Discourse Poisoning: An Hour a Day

As some of you may have noticed, OD is getting a lot of hits off “reddit” this evening, one of the most popular social news websites. Earlier this afternoon, a hysterical leftist called “Angela Motorman” posted a link to my post on White Nationalism and Social Media. Presumably, it was Motorman who came here threatening to report OD to the SPLC and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department for speech she doesn’t like on the internet.

The thread has since made it to the first page of the “reddit” politics section. Lots of Jews and White liberals are flooding in here and taking a look around. If this breakthrough is big enough to get us noticed by the SPLC, I would be thrilled beyond words, as I have been trying so hard (unsuccessfully) to get their attention for months now.

OD was at the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington, DC. We were at the Gravelly Point Park “Restore the Constitution” Gun Rally in Alexandria, VA. We were at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in Louisville, Kentucky. In spite of all this hard work infiltrating the Tea Party and spreading “racism” on the militia scene, the SPLC hasn’t yet honored us with a special place on their honor roll of “hate groups.”

There are thousands of White Nationalists on the internet. I’m convinced we are as numerous as liberals and conservatives are online. Stormfront is easily a rival to Democratic Underground and Free Republic. We spend hours every day on the internet time-wasting, arguing with each other about Nordicism and Nazism, kvetching about the decline of White America. As I explained in the last podcast, all this wasted time and energy could be spent so much more productively.

Here’s a simple way you make a difference: infiltrate these social news websites like Digg and Reddit, register accounts, submit our best material, vote down liberal threads and comments, vote up racialist material. White Nationalists are always chomping at the bit to pick a fight. Instead of fighting with each other, go forth on to these left-leaning websites and stir up chaos. If you are going to waste time and pick fights anyway, try to do it in a productive way.

If we could get a few hundred White Nationalists to spend an hour a day discourse poisoning the most popular social media websites, we could draw a lot more attention to our cause. The worst case scenario is that we siphon off much of the infighting and negativity in this movement.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘A Free Man’ just initiated, fought, and finished a debate with himself. Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. He worked to make disciples of all nations, not fuse all nations into a soulless monoculture under a global government. In fact, the Bible explicitly warns against that and makes plain that our different tribes with different tongues were His creations. I believe the anthropology behind that depiction is off, though I’ve always been open to considering ideas from people who aren’t White Americans. We can all learn from one another without anybody invading, displacing, or replacing my people.

  2. “WTF are you even talking about? Have you actually ever read this site before? Talk about projection.”

    No I haven’t but what’s the fun in looking it all up when I can jump in the middle of it all?

  3. No I haven’t but what’s the fun in looking it all up when I can jump in the middle of it all?

    Fair enough. From now on, try to keep up. You’ll be a good White Nationalist in no time. Lulz.

  4. 1.) Granted. The WN community is much more involved than the typical AmeriKwan in following the news. They come to sites like OD to keep up with what’s going on. You won’t find much celebrity gossip in racialist circles.

    2.) Most WNs are atheists/agnostics or secularists. Some are Christian. Some are pagans. There is a lot of religious diversity in this movement.

    3.) Yeah, that’s what I have heard. Personally, I don’t care what Israel does over there. If they would stop trying to manipulate my government, I wouldn’t have a problem with them. Fat chance of that happening.

  5. Please stay off our website. We have our leftist media, you have your ignorant banter. We will most likely never agree and spamming us will just make use hate you even more. Also, provocating the internet’s most skilled computer users will bring a lot of chaos to your website.

  6. Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. He worked to make disciples of all nations, not fuse all nations into a soulless monoculture under a global government. In fact, the Bible explicitly warns against that and makes plain that our different tribes with different tongues were His creations.

    Don’t you think there’s a lot of contradiction there? He wanted to make disciples of all nations, making them monoreligious, under a global religion. The process of converting Europe wasn’t exactly peaceful and of free will.

    Different tribes and tongues refers not just to the major racial groups but also different ethnicities. You oppose ethnic separation for America and want an amalgam of Europe and perhaps with some non-Europeans as well if you consider them White, thus you want a monolithic value system.

    I state again, that the Christian Identity group you spoke to advocates Nordish preservation, which you irrationally despise. I find it funny.

  7. If they’re so confident in their positions, why don’t they take the attitude of ‘why don’t we go to these sites where “liberals” hang out and engage them in positive discourse to demonstrate beyond doubt how we are right and they were wrong.’

  8. Interesting.

    There are some correlations between anxiety and conservatism. And some psychological theories say that anxiety is a fear of discreteness (which functionally defines at least one necessary property of anxiety as a complete lack of tolerance of ambiguity).

  9. Hey r/politics? Next time someone calls out a troll, here’s your proof that they do it all the time.

    The other heavy trolling group is the bunch from redstate that came over after the 2006 midterms – detokaal, reddit-man/reanimated – all trolls that come with the thoughts that they will recruit and or disrupt…

  10. ‘why don’t we go to these sites where “liberals” hang out and engage them in positive discourse to demonstrate beyond doubt how we are right and they were wrong.’ – Charlie

    Because those sites ban people who disagree with them, especially where race is concerned.

  11. Mark,
    I don’t irrationally despise Nordicism. I don’t have negative feelings toward it. My belief is that those who see themselves as belonging to the White American tribe/nation/ethnicity and those who see themselves as belonging to a more narrowly defined tribe/nation/ethnicity will eventually need to separate into independent (but allied) movements.

    “Despise” is a strong word, but what bothers me is how many (not all) Nordicists attempt to push that agenda onto otherwise “White American” organizations, sewing discord within those organizations and triggering hysterical reactions from White Americans who aren’t Nordic. I believe that we’ll need to unite as a tribe to win, not as a confederation of overlapping tribes, but as a single White American tribe. You believe otherwise. So be it.

    There’s nothing funny about my being happy to work with groups who don’t agree with me all the way down the list. Community organizers work to build coalitions, unite a broad range of people toward common goals, and refrain from picking every fight one could pick. You’re welcome at our meetings, too.

    By the way, I find it paradoxical how the same men who typically bemoan the supposed ressentiment and inherent weakness of Christianity are so quick to squirt tears over their masculine and militant conquest. If pre-Christian Whites were so bad-ass, so noble, and so courageous, why were they defeated in battle by a bunch of Christians?

  12. I’m a BIG fan of Israel and the Jews. Despite their persecution and their tiny numbers, they have come out on top. Instead of being vilified, they should be studied, as the two sociologists did with their study of real-life millionaires in THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR. What makes the Jews successful: Love of education, value of hard work, historical interest in small (and later big) business, drive, love of family, wish for family to marry into same faith, ability to focus on a long-term goal (establishment of Israel), etc.

  13. If this breakthrough is big enough to get us noticed by the SPLC, I would be thrilled beyond words, as I have been trying so hard (unsuccessfully) to get their attention for months now.

  14. Sorry, but you’re just wrong. There are a few thousand of you, there are hundreds of millions of us.

    But by all means, keep on fighting that rear-guard action against the march of civilization. We need you as a bad example.

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