Elisabeth Mandala’s Short Career as Sojourner Truth

An attractive White high school student goes to Mexico to pursue her dream of helping to smuggle illegal aliens into the United States. She is found beaten to death.

Here at OD Headquarters, we have recently been debating whether or not the stupidest people in the world are involved in the White Nationalist movement. The next podcast will be about this subject. Elisabeth Mandala and Amanda Kijera suggest otherwise.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Remember the scene in Conan the Barbarian, where James Earl Jones as the snake king gestures, and a young blonde girl jumps off a cliff in obedience? That’s what multiculturalism is to a subset of young white females. “Yes, you, go ahead my sweet, jump!”

    And then Conan beheads him, and throws his head down the stairs. Behold, the prophecy of Conan.

  2. I think that this kind of behavior speaks more to the power of propaganda than anything else.

    Looking forward to the next podcast!

  3. What do you know those dishwashers and landscapers aren’t so nice outside of the realm of American justice and law enforcement.

    What a wasted life on a bullshit cause. Stupidity is not a crime, but it rarely goes unpunished!

  4. My sorrow was somewhat lessened at learning that she had just become an “exotic dancer”. She wasn’t much of an asset to our people anyway.

  5. I think she’s part Hispanic. She also sounds like trash raised by a trashy single mom. Still sad she died, but there’s other things to worry about.

  6. She wasn’t white. Look at her nose. The roots of her hair are black. Her last name sounds mexican.

  7. She’s definitely not. I looked at CBS photos. She looks like a true blue Mexican in them. And I think story is a little less heart-warming when you hear she’s a Mexican stripper with two old Mexicans taking a go as a mule or coyote probably to make extra money to support a drug habit versus the initial impression of an idealistic white suburbanite whose common sense has been destroyed by years of multiculti propaganda.

  8. Here at OD Headquarters, we have recently been debating whether or not the stupidest people in the world are involved in the White Nationalist movement.

    You think this because you’re exposed to White Nationalists more than people of other political persuasions. There are certainly many stupid people that hang around WN websites, but show me a political website with a commentariat of any decent size that isn’t chock full of retards. And if you do find a website that isn’t moron-saturated, it’s because they’re doing a good job policing their borders. Ask them their secret.

  9. Actually, the stupidest people in the world post comments on Yahoo! News articles. Ever read the comment section for one of these? Mind-numbing banality.

  10. I read the discussion boards at airliners.net after every incident because forensic analysis of airline accidents is fascinating to me. That is one of the few website that isn’t chock full of morons. However, you get impassioned, esoteric arguments about trivial things such as airline paint jobs and commercial flights to Antarctica, etc. Rain Man kind of obsessiveness over aviation details.

    IMDB is full of idiots whose ideas of a movie review is either to simply restate the plot or one line nonsense full of that idiotic “juvenile delinquent” writing style of no capitalization, no punctuation, and all those “u” “ur” “4” “cuz” etc. If I ever saw a job application with that garbage on it, I’d toss it straight into the circular file. I can’t suffer the presence of morons regardless of race.

  11. Actually, there are some good ones on today’s (5/6) stock market plunge. And poor dead Elizabeth M. Looks like the real coyotes didn’t want this particular amateur muddying the water.

  12. She’s definitely not. I looked at CBS photos. She looks like a true blue Mexican in them.

    She wouldn’t raise any eyebrows in Bucharest or Kiev, rest assured.

  13. You think this because you’re exposed to White Nationalists more than people of other political persuasions. There are certainly many stupid people that hang around WN websites, but show me a political website with a commentariat of any decent size that isn’t chock full of retards. And if you do find a website that isn’t moron-saturated, it’s because they’re doing a good job policing their borders. Ask them their secret.

    But WN is retarded at the level of its leading proponents. Look at the last fifty years for crissakes. Has there ever been as thorough a misreading of a people’s sentiments in history as that of the “WN Leader”? It’s only rivaled by the marxoids’ faith in spontaneous working class revolution. You might not see it because you’re a WN and figure that gives you the right to say anything (“White makes right”) and be forgiven for it but the average man finds it a massive turn-off and that impression stays with them for years. You know, what’s even more curious is that you’ll have people who claim it “took me years” to finally “come around” and then they’ll plunge into the very same sort of repellant rhetoric that it took them years to work through in the first place. In my book that counts as pretty damn retarded. I don’t mean to put them down, ‘cos fair enough, they just don’t know any better, and most people in this world don’t reallly know all that much about what they’re talking about either (which, too, is okay, since after all we’re only human, and it takes a hard nut fascist prick to hold it against a guy for being less than perfect); the problem is that with racialism you only get one or two good cracks at it and if you miss then it’s pretty much a done deal.

  14. I didn’t realize Megaphone alerted its users to stories on illegal immigration to the U.S. 😉

  15. Regardless of how she chose to live her life, I wouldn’t wish that death on the child of my worst enemy.

    It is the choices we make that determine the circumstances, and the outcomes of our life…Choosing to live as a coyote increases the risk of death or serious bodily harm.

    Though the media rarely tells the whole story…if the dominant social theme of this piece is accurate, Miss Mandala, like Rachel Corrie several years ago, chose to act in accordance with her beliefs.

    Given the direction the united states are taking…How many of us can say we are willing to act in accordance with our beliefs?

  16. The plot thickens… a saboteur in our midst, or someone who desperately needs some racial hygiene classes.

  17. You have to admit, seldom has the concept of “poetic justice” seemed more fitting! If indeed her chosen vocation was to drag still more illegal invaders into America, I think it should be quite safe to say things ended rather satisfactorily, if ironically.

    She does appear to me to be mixed-race, but even if she were not, she rolled the dice and lost spectacularly. Perhaps a few White children may see this and learn a lesson. Perhaps…

  18. Looks as if the racially-ambiguous ‘bleeding heart’ bitch was also into stripping — along with aiding and abetting ‘human’ smuggling of Mexcrement into our country.

    These are some comments on Mandala from the You Tube video that Mark posted –

    ProbiscusJones – hmmmm an 18 year old blonde american exotic dancer goes to mexico with 2 much older men to learn to smuggle people into the country, dont see how anything could go wrong there.

    aaeamyen – What is so sad is that she was in HIGH SCHOOL stripping and wanting to be a illegals smuggler… What is wrong with her friends that did tell her something was wrong here.. Those that didn’t say, hey wait a minute what you are doing is wrong and will not end up for the better?!

  19. Worth noting that a study on people in America of Hispanic origin found a Reynolds Coancestry Coefficient of 1.05 between them and Whites.

    This means Mestizos in America are on average far enough away from Whites that even if you lump them in with millions of Whites, they’re still 64% further away from Whites than Iranians are.

  20. “What is so sad is that she was in HIGH SCHOOL stripping and wanting to be a illegals smuggler… What is wrong with her friends that did tell her something was wrong here..”

    A better question: What was wrong with her parent(s)?

    At the very least couldn’t her mother have made herself useful to society for once by calling in the Strip Club for hiring an underage dancer?

    Or is Texas far enough gone that they let High School Students be sex workers without their parents having any right to stop it?

  21. Hey Reginald…it’s the new culture in Texas, idiot. They’re Mexicans. They marry their daughters off at 15. Sex is not taboo there. They marry older men. This has nothing to do with another bash at Texas because we’re freaking tired of it. Look at the influences.

  22. 18 isnt underage to strip in Houston. The fact is her “Friends” probably knew at least some of this life she was living. And these “Friends”….errr ENABLERS allowed this to happen. These are the consequences.

    Is this the “Change” that our president promised? I dont remember this kind of story going on before….

  23. Regardless of how she chose to live her life, I wouldn’t wish that death on the child of my worst enemy.

    It’s one thing not to admit it out loud in public because it makes you sound cruel and sadistic, but this blog can take the harsh the truth, so if you really wouldn’t wish it on your very worst enemy — not just some guy you dislike, but your very worst enemy, one who, virtually by definition, means you the most harm — then you’re a fucking idiot. (I mean, geezus, you’re only talking about wishing it, not actually carrying it out. I don’t doubt for a second that at least half the posters here would wish such a fate on my child. That’s life. But I doubt even most of them, incurable assholes though they are, would do it themselves.)

  24. A better question: What was wrong with her parent(s)?

    I guess they’re just not perfect like you are, Reg.

    Far and away the most likely explanation for her behavior is the leftwing rubbish they fill kids’ heads full of at school, so if you’re going to blame anyone, blame the education establishment. As I’ve said, if you’re going to resort to violence, there’s no better candidate than some worm of an leftie education professor.

  25. “Hey Reginald…it’s the new culture in Texas, idiot. They’re Mexicans.”


    Did the Mexicans force the Texans to legalize 18 year old girls working in the Sex Industry?

    I didn’t think the Mexicans had that kind of political pull yet.

    “They marry their daughters off at 15. They marry older men.”

    They’d be nothing wrong with it is they did. Though the bastardry rate of Hispanics in America suggests Mexican Females aren’t actually getting married much at any age.

    “This has nothing to do with another bash at Texas because we’re freaking tired of it. Look at the influences.”

    Why is it legal in Texas for an 18 year old girl to work in the sex industry even if her parents object? I mean, did Governor Dirty Sanchez hold guns to the heads of the Whites in the Legislature and make them pass such a disgusting law against their will?

  26. “I don’t doubt for a second that at least half the posters here would wish such a fate on my child.”

    But we don’t even know your child.

    For all we know she isn’t as stupid a parasite as you are.

  27. Actually, the stupidest people in the world post comments on Yahoo! News articles. Ever read the comment section for one of these? Mind-numbing banality.

    You got that right, the Yahoo community makes YouTube commentators look like a Mensa meeting. It’s absolutely disgusting and will cause a physical reaction in you. Years back I went into the Yahoo voice chat room, and the absolutely retarded level of discussion from these obnoxious blacks, mestizos and White liberals will make you feel like your brain is melting and oozing out of your ears.

  28. 30Silver
    I don’t doubt for a second that at least half the posters here would wish such a fate on my child.

    Why would you think that, is she a Mexican “coyote?”

  29. She’s not a Mexican. She’s apparently White. The last name, Mandala, is not East Indian, but is instead Sicilian. If you look at the photo, she could indeed be Sicilian. Many Sicilians have a phenotype like that, and Sicilians are 100% pure Whites.

  30. She’s not a Mexican. She’s apparently White. The last name, Mandala, is not East Indian, but is instead Sicilian. …


    ‘Mandala’ is emphatically not a Sicilian nor an Italian name — or any kind of Euro ‘Latin’ name either.

    Its etymology is likely middle or near-eastern in origin –

    Mandala (?????) is a Sanskrit word that means “circle”. In the Hindu and Buddhist religious traditions, their sacred art often takes a mandala form.

    These mandalas, concentric diagrams, have spiritual and ritual significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism.[1][2] The term is of Hindu origin and appears in the Rig Veda as the name of the sections of the work, but is also used in other Indian religions, particularly Buddhism. In the Tibetan branch of Vajrayana Buddhism, mandalas have been developed into sandpainting. They are also a key part of anuttarayoga tantra meditation practices.



  31. Here’s some more info about the name Mandala:

    Mandala Name Meaning and History

    1. occupational name for a seller of scarves, from Greek mandilas.
    2. altered form of Mannalà, a name of Arabic origin, derived from mann Allah ‘grace of Allah’. The surname is characteristic of the Palermo region and eastern Sicily.

    Makes since considering Sicilians and other Mediterraneans have significant gene flow from North Africa and the Middle East.

    Anyway, no White nation is 100% White, there’s been too much population exchange.

  32. I have never heard of that name from a Sicilian or any other Euro-Med before. In fact, it sounds more African. Strangely enough, its very close to ‘Mandela’.

    She looks as if she is of an Arabic Christian North African phenotype.

    Anyway, no White nation is 100% White, there’s been too much population exchange.

    For that matter, there is no nation in the world that is “100%” of anything.

  33. There are many Mandalas in Texas. They all came from Italy, specifically Sicily, around 75-125 years ago. Many moved into the Houston area. She is from Sugar Land, which is near Houston. She is plausibly related to these Sicilian Mandalas from around Houston.

    Mandala`, Salvatore, Born Feb 15 1835 in Santa Cristina Gela, Sicily, Died Sep 20 1935 in Houston, Texas

    Mandala`, Giuseppe, b.1873, Born Jan 26 1873 in Santa Cristina Gela, Sicily, Died Mar 20 1960 in Houston, Texas

    Mandala`, Giuseppina Maria, Born Dec 18 1874 in Santa Cristina Gela, Sicily, Died Sep 14 1960 in Houston, Texas

    Mandala`, Mercurio, Born Feb 15 1899 in Santa Cristina Gela, Sicily, Died Jan 17 1948 in Houston, Texas

    Mandala`, Francesco, b.1877, Born Jan 23 1877 in Santa Cristina Gela, Died Dec 05 1957 in Houston, Texas

    Weird, all of the Texan Sicilian Mandalas even from the same town in Sicily too.

    We have tons of Hispanics around here and lots of Meds too, especially Italians. After a while you can sort of figure them out somewhat. I’ve seen some Sicilian Italian girls who look almost exactly like this girl.

  34. I’ll bet you that the mestizos considered her one of them and not White, and she believed it too.

  35. Robert,

    Then she is a mixed Sicilian of definitively (at least part) non-European and likely African descent.

    However, not all Sicilians or southern Italians look like or have this ancestry.

    So she, or other mongrel “Sicilians”, is in no way ‘100%’ White, European or even Sicilian that you alluded to previously.

  36. I don’t buy that the most Mongoloid looking ostensible Sicilian I’ve seen just happened to be born in a heavily Hispanicized area.

    Sicilians aren’t at all like Mongoloids, whereas Mestizos are.

    For all we know her father was half Sicilian and half Scots-Irish, while her mother were of Mexican origin.

    Is Bill Richardson a New England Yankee because of his surname?

  37. She doesn’t look Mongoloid at all. That’s a Sicilian phenotype. Those are not Mongoloid eyes. Those are Sicilian eyes. Also a very Sicilian nose and rest of her face. Anyway, Hunter got an email from someone who knew her saying she’s White.

    I figure that all of the natives of Europe are automatically White de facto, no questions asked, other than obvious non-Whites like the odd Black German, etc. here or there. Though I’m not so sure about the Lapps/Sami.

    That’s not getting into the Whites outside of Europe, but then, hey, I’m a Pan-Aryanist!

  38. That she’s hanging out with Mestizos means nothing. That town is probably similar to the one I am living in now. Here most of the Whites all hang out with the Mexicans and mestizos bigtime. There’s little separation of the races in mostly-Hispanic towns.

  39. I don’t buy that the most Mongoloid looking ostensible Sicilian I’ve seen just happened to be born in a heavily Hispanicized area.

    Sicilians aren’t at all like Mongoloids, whereas Mestizos are.

    For all we know her father was half Sicilian and half Scots-Irish, while her mother were of Mexican origin.

    Is Bill Richardson a New England Yankee because of his surname? – Reginald

    I agree with Reginald on this one — she is likely to be a mixture of something — either part Sicilian/Mestiza or a Sicilian of mixed European/Afro-Asiatic ancestry (which is not the majority of that island).

    Anyway, just my perspective, especially after visiting Sicily and south Italy for over a month and seeing what most of the people actually look like who live there — not merely those of part-Italian ancestry here in America.

    Like these ersatz ‘guido’ scumbags, for example –

    “Jersey Shore” cast not really Italian.

    An MTV “reality show” that depicts New Jersey “Guidos,” claims the cast is “100% Italian.” Italian groups have been speaking out against the show for being offensive. The shows most offensive characters do not even look Italian and it turns out they aren’t. What do you expect from a network run by Samuel Rothstein that has been vilifying white people and promoting multiculturalism since 1981.

    At least two of the characters are 0% Italian. The shows’ most notorious character, Snookie is from Chile. According to gossip magazines she is of mixed Caucasian and Amerindian ancestry and has no Italian blood. The character JWoww is half Irish and half Latino. The character “Situation” is half Italian and half Latino.

    It has also been reported in the gossip pages that most of the characters are not even from New Jersey either.

    The so-called “reality stars” receive $10,000 each per episode.


  40. I figure that all of the natives of Europe are automatically White de facto

    You’re under the false assumption that Europe has never had any gene flow from non-European sources.

    Anyway, Hunter got an email from someone who knew her saying she’s White.

    I’ve been told that both parties were mistaken.

    Here most of the Whites all hang out with the Mexicans and mestizos bigtime. There’s little separation of the races in mostly-Hispanic towns.

    You mean most Mediterraneans, wouldn’t surprise me. They blend in pretty well. Look at the pictures of her with her friends, she totally passes as mestizo. She may be one we don’t know for sure.

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