Discourse Poisoning: An Hour a Day

As some of you may have noticed, OD is getting a lot of hits off “reddit” this evening, one of the most popular social news websites. Earlier this afternoon, a hysterical leftist called “Angela Motorman” posted a link to my post on White Nationalism and Social Media. Presumably, it was Motorman who came here threatening to report OD to the SPLC and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department for speech she doesn’t like on the internet.

The thread has since made it to the first page of the “reddit” politics section. Lots of Jews and White liberals are flooding in here and taking a look around. If this breakthrough is big enough to get us noticed by the SPLC, I would be thrilled beyond words, as I have been trying so hard (unsuccessfully) to get their attention for months now.

OD was at the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington, DC. We were at the Gravelly Point Park “Restore the Constitution” Gun Rally in Alexandria, VA. We were at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in Louisville, Kentucky. In spite of all this hard work infiltrating the Tea Party and spreading “racism” on the militia scene, the SPLC hasn’t yet honored us with a special place on their honor roll of “hate groups.”

There are thousands of White Nationalists on the internet. I’m convinced we are as numerous as liberals and conservatives are online. Stormfront is easily a rival to Democratic Underground and Free Republic. We spend hours every day on the internet time-wasting, arguing with each other about Nordicism and Nazism, kvetching about the decline of White America. As I explained in the last podcast, all this wasted time and energy could be spent so much more productively.

Here’s a simple way you make a difference: infiltrate these social news websites like Digg and Reddit, register accounts, submit our best material, vote down liberal threads and comments, vote up racialist material. White Nationalists are always chomping at the bit to pick a fight. Instead of fighting with each other, go forth on to these left-leaning websites and stir up chaos. If you are going to waste time and pick fights anyway, try to do it in a productive way.

If we could get a few hundred White Nationalists to spend an hour a day discourse poisoning the most popular social media websites, we could draw a lot more attention to our cause. The worst case scenario is that we siphon off much of the infighting and negativity in this movement.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Obama was easily the best thing to happen to White Nationalism in ten years. I hope he gets reelected. In 2012, I will give him an official endorsement.

  2. White Nationalists are always chomping at the bit to pick a fight. Instead of fighting with each other, go forth on to these left-leaning websites and stir up chaos. If you are going to waste time and pick fights anyway, try to do it in a productive way.

    I constantly plant the White nationalist flag dead center into discussions all over the internet and in personal discussions.

    White liberals are always the most vociferous, non-Whites are usually too stupid to offer much argument other than vulgarities and threats. Ironically there’s plenty of nasty people in White nationalism, but in a way it prepares you for arguing with the enemy.

    I don’t see it as discourse poisoning, I see it as an antidote. An intervention for Whites who are intoxicated by liberal madness.

  3. I love a challenge. We should always be aggressively confronting the enemy. They need to be on the defensive. It’s not like we lack the numbers to do this.

  4. I doubt anyone is worried about you lot. Considering you just posted complaining about how wordpress was too difficult, you probably don’t have the subtlety, charm, or wit to deceive, burgle or otherwise socially engineer yourselves into any form of prevalence. Or, assuming you do, you’ll have pissed off people with actual competencies from places like 4chan or SA. At which point, your pissy little server will get rocked into oblivion and we’ll never hear from you again.

    Good luck on twitter!

  5. good luck,

    Did you read the 4chan thread on Amanda Kijera? The comments over there were more racist and vitriolic than the ones posted here. The most obscene comments that got posted here (ones I actually had to delete) were left by those people.

  6. Here’s a simple way you make a difference: infiltrate these social news websites like Digg and Reddit, register accounts, submit our best material, vote down liberal threads and comments, vote up racialist material. White Nationalists are always chomping at the bit to pick a fight. Instead of fighting with each other, go forth on to these left-leaning websites and stir up chaos. If you are going to waste time and pick fights anyway, try to do it in a productive way.

    If we could get a few hundred White Nationalists to spend an hour a day discourse poisoning the most popular social media websites, we could draw a lot more attention to our cause. The worst case scenario is that we siphon off much of the infighting and negativity in this movement.

    Glad to hear I’m not the only one who thinks this.

    That is exactly what I do, a lot more than an hour a day if I can and have been for some time now. Pretty much since I woke up.

    I call in at OD, MR and the like to see whats happening, pick up ideas but most of the time Im elsewhere trying to take the fight beyond the borders. It would be great if they would come here and debate, but thats a rarity, so we have to go to them. So, where is everbody?

    Ive recently joined Facebook (millions of users) for the sole purpose of doing what Hunter suggests. The place is a liberal echo chamber, or rather many of the groups/pages are. Liberal platitudes fly like bullets, unquestioned liberal assumptions go…unquestioned, and so on.

    Being British, its mostly BNP related groups* I call in on. Ideally I join the anti-BNP groups for a debate but needless to say they are pretty hot on banning anyone who rains on their parade, then they congratulate themselves on defeating the BNP on the issues – really, its quite a pathetic spectacle.

    But like I said, where is everybody? Most pro-BNP posters (not all) on FB don’t seem that switched on, always reiterating their non-racist credentials and getting sidetracked. Then of course there are leftist false flag types posting infammatory stuff to tar the BNP.

    Where are the guys & girls of the calibre I see on OD, MR and isteve? Half a dozen of you put together could own any thread these liberal time wasters throw together.

    *When business is slow, I also try my luck at American open borders advocate groups too.

  7. #5 almost made it 2/3 through the post without bad language. That’s an extra gold star (don’t make me tell you which kind) and getting to stay up half an hour extra.

  8. Unfortunately I used to frequent reddit a few years ago. The site always skewed liberal, but became a very unpleasant place to be during the last presidential campaign unless you were an O-bot. The site is a complete echo chamber now, and has become unrecognizable from its original form. Redditers in general like to believe they are open-minded, but are unwilling to consider opposing beliefs and hold many stereotypes about Americans and anybody not liberal.

    They like to engage in internet tough-guy mob behavior, so who knows what could come of this…

  9. There are thousands of White Nationalists on the internet. Most of us have no use for Digg and Reddit because we have our own sites. I didn’t bother with either site until a month or so ago.

    We should pick one of these sites and take it over. It would be worth it for the entertainment value alone. Leftists would wail about it across the internet. The story would attract a lot of attention. There are other benefits like using these sites as a release valve for the quarrelsome types in our own ranks.

  10. “good luck,

    Did you read the 4chan thread on Amanda Kijera? The comments over there were more racist and vitriolic than the ones posted here. The most obscene comments that got posted here (ones I actually had to delete) were left by those people.”

    lol you clearly have no idea how anon operates. try and cross them, see what happens. white, black, racists, liberals, conservatives, doesnt matter who you are.

  11. I just joined Reddit. Ive +ed every Prozium comment and just about everything by some guy called Johnny_Cash.

    Is he somebody from round here?

  12. If they have a problem with “racism,” there is plenty of it to go around on their own website. I don’t read 4chan. I have a roommate that is a fan of the site though.

  13. Thanks Lurker.

    Johnny Cash, I don’t know, there are a lot of OD readers on Reddit. If he posts here, he is using a different name. I stumbled upon Reddit after I noticed people were linking to us there. Our people should register accounts over there and vote up pro-White submissions and content.

  14. This was fun, but there’s no point in doing a “raid” or some 4chan bs on reddit. Look who owns it. If this isn’t a marketing campaign, OD should go ahead and pay reddit.com for a front page ad. I’m assuming it’s in the three digits.


  15. That Johnny_Cash guy is a Jew. I just went and downvoted all his Jewish comments on Reddit.

  16. Now were talking! Offensive Information Operations -time for WNs to go on the offensive and disrupt, discredit, and degrade the liberal MSM, the $PLC and their liberal fascist support network, and of course, the ACLU (Afrikan Communist Liberation Unit). I will do my part.

  17. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
    Über alles in der Welt….

    Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer

  18. The administrators of Digg are hostile to pro-white views. They ban accounts of pro-whites and pro-white websites from being submitted. They are also quite lavishly pro-Zionist; they also ban websites of leftists who criticize Israel.

  19. I think it’s adorable how you guys believe that all of your white nationalistic preoccupations will never amount to anything except for pissing and whining because you couldn’t quite make out something somebody said to you today because of a thick accent. Methinks it might be time to grow up and realize that the world can’t be exactly the way you think it should be.

    Seriously, if the world worked the way *I* think it should, you all would’ve been born black. In Africa. So you could all sit around in the dust just hating the shit out of yourself every fucking day. Good thing nobody ever gets their way, though, huh?

  20. I think it’s funny how all the anti-White whites try to infantilize anyone they disagree with. It’s all very Frankfurt school.

    Liberalism is nothing if not infantile.

    So you could all sit around in the dust just hating the shit out of yourself every fucking day.

    Thus he proves he’s a racist, saying that blacks in Africa can’t amount to anything.

    Take a good look at those comments on reddit. They all gain status by attacking the “evil white racists” – but does it look as if any of those people actually love diversity, except for maybe they have a black friend? Does it read as if any of those people have even considered racial issues seriously, or they just believe whatever they were told on their TV?

  21. Over at BUGS, we have been doing this sorta of thing for XXX number of years now. Someone over there is usually putting out the THE MANTRA somewhere in the world……..every day.


    It does not take that many people to make a difference once you have a good consistent message. Posting a consistent message online across a variety of different websites……is like putting out fliers in the 1950’s.

  22. Seriously, if the world worked the way *I* think it should, you all would’ve been born black. In Africa. So you could all sit around in the dust just hating the shit out of yourself every fucking day.

    I certainly see evidence of the opposite, there must be a lot of non-Whites born White, with so much White self-hatred and accusations of racism against other Whites. Whites are their own worst enemies.

  23. That Johnny_Cash guy is a Jew. – on reddit

    I’d amazed, frankly, if that turned out to be true. If so, he is deep, deep, deep under cover.

  24. Rev. Copernicus #28

    Thanks for the comment there, its great when you guys drop by, wish you would do it more.

    Then we can see who’s got nothing.

  25. That Johnny_Cash guy is a Jew. I just went and downvoted all his Jewish comments on Reddit. – Jerry #22

    Jerry, did you read some of his comments? Either your reading comprehension skills are inadequate or you’re the jew.

    Which is it Jerry?

    Btw I’ve been back and upvoted hundreds more of Johnny_Cash’s comments. And there are hundreds of them. If anyone is an Offensive Information Operator its Johnny_Cash.

  26. #25: Herr King, wir sind hier Amerikanern, so bitte auf Englisch schreiben. Ich kann ein bißchen Deutsch lesen und schreiben, aber viele leute hier können nur English lesen.

    Cuz ya really are German, aren’t ya, Why-Anne? It ain’t like ya a brotha whoz smart anough tuh cut-n-paste? Nah…

  27. #28: So, let’s se:

    – You believe that we (in our current incarnation) are predestined to be “racist” (how else would you know which people to have born black?).

    That makes you an anti-White racist, possibly with a Calvinist streak.

    – You wish to punish our black bodies with the souls of “racists”.

    That makes you an anti-Black racist (the bodies) AND an anti-White racist (against our poor souls).

    – You think it’s good that no one ever gets their way.

    That makes you illogical or confused.

    – Or, your whole post could be an attempt at some kind of twisted sarcasm.

    That means you suck at sarcasm.

    Either way, you’re a sad person. Not to mention easy to reply to. Thanks, buddy.

  28. Clearly you don’t understand 4chan. It exists so that people can say incredibly, how shall we say, fucked up things because the humor is in the shock value.

  29. You people are the scourge of the earth.

    If you went to a Tea Party rally, I hope you were one of the bigots that were holding the constitution in your hands. Maybe you should read it.

  30. The Constitution says that negroes are “persons,” not “citizens.” At least the original version. The Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott case that the Founders only intended Whites to be U.S. citizens.

  31. Good article, from a hacktivism or social engineering point of view. I guess the same tricks would work against your kind as well. But generally, fascists are stupider than most other people, or old, so it would probably be a lot easier. I bet I could get a bunch of passwords from just offering computer help! Oh man, I got to get to work.

  32. Oh look how cute, the newfags from /b/ have discovered OD and are going to trick us into going to lemonparty! Let’s all celebrate them taking a break from fapping to loliporn long enough to “troll” us evil “racists” from their mom’s basement.

    If they are the opposition, the White movement may as well start planning the victory party.

  33. Anyone talking about anon fighting against these people doesn’t know much about them. If anything anonymous would probably see it more fit to help these guys for the lulz.
    Anyways Hunter Wallace you’re wrong that there are as many (or even a close amount) of white nationalist compared to liberals on the internet. You would also be completly disregarding the fact that there are independents, green partiers etc etc and that many (most) of them do not agree with your unfounded and insecure views of race as well. Do you even know how the United States government works? You don’t do you?
    You seem to believe that life is only black and white, that there is only the “us” and the “them” and that there is no way that there could never be a civil discussion between the two. This is wrong, this is the type of thinking that has held down the human race as a whole for hundreds if not thousands of years. This type of thinking is holding you down right now, not minorities.
    The whole irony of this all is that you are probably Christian as well? Well if you believe that Jesus is our lord and savior which I hope you do then you should know that he is the savior of ALL men and ALL women. Right? Oh and don’t forget the best part, you know those “dirty ragheads” yeah well based on the time period he was born and place of birth it’s likely that he looked a lot like this http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/tb_jesuslead-lg.jpg. Yeah that’s right, Jesus was not white and you have only been brainwashed into believing that. I bet I offended you with the last statement you must be thinking “No he is the one who is brainwashed, my way of thinking is the correct way of thinking and that’s that”. Well rather than sit here arguing with a wall I shall leave you be and just leave one last statement.

    One cannot open their eyes when they do not try to.

    p.s Don’t be afraid to send me an email if you would like to have a discussion.

  34. 1.) In terms of traffic and posts, Stormfront is competitive with Democratic Underground. The comment threads of major online newspapers and magazines are filled with material to the right of this website.

    2.) No, I am not a Christian.

    3.) I have a degree in political science.

    4.) I don’t have a problem with civil discussion. Commentators who want to argue with us in a civil fashion are welcome to do so here. In 9 out of 10 cases, this is not the case.

    5.) We’re not conservatives. Islam is not one of our major concerns.

  35. Hey, “Free” “man”

    You seem to believe that life is only black and white, that there is only the “us” and the “them” and that there is no way that there could never be a civil discussion between the two.

    WTF are you even talking about? Have you actually ever read this site before? Talk about projection.

    One cannot open their eyes when they do not try to.

    Oh please, go back to your anime, nerd.

  36. Well that has made this much more interesting.
    1) You assuming that most people online use thieir time for things like talking about news or political opinions which is untrue. The vast majority of people online either are on social networking sites like facebook trying to glorify their existence on a online page or looking at porn. It’s a sad but true fact.
    2) I too am not Christian, I was generalizing and trying to play it up though as a basis on some points I wanted to make.
    5) It’s also a major concern of many people who visit Reddit as well and if you have spent any ammount of time on the site you would know that. They are very serious about topics like freedom of speech and have made it clear that they support anyone who feels the need to depict the image of Muhammad. Many on the site have also taken a stand against the state of Israel and the violations of human rights that have been happening over there.

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