Obama’s White Flight Problem

The Liberal Media Bows Before His MajestyThe Washington Times has a new editorial this morning called “Obama’s White Flight Problem.” The article notes that White voters are abandoning Zod-Obama in droves. Only 38% of Whites now approve of his performance. This is down from 63% when he took office.

In particular, White women are disillusioned with America’s first black president. According to a recent Quinnipac Poll, 55% of Tea Party members are women versus 45% men. This belies the stereotype of Tea Party activists as Nazi stormtroopers reenacting Kristallnacht on the Congressional Black Caucus. The Tea Party Movement has always had prominent female leaders like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.

Obama’s declining approval ratings are partially attributable to his policies. The Washington Times gets this right. A mid-March Gallup survey found that while 57% of Whites thought Obamacare would help the uninsured, only 20% thought it would help their own families. Working class White voters also tended to be more skeptical of “health care reform” than their more affluent White peers.

So far Obama has only received a “dead cat bounce” from the passage of his administration’s signature piece of legislation. According to Reuters, “‘Obama’s approval seems to have moved up a few points during and slightly after passage. Then it fell back down again.'” For a candidate running on his record in 2012, this can’t be good news.

What the Times editorial gets wrong is the assumption that Obama’s declining approval rating has nothing to do with race. Obama’s support among White voters began to collapse back in July 2009 when he sided with Henry Louis Gates over Officer Crowley. His approval rating slipped seven points among White voters solely because of his racial solidarity with the “Big Cheese” of Harvard. 

That memorable incident punctured his “post-racial” aura. The holier-than-thou Left jumped the shark this week and browbeat White America over its bigotry and racism. After this fit of moral self righteousness is over, I doubt Obama will ever recover the “post-racial” image in the eyes of White voters.

The most intelligent liberal commentators understand that all this braying about White racism works to our advantage. It defuses the charge, alienates independents, and encourages implicit Whites to tune out shrill liberal voices while becoming more receptive to White Nationalism.

I’m hoping this news cycle will continue. Keep up the good work boys!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ran across the following while surfing the net:

    In 1985, Mayor Wilson Goode declared a state of emergency as white rioters demonstrated outside two houses in Elmwood, creating an “imminent danger of civil disturbance.” One home had been sold to an African-American family and the other to an interracial couple.

    Was this the last white racial riot in the US? And was it really a riot, or just a demonstration? E. Michael Jones might know the answer.

  2. Everyday there is more good news like this. Things are trending in our direction, finally.

    Forget this militia non-sense that is going to get one put in the slammer sharing a cell with Bubba (or even half-beard ‘Mad Dog’ Martin Linstedt!)

    The Zionist Occupied Government is collapsing. Let it fall, our time shall come! Ride the Tiger!

  3. Let’s face it, there are many of us that wish Flight 93 had not missed its target. It’s a shame that so many truly innocent lives were lost while the guilty went home that day.

  4. From the Nation article:

    The upheaval of our times present a unique opportunity to dismantle a centuries-old tool of oppression: pitting working-class whites against people of color.

    Now after decades of importing and constructing a “people of color” identity with which to displace and dispossess all Whites, but especially working-class Whites, the marxists want to dismantle this “tool of oppression”? No. What they’re afraid of is that the flagrant contradictions of their class rhetoric and their betrayal of the White working-class is becoming increasingly transparent, and in response the White working-class is turning against them.

  5. Tanstaafl,

    The Leftists want to arrange a forced mixed marriage between the whites and the coloreds. The problem is, an unequal yoking doesn’t work. We cannot unite with the coloreds on an equal basis, because they are not our equals. They don’t want to work as hard as we do; they don’t want to delay gratification like we do; they don’t have the ability to “keep up” with our pace of civilization. They can’t live among us unless they are both coddled and kept strictly under control, like the “keffirs” in South Africa before the end of apartheid. And of course this is not desirable either.

    Maybe the leftists need to ask us if we WANT to be united with the coloreds, instead of just pushing this unequal yoking with judeo-messianic fervor.

  6. Polls are meaningless. They’re put out there to influence public opinion. The atmosphere in this country feels so tense that maybe they’re trying to disarm it but I doublt the White welfare slags have stopped supporting Obama.

  7. I don’t know any “white welfare slags”, but I do know a LOT of highly educated liberals who supported Obama.

    Even many of them are starting to get uncomfortable with what he’s doing. Even some of them, deeply believing in total racial equality and other tropes of the paradigm, are starting to get “it”. That is they see that there *is* a explicitly racial aspect to the Obama agenda, and that it works against there interests.

    I ask a lot of rhetorical questions in talking to such people. “Hey, do you think when we become just another minority they will give affirmative action to us? Or do you think than when 6 out of 10 people are “minorities” they will ALL get to step in front of us in every line?” “Do you think that the Constitution is a magic charm? Will a country that is 1/2 Mexican have any investment in it at all? Won’t they be more interested in Mexican history, Mexican models, Mexican norms for organizing society?” “When will whites be forgiven for the evils of slavery and Jim Crow, or the Mexican/American war? If the answer is “never” then shouldn’t we be worried about letting in more and more people who will always hate us, no matter how good it is for them?”

    Every white lib we can deprogram is worth 3 white welfare-ites. These are the people who ‘twittered’ Obama to victory, who made the millions of $100 contributions, that created the meme that Obama was competent and the right guy.

    I’m not talking about the hard-core lefties, but the polite center left white wine crowd.

  8. Bravo, Joanne. I’ve had the same though from time to time. As to Princess vandan Heuvel-Stein’s class war rhetoric in her magazine, it’s transparent: the left-wing of organized Jewry has for decades been disappointed by the altogether too individualistic white working class, and so now will replace them with a less intelligent, inherantly collectivist, black-brown working class. Inasmuch as “antisemitism” is two or three times more widespread and intense among Negroes and Latinos as it is among whites, though, I am afraid this (multimillionaire) Jewess is going to be disappointed….again. Fascinating to watch the Hebrews dig their own collective grave as, indeed, they have done many times before. Though I think CUF412 is underestimating the staying power of the ZOG, it may be that at some point all we will have to with the Chosen is give them a good hard push….

  9. Good job, Jackson. Your questions are appropriate for your target audience, and the Socratic method certainly has its time and place. This is a topic that is worth expanding on a bit, though I doubt I’ll be covering anything you don’t already know.

    You aren’t going for the jugular with these people, which is good. They wouldn’t respond to that (and that’s coming from someone who prefers the high octane approach). Time takes time, and one cannot expect these people to change overnight.

    When dealing with our opponents, it’s not necessarily about an all or nothing conversion. It’s great when that happens, but it is not necessary for a “win.” We still win just by moving more people beyond the hysterical “That’s racist! You’re evil!” type of reaction. Once they have come to understand that our interests are legitimate and real, and that there is solid evidence that those interests are being violated, it’s a whole new ballgame. At that point they’ve moved beyond much of the conditioning. It’s not just a matter of them “converting,” but of the intensity of opposition weakening. If I can’t convert a hostile, then neutralize him. Take his heart out of the game, knock him off his high horse. Demoralize him. There is a whole continuum of wins.

    It’s great to do this in real life, as you’ve been doing (and as I often do), but the internet lends itself to more quantifiable results. Sometimes I go on non white nationalist boards, not really to make any converts, but just to get our position out there in a way that undermines the “You an ignunt racist!” type of charge. If done properly (i.e. don’t invade and try to take over their sandbox), the white position can become an accepted part of discourse on the board, “normal” if you will. The hysterical reactions fade, and the few that continue to post the “you an ignunt racist” type comments are marginalized. They become a caricature of themselves and lose credibility.

    If they continue to call an obviously intelligent poster “ignunt,” they lose. And if they stop the name calling and start rational debate, they also lose. Number one, the facts are on our side, so we win that way. Secondly, just having the debate at all is a victory for our side, as the system tries to suppress such ideas. What was supposed to be off of the table is now on the table. Yet another win.

    At that point, such a board is efffectively neutralized as a medium of anti-white hatred and propaganda, and while not white nationalist, becomes a net plus for us. This has to be done in a low key way, but not too low key…think Taylor (low key but solid) as opposed to Linder (high octane, to put it mildly). So my strategy is two pronged: get the red meat and hard hitting points out whenever the venue is suitable, but in other venues the goal is neutralize, neutralize, neutralize. A wise man knows his target audience.

  10. “. . .the left-wing of organized Jewry has for decades been disappointed by the altogether too individualistic white working class, and so now will replace them with a less intelligent, inherantly collectivist, black-brown working class.”

    Black-brown working class is like saying jumbo shrimp; it’s an oxymoron. I reside in a city that’s 50% black and I never see black males working anywhere.

  11. #9 For all the talk about high IQs among Jews, they keep making the same mistakes, century, after century, after century. They poach the host population whever they’re invited. Look at what they’re doing to England! For Jews, history keeps repeating itself.

  12. “Black-brown working class is like saying jumbo shrimp; it’s an oxymoron. I reside in a city that’s 50% black and I never see black males working anywhere.”

    Thanks for the laugh Travis! So true…

  13. “Black-brown working class is like saying jumbo shrimp; it’s an oxymoron. I reside in a city that’s 50% black and I never see black males working anywhere.”

    Same here.

    There is only one place near me which is 100% black employment. The black college nearby which is funded by government money and donations from rich jews.

  14. There is only one place near me which is 100% black employment. The black college nearby which is funded by government money and donations from rich jews.

    For me its the local government offices – especially the Veterans Administration, where all the Black women ‘working’ there seem to do much of the day is eat and gossip (and fight) with eachother.

  15. “At that point, such a board is efffectively neutralized as a medium of anti-white hatred and propaganda, and while not white nationalist, becomes a net plus for us. This has to be done in a low key way, but not too low key…think Taylor (low key but solid) as opposed to Linder (high octane, to put it mildly). So my strategy is two pronged: get the red meat and hard hitting points out whenever the venue is suitable, but in other venues the goal is neutralize, neutralize, neutralize. A wise man knows his target audience.”

    Could such an approach work among Hageeized Christians? I’d to say they’re more of a problem than liberals.

  16. You’ll need to register to see the thread above. Worth it imho, especially if you’re libertarian-leaning.

  17. John – Hagee Heretics are probably a lost cause. Talk about Living La Vida Lobotomized!

    The *only* thing you with them is possess rock-solid knowledge of Biblical text – as in quote, on demand – and hurl real Scripture back at ’em. It doesn’t change their pea-brained “thought” processes – but it does disrupt the programming for a second. Tell them they are absolute heretics – use the word “heretics”, they know that word – and tell them that you hope they enjoy spending centuries in a lake of fire. Cause that is where Jesus is gonna toss, ’em, for following the False Prophet Minion of Satan Hagee.

    Their expressions are priceless, They look really troubled – seared, really – for a second – and then they run away. Turn and run away.

    I’ts kinda akin to cow-tipping. Cows are inoffensive creatures, with much to recommend them. Hagee Heretics are obscenely offensive, and deserve everything they get.

  18. The *only* thing you with them is possess rock-solid knowledge of Biblical text – as in quote, on demand – and hurl real Scripture back at ‘em. It doesn’t change their pea-brained “thought” processes – but it does disrupt the programming for a second. Tell them they are absolute heretics – use the word “heretics”, they know that word – and tell them that you hope they enjoy spending centuries in a lake of fire. Cause that is where Jesus is gonna toss, ‘em, for following the False Prophet Minion of Satan Hagee.


    You should show the ‘rapture bunnies’ this gem of a whopper from that fat, repulsive bastard of a false prophet, John Ha-geezer.

    The Apostasy of John Hagee: Jesus was NOT the Messiah! – Bible Wheel Forum

    In his book In Defense of Israel (2007), beginning in the section called “The Jews did not Reject Jesus as Messiah” (p. 132) John Hagee relentlessly twisted Scripture in his attempt to prove that Jesus Christ did not come “to be Messiah to the Jews.” His denial of Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) cannot be overlooked as a mere “slip of his pen” because he repeated his assertion “seven ways from Sunday” as seen in this sample of seven quotes from his book:

    If God intended for Jesus to be the Messiah of Israel, why didn’t he authorize Jesus to use supernatural signs to prove he was God’s Messiah, just as Moses had done? (p. 137)
    Jesus refused to produce a sign … because it was not the Father’s will, nor his, to be Messiah. (p 138)
    If Jesus wanted to be Messiah, why did he repeatedly tell his disciples and followers to “tell no one” about his supernatural accomplishments? (p. 139)
    The Jews were not rejecting Jesus as Messiah; it was Jesus who was refusing to be the Messiah to the Jews. (p. 140)
    They wanted him to be their Messiah, but he flatly refused. (p. 141)
    He refused to be their Messiah, choosing instead to be the Savior of the world (p. 143)
    Jesus rejected to the last detail the role of Messiah in word or deed. (p. 145)



    2 Corinthians 11: 13-15

    13 — For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

    14 — And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    15 — Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.

  19. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2Thes

  20. Well Jackson, I’m one of those that you *might* be able to influence… but here’s what needs to happen first:

    Give me a third party with small-government ideals (NOT neocon) that does not have a religious agenda. One that embraces the scientific method (not creationism). Fiscal conservatism and rationality are key. Rowe vs Wade is just fine, so is the 2nd amendment and death penalty (when warranted).

    Yeah, didn’t think so.

    So we had a choice: a senile old man (for whom I voted in 2000 over Bush) along with a woman who likely has an IQ below 100, or a leftie. After eight years of Bush and Co along with a war built on lies (sorry, but Iraq was a wrong answer no matter how you spin it), the Republicans do not pack the gear to run the nation.

    Even worse (and this scares me) between blowing money at adult clubs (thank you, Mr. Steele), the *slightly* improving job market, and the fact that this health care fiasco is configured to given children and elderly benefits right before the midterms (go ahead Repubs, threaten to yank bennies for the old and young right before an election) Obama has laid a formidable set of traps. The Repubs are going to gain a bit in the fall, but nowhere near what they anticipate.

    Now, would somebody please convince Scott Brown to run in 2012? I’m tired of having to chose between the looney left and a bunch of religious retards.

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