The Rise of Militias and Hate Groups

Diane RehmI just got finished listening to “The Rise of Militias and Hate Groups in the U.S.” on the Diane Rehm Show. White Preservationist posted the link somewhere in the comments.

Mark Potok of the SPLC was on the show. David Lackomar, the Livingston County Team Leader of the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, was also a guest. Three other less interesting characters (a Wash Post reporter, an American University professor, another anti-racist hack) filled out the rest of the panel.

As you might expect, the Diane Rehm Show turned out to be little more than leftist propaganda about the militia movement. Angry White men with guns who hate the federal government (think Reconstruction) have long haunted the liberal imagination. The roundtable speculated that a severe economic recession and “the election of a black president” was fueling the rise of militias and hate groups.

The militia movement that exists now under Obama was dwarfed by the previous one in the 1990s under Bill Clinton. If Hillary or John Edwards been elected president, the result would likely be the same, as either would have pursued the same anti-White policies. White Nationalists were also divided over whether to support Obama or McCain. Many racialists thought the election of a black president would be good recruiting tool for the movement and voted for the Magic Negro. This prediction at least seems to have come true.

David Lackomar was easily the highlight of the show. He disappointed his anti-racist hosts by pointing out that he is half-Cherokee and that White members of his militia have Asian spouses. Rehm and Potok desperately wanted to paint the militia movement as the Klan reincarnate. Lackomar came across as an ordinary patriotic American with a zeal defend liberty from an encroaching federal government.

The demonization of the militias in the media says a lot about the our new ruling class. In the nineteenth century, patriotic White males were expected to serve in the militia and have some military training. The Founders themselves believed that government was the greatest threat to our freedom. Now we have progressive radio show hosts like Diane Rehm scaremongering the public about American citizens who might use the internet to “question the government” (yes, she actually said this)!

Lackomer’s account of his own militia was interesting. This month he will be teaching wilderness survival skills, foraging, map and compass reading, and, as always, marksmanship. I found myself wanting to learn more. At some point, I might even join a militia here in Virginia.

These might prove useful skills in the post-American future.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, how on earth do you find the stomach to listen to this stuff? Between the brain dead Leftists and David Lackomar touting his multicultural militia the whole thing just makes me sick.

  2. Just as you follow our opposition in the left I like to keep tabs on what’s going on with movement conservative types (I think you do the same). There’s a large swath of conservatives who have been undergoing a (slow and painful) process of increasing radicalization since the election of Obama. Eventually, something interesting will come of this.

    On the other hand, the left will never change until they are on the eve of their own demise (whatever form that takes). I am very much looking forward to the moment when the left finally loses faith in its own project. It will be a moment that our generation will live to see.

  3. Usta be a law requiring all free white males of at least 16 years to own a gun. Usta be a law if you stole something your hand was branded with a mark. Usta be a law you had to attend church at least once a month. Usta be……

  4. ‘how on earth do you find the stomach to listen to this stuff? ‘

    Take it in small doses.

    Then “wash your ears out” with something better.

    I’ve recently been listening to Robert Steele. His resume includes Marine Corps Infantry, intelligence community, etc.

    His comments in the rexpatriarch link were probably made during the Bush admin, but have been reposted in response to the revival of “militia” panic.

    Please, somebody tell Andrew Yeoman to fix his website so that he can blog about Steele’s OSS ideas. (Heh, of course, I’m expecting Yeoman to fix his website with his own money. The absence of secure, anonymous e-cash – I don’t consider Paypal to be secure or anonymous – inhibits financial support of internet folks known only by internet contact.)

  5. “fix his website with his own money. The absence of secure, anonymous e-cash – I don’t consider Paypal to be secure or anonymous – inhibits financial support of internet folks known only by internet contact.”

    John Walters, this is a key problem with our current situation. Imagine an apartment complex. The people who live there want an internet connection, email, websites, etc.

    So in modern America, what happens? Each person in the building pays one or maybe two large companies (phone/cable) a fixed amount every week. The infrastructure is owned by the company and the data is mined by the company. The alternative model? The people pool their money and hire their own micro-internet company. Works the same way with websites and the like. It takes an economy of scale but the principle applies in many situations.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to both arrangements, but what do you think is the most likely to benefit white people long term?

    You can see this play out with various municipalities, often college towns, attempting to set up their own public technology infrastructure, and the extremely hostile response from the various telco companies, which immediately pour money into the local political establishment to thwart such an issue.

    Consider a typical white suburban family, they have “individual” relationships with dozens of banks, financial companies, phone companies, insurance, etc. The basic social unit, a family, is split apart immediately by these various financial intermediaries. While the economic impact is immediately obvious, just consider the informational implications.

    Back in the old days people had to snoop, now every collects their own intelligence and puts it up on their facebook.

    Remember AOL? The first internet company of any size. Remember where their corporate offices were located? lulz

  6. The Militias may very well be mortal enemies of White Nationalism. Asian wives? Come on. There are race traitors. It just more of American as a propostin nation. Race-replacement enthusiasts such as Alexander Cockburn and Bill Kauffman have always written about their great admiration for the miltia movement. Why are these White Militia memebers married to asians? Answer:because they couldn’t get a White Woman. Marry an asian woman and it starts explosive chain migration of asian relatives invading OUR AMERICA.

  7. The Empire sends a White male teenager male -with acne and low self-esteem-to the land of muds…teenager comes back with thai or korean whore for a wife. This the demographic profile of the infantile militia men.

  8. “I read and listen to more of the stuff produced by our enemies than our own people.”

    Oh yeah I am like that too since alot of these anti-racists are very well funded (usually by Jews) they have the resources to really research the topics they write about and will often-times include information that was previously unknown. Luckily I am a die-hard White Nationalist so am not afraid of being ‘converted’ by reading some anti-racist screed

    ” Race-replacement enthusiasts such as Alexander Cockburn and Bill Kauffman have always written about their great admiration for the miltia movement. ”

    Alexander Cockburn seems to be one weird dude. He is all over the map. Sort of like a Super-Robert Lindsay! Cockburn does criticize the Zionist Entity though so one must give credit where credit is due!

  9. It’s true, the vast majority of these idiotic militias fall all over themselves trying to prove they’re not “racist”, that’s why they’re a joke. They should be “racist” because their enemies certainly are. In this they reflect the failure, cowardice and stupidity of the larger conservative movement – faced with an opponent that openly tells them it means to exterminate them they prefer to pretend that the problems are things like tax rates or socialism or some obscure point in constitutional law. Here is a quote today from a conservative on

    “Both [Charles] Blow and [Frank] Rich conclude triumphantly that white conservatives are a dying breed and that the demographics of America doom the (overwhelmingly white) Tea Party movement to failure. Here, to borrow a phrase from the late Israeli diplomat Abba Eban, Blow and Rich experience “an isolated spasm of lucidity.”

    America’s racial and ethnic composition is indeed changing. Conservatives need to take seriously the reality that sometime in the mid- to late-century, American whites will become merely the largest plurality in a multi-ethnic nation. We have to do a far better job of winsomely and thoughtfully engaging people of color and persuading them that the conservative vision of personal responsibility, limited government, lower taxes and true social justice (for the born and the unborn) is the best course for our – and I emphasize, OUR – nation.”

    Militias are groups of silly grown men who are playing soldier in part to fulfill their fantasies but also as a pacifier to ease their anxiety over the genocidal destruction of their culture and nation. If I’m in a militia, if I have a gun, if I live in a “safe” community 30 miles from where I work I and my family will be safe from third-worlding of my country. Of course they won’t be. But since neither the militia-types nor conservatives will even name the real problem – genocide – they’re unlikely to do much to help solve it.

  10. charlesU

    cockburn is actually very consistent in his thinking. There are only two things you need to know about Alexander Cockburn besides the fact the he is a transvestite:1)he is an enthusastic supporter for the race-replacement of the NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS and 2)he is strongly morally opposed to Republican-Democratic foriegn policy.

    This is why you find him supporting the interest of agribusinees, has friends such has Ron Unz and Steven Moore who openly promote corporate greed and the complete destruction of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN workers who demand a high real wage.

    Militias are notoriously pro-legal amd illegal immigration. All that counts is the worshipping of the constitution. Militia members have a fetish for the Constitution. The head of the Maine miltia is a gun toting granny from the Maine underclass. She is an open borders fanatic who supports the legalization of homosexaul marriage(Cockburn by the way opposes gay marraige).

    Alexander Cockburn made a concious decision to run away from that well known city blessed by diversity:Nueva York. He now lives in one the most Whitest rural communities in America.

  11. 1.‘this is a key problem with our current situation. Imagine an apartment complex. The people who live there want an internet connection, email, websites, etc.
    … The alternative model? The people pool their money and hire their own micro-internet company. Works the same way with websites and the like. It takes an economy of scale but the principle applies in many situations.’

    In a way, this is being spearheaded by the ‘pirates,’ who are actually copyright infringers. People want content without burdensome DRM (digital rights management) or credit card hassles. Thus they bend over backwards to support copyright infringement. The costs involved are so cheap that a few pioneers can trailblaze content for a vast mass of free riders.

    2.‘Consider a typical white suburban family, they have “individual” relationships with dozens of banks, financial companies, phone companies, insurance, etc. The basic social unit, a family, is split apart immediately by these various financial intermediaries. While the economic impact is immediately obvious, just consider the informational implications.’

    The most sinister implication to my mind is that the father is disengaged from leadership and becomes merely a worker, and that children are disengaged from duty and reverence and become mere consumers. Compared to that social shift from the consumeristic way of life, the informational implications are less frightening to me.

    3.‘Back in the old days people had to snoop, now every collects their own intelligence and puts it up on their facebook.
    Remember AOL? The first internet company of any size. Remember where their corporate offices were located?’

    Sorry, I remember AOL, but I have no idea where their offices were. Please elaborate.

    4. ‘Andrew Yeoman will be writing for OD soon.’

    I look forward to it.

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