Victory in Arizona


The Governor of Arizona has finally signed the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the United States. Barack Hussein Obama, the President of Blue America, has strongly denounced it. Jews, Liberals and Hispanic groups are expressing their shock and outrage. Cardinal Mahoney of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has likened it to “Nazism.” I’m loving every second of it!

The new Arizona law would essentially criminalize all illegal aliens in the state. It gives the police sweeping powers to detain any Hispanic lawbreaker they suspect of being in the country illegally. Illegal aliens will be forced to provide documentation which they don’t have. Most of them will be forced to self deport to Mexico or other states.

In related news, J.D. Hayworth is mounting a strong primary challenge to John McCain, and actually has a good chance of winning. It has forced McCain to endorse militarizing the border, supporting the anti-illegal law, and vowing to filibuster his very own “comprehensive immigration reform” bill. Liberals are screaming betrayal.

The immigration debate in Arizona has shifted dramatically in our direction. Hold on a minute … the Southwest is not lost. Whites in Arizona are rejecting Aztlan. The fight has only begun.

The alien-in-chief speaks:

This one goes out to Red Jeffrey and all the anti-White liberal trolls who browse this website and send us hate mail:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The truth is every time the citizens of America have been allowed to vote on the issue they have voted for sanity. Going back as far as Prop 187 which passed easily and revived Pete Wilson’s electoral hopes, to several anti-illegal immigration Props in Arizona all of which passed easily several with Hispanic majorities as well. The problem comes in when the liberal establishment either refuses to allow the law to be enforced or do backroom deals to make them go away as per Prop 187.

    Americans have never welcomed the invasion, never!

  2. Very good to see an “on the right” report of the new Arizona law. I hadn’t known the details of how stringent it was. And the governor himself signed it. Great. Some progress toward truth.

    It’s too bad the Catholic bishops jettison truth and morality as a trade-off to getting more supporters – people from Mexico are more Catholic than in the US. So the bishops continue to move toward the dark side. This is no reference to skin color. It is a serious reference to their supporting the replacement of our culture and people by supporting massive inflows from Mexico. This is not honorable. It is certainly not religious. Why do they do this? Somewhere along the line, they are being taken in by the devil.

  3. The DNC is gettting way ahead of itself. They absolutely require a sizable chunk of White voters and they will for several decades to come. It ain’t 2042, yet. And even then, the age structure of the population will still require that they pull at least a token subset of Whites. If they accomplish what they’re apparently trying to do, which is to completely and permanently alienate their White union worker types, they’ll be spending the next few election cycles out of power.

    I might be getting carried away in my analysis, but I don’t think the political establishment has the slightest clue what kind of fire they’re playing with, here. If White America has been whipped into such a panic that a benign healthcare reform that largely consists of switching the graft over from private corporations to government bureaucrats puts them out on the streets, then a very blunt and direct challenge to their sovereignty could trigger an outright revolt.

    My bet is that Obama’s gone a bit rogue on this issue, is talking out of his ass, and will be silenced by pressure from panicked blue dogs within the party. They’ll do what liberals always do when the will of the people and the democratic process don’t work for them: they’ll quietly and consistently defeat us with judicial activism.

    Hell, Obama may be begging Sheriff Arpaio to join him in a “beer summit” before this is all over with.

  4. Keep up the fight! The main credit for this bill passing is due to AZ state Sen. Russell Pearce. We won a battle today but we haven’t won the war yet.

    By the way, Bob in Idaho, our current governor that signed this bill, Jan Brewer, is female. As far as gender goes for our former AZ governor/ current DHS Chief, Janet Napolitano, well I don’t know….

  5. I hope you are right, Matt. That’s a very optimistic view. Saving the US for a while longer would sure be nice.

    It looks like the politicians are being brute forced by the people to actually do some things not in the direction of electing a new people. I’m sure Gov. Jan Brewer didn’t want to sign that law. Or did she? Maybe she went off the reservation? Maybe she’s glad she signed it?

    I didn’t think she’d sign it. I’m so accustomed to everything being rigged against us in this country. I’m sure the Hebrew judges are now talking about how to “strike down this law.” Let’s hope it’s a Jew proof law!

    I mean, all it really is, if you think about it, is enforcing existing law. All it is, is saying “this wink wink nod nod” non-enforcement of borders is no longer going to happen, at least in Arizona. I saw Russell Pearce’s interviews, and he did really well.

    He destroyed the mestiza in that debate!

  6. This law reminds me of the successful “stop and frisk” policy in New York City.
    It seems to have reduced gun violence a great deal. And, of course, the same claim is made against “stop and frisk” as against the Arizona law. It’s discriminatory. Just like every Republican Convention where peaceful demonstrators are beat up for no reason by fascist cops I am sure arrangements now are being made to show how evil this law is.

  7. Excellent post #4 there, Matt. Arizona, being a front line state, and suffering the direct impact of the Mestizo invasion, is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. The system’s political hacks are indeed playing with fire with the amnesty attempts. The firestorm that this generated two years age, when the Republikaners tried it, is likely to erupt again, thanks to the effect of the Internet early warning alarm system.

  8. At Atlantic web site they have just posted a “Question of the Weekend.”

    Question of the Weekend: Arizona’s New Immigration Law

    No comments yet. I must comment that calling this an Immigration Law seems to me incorrect. Arizona is not setting the terms and conditions of immigration. It is much more a public safety matter then anything else.

  9. The Governor of Arizona has finally signed the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the United States.

    It should be noted for all the misogynists out there that the Governor of Arizona is Jan Brewer, a woman.

  10. It’s nice that this passed, but it’ll probably be thrown out by the courts. That’s what usually happens when a state or municipality has tried to crack down on illegal immigrants.

  11. If you live in Arizona vote that traitorous political whore John McCain out of office. He’ll be one of the first to sign up for amnesty legislation once he’s safely re-elected. He doesn’t fool me but I guarantee alot of Mexicans who might have voted for him have dropped him in droves. He’ll probably make up the loss by sending his Jew wife and daughter out again to promote sodomy rights.

  12. Guess I am going to go against the grain here.

    I am as much as against immigration as anyone. In fact I think we need a moratorium on all immigration but I’m sorry this is not necessarily good news . It is still playing the legal vs illegal game. Is that really the issue? So if we were to make all the invaders legal then what would be the problem? The Hispanic Caucus is ‘legal’ so is LaRaza and every GD one of these race groups. It is not a matter of legality it is a matter of race. On top of that what this does is now clamp down on all citizens. You must show your papers. Does anyone remember Liberty and the very things we were started on by our white forefathers?

    The dialectic is working here.

  13. The DNC is gettting way ahead of itself. They absolutely require a sizable chunk of White voters and they will for several decades to come. It ain’t 2042, yet. And even then, the age structure of the population will still require that they pull at least a token subset of Whites. If they accomplish what they’re apparently trying to do, which is to completely and permanently alienate their White union worker types, they’ll be spending the next few election cycles out of power.

    So what if the Democrats get voted out of power for a few election cycles? It’s not like the Republicans will do anything positive. Once they vote in a few Republicans, the Tea Party types will be pacified, satisfied that they “made a difference,” “took back their country,” “stopped socialism,” and other such nonsense, and the inexorable decline of White America will continue.

    I do not understand the optimism many white racialists have for the Tea Party movement. It is nothing more than a retread of the anti-Clinton movement. What did the “Republican Revolution” accomplish? Absolutely nothing. The Tea Party movement is aracial and completely neoconned, and it is going nowhere.

    Too many people think we can achieve a racial solution by avoiding racial issues: either voting for Republicans, libertarianism, more Christianity, or something else. The only way to achieve a racial solution is to build an explicitly pro-white movement. Implicit whiteness is useless.

  14. I hope you are right but If we jump on the legality band wagon I just don’t see where we go from there. Not to mention we are agreeing to stronger police powers against citizen all from an issue the government allowed and caused in the first place.

  15. MGLS,
    I didn’t endorse the Republican Party. I simply made a comment on the electoral impact of these political decisions being made. I didn’t at any time suggest or imply that we should conceal our ultimate ideal – that of a sovereign and free White American nation. These implicit episodes are opportunities for reaching people with our explicit message. They’re only that: opportunities.

    You correctly assert that it’s not about the “illegality” of it. But it’s not even about third world immigration. Even with a moratorium on immigration, there are enough third world people here with high enough birth rates to overwhelm White America within a few decades, anyway. But we have no choice but to start with White Americans as they are and steadily work them toward our agenda. This is the identity issue of the hour and this is our opportunity for advocacy and influence.

    Our job is to audition to be their advocates, and we accomplish that by fighting for White American interests and ideals – not by sitting there and having them. What matters here isn’t the bill itself or its real world impact. The administrative and judicial jackals will likely make short work of it. But it’s clearly an opportunity for the political soldiers among us to be out there fighting on the battlefield for the people we hope will one day be inspired by our vision and our sacrifices into following our lead.

  16. While I share the enthusiam for this piece of good news, the current political system cannot and will not allow this to stand.

    It will be torn to shreds by the judiciary, both state and Federal, and it will be torn to shreds rapidly.

    I’m sorry to say this, but it is the truth. Nothing less than accompanying this political advance with a violent vanguard putting the fear into the judiciary and the big law firms/chamber of commerce would prevent this from happening, and we have no such “Irish Republican-like” organziation to counter the power of the established interests.

  17. You correctly assert that it’s not about the “illegality” of it. But it’s not even about third world immigration. Even with a moratorium on immigration, there are enough third world people here with high enough birth rates to overwhelm White America within a few decades, anyway.

    This is an important point. Cracking down on illegal immigration or restricting legal immigration cannot save us. The deed is done. The only thing those who seek racial destruction have to do is sit back and wait for assimilation and amalgamation to do the job. Partition and ethnostates are the only solution. Separation is the only way to achieve racial preservation.

  18. You correctly assert that it’s not about the “illegality” of it. But it’s not even about third world immigration. Even with a moratorium on immigration, there are enough third world people here with high enough birth rates to overwhelm White America within a few decades, anyway. But we have no choice but to start with White Americans as they are and steadily work them toward our agenda. This is the identity issue of the hour and this is our opportunity for advocacy and influence.

    Absolutely & agreed! But that still doesn’t negate we need a moratorium on immigration AND need to start addressing race specifically.

  19. The Western states are probably the part of the country where WN has the best chance to gain traction now. Whites there have a lot of racial consciousness(as opposed to ethnic, religious or regional consciousness) and they aren’t drinking the Fox News/Evangelical/GOP kool-aid as much as Southerners are.

    All the Western states have large populations of California refugees and large Mexican illegal populations.

  20. The courts will squash the new law just as they did prop 187 in California.

    The courts didn’t exactly squash it. The CA attorney general also failed (probably intentionally) to pursue an appeal after the law was ruled to be unconstitutional in a district court. During the time in which the ruling should have been appealed, the AG sat on his hands, and when Gray Davis (an utterly deracinated shell of a man who opposed 187) became governor, Davis worked in cahoots with the judge to let the law die without appeal.

    During this entire time, the neocons, including the Bush family, were leaning heavily on Pete Wilson to drop his support of the law, and I also suspect he did so too.

  21. To those who say ‘we’ need to get on an explicitly white political vector I’m all for it. The issue here–at least to me–is figuring out what the message ought to consist of; a message that will immediately resonate with millions of Euro-Americans in short order.

    As we already know “Fourteen words” and “white pride” carry too much baggage.

    The message I believe will work is demographic. We’ve been aware for a long time that white Americans are on the cusp of minority status. Moreover the MSN has already laid the groundwork for this message through multiple publications and mediums. This is a wonderful development because we now have the footage and the print articles at our disposal which originated in the kind of media people are comfortable with.

    The issue at hand has been the manner of presentation concerning our demographic decline: more often than not it has been served up by the controlled media as fatalist, clinical, and unstoppable. ‘Move along, nothing to see here…’ and so on. The message of demography merely needs to be exploited correctly, preferably by appealing to Americans intrinsic sense of fairness.

    Thoughts please?

  22. Do write a letter (NOT email) to the Governor of Arizona. Show your support. 1 snail mail letter = 600 people showing support.

    Somebody should put up the details to write to his office.

  23. “It will be torn to shreds by the judiciary, both state and Federal, and it will be torn to shreds rapidly.’
    The fedgov will have to lose its claim to legitimacy. I declare that I am a citizen of California, not of the united state.
    The anti-federalists warned about this.

  24. ATBOTL: “All the Western states have…..large Mexican illegal populations.”

    I have noticed there are also large Hispanic Illegal Alien populations in the Southeast, Maryland, and New Jersey.

  25. All great transformations involve transforming the implicit into the explicit. That’s what philosophy is. There must be a relentless push push push toward EXPLICIT WHITENESS.
    btw the mexicans who lived next door, during the bubble, (’04 to ’09) are gone!!!! Replaced by a little old White lady!!! Quiet!! Hallelujah!!

  26. “btw the mexicans who lived next door, during the bubble, (’04 to ‘09) are gone!!!! Replaced by a little old White lady!!!

    Old White ladies in California. Damn, I miss them. Ladies like my grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Good women who were rock solid as all hell. Around the time I was born, the state was still full of them.

  27. “I have noticed there are also large Hispanic Illegal Alien populations in the Southeast, Maryland, and New Jersey.”

    I noticed an influx of Hispanic Illegal Alien population in S/E Michigan over the last 7 years or so. There had always been some migrant workers in agriculture, but starting around 2003 my small town saw the opening of 3 Mexican groceries and several “Taquerias” complete with mobile taco factories.

    In 2004 I was working the dairy department at a Kroger and going to school. I had several run-ins with a gang of red-eyed burly Mestizo youth. They would come into the store late at night and steal right in front of me. As a union employee I was not able to do anything except report it, but management was afraid to do anything about it. They kept coming back and would harass me, I would be alone in the far corner of the store at around 11PM when they would come in and stand on both sides of me and pretend to shop. This really got my blood boiling.

    I had another similar encounter with Mestizo youth while shopping in another grocery store that is close to a large tract of Section 8 housing. That whole part of town is a dump now.

  28. Legal mexicans & hispanos don’t have a problem with the bill because they think it will ‘unfairly’ profile them, they have a problem because it discriminates against their ‘people’, thus, all the more reason for separation.

  29. Sleazy corps like Cargill & Swift have been bringing in wetbacks to the midwest since the early 90’s. Places like Grand Island, NE, Lexington, NE, & Schuyler, NE, Guymon, OK, Marshalltown, IA are all loaded with them. All these places were lily white before.

  30. So now all of a sudden there’s outrage among the Hispanic population in Arizona who have been taking to the streets and protesting. I saw some news clips of civil unrest and violence, already. Quite a contrast to the friendly and peaceful Tea Parties. I wonder if the fair and balanced news media is going to relentlessly denounce and bash these Hispanics protests for being, ya know, too Hispanic. Where’s the diversity? Is the media going to call these people racist? Yeah right.

    They’re worried about their civil rights due to racial profiling. This is the big issue. Now the media is paying attention. But when white farmer Rob Krentz was murdered by illegals who invaded our country, the national media barely shrugged. If white people weren’t so sedated they should’ve been in the streets protesting after that happened.

    I just heard that 70% of Arizonans support the new bill. That’s an encouraging number. And once again the will of the people is going to be ignored and this bill will be fought tooth and nail.

    Whatever happens, it’s bringing what’s going on by the Southwest border in the spotlight. The media has been purposely silent for decades so as not to stir up white people while their country is being invaded.

  31. Yes, the corporate-Zionist Powers That Be will find some way to override the Arizona law. Thereby increasing anti-DC anger in many other states and state legislatures. In fact, our ZOG Congress will likely soon pass an overall legalization bill; all they need is one Republicrat vote to beat a Senate filibuster. Secessions, national disintegration, and Civil War II are just over the horizon. Which will provide also sorts of useful, problem-solving opportunities for hard-rightists and WNs. Many, many long-standing political, economic, and racial scores are going to be settled. It will be a bloody mess, probably lasting for years – as AH once said, “the world will hold its breath” – but what a glorious bloody mess!

  32. “The immigration debate in Arizona has shifted dramatically in our direction. Hold on a minute … the Southwest is not lost. Whites in Arizona are rejecting Aztlan. The fight has only begun.”

    Lol. Netivists and elderly pensioners “led” by liberal arts majors and portly Cons with soft hands and female musculature “fighting” dispossession. Reality check: California.

    Remember this from last year?

    Having to work for a living on May 1st, 2009, I experienced the love these a–holes have for the white man up close and personal. Too bad none of you were along. Ah yes, the fight has just begun! Problem is, as always, we’re a day late and a dollah short. So go ahead and write those letters demanding action from the safety and comfort of the keyboard. Talk tough with other pot-bellied, gun-owning Cons and NRA members at the local gun club. Mail a few bucks to those anti-illegal immigrant organizations! Most importantly, however, keep investing in China and buying from Walmart!

  33. “The Southeast is easily more racially conscious than the Southwest.”

    It’s a different kind of consciousness that includes religious and regional/historical elements. In the West, white consciousness is more explicitly racial and more like ideological white nationalism.

    The fact is, whites in the Southeast still see the GOP, kosher conservatism and Bible thumping as successfully representing their interests. They aren’t ready for something more radical yet. They would be happy if W came back for a third term.

    In the early stages of building a movement, which is where we are now, all of our recruits are going to come from people who feel alienated from the entire spectrum of mainstream discourse. There isn’t going to be any kind of mass migration to WN among Southerners until they have a falling out with the aforementioned distractions. For now, we need to focus on cadre building. I hold that there is more potential among whites in the West in part because there is less competition from movements like Fundamentalism and conservatism.

    I also believe many underestimate the potential in the Northeast. Boston for example, has a reputation AMONG BLACKS THEMSELVES as the “most racist” city in America. It’s a mistake to equate voting behavior with racial attitudes. Average, non ideological people on the street, who make up most voters, have only vague conceptions of how the two parties differ. The sort of people who spend time discussing political ideology on blogs engage in a fallacy of assuming that all people are as well informed and rational as they are. Lots of openly “racist” white people in the rust belt voted for Obama because they believe that another GOP administration would leave them destitute or just because they have always voted Democratic.

    Remember that the BNP and European nationalist parties in general have gained most of their voters from people who previously supported leftist and socialist parties. They HAVE NOT gained much support from the more right wing voters of the center right parties, which is what most WN’s in America assume is how things must happen here.

  34. MGLS # 20: I totally agree and furthermore I want to state that I don’t want the republicans in power and I don’t want things to get better. You are right, if there is a minor improvement everyone will settle down and pat each other on the back.

    In order to bring about a change in this country, the masses need to be radicalized and brought to the point where they are ready to explode. In order for that to happen, things have to get a lot worse. This includes our enemies getting more radicalized, so that “Joe Sixpack” and “Jose Cuervo” can feed off of each other’s anger (and of course Leroy Jones and his bee-atch LaBoomBoom).

    Every time an anti-immigration law passes, the brownies will revolt, which will scare and anger White folks. Every time the courts strike a law down or the central government issues a new edict, the Whites will get angrier. Add economic difficulties, and you have something really interesting on your hands. A vicious cycle of anger is the only thing that will bring change in the long run. Remember that a certain Austrian favorite of a lot of people here didn’t have any real electoral success at all until the economy tanked.

    Of course, the above mentioned anger should be channeled into the voting booth and never into anything illegal. :o)

  35. Rarely, any more do I find anything at the National Review. But this I found of interest:

    Activists Amplify Arizona Act, Accelerating Attrition Aftermath [Mark Krikorian]

    Arizona governor Jan Brewer dealt with the immigration bill very neatly — she signed the bill, supporting it unapologetically, but at the same time issued an executive order directing the development of a training program on how to implement the law without racial profiling.

    The lefties outraged by the bill aren’t going to be placated by the executive order (which is kind of redundant, since cops everywhere a awash in sensitivity training), but it will be helpful for lots of Arizonans who support the bill but don’t want to feel guilty about it.

    Be all that as it may, I think the biggest impact of the new law won’t actually be in its implementation; rather, the hyperbolic fear-mongering by the bill’s opponents will actually amplify its effect far beyond anything the sponsors could have wished for. The bill on its own obviously isn’t going to create a police state or Nazi Germany, but it’s also not a magic wand that’s going to make illegal immigration go away — it’s a modest measure, part of which simply parallels federal law, and gives police some extra useful tools (citizens, too, who may now sue sanctuary jurisdictions). But if the thing had been passed and signed with little fuss, it wouldn’t have half the attrition effect it’s going to have.

    So my advice to the open-borders folks: Fear-monger away!

  36. The opportunities for our side will grow if Obama and the congressional Democrats over-react to this development, as they’re likely to do:

    “pushing through” an immigration “reform” package in this environment, with millions of white Americans already galvanized in opposition to the White House and Congress, could trigger an enormous reaction. I have little doubt that this Arizona law will be smacked down by the federal government, but the longer-term result of this fight will be very salutary. Unfortunately for the left, they have to do something dramatic, because, having alienated most of white America, they now must depend on winning every possible minority vote to stay in power. They’re painting themselves into an uncomfortable corner.

    We shouldn’t overlook how fortunate we are to have Obama in the white house. The image of a black man – particularly one who is to all intents and purposes a foreigner – leading the charge to smash this belated, perfectly reasonable effort at national self-defense is stark enough for even the dimmest white Americans to grasp its significance. By choosing Obama as their Avatar, the anti-white left effectively outed themselves.

  37. Ugh, I can’t believe I capitalized “avatar” in that last post. I guess advertising really works.

  38. We need to write to the AZ Gov’s office and state that the courts have no right, no right at all, to overturn this law.

    As Andrew Jackson said, “Let them enforce it”. Meaning the courts. We must back up the Gov’s actions.

  39. If there is one political issue to focus on right now it’s immigration, and it’s a winnable battle, with one caveat.

    The TV is going to show all patriotic immigration reformers as neo-nazis, thugs, ignorant rednecks, and Timothy McVeigh style terrorists. For those they cannot smear with those accusations, they will come up with all sorts of contrived economic and political arguments about why immigration is good or inevitable.

    The question is whether or not White people will be cowed into silence by their TVs. The recent history of White people does not make me overly optimistic about the situation.

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