and promoting multiculturalism since 1981.

    At least two of the characters are 0% Italian. The shows? most notorious character, Snookie is from Chile. According to gossip magazines she is of mixed Caucasian and Amerindian ancestry and has no Italian blood. The character JWoww is half Irish and half Latino. The character ?Situation? is half Italian and half Latino.

    It has also been reported in the gossip pages that most of the characters are not even from New Jersey either.

    The so-called ?reality stars? receive $10,000 each per episode.


    Remember gang, all Whites to some degree or another are made to look bad, ‘evil’ or foolish by our alien elites (‘hicks’ and ‘rednecks’ anyone?), so let’s be extra vigilent by not adding insult-to-injury and helping them do their job of libeling each of Us..

  8. ‘?Jersey Shore?’

    *All the question marks (?) in my comment above should read as quotation marks (“”).

  9. To adapt an old adage, you can have Nordicism or America but you can’t have both.

    Whoever said that doesn’t know his history. Ever heard of Madison Grant or the Immigration Act of 1924?

    Seriously, you should THANK Northwestern Europeans and Nordicism. Mediterraneans don’t exactly have a good track record with maintaining racial purity. Can you imagine if North America had been colonized by them? We would be another Brazil, it would have been over a long time ago.

  10. Yes, we should tiptoe around and be PC, because preserving our ancestry apparently means we’re libeling and insulting others. Sounds like a repeat of what we hear from the mainstream media and the Imm types.

    I’m just saying what most people are thinking or unconsciously prefer. Shoot the messenger.

  11. I also think that we should be open to including some Southern Europeans. However, I don’t think that we should include all of them. Many of the Italians in this country are of southern Italian descent, which makes them very genetically distinct from the Northwestern European majority. And there are too many of them here. Therefore, at least some of them have to be encouraged to leave at some point.

    Really John, there are ‘too many’ ‘Ey-talians’ here in America (5-8% of population) for your taste??

    What a stupid, uncalled for and needlessly insulting thing to say.

    Oh, and ‘nearly all’ East Euros are assimilable???

    Go to Brighton Beach, Brooklyn sometimes (and no, they are not all Jews) and then tell me what ya think then, Johnnie boy. Contrary to popular racialist stereotype — not all ‘Slavs’ look like ‘Ivan Drago’ — many look like Marcus Epstein.

  12. Contrary to popular racialist stereotype — not all ‘Slavs’ look like ‘Ivan Drago’

    The Russian was played by Dolph Lundgren, who is actually Swedish.

  13. “I honestly think that we should include all Americans of Eastern European descent. In my view, their numbers are small enough to where they can be completely assimilated without real negative consequences for the Northwestern European majority.”

    Small enough? There are whole towns filled with nothing but Eastern European Slavs! (Woodburn Oregon, parts of Sacramento California)

    Now I fully welcome them, but at the same time am still congenitally wary… You would be too if so many of your Ancestors had gotten blown away at the Battle of Stalingrad!

    “Many of the Italians in this country are of southern Italian descent, which makes them very genetically distinct from the Northwestern European majority. “

    No way am I agreeing to deport the likes of Marisa Tomei!

    Indeed an Italian Racialist has already countered this type of thing in his Racial Theories:

    ” Evola held that the physical mixture of races, particularly between Aryans and races that were ‘alien’ (i.e., non-Aryan), was always hazardous — but mixture between ‘related’ races might produce hybrid vigor. ”


  14. Hellacious Heath,
    I have a hypothesis that hybrid vigor from admixture within a race will be the ultimate explanation for the Flynn Effect, the rapid increase in average height, and more than a handful of other historical curiosities. I think Evola will eventually be vindicated by modern research on that account.

  15. I have been gradually finding myself more and more attracted to blogs such as this one, and the ideas within them. However as a White with mixed Serbian, French, and Polish background, I find myself rather unwelcome based on many of the comments I read. This is immensely frustrating, so much focus and discussion should not be devoted to placing one group of whites above another.

    I don’t know where I would find myself if rejected from the White sovereignty movement. My family looks White, acts White, and marries White, is that not enough? Have fun finding enough people of pure 100% Nordic stock.

  16. The mixing of different populations is never a good thing. It’s just that the costs of it are much higher when two distinct races are involved. But there are still very high costs when you replace one ethnic group with another:

    Dr. Salter begins by considering the English as the native population, and examines the effects of the immigration of 10,000 Danes, an ethny that is genetically very close to the English. Replacing 10,000 Englishmen with 10,000 Danes changes the genetic characteristics of the population so much that the resulting “post-displacement” population differs from the undisturbed population by the equivalent of an Englishman (or woman) “not having had” 167 children! Again, we are not talking about actual children, but of the genetic equivalent.

    What if the level of immigration were larger, and more in keeping with the massive displacement of Western peoples we see today? The English population is roughly 50 million. If 12.5 million were replaced by an equal number of Danes, the genetic loss to an Englishman would be the equivalent of 209,000 children not born;


  17. Landser,

    I find it extremely amusing that you think that I’m being insulting to Southern Europeans while at the same time you say that many Eastern Europeans look part-Asian and are thus not assimilable.

  18. Matt, you should write a blog post about your hypothesis. It would be even better than your post about ethnic genetic interests.

  19. Contrary to popular racialist stereotype — not all ‘Slavs’ look like ‘Ivan Drago’ — many look like Marcus Epstein.

    Marcus Epstein was/is a ZOG agent who carried out his karate-chop “attack” on a negress while shouting out “nigger” as a ZOG operation designed to bring upon negative publicity upon and discredit VDare and other sympathetic outlets.

  20. “The mixing of different populations is never a good thing. It’s just that the costs of it are much higher when two distinct races are involved.”

    You should instead say: “The replacement of one population by another is never a good thing. It’s just that the costs of it are much when two distinct races are involved.”

    If the English and Danes decided to have a massive Women Exchange Program, where 500,000 Danish Women went to England while 500,000 English Women went to Denmark, this wouldn’t attentuate the genetic interests of either people.

  21. NotWhiteEnough,
    There’s a range of perspectives on that subject within this movement and on the blog. This isn’t spectator sport. I would encourage you to dive in with me and help persuade people that all Americans of overwhelmingly White European descent should be considered full and equal partners. Rather than getting upset about which way the boat is going, help me paddle it.

  22. Not White Enough – you sound White to me. Your ancestry consists of Caucasian variants (provided you are tellng the truth about your ancestry).

    The Blue Eyed Nords – Sons and Daughters of Odin – invariably need the help of the brown-eyed Celts and Meds, in doing the real dirty work, and then cleaning up the mess, afterwards. You’ve got Serb blood? Excellent. I like Serbs. Jump on board!

  23. Matt – I know that. Some of the Nords don’t seem to understand this reality, though.

    Matt – I have dark brown eyes, and auburn hair. I’ve been told, with heartfelt sincerely, and with great regret, by a blue-eyed Odinist Nord, that no matter what I do, in this life, I cannot enter Valhalla, when I die. I told him, “That’s OK. I’ll hang out in the forest, outside, build a little cottage, have bonfires, and chase around the little wild animals. You can wave to me, from the ramparts”.

    ; } !

  24. Matt,

    It’s not a trap for Sicilians. It’s a sincere olive branch (no pun intended).

    Oh funnee. See, I knew you hated us.

    Just kidding. (And of course I don’t mean ‘us’ literally, since I’m not Sicilian.)

    (Could be the first revolution in which the adversaries high five each other from behind the barricades?)

    I believe that your having waded in the stagnant swamp of racial hobbyists has (understandably) led you to suspect that behind every “White Advocate” is a dissimulating Nordicist.

    No, I always thought it actually, well before I read anything racialist on the web; life experience — you might have heard of it. Shit, I was convinced the reunification of Germany signaled the inauguration of the Fourth Reich. I’ve probably been worse than a Jew in this respect.

    It’s critical to be firm on the Sicilian Question. To waver on it is to open the pandora’s box of intra-White/intra-European competitiveness which would be ruinous.

    This is why what I mean by political expediency. The geographical borders of the European subcontinent form a neat boundary [as I once put it, mercifully the Mediterranean Sea interjects], and the people can be relied upon to view themselves as Europeans and to favor European culture and history, regardless of how questionable their genetic origins.

    The problem is you’d have to be blind not to see the differences that lie within. That’s why I considered McCulloch’s original plan the real olive branch; if you’re going to base partition on notions of fairness and goodwill and not simply racial animosity or vengeance then I think in most people would consider s. euro types as ‘deserving.’ I still it’s a good idea to keep the option open. That keeps people on board with racialism even if they get suspicious of northerly motives (and let’s face it, they’re a suspicious bunch, so you should expect it). I think you might be a victim of hobbyism a bit yourself, Matt, if you imagine that they would all consider being distinguished from northern types a fate worse than death. Whether someone like ‘Mark’ thinks they have good reason to be or not, most of them in my experience are fiercely proud.

    In any case, I’ll suggest another way to ’round out the margins of whiteness’ and get people on board: offer a buy-in. You want in to the white republic you have to render it a service by supplementing its genetic stock via foster parenting of adopted or eugenically procreated white babies. An excellent way to settle the nerves of the nordicists would be to insist on nordic purity for such, based on the genetic reality that the rest of European kind can be derived from breeding with such types, but they cannot be derived from anywhere else. Or put another way, it’s a replenishment of the race’s most recessive elements. This might sound fanciful, but if implemented it is something that would actually work. It would solve the vast majority of problems. Think about it: the ‘questionable’ type’s genetic impact terminates in one lifespan and is substituted by, let’s face it, the type most often yearned for. Win-win. The real question is how many would adopt it. For now, precious few. But as people wrap their heads around the race question, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it become more popular. (Theoretically, it’s something anyone could do, white or not. But if they’re not even remotely white themselves, it becomes a question how willing they’d be to endure the heightened scrutiny that would be sure to exist in any racialized state.)

  25. ” I’ve been told, with heartfelt sincerely, and with great regret, by a blue-eyed Odinist Nord, that no matter what I do, in this life, I cannot enter Valhalla, when I die.”

    That guy is an utter moron who knows very little of Odinism (and its beliefs in reincarnation. )

    From Uber-Nord Varg Vikernes:

    “You can however easily be a Pagan with brown eyes, or a Pagan who is not innocent, but if so You cannot practice “the customs” or sing “magic songs” in this life (and this only make up a small part of Paganism anyhow). Then You simply have to wait until the next life before You can live up to the required moral and genetic standards. Maybe You will not live up to these standards until the life after the next life, but if You are a Pagan that is not a problem, because Pagans have a belief in the eternal life of the individual in the kin. When we die we will only take a break from life to be purified, before we return to life when new children are born into the kin. Even if some Europeans are a bit “polluted genetically”, so to speak, and have brown eyes for instance, that is something that can be solved by a few generations of race hygiene. Those not yet welcome in Valhalla will come to Þrúðheimr, Sessrýmnir or other divine dwelling, and of course to Hel (everybody visit Hel in death).”


    P.S. Denise don’t worry I am in fact in t he same boat as you. I am half-Norwegian but also half-German (from Bavaria) and so have brown eyes, but this is not that big a deal, just one or two re-incarnations more and one can be Valhalla bound!

  26. Notwhiteenough,

    I have been gradually finding myself more and more attracted to blogs such as this one, and the ideas within them. However as a White with mixed Serbian, French, and Polish background, I find myself rather unwelcome based on many of the comments I read. This is immensely frustrating, so much focus and discussion should not be devoted to placing one group of whites above another.

    See, that’s the maddening thing about race. On the surface it all seems so simple: I’m white, jews aren’t, this is a white country, let’s get these other bastards out. Who would have ever thought it’d be the sociological equivalent of proving the Riemann Hypothesis?

    I’m curious, why was it “gradually”? What was holding you back? The knowledge, perhaps, that your forefathers essentially had little to do with the founding of the country? This isn’t an attack; it’s just that intelligent people usually know their origins, and they know something about the founding of the country and how they came to be a part of it. It’s just another way in which race is about race, yes, but in another important sense it really isn’t about race. The beauty of a plan like McCulloch’s is that there is something in it for everyone. As I said to Trainspotter, maybe you’re justified in believing that every-square-inch is rightfully yours. But that makes it extremely difficult to support you (“Oh my God, first they’ll get the niggers, then they’ll get me — eventually!”) McCulloch does the opposite: it makes it very difficult to oppose you.


    No way am I agreeing to deport the likes of Marisa Tomei!

    Realistically, no way are you going to marry her, either. So I don’t know why you’re so concerned.

    Now look, you can’t just sift through people like that: I’ll take you, you, not you, you, not you, not you, you no way, you, you, you hmmm no…oh hang on wait, okay, come here you… etc Come on WTF.

  27. Silver,
    Meds who are fiercely proud of their parochial identities and disinterested in identifying fully and completely as White Americans were never in question. Create a singular identity, then invite all Americans of European descent to identify with it and only it. It’s cardinally important for White Americans to foster a truly unified identity.

    If some Meds don’t see themselves as part of this nation, then that’s understandable – but consequential. It’s an offer, not a plea.

    The proposal you offer is really little more than a Nordic supremacist caste system which could only engender divisiveness and leave everybody except Dolph Lundgren a bit uneasy about their welcomeness. The problem you’re apparently addressing of maintaining and even increasing the Whiteness is one that I think should be tackled after we’ve regained sovereignty. My thoughts on the subject are that NS-style eugenics programs and similarly systematic initiatives focused strictly on IQ and/or specific physical characteristics are non-starters. We would need a holistic, tradition-integrated way to maximize our fitness and aesthetic beauty.

  28. “Realistically, no way are you going to marry her, either. So I don’t know why you’re so concerned.”

    Hope springs eternal! 🙂

    “Now look, you can’t just sift through people like that: I’ll take you, you, not you, you, not you, not you, you no way, you, you, you hmmm no…oh hang on wait, okay, come here you… etc Come on WTF.”

    Jeez it is called an EXAMPLE people!

    Folks from all sorts of perspectives come on here ranting and raving: Nordicits, Alpinists, Medicists, heck there may even be Cro-Mganonists out there… so to deflate their sails you just cite an example of a very successful, well liked, and attractive member of the targeted group to point out how dumb some of these sub-racial drama-club outings are.

  29. (sorry for double post)

    “My family looks White, acts White, and marries White, is that not enough?”

    Well Not White Enough ? I fully welcome you here.

    You will however find that there are differing opinions, so be forewarned, but know that there are folks on here that are ‘in your corner’ so to speak.

    Generally speaking when personally evaluating these things I use David Lanes standard:

    “If someone looks White, acts White, fights White, then until their actions prove otherwise, they are our Folk. On the other hand, regardless of pedigree or appearance, those who oppose, criticize, hinder or fail to support our cause are no friends of ours.”


  30. n/a,
    You’re correct, but I don’t see how there’s a way around it. To arrive at an identity, one has to suppress those who would compromise that identity by either fostering internal divisions or maintaining loyalty to out-groups. Right? Those who would define White American in inappropriately narrow terms or entertain dual loyalties are both corrosive to the creation of an identity.

    People intuitively identify anybody who looks White and identifies culturally as American as a White American, so that seems to be the obvious, easy, and natural place to draw the line. The discussion of how that altruistic punishment would occur is left to be determined.

  31. Matt,

    If Catsimatidis looks white to you, I take it you must think most Ashkenazi Jews look practically Nordic.

    And why stop with Europe? I’ve met Greeks who I assumed were Pakistani until I found out their names, but I must have had it backward. Diabloblanco assures me the Middle East and Central Asia are overflowing with “Aryans”.

  32. n/a,
    First, there are people of Northwestern European descent who have Cat’s complexion and even similar features. Second, the number of “olive” Americans of European descent are numerically insignificant. They’re surely no greater than around 1%. Third, these “Aryans” throughout Central Asia aren’t here, and aren’t American, even if they are White.

    This reminds me of an argument I had about defining gender. There will always be these edge and corner cases, and we don’t have to resolve every single one before we carry on with a world divided between men and women. Thankfully, White Americans are remarkably homogeneous in appearance and identity. It doesn’t matter if this Catsimatidis guy or some people with Jewish ancestry make the cut.

    This is admittedly pissy of me, but do you actually prefer to quibble over numerically insignificant edge cases and hypothetical situations?

    There’s work to be done.

  33. Matt, n/a, Not White Enough ?,

    This is no small matter. Defining Who is White is in many cases obvious. However if you leave it only to the obvious then huge numbers of people will be in an unclear position and will not affiliate despite overlapping interests, genetic and cultural factors!
    We should avoid such a negative outcome and look to gain allies where we can, as long as the primary goal of European excellence and survival is not compromised.

    I think we should remain open to discussing this very important matter until we come to satisfactory conclusions.

    Personally I favor genetic testing especially in regards to an ethnostate. Clearly defined levels of acceptable admixture should be agreed upon.

    For further consideration I propose 1/8th as the acceptable level for non-White admixtures aside from Blacks which should be reduced to 1/16th or even lower. That is just for a start and open to further discussion.

  34. Lockeford – inclusion in the White Race ought to come down to haplotypes, gene markers, etc. Why do you want any Congoid at all?

    No Jews. Not one drop. Nada.

  35. Am I wrong to understand you wish to altruistically punish those who don’t enthusiastically welcome people who look like this or this?

    What about ‘altruistically punishing’ people who look like this?

  36. What about ‘altruistically punishing’ people who look like this?

    Oops, the above should read “altruistically punishing those who don’t enthusiastically welcome people who look like this”.

  37. Question for ‘Nordicists’: What and where do y’all consider and place the French in your internet Viking Weltanschauung?

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