Elisabeth Mandala’s Short Career as Sojourner Truth

An attractive White high school student goes to Mexico to pursue her dream of helping to smuggle illegal aliens into the United States. She is found beaten to death.

Here at OD Headquarters, we have recently been debating whether or not the stupidest people in the world are involved in the White Nationalist movement. The next podcast will be about this subject. Elisabeth Mandala and Amanda Kijera suggest otherwise.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That’s not getting into the Whites outside of Europe, but then, hey, I’m a Pan-Aryanist!

    Which nullifies your credibility and input regarding White standards for British colonies and countries. You may set standards for Latin colonies and countries. I don’t even think they would appreciate your standards!

  2. Check out her my story here. She has several friends on her Facebook page who have the same last name, Mandala, are on Facebook Italy, live in Italy, and have pages written entirely in Italian. Those are probably her relatives who she is still in touch with. She has also favorited a FB group that is written entirely in the Italian language, so she may even speak Italian. Looks like an Italian-American who retains deep roots to the old country.

    You’re under the false assumption that Europe has never had any gene flow from non-European sources.

    LOL, how will you possibly ascertain which White-appearing natives of Europe are White enough. Genetic testing? LOL. GMAB dude.

  3. You mean most Mediterraneans, wouldn’t surprise me. They blend in pretty well. Look at the pictures of her with her friends, she totally passes as mestizo. She may be one we don’t know for sure.

    Maybe the coarser, more ‘hard-core’ Mediterraneans (those with definitive non-Euro, non-Latin ancestry) hang-out or ‘blend in’ with Mexicans or other “Latinos” — not the indigenous one’s of southern Europe.

  4. LOL, how will you possibly ascertain which White-appearing natives of Europe are White enough. Genetic testing? LOL. GMAB dude

    Nords have recessive genes and different phenotypes, so it’s easier. Probably why racialism originated with them, they have a greater fear of assimilating non-Whites. Mediterraneans in contrast are darker already, so what do they care.

  5. …Looks like an Italian-American who retains deep roots to the old country.


    You really got to stop insulting Italians. She is an obvious mongrel, with an African name, no less, no matter where geographically her ‘family’ was ostensibly from.

  6. …Mediterraneans in contrast are darker already, so what do they care.

    ‘Meds’ are not as dark as you think — nor do any of the one’s I know wish to assimilate into, or with, any kind of “Latino” culture.

    We the indigenous people of southern and western Europe are quite aware and conscious of our rightful ancestry.

  7. Hey all,

    Not to break up this argument over details, but this whole disingenuous-white-liberals-helping-out-turd-worlders seems like an epidemic. The local papers here had another story about a midwife going off to Haiti to help them over-populate in a healthier manner. Can’t find a link to the story, but she does have her own live blog to chronicle her joyous enlightening experiences.
    And yes, she is white. (physically at least)

    Any bets as to how long before the next Amanda Kijera?

  8. And to think that little disgusting girl, whatever her ‘race’, was a stripper (or to use the Pee Cee term, ‘exotic dancer’), no less.

    Talk about ugly, delusional women with a ‘princess’ and ‘entitlement’ complex. Geesh.

  9. As much as I may disagree with certain aspects of ‘Nordicism’ — if Robert and people like him wish to foolishly insist that such an obvious mongrel like the stripper Mandala is ‘White’ — than they are making the case for ‘Nordicism’ better than any ‘Nord’ or ‘internet Viking’ ever could.

    Good job, Lindsay.

  10. ‘Meds’ are not as dark as you think

    Actually they are, this Mandala girl is a case in point. She is as dark as her mestizo buddies.

  11. if Robert and people like him wish to foolishly insist that such an obvious mongrel like the stripper Mandala is ‘White’

    Obviously others feel like he does, as this thread is dedicated to an “attractive White girl.”

  12. Actually they are, this Mandala girl is a case in point. She is as dark as her mestizo buddies.

    ‘Mandala’ is an obvious mongrel, not a full-blooded European or Euro-Mediterranean — Sicilian or otherwise.

  13. Obviously others feel like he does, as this thread is dedicated to an “attractive White girl.”

    Part of that is for the ‘shock value’.

  14. Plus a lot of degenerates love to hold up a mixed-race mongrel as an example of a “White’ woman/person”.

    Again, as much as I disagree with some of the more fanciful aspects of ‘Nordicism’ (as I argued before – much of the indigenous people of western Europe {including Great Britain} were/are Atlanto-Mediterranean rather than Hallstatt Nordic ) — if people like Lindsay keep insisting this near-Eastern stripper-Semite is ‘White’ — than he is doing the job better than any ‘Nordicist’ that Robert claims to hate.

  15. Just out of curiosity, who do you think represents the average unmixed Mediterranean in pigmentation and appearance?

  16. Probably someone who looks like Sean Connery or Catherine Zeta-Jones, to use an ‘entertainment’ example.

  17. Additionally, not even the least-mixed White ‘Latinos’ are as swarthy as Mandala.

  18. Probably someone who looks like Sean Connery or Catherine Zeta-Jones, to use an ‘entertainment’ example.

    That’s interesting, because neither of them are Mediterranean, at least fully. Connery is Scottish and Zeta-Jones is Welsh. I think you have a peripheral Nordish version of Mediterraneans. If only they were all like that.

  19. That’s interesting, because neither of them are Mediterranean, at least fully. Connery is Scottish and Zeta-Jones is Welsh. …

    Yes, and so what. You are conflating genotype/phenotype with geographies, since there is plenty of Med ancestry and genes in Scotland, and especially Wales.

    Point is, Mark, that the coarser, more ‘gracile’ Meds (to use a McCulloch term) of the periphery of southern Europe have appreciable non-European and near-eastern ancestry, while the north European Meds do not (or at least have the least amount of non-European ancestry). Hence that is why they look the way they do.

  20. Again, when I say ‘Med’ ancestry in Britain and northern/western Europe — I am emphatically referring to Atlanto-Mediterranean, not ‘Tony Soprano’ type ‘Mediterranean’ (those types are mixed with Semites and near-Eastern peoples).

  21. Mandala’s people are Albanian-speaking Greeks who fled Albania and Greece around 1500 for Sicily when the Ottoman Empire overran the Byzantine Empire. They are Greek Orthodox converted to Latin rite 100 years ago. They speak an Arbërisht language. Arbërisht is an ancient dialect of Albanian spoken in various places in S. Italy, but it is no longer intelligible with Albanian. There are several varieties of Arbërisht spoken in Italy, and some are separate languages not intelligible with each other.

    In Albania, they lived in a town called Himarë, Greek colony in Albania dating back to antiquity. They also came from Koroni, Greece.

    Deep olive skin and a phenotype like that is not at all uncommon among the White natives of that part of the world. It’s very hot down there, so Whites evolved a melanin deal with the UV radiation.

    As a Greek Albanian from Sicily, she is not only White, but she is descended from the greatest Whites that ever lived, the Greeks and the Romans.

    Recall that the Greeks despised Nordics as inferiors. They stated emphatically that blue eyes were a clear sign of cowardice.

    The Romans hated the Germanics are regarded them as uncivilized barbarians. The German Nordics had no cities, fought naked but for bearskins, had no armor, little or no literature. They were the Crips and Bloods of Antiquity. The Romans quite properly disdained them.

  22. Here is some source material on what I am referring to speaking of true, European Mediterraneans, regardless of their geographic location –


    According to Carleton Coon: “Toward the end of the Neolithic period, the western Mediterranean countries were invaded by seafarers of a tall, exceptionally long-headed Mediterranean variety; some of these invaders passed through the Straits of Gibraltar, whence they also invaded the British Isles and Scandinavia.”

    These invaders were the Atlanto-Mediterraneans. The Atlanto-Mediterranean type is part of the Large Mediterranean family together with Corded and Irano-Afghan types. Its bony parts are not as pronounced as those of Cordeds or Irano-Afghans and its forehead is comparatively broader in view of vault height. It is closer to the earliest discovered forms of the Mediterranean race than any other type.

    The taxon, coined by Deniker, is given to the fact that seafarers of whom this type was representative invaded Europe from the Atlantic during the Neolithic; alternatively the term “Megalithic” is used for the type’s association with this culture.


  23. Robert,

    Don’t counter ‘Nordicist’ exaggerations with even more silly exaggerations from the ‘Med’ fanatics (who can be even more obstinate and stubborn than any Nord could ever be). All of Europe is a continuim of varying degrees of Nordic, Alpine, Dinaric and Mediterranean. Nor does this site need to continue to flog the equine of the incessant ‘Nord-Med’ debate.

    Much of our contemporary Western Civilization (especially of course northern European civilization) is indeed based on Anglo-Teutonic, Celto-Germanic heritage and culture.

    *Glad to see you checked on the family origins of Mandala and showed it to be what was suspected on her part: that she is mixed with non-European ancestry, even if that ancestry is in fact Caucasian. Good research, Robert.

  24. Well, as long as you guys are classifying Tony Soprano types are non-Whites, there is not much to discuss. Mandala is clearly a Tony Soprano type, except she’s female.

  25. Yes, and so what. You are conflating genotype/phenotype with geographies, since there is plenty of Med ancestry and genes in Scotland, and especially Wales.

    You’ve created a straw man. They are not representative of an average Southern European Mediterranean as was my original question to you.

    Point is, Mark, that the coarser, more ‘gracile’ Meds (to use a McCulloch term) of the periphery of southern Europe have appreciable non-European and near-eastern ancestry, while the north European Meds do not (or at least have the least amount of non-European ancestry). Hence that is why they look the way they do.

    So you’re excluding Southern Europeans as “mixed” Mediterraneans. Northern “Meds” are the real Mediterraneans.

    The lack of North African and Near Eastern admixture contributes to their appearance as does Northern European ancestry.

    It seems you are advocating what I am, you’re just using different terminology as you exclude Southern Europeans, North Africans and Middle Easterners.

    If you’re going to quote Coon, you should include his full definition of Mediterranean, in which he includes all the groups you don’t as Mediterranean.

    Who, then, are these Mediterraneans? Nearly all the Arabs, practically all the oriental Jews, most of the inhabitants of Egypt whatever their religion, most of the Berbers, most of the Persians proper, many of the Kurds, most of the Baluchis, a large number of the Afghans and many of the Turks of Anatolia and Azerbaijan. Nearly 80% of the individuals living in the Middle East and participating in its civilization (excluding Europeans) are Mediterraneans of one variety or another; of the other twenty per cent at least half probably show an increment of Mediterranean genes. The Mediterranean race, then, is indigenous to, and the principal element in, the Middle East, and the greatest concentration of a highly evolved Mediterranean type falls among two of the most ancient Semitic-speaking peoples, notably the Arabs and the Jews.

  26. Well, as long as you guys are classifying Tony Soprano types are non-Whites, there is not much to discuss. Mandala is clearly a Tony Soprano type, except she’s female.

    Char made that statement no one else.

    Gandolfini looks purely European and at the lighter end of Italy, he’s Northern Italian.

  27. “Glad to see you checked on the family origins of Mandala and showed it to be what was suspected on her part: that she is mixed with non-European ancestry, even if that ancestry is in fact Caucasian.”

    Greeks are European if my geography lessons took properly.

    And Genetically Speaking, even today the Greeks are consistently closer to other European groups than any known Non-European Caucasian group is.

    German/Greek: 0.0037
    German/Jew: 0.0072
    German/Druze: 0.0121
    German/Palestinian: 0.0136

    Spanish/Greek: 0.0035
    Spanish/Jew: 0.0056
    Spanish/Druze: 0.0096
    Spanish/Palestinian: 0.0101

  28. “They are not representative of an average Southern European Mediterranean as was my original question to you.”

    I’d say the average Southern European Mediterranean would look like Al Pacino and Marisa Tomei.

    I have some pure Med relatives who look more like Sean Connery than either of them, but still I’d say Pacino and Tomei are very close to the core type.

  29. She was a latina who felt more loyalty to illegal mestizos than to fellow Americans so I say good riddance. Her picture bears an unmistakable Aztec visage. Plus if you can’t see the died blond hair you must be colorblind.

    Are the stupidest people involved with WN? Well, that’s a loaded question since every political persuasion has it’s fair share of idiots and weirdos. The difference is that most other groups don’t attack their own like some WN’s do on a continual basis. I guess the theory goes that the more a WN upbraids fellow WN’s for infractions against the normalcy and respectability covenant, it will drive away the “stupid” WN’s and serve to curry favor with and attract normal everyday white folks. If that were true then Jared Taylor would be president and white libtards and neocons would have converted to race realism or WN long ago.

    Does Chris Mathews rhapsodize about the stupidity of some liberals? Does Obama label black liberation theology adherents as stupid? The answer is a resounding no which is why the left is more unified and kicking our behinds in the political arena.

    We all could use a little less double talk from OD. One day we’re exhorted to engage in positive activities then the next day this site engages in negativity by lampooning certain types within the WN movement or those who hold a belief system considered anathema by the milquetoast wing of WN.

    It’s time this site simply ignores those WN’s it considers strange or unhinged and directs its ire against those that are truly the enemies of white people.

  30. “Her picture bears an unmistakable Aztec visage.”

    That’s exactly what I thought.

    That’s why I said she looked Mongoloid, as the Aztecs had Mongoloid skulls.

  31. I should add that is for the Greek sub-region, which includes Southern Italy/Sicily as well. Northern Italy in contrast has 28% Northern European contribution.

  32. “Greeks are approximately 46% Levantine and Mesopotamian in ancestry.”


    You can’t infer ancestry from the Y Chromosome.

    Also, 10% of Germans and 9% of Danes have the exact same HG9 and H21 variants that you’re using to infer Levantine Ancestry.

    Obviously Germans don’t actually have anything close to 10% Levantine and Mesopotamian ancestry.

    “Pete Sampras is said to be representative.”

    Sampras is 25% Jewish, and Jews are significantly closer to Middle Eastern populations than the Greeks are.

    Ashkenazi Jews are 69% closer to Druze than Greeks are, 69% closer to Bedouins than Greeks are, and 63% closer to Palestinians than Greeks are.

  33. “I should add that is for the Greek sub-region, which includes Southern Italy/Sicily as well.”

    A study of Italians so Southern that their genetic distance from Greeks was infinitesimal found that Italians are 39% closer to Irish than Greeks are, 34% closer to Germans than Greeks are, and 31% closer to Swedes than Greeks are.

  34. Forget what I said about Pete Sampras. He’s actually 25% Sephardic Jew, and I have no idea what the genetics of Sephardic Jews are like.

  35. On the subject of Greeks supposedly being 46% of Middle Eastern Ancestry, the problem with this is that it’s looking at Y Chromosomes that came into Europe with the Neolithic Diffusion.

    All Whites are part Neolithic Farmer, at least if you go by the Y Chromosomes, with even the Germans only being 44% less Neolithic Farmer than the Greeks are:

    “We found an average Neolithic contribution of 50% across all samples, 56% for the Mediterranean subset and 44% in non-Mediterranean samples. Thus, whichever region of Europe is considered, we find that the average value is more than twice that suggested by [previous studies] on the basis of the more readily apparent trends.

    North Italians……46%

    “Our assessment of the demographic impact of the Neolithic expansion into Europe is largely independent from, but appears consistent with, archaeological evidence, simulations, and classical studies of allele frequencies. Despite some reports of its demise, the original [demic diffusion] model proposed by Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza is more alive than ever.”

  36. So you’re excluding Southern Europeans as “mixed” Mediterraneans. Northern “Meds” are the real Mediterraneans.

    The lack of North African and Near Eastern admixture contributes to their appearance as does Northern European ancestry.

    It seems you are advocating what I am, you’re just using different terminology as you exclude Southern Europeans, North Africans and Middle Easterners. – Mark

    No, I am not saying or advocating excluding Southern Europeans as ‘true Meds’, just the one’s that look like Mandala. I am southern European of French descent and no Mediterranean French are as swarthy as her, or anyone like her.

    My point was that most southern Italians do not look like Mandala, and that the more classical Mediterranean look, regardless of geography, is like Catherine Zeta Jones — which is what most southern European Meds actually look like — not like North Africans and Mid-Easterners.

    For some reason, its people like you Mark that have this fixation with most north Euros looking like the Vikings of antiquity (which most don’t) — and southern Euros looking like something out of central casting (like Arabs or something).

    Enough of this disparaging of fellow Europeans from the likes of ‘Nordicists’ and the Robert Lindsay’s of the world.

    I’ll make it clear once again: The indigenous people of southern and western Europe are White Europeans — however all that may live there are not — such as Mandala and others of non-European descent whose ancestors settled there. This *does not mean* that ALL Sicilians are non-White.

    Travel to Europe sometimes and see the people for yourselves — instead of relying on Talmudvision and century-old racialist books to better form your conclusions of them.

  37. “They are not representative of an average Southern European Mediterranean as was my original question to you.”

    I’d say the average Southern European Mediterranean would look like Al Pacino and Marisa Tomei.

    I have some pure Med relatives who look more like Sean Connery than either of them, but still I’d say Pacino and Tomei are very close to the core type. – Reginald

    To answer your original question Mark, I agree with Reginald that Al Pacino and Marissa Tomei are the average core types of Meds in southern Italy, Greece and southern Spain/Portugal.

    (BTW, my ‘Tony Soprano’ stereotype was off regarding what a Med looks like — I meant it not against the actor Gandolfini — just as what some swarthoid ‘Mafiosi’ look like, particularly their TV stereotypes.)

    Again, when I was in southern Europe and south Italy/Sicily, there was quite a number (a large plurality) of people that looked like Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones, as well as a number of them looking ‘Nordish’ as well.

    Here is an example of four classical, unmixed White European Mediterranean types: One from Sicily, Spain, Scotland and Ireland –

    Blue-eyed Atlanto-Mediterraneans

    As was seen in the case of the Basque on Plate 23, there is a tendency in the tall, extremely long-headed Atlanto-Mediterranean race toward a combination of black or dark brown hair and blue eyes. The four men shown on this plate all possess this same pigment combination, all are 170 cm. or over in stature, have head lengths well over 200 mm., and form a unit in regard to general anthropometric and morphological position. All come from regions near the sea, and touched by Megalithic navigators.

  38. You can take up your complaints with DNA Tribes.

    Human Y-chromosome DNA can be divided in genealogical groups sharing a common ancestor. These are called haplogroups.

    The difference here is that Greece’s, Southern Italy’s and Sicily’s contributions are significantly from E1b1b and J.

    Do you consider Turks to be White, Reg?

    Are these your people? Do they look White and act White?

  39. For some reason, its people like you Mark that have this fixation with most north Euros looking like the Vikings of antiquity (which most don’t) — and southern Euros looking like something out of central casting (like Arabs or something).

    Enough of this disparaging of fellow Europeans from the likes of ‘Nordicists’ and the Robert Lindsay’s of the world.

    Here we go with the straw men again. I often feel like I’m talking to children and women when these discussions come up.

    I’ve never said anything of the sort. Actually it’s you who has referred to Gandolfini as having Semitic ancestry, when I actually defended him. So get your story straight.

    Travel to Europe sometimes and see the people for yourselves — instead of relying on Talmudvision and century-old racialist books to better form your conclusions of them.

    I have, my perceptions are from personal experiences and academic sources.

    You evoke the liberal, progressive meme of “old, racist pseudoscience.” What we advocate is old and traditional by definition.

  40. I’ve never said anything of the sort. Actually it’s you who has referred to Gandolfini as having Semitic ancestry, when I actually defended him. So get your story straight.

    As I mentioned, I never said Gandolfini is Semitic — just that Mafiosi stereotypes are portrayed as Semitic.

    Just don’t twist my words. I don’t exclude southern Europeans at all — just those who are distinctly or heavily near-Eastern or non-European, who are a minority of southern Europeans.

    Well, at least we are making progress though, in that you finally recognize that many northern Euros (especially the British) are just as likely to have Mediterranean ancestry as they do Nordic.

  41. BTW – actor James Gandolfini is not northern Italian — he’s southern, specifically Neapolitan.

  42. Well, at least we are making progress though, in that you finally recognize that many northern Euros (especially the British) are just as likely to have Mediterranean ancestry as they do Nordic.

    You’re making progress from your many false assumptions.

    Nordish preservation includes peripheral types. My position has not changed.

  43. Nordish preservation includes peripheral types. My position has not changed.

    The Mediterranean sub-race of Britain is hardly peripheral. A very faulty assumption of yours.

    You evoke the liberal, progressive meme of “old, racist pseudoscience.” What we advocate is old and traditional by definition.

    Some of this was indeed based on British hyper-nationalism and supremacy, denigrating not just southern Europeans, but other northern Europeans as well — like the Germans, who the British have historically resented and envied for being superior to them. So some of it was wrong and faulty.

    Let me be as clear as possible in what I think is the racial facts of Europe — verses the projective fantasy of such, and then I’ll rest my case.

    For example, it is true that northwestern Europeans tend more towards the ‘Nordish’ mean than people who are from southern Europe. However, even in southern Europe there are to be obviously found Nordish peoples.

    The only thing that makes northern from southern Europe distinct, on average, is the particular admixture of European racial traits that makes these populations unique, not some sort of notion of sub-racial purity.

    Some WN obviously conflate what was/is the idealized northern European phenotype with what is the average of what most north European people actually are and look like. There are dark Britons and Germans. Germans especially have a high concentration of the darker Alpine features — possibly even most of Germany is predominantly Alpine (this is certainly what Lothrop Stoddard believed and wrote). Are we going to deny the greatness of the Germans because of this… the Germans, who are the best nation in Europe?

    All I want is to preserve White Americans, and White Europeans, as they are today — whether they are Nordic, Alpine or Med — or anything in between. They are indeed exactly as distinctly NW European as I could wish for them to be.

  44. Because you’re Mediterranean you’re trying to drag Celtics and Germanics down with you, is that it? This inferiority complex is typical, you see it mostly with non-Whites and Jews, but often with Southern Europeans as well.

  45. We couldn’t drag the Brits down any further than they already are.

    Say hello to David Cameron and PCSO Sam Adams for me.

    And as for Germans, they’re about equidistant between the Med Spaniards and the Celtic Irish:

    Germans/Spaniards: 0.0015
    Germans/Irish: 0.0010

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