The Tea Parties and Racial Resentment

Sally Kohn has a scurrilous article up at The Huffington Post which claims the Tea Parties are “consciously tapping into this recurrent strand of violent racism for the emotional fuel behind their movement.” This from a movement that denounces racially conscious White Americans and prioritizes government spending over border security. Kohn looks at the White Nationalist movement from such a distant Far Left perspective that everyone on the Right vaguely looks like just a bunch of angry White men.

The proof of this vast right-wing conspiracy is a few cherry picked signs at Tea Party rallies that fit into the progressive narrative. The overwhelming majority of the signs, testimonials from Tea Party organizers themselves, the repeated condemnations of “hate” and “racism” by its leaders, as well as the Tea Party movement adulation of conservative blacks and Hispanics is all conveniently ignored.

In Kohn’s world, corporate elites have manufactured White Nationalism to divide the White middle and working class from their black and Hispanic allies. Stormfront is a product of the ruling class. Somehow, it all goes back to the colonial days when White plantation owners invented “white privilege” to divide White workers from slaves. See A People’s History of the United States.

Kohn notes that the Tea Party protestors are also fond of using colonial imagery. They named themselves after the Boston Tea Party, invoke 1776, call themselves “patriots,” and dress up as Continental soldiers. These people identify with the Old America, which was White America, a hideous act that in itself proves their unreconstructed racism. They quote the Constitution like the segregationists in the 1960s.

Sally Kohn’s worldview and understanding of history is little more than a mishmash of Michael Moore and Howard Zinn. It is a sad testament to the decline of America that such ignorant people are able to draw an audience.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Tea Party activists operate on a presumed racial equation that white people are taxed to support government spending on Latino immigrants and poor black people. The fact that most government programs–including health care reform–far and above benefit poor and working class white people is irrelevant. The Tea Party becomes a bottomless cup for fears of economic and ethnic displacement in a politically-correct era. Explicit racism is taboo. Attacking government and Obama as proxies is fair game.

    That part was fairly insightful. Kohn isn’t stupid. She sees exactly what’s going on. She just exaggerates the racial consciousness of the Tea Partiers and sympathizes with the non-Whites.

  2. In Kohn’s world, corporate elites have manufactured White Nationalism to divide the White middle and working class from their black and Hispanic allies.

    I hear these types of bizarre conspiracies from time to time. That the concept of race was a modern invention to oppress people, it never existed in the ancient world. That naturally people are happy to miscegenate, etc. And yet they want to call us mentally ill, these people are way out there.

    The fact that most government programs–including health care reform–far and above benefit poor and working class white people is irrelevant.

    Only because whites are still the numerical majority, but not for long. Blacks and Hispanics are still far more represented for their numbers. The difference is most poor whites still have a modicum of self-respect, and will not abuse the system (at least the ones I know), they will seek help from friends and family. Non-whites on the other hand have no problem taking from others, especially whites, since non-whites feel they have a historical grudge. Jews created this idea of perpetual victimhood and sense of entitlement, it’s a religion for them, other non-whites are just following their example. See the documentary Defamation if you haven’t.

  3. The fact that most government programs–including health care reform–far and above benefit poor and working class white people is irrelevant.

    “Far and above”? That doesn’t even make sense. But Ms. Kohn doesn’t seem to understand that government payments are a zero-sum game; it’s all relative. If non-whites get more per capita than whites, then whites don’t benefit.

  4. LOL! Have you decided which yacht you’re going to buy with the copious amount of money your corporate masters have paid you to divide the working class with OD?

  5. Speaking as someone who has attended a Tea Party and is racist to the bone, I was upset that I couldn’t detect any racial consciousness in the group. It was all taxes, health care and zionism. There was a small part about illegal immigration but they made it painstakingly clear that they didn’t have a problem with legal immigrants. It was your standard Republican, semi-conservative, Fox News fare. No KKK, no skinheads, no burning crosses, no one selling Nazi trinkets or holocaust soap by the wayside.
    As I reported in a previous post, I tried to whip up some Jew awareness in the audience but I got no applause, nothing but silence and the flash of a reporter’s camera. People kept their distance from me and I noticed one family left with a disgusted look on their face. If this is your standard Tea Party, it was one big disappointment and a total letdown by the MSM.
    Of course, I plan on attending again whenever the next one is scheduled near where I live. I’m making signs next time as visual aides for the sheep. I have an idea for one that is a picture of a DVD box with Sarah Palin sporting a goofy look on her face and donning a two piece Israeli flag bikini while there’s a mushroom cloud in the background. The caption on the box reads “Sarah Palin in Wars Gone Wild”.

  6. “Somehow, it all goes back to the colonial days when White plantation owners invented “white privilege” to divide White workers from slaves.”

    It seems the reverse; the owners brought in slaves specifically to drive down wages of white workers, and prevent small farmers from competing with the plantations. That’s one reason why the free states fought so hard to keep new states joining the union as slave states. Just think, if the slaveholders had gotten their way, the entire US might very well be majority black, just like Alabama and South Carolina back in the day.

    You can still see some of the old attitudes in the Appalachians. In the last election, West Virginia went strongly for Clinton. The Jewish press of course blamed it on the white’s racism, but since WV was an anti-slave state, and they were voting for a woman Democrat, they had to come up with a different sort of angle than “former slave state.” They called the culture “anti-slavery and anti-slave” which I think fits rather nicely.

  7. ‘Somehow, it all goes back to the colonial days when White plantation owners invented “white privilege” to divide White workers from slaves. See A People’s History of the United States.’

    Of course, blacks were mostly disinclined to seek out books, even before IQ had been devised as a measuring system. Of course, blacks had certain hereditary features even before “genes” had been articulated as a theory.

    And of course, Zinn was a communist and any rational reader would read Zinn critically.

    However, colonial-era whites did indeed invent cultural notions of whiteness. They did indeed invent certain white privileges. And Zinn’s famous book does indeed contain at least some verifiable truths.

    While I would not put Zinn in the same class as the basically honest bulldogs like Finkelstein or the ethically advanced Jews like Israel Shahak, I think it is in the interests of white advocates to recognize everything Zinn wrote that can be defended. If nothing else, distinguish Zinn’s truths from Zinn’s distortions, exaggerations, and falsehoods.

    End of sermon, let us now raise our voices to the Blessed Coughlin and pray for the soul of Benjamin Freedman.

  8. Zinn took Charles Beard’s work and added an anti-white/ cultural Marxist sheen.

    From wiki: Beard introduced themes of economic self-interest and economic conflict regarding the adoption of the Constitution and the transformations caused by the Civil War. Thus he emphasized the long-term conflict among industrialists in the Northeast, farmers in the Midwest, and planters in the South that he saw as the cause of the Civil War. His study of the financial interests of the drafters of the United States Constitution (An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution) seemed radical in 1913, since he proposed that the U.S. Constitution was a product of economically determinist, land-holding founding fathers. He saw ideology as a product of economic interests.

  9. It was a long time before we were able to acknowledge our feelings for each other, and we couldn’t express them physically, as Masai rules forbid physical contact between unmarried men and women. It was frustrating, but I had to respect their culture. I was a visitor and it would have been a gross insult to behave any other way.

    How ironic, the tribal negro is more honorable than the modern white woman.

    Not the worst thing I’ve ever heard of. Firstly, she’s actually leaving her home country and living with them in Africa, so good riddance. Just don’t come back.

    The next morning she was further shocked by the harsh realities of life in the Masai. ‘The only water came from a small muddy tributary that’s home to snakes and crocodiles,’ says Colette. ‘I was too scared to bathe, so I had to resort to having a makeshift wash in water boiled on the fire – which is what I ended up doing for months to come.’

    I’m amazed at how low maintenance she is. I don’t give it a year.

  10. Right you are Mark. If Miss Colette doesn’t get infected with Aids or some other exotic African disease, and if the witch doctors don’t do her in, she’ll probably return to jolly, multi-culti, old England with her nigletts in tow in a year or two.

  11. A Swiss woman did the same thing, and it didn’t last. She wrote a book about it which was eventually made in to a movie.

    This has reality show written all over it. They do something similar on MTV already with Exiled, where they send spoiled rich girls to some third world village. The most spoiled girls are the black girls (the white girls are more sympathetic and want to help), and it’s funny to watch them meet their racial kin and see how they used to live before the white man showed up.

  12. Lena wrote:
    “A tad odd topic, but I just had to share…this is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read.”

    That’s pretty depraved. That slut is actually even willing to share that savage with other wives he might take later. The article also states Masai marry for position and power, not for love which is an alien concept to them. She was supposedly a gifted student, and yet falls for this low i.q.ed savage. Why? What would she have in common with such a creature?

    “When I first saw him he was striding towards me carrying a lion he had helped kill, and he looked like this incredibly masculine force. I was smitten.”

    It just demonstrates that at the end of the day, many white women are attracted to primitive dominance. Many white men today are not dominant or have been neutered. Add to this the fact that she hasn’t even seen her father since she was 12, and with no positive white father figure, here’s your result.
    But it does seem to me that white women seem to be particularly susceptible to the call of the wild compared to, for example, Asian women, which is one of the reasons I feel Asians are slightly higher on the evolutionary scale than Europeans. It’s not 80,000 Japanese women flying to the caribbean every year to pay rastas to bang them. It’s white women, and mainly northern
    European women at that.

  13. “this is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read”
    Disgusting is right.

    Still, though, there may be a lesson in there for single WN men:
    “many white women are attracted to primitive dominance.”
    Learn how to hunt, gentlemen. Dragging home that elk just may win fair lady. She’d certainly get a better-looking fellow, and so better-looking kids. What’s not to like?

  14. It’s not always what someone else is lacking or did or didn’t do. There are a lot of mentally ill people in the world, and there are any number of reasons or just whim that someone miscegenates.

    In her case I think it’s just a matter of being a big pretty fish in a small ugly pond, she feels like she is special there, she is the only white woman, she has no competition. I think it’s vanity and self-righteousness.

  15. Guest Lurker—A lot of Asian chicks marry black guys.

    Tiger Woods is an example.

    Asians do prize fair skin, and seem particularly attracted to Nordic men as well as valuing intelligence.

    While this may seem flattering, it’s actually more dangerous than jungle fever. Asian-white hybrids typically assimilate back into the white gene pool, whereas mulattos stay black.

  16. It’s not always what someone else is lacking or did or didn’t do. There are a lot of mentally ill people in the world, and there are any number of reasons or just whim that someone miscegenates.

    In her case I think it’s just a matter of being a big pretty fish in a small ugly pond, she feels like she is special there, she is the only white woman, she has no competition. I think it’s vanity and self-righteousness. – Mark

    As usual, Mark is spot-on about these types of degenerate people’s motives

    Race-Mixing: Not Just for Losers Anymore? | The Occidental Quarterly

    When most people see whites dating non-whites, the immediate assumption is that there is something wrong with the white. Usually the defects are obvious. We know why a homely or obese white woman is sleeping with blacks or Mexicans: they are willing to overlook her faults because she is white. We know why a geeky, acne-scarred white man gravitates towards Asians: they are willing to overlook his faults because he is white (and of course the aliens are angling for green cards and money as well).

    And what about attractive whites who date non-whites? In recent years, more and more white men who are not obvious losers are dating Asians. But according to the conventional wisdom, they probably have hidden physical or psychological defects, such as a self-esteem problem. (Seems pretty reasonable to me.)

    Race-mixing is sold as an expression of progress in racial equality: fair Romeos will no longer be separated from their dusky Juliets by the antiquated prejudices of their parents’ generation. But the ugly truth is that race-mixing usually presupposes racism and racial hierarchies. The whites feel that they are dating or marrying down, and the non-whites feel that they are dating or marrying up.

    White losers are attracted to marrying down, because they feel that their grateful partners will overlook their flaws for the privilege of marrying into a superior race, and their non-white partners think the same thing: they could never get a normal white, but they are willing to take up with a subnormal one, because they want to marry into a superior race.

    But even though everyone believes that white race-mixers are defective, nobody really talks about it. Even the diversity police who obsessively try to expose every other instance of hidden racism, real or imagined, remain silent. I suspect they are silent because they know that a widespread discussion of this attitude would inhibit race-mixing, and they don’t want to do that.

    White race-mixers may know they are defective, but they think that others do not divine this fact when they parade their non-white paramours in public . If they knew that others saw them as defective, they might not be so enthusiastic about race-mixing. This is especially true of otherwise attractive and normal-looking white race-mixers, who would not be suspected of having hidden flaws if they did not advertise them by pursuing non-white sexual partners.

  17. @Veni Vidi Dixi:
    Zinn took Charles Beard’s work and added an anti-white/ cultural Marxist sheen.

    That’s an excellent talking point. I had been entirely ignorant of Beard until you introduced me to this. Thanks very much, you’ve helped me considerably.

  18. So in other words,it would be beneficial to society to make these people aware of this in public environs? grand..

  19. I posted to Sally’s “Movement Vision Lab” and got a reply:
    Rob says:
    April 1, 2010 at 6:05 pm


    The problem with your Trotskyist race-class critique is that the races are too different to “unite on economic interests.” Whites and blacks cannot unite, because we are incompatible. We work at different paces, we have different lifestyles, we want do things differently.

    It’s the multiracialists who are keeping everyone down by forcing diversity on all of us. Homogeneous societies are able to resist the capitalists and have strong unions and economic protections. The Bosses love multiracialism, and they thank people like Sally Kohn for jewstifying multiracialism and blaming the victims.
    sallykohn says:
    April 2, 2010 at 8:10 am

    Wow, Rob, I’m really thrown by your comment. Thanks for busting out our common assumptions that Right wingers are pro-segregation and pro-capitalism and Lefties are pro-multiculturalism and pro… well, who knows what economic vision we have but that’s another post…

    I’m genuinely torn as to whether to take down your comment or not. But I believe in free speech, so I’m gonna leave it up.

    Suffice it to say, I think your analysis here is utter crap. Apart from the cultural and social benefits of multiculturalism (which we don’t put a price tag on but should value quite highly), it’s the diverse urban areas and states that are faring the best economically while the segregation-prone parts of the US are suffering. I would point you to this analysis:

    You’re regurgitating a red herring argument that poor white folks use to blame people of color for their plight rather than the reckless capitalist systems and rich white folks, who they’d rather admire than blame. Truth is, diversity is our greatest ally in uniting to fix our common problems. Your analysis is yet another obstacle to liberation.

    I replied to her reply, but it isn’t up yet. I don’t know if she’ll let it go up.


    Are you sure your correlation is causation? Are Blacks and Hispanics on welfare really creating economic prosperity? Or is it just that their Section 8 Housing places are plunked in areas with high tech industry?

    I became a White nationalist during the high tech boom of the late 90’s early 00’s. I lived in the Harbor Point apartment complex in Dorchester, Massachusetts. I paid 1300 a month for my apartment, while my Black and Hispanic neighbors paid nothing for their apartments and didn’t work at all. They called me “rich white boy.” I said, “I’m not rich . . . I have to work and you don’t.”

    What I noticed about Boston is that to live there, you have to be wealthy or welfare. They squeeze working people who aren’t on welfare really hard. The reason is the welfare people take up a lot of housing, and thus drive up the rent. If it wasn’t for the welfare people, middle class professionals could afford to live in Boston.

    I wrote an article about my experiences at Harbor Point here:

    One recent immigrant woman who actually had something of a work ethic wanted to learn computers and so I taught her basic IT skills — enough to go get herself an affirmative action job in downtown Boston, a mere 3 T stops away. But her husband warned her that if she gets a job, she loses the vast array of welfare benefits.

    I have seen what you leftists do — you rig the system against White people in every possible way, and pat yourself on the back for doing so! Not to mention the many useless or harmful fake jobs you give yourselves such as “affirmative action officer,” and “diversity coordinator” and “housing monitor.” What a joke! I definitely hate Leftists way more than colored people, who are merely your pawns that you use against us.

    However, I have had plenty of social interaction with Black and Hispanic people. They have very different habits of life that are incompatible with the better sort of White people. Blacks and Hispanics are low investment parents, and it’s totally insane to be subsidizing their reproduction, while taxing White parents like myself. Also, Black males consider it a ” genocide score” when they impregnate a White girl with a mulatto, thereby ruining that girl for White men. The Blacks have no intention of helping the girl raise the mixed race kid – they just want to help Leftists like you, Sally Kohn, to commit genocide against the White race.

    Over at Occidental Dissent we have a Movement and a Vision too, Sally. That Vision is to see the day when insane and dysgenic policies of funding Israel on the one hand, and an army of welfare rabble and their enablers like you on the other, are ended, and we Whites once again control our own destiny. We don’t need people like you to tell us how to live, Sally. We reject your tikkun olam. You people can’t fix a tire, much less “the world.” You are destroyers, and history will plot a direct relationship between your power and the decline of the USA.

  20. Upon further reflection, it’s rather obvious that Miss Colette is mentally deranged. In her demented make-believe mind, that says to do something insanely outrageous with primitive Negroes, she exhibits the typical, twisted, White African Queen Complex. Since this wacky story is the result of subversive Judeo-British tabloid publishing, intentionally intended to roil and shock the Anglo psyche, and promote race-mixing, it’s had some effect. Poison pens at work further toxifying the confused Anglo mindset.

    As Lady Lurker mentions, she’ll probably eventually cash-in on her racial defilement & debasement, (if she survives the dysgenic madness), with book and movie rights. If that fails, she and her Negroid offspring will become welfare wards of the declining British state, where she will get paid to miscegenate further. The “wonders” of state sponsored dysgenics and race denial never cease! She is a classic, shining “democratic” example of the aberrant fruits of Winston’s WWII efforts to “save the British people”.

  21. All this bad press over these Tea Parties is starting to spook me. The media knows most regular Americans are wise to them. Is it the least bit possible they are trying to lead the herd back into the neoconservative controlled opposition fold?

  22. A lot of Asian chicks marry black guys.

    Not true. In the states at least, they’re the least likely among women to marry blacks.

  23. “Indeed, it has been reported that Masai adolescents
    frequently used donkeys as a sexual outlet.”

    “… in the culture of the masai, the father of the groom is expected to sleep with the bride to confirm her virginity.”

    “Among the Maasai, it was customary for older boys to have sexual relations with she-donkeys.”

  24. It just demonstrates that at the end of the day, many white women are attracted to primitive dominance. Many white men today are not dominant or have been neutered. Add to this the fact that she hasn’t even seen her father since she was 12, and with no positive white father figure, here’s your result.
    But it does seem to me that white women seem to be particularly susceptible to the call of the wild compared to, for example, Asian women, which is one of the reasons I feel Asians are slightly higher on the evolutionary scale than Europeans. It’s not 80,000 Japanese women flying to the caribbean every year to pay rastas to bang them. It’s white women, and mainly northern
    European women at that.
    — G.L.

    This is all due not to any real innate factors — since Northern Europeans, and Europeans in general, have demonstrated themselves the most evolved peoples throughout history — but due to the fact that We in the West, especially AmeriKwa, are under a collective curse


    Leviticus 18:21 ‘You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the LORD.

    Numbers 25:1 While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab.

    Deuteronomy 28:32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand.

    Jeremiah 32:35 “They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.


    Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against you, because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality.

  25. Kievsky quotes Kohn writing:

    You’re regurgitating a red herring argument that poor white folks use to blame people of color for their plight rather than the reckless capitalist systems and rich white folks, who they’d rather admire than blame.

    And if anyone blames rich jews Kohn and her tribemates – left, right, rich and more rich – howl because they desperately want everyone to blame White folks, rich or poor.

    Kievsky concludes:

    We don’t need people like you to tell us how to live, Sally. We reject your tikkun olam. You people can’t fix a tire, much less “the world.” You are destroyers, and history will plot a direct relationship between your power and the decline of the USA.

    Well put.

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