About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. kristinn “Warlord of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com”:The video, filmed by Marooned in Marin and posted at YouTube, shows Reps. Lewis and Carson walking together, with Rep. Cleaver several yards behind as they fight their way through the Tea Party patriots like they were in 1965 Selma, Alabama.

    LOL, they haven’t seen racism.

    “Kristinn” is a complete fraud and liar.

  2. That was me, yelling epithets at Andre Carson. That Black Muslim heard me from all the way back home in Indiana.

    Yes, Indiana…Indiana…has sent a Black Muslim to Washington.

    We figured it would mean one fewer in Indiana. 🙂

  3. The typical ‘Conservatives’, at least a good portion of them, at places like Freepers are running around in circles over this. Insisting that: Number 1, there are plenty of non whites in the Tea Party movement and number 2, caring at all what the implicitly anti-white, black caucus race group along with the Marxist MSM has to say.

  4. Congressional Black Caucus Booed
    … and now crying racism.

    Makes perfect sense to me. Sorta like how I think if no one thinks you’re an “anti-Semite,” you’re doing something wrong.

    I saw this from a commenter at iSteve a few minutes ago:


    With this level of stupidity, it occurs that I’d have to start with the hypotheticals, e.g.:

    “So, what if every black person on Earth started murdering white people? Would you avoid black people then?”

    “So, what if a virus affecting only black people gave them horns, a tail, and made them commit acts of violence all day, every day, would you avoid black people then?”

    “So, what if black people started exploding as if made of C-4, randomly and without warning, would you avoid black people then?”

    The point is to watch them squirm as you tacitly point out that their beliefs are religious, with reason as a fig leaf.

  5. I don’t think these incidents are terribly good for white nationalists or alternative rightists. Liberals become convinced that Republicans are full of white supremacists. Conservatives and Republicans redouble their efforts to show they aren’t racist. The white nationalists and pro-white alternative right remain marginalized as ever, with your “toxic” ideas becoming just a wee bit more radioactive.

    I actually spoke to some Tea Party people yesterday near the rally. I’m not sympathetic to their ignorant ideas about this health care bill, but I’m sympathetic to WHO THEY ARE. And I tried to talk to a few of them and argue maybe the country would be better off if it split into smaller and more homogeneous units. They weren’t having any of it. “We need to take our country back.” “But, your country is changing,” I said, “you have more and more people who disagree and neither you nor them even want to be in the same room as each other. And each year, there’s more of them and fewer of you.” One guy replied: “you know I don’t know you but you sound just like a socialist, always trying to divide people.” “I’m not trying to divide people,” I said, “I’m not we are divided and pointing that out. What ARE you gonna do, by the way, when you and everyone else here really does become a minority?” “We’ll see,” he said, as I walked away. Other people listening to our exchange were silent.

  6. It’s kind of frustrating how I’ve got to be the radioactive one for holding a position which is truly benign by any sensible historical standard – simple advocacy for my ethnic people. Why do I have to be the moral defective when I’m surrounded by an angry pro-corporate, pro-war mob hellbent on stopping the government from helping sick people?

  7. “We need to take our country back.” “But, your country is changing,”

    Has changed, and continues to for the worse.

    That’s the thing, how are you going to take your country back, back to what? We’re getting close to 50% of the population being non-white. Our race is our nation, and large parts of the country are not our nation as long as they reside there. Race is not merely skin tone, you can’t educate race away, and there are countless non-white organizations, all modeled after Jewish organizations, the original usurpers, who are actively working to take complete control of the country for their interests. And all mainstream whites want to do is defend themselves that they aren’t racist.

  8. One guy replied: “you know I don’t know you but you sound just like a socialist, always trying to divide people.”

    You have to remember that people’s base nature is reactionary and irrational, they don’t like having their preconceived notions challenged. That goes for white nationalists just as well. That’s where the mindset of the farmer comes in. You need foresight, planning and lots of patience. Plant your seeds, some will grow, some won’t. Don’t expect immediate germination.

  9. #7:’I tried to talk to a few of them and argue maybe the country would be better off if it split into smaller and more homogeneous units. …….“you know I don’t know you but you sound just like a socialist, always trying to divide people.”’

    If I were faced with that accusation, I’d ask if George Washington was a socialist. After all, he wanted his country – the British Empire – to be split into smaller units. Or ask if the USA was a socialist country in 1925. and then point out we had a lot more ethnic separation then than now.

  10. Interesting conversation, Crypto. You did a good job, and I appreciate that you tried, but I’ll still offer a bit of a critique.

    I think your last question was the best: (What ARE you gonna do, by the way, when you and everyone else here really does become a minority?).

    Great question. It points out an undeniable truth, an undeniable problem, and is not “kooky” in any way.

    I would have tried to get that question out earlier in the conversation, and then reinforced it at the end. It bears repeating.

    On the other hand, hitting patriotards with secessionist ideas first is not going to get anywhere. As the guy said, they want to take the whole country back. I can certainly sympathize with that, though my rationale is going to be considerably different from his.

    Any “radical” ideas or proposals should only be introduced after (if at all) they’ve had the time to digest the notion that they really are becoming a minority, and that the country is filling up with people who oppose what they stand for. At that point you are offering a possible solution to what is going to appear to them to be a vexing problem (whether they admit it or not).

    But again, suggestions notwithstanding, good job.

  11. Running with what Boffin said, I think that at a certain point an appeal to the Founders is appropriate with such sorts, but I don’t think it should be overdone.

    If the patriotard calls me a socialist, I’d simply say “Not at all. In fact, what I’m saying is just what the Founders said, just what the Founders believed.” I’d keep it simple and move on from there.

  12. One guy replied: “you know I don’t know you but you sound just like a socialist, always trying to divide people.” – C.A.

    If the patriotard calls me a socialist, I’d simply say “Not at all. In fact, what I’m saying is just what the Founders said, just what the Founders believed.” I’d keep it simple and move on from there. – Trainspotter

    I would simply tell the patriotard: He who smelt it, dealt it.

  13. Crypto aryan, parts of your post sounds crypto jewish to me. What’s ignorant about not wanting to pay higher taxes to pay for what will be mostly minorities who don’t have insurance? They just lost that battle like they’ll lose every other battle including the upcoming amnesty because many people don’t realize that the jews control the government, lock, stock and barrel and what the people in this country want is irrelevant. This secession talk is just what the jews want. The way things are going they know they’re going to be kicked out of the country, at the least, just like it’s happened every other time in history. A split off country would be just the thing to prevent that from happening.

  14. “I would simply tell the patriotard: He who smelt it, dealt it.”

    lol I suppose that does have a certain elegance to it, and given the mentality of the typical patriotard, well…

  15. “Why do I have to be the moral defective when I’m surrounded by an angry pro-corporate, pro-war mob hellbent on stopping the government from helping sick people?”

    You might or might not be right about the angry mob’s motivations but you couldn’t be more wrong about the government’s.

  16. You might or might not be right about the angry mob’s motivations but you couldn’t be more wrong about the government’s.

    He’s often wrong, you’ll find that out.

  17. “One guy replied: “you know I don’t know you but you sound just like a socialist, always trying to divide people.”

    You can’t divide people who are already hopelessly divided.

    I have a similar problem with libertards (those who are genuine and aren’t false-flag libertarians (those who emphasize the “right to live wherever you want” and consciously promote self-defeating behavior in their adversaries). It doesn’t seem to compute with them that the immigrant hordes are not about to do anything other than vote in more and more government services and be fine with the warfare/panopticon surveillence state so long as they get their gov’t cheese.

  18. John,
    I didn’t make a specific statement about the government’s motives. What I do know is that a large and growing segment of the tea party movement is embracing ideological libertarianism. They’re becoming radicalized in opposition to civic responsibility and the common good altogether.

    I see how you interpreted my statement as implying that the government actually intends to help sick people. I don’t believe that at all, though. I opposed the health care bill because I don’t believe it’s sustainable, affordable, or likely to improve the quality of care for America’s indigent.

  19. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=130393
    Obama’s policies slammed as ‘racist’

    JERUSALEM – A member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party slammed as “racist” President Obama’s policies against Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.

    “I think it is racist,” stated Likud Knesset Member Danny Danon. “Can you image someone in the U.S. saying Hispanics or blacks on Muslims cannot build in a certain city?”

    Heh, can anyone imagine a Jew having this kind of chutzpah? Yes, everyone’s a moron, and won’t see the hole in your argument at all Danny.

  20. “I do know is that a large and growing segment of the tea party movement is embracing ideological libertarianism. They’re becoming radicalized in opposition to civic responsibility and the common good altogether.”

    Good point. This is why the Tea Partiers can’t/won’t offer a real and enduring solution to what ails us. Hard to blame them, though. Not many people can understand that while civic responsibility and the common good are important, these things don’t really apply in the current American context. Civic responsibility to a cesspool makes little sense, and a common good made up of imported aliens committed to your own displacement is a nonstarter.

    Instead, we need people to withdraw from the Kwan cesspool, yet develop a keen sense of in-group responsibility to their own tribe. It doesn’t sound all that complicated, but it seems that many can’t grasp the distinction. Instead they are either fer it or agin it, either or. This is a fundamental error.

    In any event, if the Tea Partiers can fan the flames of discontent, more power to ’em. It’s great to see white people taking to the streets. These guys have their role to play, and it may be an important one, but it is going to be up to us to actually bring this whole thing home.

  21. There is a thread about, on my TP site. I plunged in, and hammered hard.

    They are all worried about the TP folks “looking bad”.

    I pointed out that a member of the Black Congressional Congress is whining about “racism”.

    I think I wil be booted out. This thread is heated.

    They are hopeless. They will be culled.

  22. The TP people are having to go through a long learning curve. Many were probably Democrats 10 or 15 years ago. Until recently almost all would have agreed with the statement “America is the greatest nation on the Earth”, or equivilent. Now they have woken up to the sad facts. The people in power are not doing anything that helps ordinary whites in anyway, and lots that hurts them. A few have come around to even giving up the “my country right or wrong” rhetoric and beliefs.

    Libertarianism-lite is another step along the path for these types. It’s basically “OK, so the government is run by aliens, so the government is bad. I want less government!” That’s a very different type of libertarian than the Hyack and Misses reading geeks who are movement libertarians.

    The good thing that is happening in the tea-party movement is many people are waking up and questioning the basic assumptions they have lived under for decades. That’s a great start on the journey. Even at places like Free Republic you see much tougher criticisms of neo-cons, black special interests, black crime, and control mechanisms like the Fed.

  23. “I would simply tell the patriotard: He who smelt it, dealt it.”

    lol I suppose that does have a certain elegance to it, and given the mentality of the typical patriotard, well…

    Or you can use this one as well on the patriotards, and liberturds –

    He who denied it, supplied it.

  24. Sorry folks – the sad truth about the post-Ron Paul Tea Parties is that they are nothing but FOX-tards. FOX organized the rallies, Glenn Beck is the leader of the movement, and these people do not think about anything other than what they saw on the TV. So when the TV says they are “racist” they start blubbering about how they love Rosa Parks.

    The Tea Parties will only be useful when they realize that FOX is just as much an enemy as MSNBC. Your job – if you choose to accept it – is to convince them of that.

  25. Jackson – you are correct about the learning curve thing. Time grows very very short – and Glenn Beck is paid very well to divert them. (He’s such a hypoctite) They parrot him un-questioningly.

    Landser – I’m using that.

  26. The TPs will never get anywhere if they’re always on the defensive and keep having to apologize everytime some colored person comes on camera and says something. It was probably manufactured but if not the attitude should be “who cares”? I’ve got a feeling the sheeple are still asleep and in 2010 they’ll vote the neocons back into Congress and in 2012 they’ll support the same old candidates for President and possibly the great whore of zion, Sarah Palin herself. Call me a pessimist.

  27. Landser – I’m using that.


    Here is another one for ya Denise –

    He who detected it, ejected it.

  28. “the great whore of zion, Sarah Palin”

    If we’re all stealing lines here, I’m taking that one

  29. nothing but FOX-tards.

    They are goofy, sincere … idiots. They have no idea what they’re up against. They cannot comprehend that the leftists are their mortal enemies and will not shy away from concocting blatant lies, like this “racist chants” incident which never happened, to make them look bad. The TP crowd has no political sophistication, no idea of how dirty you have to fight. Even the more intelligent members, who desire a return to Federalism, do not understand that such is not possible in a 21st cent context with hordes of hostile and parasitic aliens.

  30. I think that’s a pretty accurate description, Kasimir.

    What we are seeing today is the dying gasp of the old order, the screeches of those who have failed to come to grips with the new reality, whether they be right or left.

    Regardless of their fits and shouts, the system itself continues to pursue utterly unsustainable policies. I mentioned in another thread that the Congressional Budget Office expects the interest payments on the national debt to rise from today’s 200 billion or so to over 900 billion dollars – per year, by 2020!!

    That’s a truly astounding figure, and again it emanates from the CBO. The staggering reality is that the above is just ONE of many, many unsustainable realities facing us. And again, we’re way past the old days when the chickens were predicted to come home to roost in the distant future. No, the chickens are on the way now, and there are plenty of them. This system is clearly unsustainable.

    But what do we see amongst the lemmings? We’re going broke, broke, broke – with amazing rapidity – and the liberal response is…drum roll please… demand universal healthcare! Oh, and by all means keep importing millions of new immigrants, largely low IQ, even though there is no way in hell that they will be able to afford the new insurance mandates. Who cares?! Subsidize away!

    These people are living in a fantasy world.

    Even today, with the phenomenal challenges that face the system, they can only think in terms of more entitlements, more subsidies, more giveaways, more anti-white policies. It’s 2010, not 1990. They offer not a single solution to any of the fundamental, systemic challenges that we face. They are completely trapped in a way of thinking that no longer applies to the real world.

    And, as to the Tea Partiers, they are just the other side of the same coin. The idea that we are going to go back to a limited constitutional republic in a country filled with one hundred million non-whites is beyond absurd. Can anyone who advocates such a thing be taken at all seriously? Not by me. It’s pure idiotic fantasy with no connection whatsoever to reality.

    At least the liberals, crazy bastards that they are, have a certain method to their madness. They want big government, and therefore they have sense enough to support massive non-white immigration, knowing full well that the non-white hordes will support big government programs. Sure, the liberal policy is evil, but at least it makes sense. It’s also unsustainable, as the non-white hordes will ultimately destroy the system that liberal so favor, but again, at least it makes a sort of rudimentary sense.

    But the aracial Tea Partiers who are so eager to distance themselves from any sort of loyalty to their own people? Even with the overwhelming evidence that non-whites don’t support their vision, don’t give a whit about the Founders, and in fact are more likely to despise them than anything else? Well, that’s just plain ignorance and stupidity. I have to conclude that the typical Tea Partier is simply a dimwit. It’s a shame, but there it is. At this point, they are utterly incapable of connecting the dots, making any sort of real and enduring victory quite literally impossible.

    However, the news isn’t all bad. As some posters have astutely noted, there is a learning curve in all of this. Time takes time, as an alcoholic of my acquaintance used to say. It is reasonable to assume that many of the Tea Partiers will begin progressing along that learning curve. This may not be apparent for some time, but I’m confident that the process is underway. As things get more heated in our unsustainable society – and they will – the Tea Partiers will simply not be able to ignore race forever. At a certain point, it will be untenable, even for the dimwitted.

    Right now, the important thing is that the Tea Partiers – hell, I’m going to call them Tea Baggers since they haven’t really earned a whole lot of respect – are playing the role of canary in the coal mine. They are a barometer of anger and discontent from the sorts of people who have never protested anything before in their lives. That’s what is important about them. And, credit where it is due, they have almost single handedly smashed the appearance of national unity behind the mulatto. Idiots they may be, but that is a significant accomplishment. They cut right through the incessant media fawning for Obama.

    The take away point is that Tea Baggers, dense or not, can be expected to progress in time. And if they don’t, they will be supplanted by those that do. Reality will not tolerate their fantasy world for much longer. The anxious part of me wants things to move faster than they are, but objectively things are moving along quite nicely. Increasing radicalization is inevitable.

    I’ll also mention that it is only recently that white nationalism has achieved some sort of intellectual maturity. Now we have not only the internet, but talented writers with compelling ideas. It is no longer just a few guys shouting into the wilderness. Good writing and good ideas will gain an audience, and the memes will spread. We are finally getting in a position to spread our memes into a wider audience and, eventually, it will trickle down to the Tea Bagger types. Still a long way to go, but it’s a start.

  31. The ‘Tea Party’ movement is a good beginning for the flummoxed White patriotards and politically immature Amerikinder. It’s about time that they got riled-up and onto the streets. It is obviously being mislead, subverted and derailed by the Neocons, the Faux Fraud network, and their assorted Zog henchmen. The MSM is also doing their usual smear/demonization and diversionary part in undermining it. Many of these people will learn the hard way about their betrayal and the real nature of the occupiers of their usurped nation, and will graduate to White Nationalism eventually.

  32. Right you are Trainspotter. This is a long historical process of Anglo political and social delusion that is melting down and coming to an end. White Americans are heading for big racial trouble, and the ‘learning curve’ is going to be very troubled and rough. Illogical historical developments have to run their course, and that is what we are going through today. Any system of state sponsored dysgenics is, by its very nature, self-destructive, and will disintegrate. Remember what Alexander von Humboldt said back in the early 19th Century: “America will absorb Mexico and crumble to pieces”.

  33. Good points, Junghans. It’s interesting that we’ve moved from merely predicting these sorts of things to actually seeing them start to play out. It’s going to be a wild ride.

  34. White people not really getting it can be a little stressful at first glance but many, many people who become aware of race and its influence on nation building and politics go through a libertarian phase first.

    It’s all part of the process.

  35. The only time white folks are taken seriously is when they’re foaming at the mouth. No foam here.

    If you want to get noticed, break something.

  36. Well – I haven’t been booted yet, from my group – even though it’s still up for grabs.

    One of my lovely and adorable Tea Partiers just “palled up” with Darling Young Lad Hunter.

    And a very, very Good Christian Lady just “saved” this site, tonight. She told me she was very depressed today, over yesterday’s vote. She dressed in mourning all day. We have divisions over racial issues. She still doesn’t want to believe that “they are all gonan be like that” (Non-Whites, behaving like non-Whites) -but…..but….but… I got her to Bro Kapner’s site, too. I think she’s more relieved to read an actual Jew’s words, than a mere “Nazi’s”.

    Now -she was despondent. Another good TP pal of hers – a fellow she has known for years – told her to call me, and “join up with me”. Apparently, he’s on to me – and I’ve never breathed a word to him, about my beliefs. He’s “gotten it” all alone. If she can deal with this site – she will tell others. I’ve told her, “Don’t worry. You’ll come to us. We’re waiting for you….hee hee hee”.

    So they’re coming, folks. They are trickling in. I don’t care what you fellows write about ’em, in regards ot the Tea Party/Sarah Palin White of Zion (I’m stealing that too.) Murdoch Mouthpiece Beck, etc. They need to hear it.

    Just be polite regarding Christianity fellas. I’ve prepped ’em on the Jew thing, and the Negro thing. When I do get em to WN sites – all they see is Hatin’ on Christians.

    It’s not helping.

    Please help me keep them inside the White Palace, fellas. I’m getting ’em in. Please help them get acclimated.


  37. Well, now that we have ‘EmanuelCare’ (you know, in honor of Prez. Rahm and his doctor brother Zeke – who also is an ‘advisor’ on health care),

    …you all as White folk better start giving yourselves some HEALTH CARE.

    Starting with watching carefully what y’all eat — no more binge eating at MakyD’s or other fast food, corporate-owned sh-tholes,

    …no more highly processed, high-sugar, high-fat and certainly no ‘frankenfoods’ (foods largely made with artificial and fake ingredients – especially ‘genetically modified organisms (GMO),

    …and, most importantly, no more excuses that you’re ‘too stressed’ or that there isn’t ‘enough time’ to eat right or exercise.

    Your very physical AND MENTAL well-being, hence, your life, depends on it.

  38. Lockeford, agreed. While very young, I went through a libertarian phase as well. In my defense, the massive non-white invasion hadn’t reached full steam at that time.

    So while I understand that libertarianism is a phase that many pass through before developing a deeper understanding of our situation, I also would say that a libertarian circa 2010 has less excuse to linger in his ignorance and doctrinaire piety.

    I was a hardcore libertarian up until the early nineties. No internet, almost entirely limited to the mass media for information. I’m honestly not sure that I had ever seen a Mexican at that time, and had only just begun to see miscegenation on anything resembling a significant scale.

    But today? When one considers the appalling and in your face cultural decline and demographic tsunami, there is less excuse than ever for a libertarian to keep his head in the sand. So here’s to hoping that the current crop of libertarians open their eyes a little more quickly than I did. They damn well should.

  39. Denise your right about the anti-Christian sentiment on sites like this. Guys your not helping anything by talking about Christianity being the source of our problems. Some of the churches, just like the public schools, universities and the government have been co-opted by semitic forces as tools to promote their own agenda.

  40. I forgot to mention, in your posts lay off the odinism, wicca, paganism or any of these other fringe cults that a tiny minority of you people belong to. It comes across as satanic and scares off good recruits.

  41. Libertarianism-lite is another step along the path for these types. It’s basically “OK, so the government is run by aliens, so the government is bad. I want less government!” That’s a very different type of libertarian than the Hyack and Misses reading geeks who are movement libertarians.

    To the contrary, that theme is reflected in classic libertarian texts like Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy the State (1935), in which the State is discussed as an “invading group”. Nock (quoting Franz Oppenheimer) at p. 50 called the State “an institution ‘forced on a defeated group by a conquering group, with a view only to systematizing the domination of the conquered….’ This domination had no other final purpose than the economic exploitation of the conquered group by the victorious group.”

    Moreover, Nock’s critique of reforming movements (p. 101) sounds remarkably like the critiques of the Tea Partiers we have seen in this thread:

    The character of the State had never been subjected to scrutiny…. The philosophy of the institution that gives play to these misfeasances is never examined, and hence they recur promptly under another form or other auspices, or else their place is taken by others which are in character precisely like them. Thus the notorious failure of reforming and revolutionary movements in the long-run may as a rule be found due to their incorrigible superficiality.

    Nock on political parties (p. 127):

    Party designations become purely nominal, and the stated issues between parties become progressively trivial; and both are more and more openly kept up with no other object than to cover from scrutiny the essential identity of purpose in both parties.

    The fact that ethnic particularists have hijacked the movement does not prevent libertarian theory from providing substantial insight into our predicament.

  42. Sure, Tom. We’ll just lay off the odinism, wicca, paganism .

    Let’s see, we are only told to say nothing negative about Christianity, the religion created by Jews, and to silence all mention of traditional, pagan religions of the Germanic peoples?

    Hmmm… why does something not seem quite right about that…

  43. Lockeford – I NEVER said to not talk about Odinism, etc.

    I said PLEASE lay off of knockng Christianity

    You Pagans, and Odinists don’t seem to be ABLE to cite your religions, WITHOUT slagging Christianity. You blame Christians – but you cannot say anything about your religions without slagging Christianity.

    \Whether or not ANY of you like is (sorry Roberty – this yelling)



    Whether or not they have ever read the freaking Bible or not- THEY IDENTIFY AS CHRISTIANS.

    It’s STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID – flat out – DUMB AS DIRT – to alienate millions of potential allies, by driving them away the frist SECOND they pop in.

    You fellows like to flatter yourselves on your intellect – but you are making the most idiotic tactical error you can make, be alienating the VAST MAJORITY of well-armed Whites that show up. The Yids aren’t that stooooooooooooooopid. They’ve cultuvated the Evangelicals – and milk them for everything.

    The White Schmoos are waking up. We are poised to GET THEM ON OUR SIDE.
    Even my Christian Lady pal, of last night, is planning to stock up on ammo. She’s not gonna “invest in gold”. She’s gonna invest in LEAD.

    She LOVES Jesus. LOVES Jesus. He’s the coolest guy EVER.

    But her primal instincrts are kickin IN

    I don’t CARE if she loves Jesus. He hubby’s an engineer, FYI. He LOVES her. He wants to make her HAPPY.

    He’ll come here, if she does.

    but we don’t need engineers, or nice Ladies packing LEAD, do we?


    The window for mass awakening is opening. But the window is only gonna be open for a bit.

    Go ahead. Locky. Slam that window shut.

  44. Oh yeah – Lockefored, an all other Pagans, etc – it would be really swell if you’d actually read the NT, as well as the OT.

    When you start that “Christianity was crearteds by Jews” CRAPOLA – you reveal your appalling ignorance, and arrogance, to those of us that actually know something about the religious doctrine. We know you don’t have a freaking clue about what you are blathering about.

    Mmm’kay. Princess?

  45. Denise,

    I was speaking to Tom.

    I can easily stand down on Christians. I respect their contributions to Western Civilization.

    What I do not like is being told to not discuss Odinism and the rest. I enjoy the contributions of people who are interested in those subjects.

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