About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We need a viral video about this – hordes of angry mestizos waving Mexicans flags, dragging US flags on the ground, a Jew talking about “breaking down borders” and internationalism and the like. Put some spooky music behind it, a tag line about the Invasion of America, and end it with an A3P logo.


    I’ll get to work.

    (Sorry posted this in the wrong thread earlier)

  2. Rig it with intermittent cuts after every sentence starting off with a video where the rabbi says Israel must remain a Jewish state followed by pictures of the concrete wall on the Egyptian border then a headline that says “Israeli Government Sterilizing Somali Immigrant Women”. Top it off with Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian women and children.

  3. Notice that the Jew is telling you what God’s dream is for us. The Jew is clearly delusional. LOL. He reads God’s mind?

  4. Notice that the Jew is telling you what God’s dream is for us.

    Jews see themselves as the direct descendants of God. So if it comes out of a Jew’s mouth, it is God’s word. The word megalomania was invented for these people.

  5. “The unprecedented rapidity of our racial impoverishment seems due, as already stated, to many causes, some old and others new. We have seen that the stressful complexity of high civilizations has always tended to eliminate superior stocks by diverting their energy from racial ends to individual or social ends, the effects showing in an increase of celibacy, late marriage, and few children. Most of the phenomena underlying these racially destructive phenomena can be grouped under two heads: the high cost of living and the cost of high living. Behind those two general phrases stand a multitude of special factors, such as rising prices, higher standards, desire for luxury, social emulation, inefficient government, high taxation, and (last but not least) the pressure of ever-multiplying masses of low-grade, incompetent humanity, acting like sand in the social gears and consuming an ever-larger portion of the national wealth and energy for their charitable relief, doctoring, educating, policing, etc.” – http://users.mo-net.com/mlindste/revtciv3.html

  6. An excerpt from the same text for Rabbi Underman:

    “The dead hand of false doctrines and fallacious hopes lies, indeed, heavy upon us. Laws, institutions, customs, ideas, and ideals are all stamped deep with its imprint. Our very minds and souls are imbued with delusions like environmentalism and “natural equality” from whose emotional grip it is hard to escape. Mighty as is the new truth, our eyes are yet blinded to its full meaning, our hearts shrink instinctively from its wider implications, and our feet falter on the path to higher destinies.

    These reactionary forces stubbornly impede the progress of those deep-going eugenic reforms which must speedily be undertaken if our civilization is to be saved from decline and our race from decay.

    This is serious enough. But there is something more serious still. The reactionary forces which we have just described, though powerful, are, after all, essentially negative in character. With the spread of enlightenment they would soon wither—if they stood alone. But they do not stand alone. Behind them, sheltered by them, lurks a positive, aggressive force: The Under-Man!

    The Under-Man is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows that the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers? What the Under-Man wants is, not progress, but regress —regress to more primitive conditions in which he would be at home. In fact, the more he grasps the significance of the new eugenic truth, the uglier grows his mood. So long as all men believed all men potentially equal, the Under-Man could delude himself into thinking that changed circumstances might raise him to the top. Now that nature herself proclaims him irremediably inferior, his hatred of superiority knows no bounds.

    This hatred he has always instinctively felt. Envy and resentment of superiority have ever been the badges of base minds. Yet never have these badges been so fiercely flaunted, so defiantly worn, as to-day. This explains the seeming paradox that, just when the character of superiority becomes supremely manifest, the cry for levelling “equality” rises supremely shrill. The Under-Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization.

    These are not pretty facts. But we had better face them, lest they face us, and catch us unawares. Let us, then, understand once and for all that we have among us a rebel army—the vast host of the unadaptable, the incapable, the envious, the discontented, filled with instinctive hatred of civilization and progress, and ready on the instant to rise in revolt.

    Here are foes that need watching. Let us watch them.”


  7. CC:”I see a Jew, and he’s not in my corn flakes. Wtf?”

    Not to sound ridiculous, but organized Jewry is indeed in your corn flakes. Look in to the deep links between the Judeoplutocracy, American and Latin American mega-industrial agriculture operations, corporate food processing, the monopolized seed market (Monsanto, etc), the food commodities trading market, etc. The Judeoplutocracy runs most of that.

    Also, corn flakes (unfortunately) contains white sugar, and organized Jewry has largely controlled the trade in sugar for centuries now, ever since they (disguised as ‘Spaniards’ or ‘Duthmen’ or ‘Englishmen’ when in fact they were JEWS) brought endless hordes of Negroes over to work their sugar plantations in the West Indies and Latin America…ain’t that right Jews?

    “Despite all of these restrictions, the Jewish community continued to grow and prosper [ON THE BACKS OF AFRICAN SLAVES]. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Jews were very involved in sugar and vanilla industries of the island [WHICH UTILIZED IMPORTED AFRICAN SLAVE LABOR]. As early as 1530, the Jews had introduced sugar cultivation to the island [USING AFRICAN SLAVES]. They were also leaders in the island’s international trade and shipping companies [IN AFRICAN SLAVES].” – http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/jamaica.html — RINSE, REPEAT in dozens if not hundreds of other territories throughout the Americas

  8. Not to sound ridiculous, but organized Jewry is indeed in your corn flakes. Look in to the deep links between the Judeoplutocracy, American and Latin American mega-industrial agriculture operations, corporate food processing, the monopolized seed market (Monsanto, etc), the food commodities trading market, etc. The Judeoplutocracy runs most of that.

    Yet the asses, oops, I meant ‘masses’ of Americans, still wonder why they are so fat and sickly, compared to much of the rest of their European brothers.

  9. (I posted this on the previous thread – and it belongs here as well to buttress what White Preservationist has to say about “…the deep links between the Judeoplutocracy, American and Latin American mega-industrial agriculture operations, corporate food processing, the monopolized seed market (Monsanto, etc), the food commodities trading market, etc”)

    Well, now that we have ‘EmanuelCare’ (you know, in honor of Prez. Rahm and his doctor brother Zeke – who also is an ‘advisor’ on health care),

    …you all as White folk better start giving yourselves some HEALTH CARE.

    Starting with watching carefully what y’all eat — no more binge eating at MakyD’s, ‘TGI Fridays,’ or any other fast food, corporate-owned sh-tholes,

    …no more highly processed, high-sugar, high-fat and certainly no ‘frankenfoods’ (foods largely made with artificial and fake ingredients – especially ‘genetically modified organisms (GMO),

    …and, most importantly, no more excuses that you’re ‘too stressed’ or that there isn’t ‘enough time’ to eat right or exercise.

    Your physical AND MENTAL well-being, hence, your very life, depends on it.

  10. Did the Bible say the Jews had to let in every drunk driving drug dealer who stumbled into Israel?

    That seems to be what this guy is saying.

    Funny that God would impose that on the Jews.

    Almost like he hated them, or something:

    “Now then let Me alone, that My anger may burn against them (The Jews) and that I may destroy them.”

    -Exodus 32:10

  11. Also, corn flakes (unfortunately) contains white sugar, and organized Jewry has largely controlled the trade in sugar for centuries now….

    Does anything think it’s a coincidence that no food is more harmful than sugar?

  12. I meant ‘masses’ of Americans, still wonder why they are so fat and sickly, compared to much of the rest of their European brothers.

    Which wasn’t true for traditional Americans. It’s all about the availability of cheap, mass-produced, processed foods. If this existed in all European countries, they would all be fat too. You see it in Britain, Australia and elsewhere the same. A lot of people have become accustomed to not cooking and buying everything. Another case of a lack of self-reliance.

  13. Which wasn’t true for traditional Americans. It’s all about the availability of cheap, mass-produced, processed foods. If this existed in all European countries, they would all be fat too. You see it in Britain, Australia and elsewhere the same. A lot of people have become accustomed to not cooking and buying everything. Another case of a lack of self-reliance.

    That’s the whole point, Mark, in that so much of cheap, mass-produced, processed foods is owned largely by the Judeo-corporatocracy in this country.

    In Europe and the rest of the world, the fattest, sickest countries also happen to be English-speaking, i.e – England, Canada, Australia are also way above the averages in these categories as well.

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