About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lockeford – try to say something POSITIVE and ATTRACTIVE about Paganism and Odinism

    I HAVE.

    I DO.

    The Nice Good Christian Lady is hearing about Esoteric Hitlerism.

    She doesn’t “get it” – yet – cause it’s way beyond her Pale, based on her experience. She, and others, are stil fighting ME over the Race Matters issue- but she is COMING TO ME FOR ANSWERS.

    Not her church.

    God, yes – but not her church members.


    She knows who I am.

    She’s infuential and beloved in her community

    I’ve explained Odinism, and Paganism, and Esoteric Hitlerism. It shold freak her out. It really doesn’t. It doesn’t register – because she is so into Jesus.

    She’s not stupid. She’s very intelligent and motivated. She’s SCARED TO DEATH about what is happening.

    SCARED TO DEATH. There are MILLIONS like her.

    Why do you want to drive them away?

    Most Whites are not gonna go for various forms of Paganism, because of issues inherent to Paganism.

    Think about what would happen if we DID get a MILLION White Christians – and you got a thousand of those Christians to convert to Paganism? Wouldn’t that be groovy?

    You will do this by saying NICE THINGS ABOUT Christianity, and NICE THINGS ABOUT PAGANISM.

    Geez. Didja ever think of that?

  2. OK. I was writing while you answered.

    Fair enough.

    The Paganist stuff is scary to Xians – cause the Pagans etc cannot seem to be able to cite thier beliefs without slagging Christianity. Perhaps you’se guys don’t see it – but Christians sure do.

    Tom did not phrase things the best way.

    We all must, as White Nationalists, make peace with the various religions. For those 14 words.

  3. Denise,

    It is unfair to say that all of those who offer criticism of Christianity are ignorant of the facts. I have read the Torah (Old Testament), the New Testament, and studied much of the Halakah (Law) as interpreted by the tortuously long hermeneutic tool, the Babylonian Talmud. I know Christianity, I know Judaism, and I know where they intersect and diverge. I do criticise Christianity, but I also recognise its contributions to Western Civilisation. I try to focus on the positive aspects of Heathenism and to avoid conflict with other men of Tradition.

    In my opinion, Crosstitution (christianity) was Saul’s corruption of the teachings of Jesus, whose Gnostic message was the reason he was abandoned to crucifixion by his own people.

    The Nag Hammadhi Library houses some great concepts; for instance, we find 1/3 of mankind are without souls and will be burned up like garbage: “there are many animals in human form, but do not esteem them as men, for as animals devour one another, so do they.”

    Any Heathens who have not studied Gnosticism should remedy this oversight. Many of you will already be familiar with Jung and his work, so I recommend starting with this excellent book:

    The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons of the Dead

    H.A. McNeill has an amusing pun: “Gnostic Fascism — you Know it’s Right.”


    Many aspects of Christianity were “borrowed” (I’m being kind here) from the “fringe” cults that you do not wish us to discuss. Was Jesus really born on the 25th of December, or was this appropriated because it was the birthday of Mithras? I could go on and on here with examples, but I’m sure you’ve seen “Zeitgeist” and I don’t want to focus on divisive issues. I don’t hate your religion, or tell you that you can’t talk about it, and I’d appreciate the same courtesy.

    During my period as organiser for the Vinlandic Heathen Front, we released a number of intro packets, and this is what we had to say on Christianity at the time (2000):

    Do you hate Christianity and/or Christians?

    We harbour no hatred for anyone based on race, culture, or creed. We feel that Christianity is a spent force of cultural cohesion and identity, one which was distorted from the start by its source in Eastern and Semitic cultures. The only positive elements one could find in Christianity have long died out as it has become today little more than a slavish devotion to alien moral creeds. As such, we do not feel that Christianity has any validity left for us today.

    We tolerate Christians as we tolerate anyone else who does not agree with our vision of the future, so long as this treatment is mutual. We will not tolerate those who persecute us in any way, nor do we ultimately envision Christianity lasting into a new age of folk consciousness.

    Almost ten years have passed since that was written, and while I still agree fundamentally with what it says, I would not be as adversarial if I were to pen such a FAQ today. I would rather focus on the things that we all have in common. Men of Tradition, unite!

    “There is a superior unity in all those who despite all, fight in different parts of the world the same battle, lead the same revolt, and are bearers of the same intangible Tradition. These forces appear to be scattered and isolated in the world, and yet are inexorably connected by a common essence that is meant to preserve the absolute ideal of the Imperium and work for its return.” – Julius Evola

  4. “Pagans etc cannot seem to be able to cite thier beliefs without slagging Christianity. ”

    Well, you have discovered what “Paganism” is all about.

    It is the same when young punks become Satanists. It is a form of rebellion against society and attention seeking. It has nothing to do with pure belief in something.

  5. Robert…..

    Ahhh….your posts are a long cool drink of water, to a parched soul.

    Your intellect, wit, and deep soul shines through, with every word you write.

    I agree with every word in your post. I understand why Odinists, and Pagans feel the way they do.

    My little “tantrum” earlier, was fueled by the fact that I have been taking all sorts of “punches”, in the trenches, so to speak. “Winning Souls, to the White Path, is so hard and so perilous.

    The White Race exists on the razor’s edge, right now. Most don’t even know this. My TP crowd is just just just beginning ot process the fact that, “Hey! We don’t have a representative government anymore! What? They (the Infestation in Office) aren;t even listening ot us! They don’t even care!”.

    Robert – these folks – and the greater TP group, in my State, has over 2 thousand members – aren’t even at the point where I can tell them that the will not be a politicla solution, in the voting booth, anytime soon.

    I was booted out of the primary, large TP group, in January, for “racism” (It was really about my challenge to the Holohoax) . I’m in a secondary group. Apparently, people want me back in the main group. I’ve been invited to attend an event, as a “guest” – and I’ve been assured that the founders of the main group – them what booted me out – will not be allowed to utter a word of protest, at my presence.

    These folks are mostly Christians. There are Yids scattered throughout – but most are Christians.

    It’s a total uphill battle.

    I’ve gotten 2 of ’em on this site.

    I do not want an y of the Odinists, Pagans, or beloved Hitlerists to ever decry or denounce their faiths. I just don’t want them to blow my efforts to smithereens, by relentless assaults and general snidery, regarding the potential Xian recruits, washing up on our shores.

    Thank you for the Evola quote.

    We need unity – now, more than ever. I can smell victory, a long way off – but the conditions for defeat surround us.

    Come on fellas! Let’s win!

  6. I agree with every word in your post. I understand why Odinists, and Pagans feel the way they do. …

    I do not want an y of the Odinists, Pagans, or beloved Hitlerists to ever decry or denounce their faiths. I just don’t want them to blow my efforts to smithereens, by relentless assaults and general snidery, regarding the potential Xian recruits, washing up on our shores.

    So are you essentially saying then that you are not a sincere Christian??

    “Xtian” ??

  7. Trainspotter-

    Do you have a blog? If not you really should. You have great clarity on the issues and your posts are always rational and grounded in reality.

  8. So are you essentially saying then that you are not a sincere Christian??

    Additionally, The Bible does not speak or take kindly towards behavior such as this –

    (Pslam 119: 113,118)
    113 I hate those who are double-minded,
    But I love Your law.

    118 You have rejected all those who wander from Your statutes,
    For their deceitfulness is useless.


    (James 1:8)
    He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

  9. Charlemagne – stuff a sock in it.

    I am a sincere Christian. I am a mainstream Christian. I believe a person’s religious faith is the personal business of an individual – unless that person is a Judenraus. I am not a soul-saver; I never have been. I am not trying to win souls for the Christ. I am trying win White Souls for the White Race.

    My primary concern – my obssession – is the preservation of the White Race. I am interested in practical measures, to get as many Whites as I possibly can to awaken to Racial Awareness – and their very survival.

    So drop the CRAP. What are you doing in the real world, for the White Race?

    I’m gonna end this post cause it’s oh so very tempting to un-leash…..

  10. Err – Diving (yes – that mis-spelling was deliberate) Comedy – you’ve been just dying for any lame excuse to post that wholly irrelevant video, haven’t you?

  11. Swedish Fish, I appreciate the compliment. No, I don’t have a blog. Perhaps somewhere down the road I will, but for now I’m content with just being an occasional poster. Thanks again for the words.

  12. I am not trying to win souls for the Christ. I am trying win White Souls for the White Race.

    Sorry, then you are not a Christian.

    The ‘White Race’ isn’t God, nor vice-versa, and this ‘worshipping’ of race is the fatal deceit of pharisaism, of talmudism, if you indeed have actually read the Bible, not merely choice quotes.

    Additionally, I don’t care what you or anyone else personally believes, I just find it gratuitously insulting the irreverent attitude and tone you speak of Christianity in whilst you claim being a Christian.

    *BTW – ‘Esoteric Hitlerism’ is not a religion — it is more of a ‘hollywood knatsee’ phenomenon that Herr Hitler, the real man, would be absolutely ashamed of.

  13. Denise, that video is irrelevant to two groups of people – non-Christians, and fake Christians.

    Do we really need more fake Christians? What good have they ever done anyone? The Gospel is a necessary offense, remember? If the Tea Party pseudo-Christians can’t handle it, well, tell them to stop lying on Jesus. I’m serious as a heart attack sweetheart. Rev 3:16

    Tell them to turn off their Jew Tube and start reading their own Bible. God hates flags.

  14. Sorry, then you are not a Christian.

    The ‘White Race’ isn’t God, nor vice-versa, and this ‘worshipping’ of race is the fatal deceit of pharisaism, of talmudism, if you indeed have actually read the Bible, not merely choice quotes.

    True enough, there is no such thing as a “white soul” in the Bible, it’s spiritual egalitarianism.

  15. @63

    I assume that your assumption is correct; Herr Hitler’s gentle and humble spirit would not lend itself to the sort of apotheosis accrued to him by some of the contemporary adherents to his doctrine. Prince Siddhartha also scoffed at attempts to deify him, but that has not prevented many from doing so, nor does it negate the fact that Buddhism is a legitimate and powerful spiritual current, at least when properly understood as explicated in the Pali canon.

    Esoteric Hitlerists recognise that National Socialism was merely a single manifestation of the Eternal Order of the Sun in Time. Although flawed (see Evola’s salient critique of NS in Men Among the Ruins, for example), National Socialism was an aggregate of the authentic Solar Tradition; it was the first and last time in the modern world that our ancient, Aryan principles were revived and implemented on a mass scale.

    … National Socialism is infinitely more than a mere political creed; the fact is that it is a way of life, a faith in the fullest sense of the word—one could say a religion, however different it may at first appear, from every existing system thus labeled in current speech. Religions are not as easy to uproot as mere political creeds.” —Savitri Dêvi, Pilgrimage

  16. Hey Charlekook – you fraud – tell me what you are doing in the real world?

    P!ss off – and take your boy toy Depraved Comedy with you. The boys at the leather bar are waiting.

  17. I assume that your assumption is correct; Herr Hitler’s gentle and humble spirit would not lend itself to the sort of apotheosis accrued to him by some of the contemporary adherents to his doctrine.


    And may I say that your assumption is correct as well sir.

    Adolf Hitler was indeed one of the greatest son’s of the West who has ever lived — a man so well above his time and place in history.

    In spite of his magnificence, unlike the common Bolshevik trash in Soviet Russia, there was never any statues or or mass-pictorial representations of the Chancellor all over the Reich — like there was with the gangster-thugs Stalin and Lenin.

    Regarding Hitler’s humble spirit, just read the account of his secretary, Traudl Junge, who said just before she passed away a few years ago that he was one of the most thoughtful men that she has ever met and worked with, even during the very last days in the bunker.

    Still, since so much of what we are told about Herr Hitler and the Third Reich here in America, even so much of what is said by those that admire him, is filtered through the lens and prism of so much Establishmentarian propaganda, I am, justifiably, a bit skeptical of some of their claims and positions (as well, much of the esoteric dimensions of NS, even in the Reich, was not practiced by Hitler but more by other Party members).

    This being said, the Dêvi quote you cited is excellent, and you/him are right Robert that National Socialism is way, way more than merely a political creed, and indeed is one that in so many ways is a faith-based system designed to harness and integrate all the agencies and power of Germanic, and European society into a holistic, harmonious ‘wholeness’.

  18. P!ss off – and take your boy toy Depraved Comedy with you. The boys at the leather bar are waiting.

    Can you stop being so histrionic and so gutter-mouthed when you debate with people, Denise??

  19. So Charle-MANGE – do you think slagging off on Christians is going to foment a mass awakening, and suddenly convert the entire remnants of the White Race into ” a holistic, harmonious ‘wholeness’ – when they never ever have heard of any of this, and alll they know is “Conservative Radio Show Hosts hawking “Israel is our pal” and “Hilter was bad bad bad” 24/7?

    Any brilliant thoughts on how this “wholeness” will suddenly just somehow happen?

    But I guess you don’t need any of the White Masses. Do ya?

  20. Denise,

    I do apologize, sincerely, for questioning the veracity of your beliefs in our Faith. That was very wrong of me.

    You also make good points in your last comment, especially the part about fellow Christians and ‘…all they know is “Conservative Radio Show Hosts hawking “Israel is our pal” and “Hilter was bad bad bad” 24/7?…’. Well said.

    I would like to say I strongly feel that race and Christianity, however, are not mutually-exclusive terms, and that there were many Christians throughout history that were completely comfortable with racialism. As well, there were many devout Christians who were loyal citizens of the Reich and of National Socialism (you most likely know this Denise – I am saying it more for the other’s edification).

    So my point is that we don’t have to treat the subject of Christianity like it is inscrutable and completely alien to our race, heritage and faith. We don’t have to use the Christian Lord as a ‘marketing tool’ for our cause (again Denise, not singling you out here). Nor should this happen, since ‘He comes before we’.


    This is all that I was trying to convey in my initial disagreement with your approach, of which I somewhat misunderstood.

  21. I know who the real Charlemagne was. I don’t need instruction on that topic.

    I use whichever terminology I choose to deploy, at any given moment. So yes – that “P!ss off” suggestion was most appropo, at the time.

    My personal faith, or any-one else’s was never ever ever the point of any post I’ve witten. It’s about on-the-ground tactics. That is my mission.

    As far as winning souls to the Christ – I feel that there are many paths to God – and Christianity, at the risk of offending my dearly beloved Pagan pals – is the best one. For me. Any many others. I do assume intelligence, when discussing such matters with others. I consider the faith of a person to to be an intensely personal path, not to be taken lightly at all. I do not ever try to convince people to the path of the Christ. I tell ’em what I know, and what I believe, and why I believe what I believe. I do not waste my time trying to fervently convert – all sweaty earnestness and icky desperation. . What nonsense.

    I find that presenting the message of the Christ, as a really exquisite item – really high end goods – appealing to the most discriminating and exclusive and perceptive and very very very intelligent of “customers” – is a really effective “marketing approach”. I assume that only truly intelligent people would automatically “get” the Good Word. I “assume the sale”. Worls ike a charm. Christianity has been gutted, and shredded, and perverted, and slandered in every way. People like hearing Christianity treated this was.

    Pagans – do the same. Negative messages on something like religion are simply deadly. You really must make people want to walk you path.

    Finally – as far as using Christianity as a “marketing tool” for White Nationalism – you bloody well bet I do! I write again – and I will keep writing – insulting millions and millions of potential converts and allies to the White Faith – is the dumbest, most idiotic move White Nationalists could ever make. Why swim against that tide? Hitler knew it was a complete waste of time and energy to work against Christianity. Work with what ya got!

    I saw pics of those wonderful Swastika Christmas tree balls! Talk about a brilliant “marketing ” tool! (I want some of those, too. I wonder if there are any to be had…..wow. That would be totally cool).
    Here is how I would “use” the Swastika Balls – every-one that knows me knows I love to decorate for Holy Days. I’ve been collecting Christmas ornaments for years. My ornaments are really pretty, and unusual. I give ornamnets as gifts. People love what I give, as the decorations I bestow are lovely and unusual. This past Christmas, a pal of mine told me that he still has an ornament that I gave him, over 15 years ago. It’s one of his nicest, and he loves it, and so does every-one else.

    Now if any of my pals would come to my house, and saw my Swastika Ball, on my tree, they may be shocked. (Well – my best pals would not be shocked). I would not notice their shock or fear. I would notice that they noticed the SB – and I wold immediately start “selling” the SB with enthusiam, and a sense of real fun. I wold tel the person, Look! This is a Swastika Christmas Ball! Isn’t this great? Look at the beautiful design, and the high quality of the manufacturing. Germans are so good at quality! Now – you’ve heard all kinds of horrible things about Hitler, and the Nazis – but it’s …not true. I’m really into history – yuo know that – and I’m fiding out that all the things we’ve been told are…lies. Hitler and the Nazis thought well of Christmas cause they loved their people! Isn’t this pretty?”

    That’s how it’s done.

    I know those that would be horrified at Swastika Balls, on my tree, are not going to be swayed with one little sales pitch, on such a taboo subject – but ya gotta plant the seeds. And acclimate.

    That is all I am asking – begging – my fellow WN to do, when Christians wash up on these WN shores – help me acclimate them.

    And I promise you – I am going to keep ramping up “Christianity as a marketing tool for WN” in every way I can.

  22. It was probably manufactured but if not the attitude should be “who cares”? I’ve got a feeling the sheeple are still asleep and in 2010 they’ll vote the neocons back into Congress and in 2012 they’ll support the same old candidates for President and possibly the great whore of zion, Sarah Palin herself. Call me a pessimist.

    Nah, you’re right. Operative word being “sheeple”. They’re there to be led, not lead.

    And you put your finger on it: whites who are unwilling to point, mock, and laugh at those who accuse them of racism aren’t going to do shyte, ever. It’s a sure marker of a racial-cultural slave.

  23. Denise,

    Great points you make in your last comment… and again, just wish to say it was really inappropriate of me to pre-judge you the way that I did, especially with the completely out-of-context biblical quotes that I used in my early comments to you.

    I use whichever terminology I choose to deploy, at any given moment. So yes – that “P!ss off” suggestion was most appropo, at the time.

    Indeed it was. Point well-taken.

    After reading more of your commentary on this site, I see, and fully appreciate your witty and jocular style in your approach — I also see no disrespect or irreverence to our Faith at all, especially after reading and relating to your style of commentary.

    And, in making for a better and more empathetic understanding of Christianity to many of our White Nationalist Brothers and Sisters — quite perceptive and astute of you as well.

    Bon soir, Mademoiselle Denise.

    *Yes, I also remember seeing the Swastika ‘Weihnachten’ balls, as well as other German National Socialist Christmas regalia before.

    **This is a site I think you will find interesting, especially as a lady:

    “A 1930s window shopping”

  24. I notice the left likes to call neocons and the rest of the faux right, dangerous right wing extremists. I was listening to a radio program today about people stockpiling ammunition and weapons and one caller said it’s people like Sarah Palin who cheerlead this sort of thing. Gimme a break. If I thought for one second this crypto Jewish zoglodyte was even 10 percent of what the media portrays her to be, I’d support her wholeheartedly. It’s this sort of misdirection and reverse psychology that keeps the real right from power.

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