Skin, Kin, and Vote 2010

It’s conventional wisdom among the wonks that the 2010 election will be a tough one for the Democrats. The historical pattern holds that the midterm after a President is elected is a tough election for his party. I believe it will be worse than merely a setback: I believe it will be an unmitigated disaster for them.

  • Working class White males have been devastated by this ‘mancession‘ while pink collar jobs and affirmative action sinecures have been hiring.
  • The labor unions, once reliable machines for churning out White male democratic voters, have imploded.
  • The bailout disaster, an unprecedented raid of the Treasury in broad daylight, got stuck in the craw of even the most apolitical working class stiffs.

But most disastrously, the DNC has become so drunk on its own multicult moonshine and Obamania that it has forgotten that it can’t afford to be an explicitly anti-White male party just yet.

Here’s a sneak preview of their ill-fated Reverse Sailer Strategy

The representatives who supported the “bailouts” are lame ducks, virtually all of them. The difference between the parties is that the GOP had less of them to start with and the Tea Party mob will purge many of them during the primaries. The Democratic candidates won’t be so lucky. They’ll be hammered by (true) accusations that they raided the treasury for Wall Street. They’ll try but fail to distance themselves from an increasingly unpopular President. Their base, disappointed that their comically messianic hopes for Obama were stomped to death by reality, will be as discouraged as liberals can conceivably be.

Hell, if you watch the video, it seems like even he’s depressed about the whole thing.

We’ve been relatively unsuccessful in making our case to ordinary White Americans that they’re a nation, a people, an identity group with interests and goals that they need to rise up and defend. Fortunately, our enemies are doing our job for us. Frank Rich and other liberals, particularly Jewish liberals, are shrieking more and more loudly that Middle American “Tea Party” outrage is actually White American outrage. The message White Americans are hearing is: “Damn right this is racial, and we will defeat you White Americans!”

The American people definitely have a long way to go before we can hope to make lasting progress. They’ll get screwed by the Republicans at least a couple more times before they start to get the picture. But I believe our generation of White Advocates may be the first one in living memory with a fighting chance of victory. It’s an exciting time to be a political soldier.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. “We’ve been relatively unsuccessful in making our case to ordinary White Americans that they’re a nation, a people, an identity group with interests and goals that they need to rise up and defend. Fortunately, our enemies are doing our job for us.”

    Quite right. For white nationalists, Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. His presidency is a real opportunity for nationalist thinking to make incursions into the white mainstream.

  2. I recall the following article receiving a lot of attention when it was published in 2007, stating that Democrats need not pay any attention to the interests of White men (or as the article calls us “white boys”).

    Midterms typically being difficult for the party in power, coupled with Blacks, anti-White minorities, black-worshiping White liberals, and fervent anti-Bush/war voters not turning out will help the Republicans pick up seats in Congress in 2010. In 2012, however, the same coalition of anti-Whites (minus many strictly anti-Bush voters) will turn out in droves to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. As HW has stated, once blacks get a taste of black rule, they feel entitled to permanent black rule (paraphrasing). I think it’s not unlikely that George W. Bush will soon be able to add “last White President” to his other superlative accolade “most pro-Israeli President”.

  3. I do not believe any *nation* or people has ever been formed except through collective struggle or persecution.

    So, yes, you’re quite right. The left’s attacks on white Americans will, inevitably, create a people of white Americans.

    I really liked the ideal of assimilation and a common American identity in which race was not much of an issue in the public sphere. However, our elite’s explicit policies of denationalization, “multiculturalism,” and demographic replacement naturally leads to a racially concious white American people.

  4. When the electorate gave the democrats gains in ’06 and ’08 they gave them the benefit of the doubt that they really weren’t as far left as they really are. Ordinary whites were furious about Bush’s outsourcing the job base and unending wars. Unfortunately they got a cold dose of reality with BO, the lesbian Napolitano, etc. I sure as heck hope this doesn’t end in the futile gesture of putting that airhead Palin in the Whitehouse. They say even a broken clock is correct twice a day and in this case the left is right about Palin. Right after her sudden appearance one blogger I forget provided what I believe is the most rational analysis of Palin to date. They wrote of how in their experience women who take part in beauty pageants and seek to be TV anchors are motivated purely by their own ego. Palin’s career foundered when she was younger and this “conservative Christian” ship just came in as her only opportunity. However I suspect deep down if she had the chance when she was younger in her prime to become an airhead starlet, she would have jumped at the opportunity to become part of Hollywood’s liberal elite.

  5. I am an advocate for a third party in Congress and try my best to influence friends in this direction when the discussion turns to politics and finger pointing. Right now, I could care less if this third party is the American Fascist Party or Nader’s Green Party -there has got to be an alternative to the two-party monopoly (they become one when they get to Washington) and the Tea Party isn’t it. I want a party that can save what our forefathers built for our next generation without being overtly WN. Is there even a contender at this point?

  6. Obama, to the extent he embraces black nationalism and moves away from his faux uniter schtick from the campaign, will readicalize otherwise aracial whites who are simply not going to be played for suckers and let the whole country become like Detroit.

  7. aracial whites who are simply not going to be played for suckers and let the whole country become like Detroit.

    Brazil or South Africa is more likely.

  8. The labor unions, once reliable machines for churning out White male democratic voters, have imploded.

    Almost nobody in my local (700 white men strong) will pull the lever for democrats in 2010. These are the same men who put Scott Brown into power.

  9. Political soldiers indeed, who must carry out a revolution in thought. The old, conventional, dead-end thinking has to change, or there won’t be a White, Anglo America left that’s fit to live in.

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