Lone Star: OD in Texas

I’m on the road in the Lone Star State. Just got finished eating some Texas BBQ. Austin is greener than I had expected. When I arrived at the airport, I noticed “Secede!” t-shirts were on sale. That’s always an encouraging sign to a White Nationalist. I made sure to snap up one.

It’s too bad this trip will be so short. I will only be here until Sunday morning. There are A LOT of OD readers and contributors in Texas. I know some of you are right here in the People’s Republic of Austin. In fact, Texas is our third biggest state. We only get more readers from California and Virginia.

Aside from Virginia, I think Texas has more potential than any other state in the union. We have a critical mass of people here. What’s more, the Texans who read OD have been around the longest, ever since the first incarnation of this website in 2006. A parallel network needs to be created in the Lone State State. I’m convinced one day I am going to wake up and discover someone has created “Radio Free Texas.”

Like MacArthur said, I shall return!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. God bless Texas. We need more states like that. Here in Canada the only thing we have to a white nationalist state is the province of Quebec. Many French speaking people up there are very angry with the multi-kult they are seeing destroy their culture as well as the English language.

  2. I used to think secession was a bad WN idea. Then, a couple weeks back, saw five army attack helicopters arrive in line astern, then peel off into side by side attack formation and do a series of mock runs over that part of this city between downtown and the airport. Over the white suburbs. Tried to imagine bringing one down with my 30-30. Not. With state secessions, tho, will came National Guard units: heatseekers, A-10s, F-16s. That’ll work. Just be aware that, when the dust settles, you all going to be reeled right back in. Tactics rule.

  3. Austin, Texas has been a hotbed for pirate radio. There was Free Radio Austin, Austin Free Radio, Resistance Radio, WeThePeopleRadio, and a number of unlicensed microbroadcasts of RBN & GCN radio. Antiwar Radio on antiwar.com/radio is broadcast on an unlicensed pirate radio station known as KAOS Radio 95.9 in Austin as well.

    If it weren’t for pirate radio broadcasts I would never have stumbled across Michael Collins Piper’s show at 8pm CST on RBN. Nor would I have ever heard James Edwards on the Political Cesspool.

  4. It rained a lot here this spring. It’s actually quite pretty in my Austin neighborhood; very lush.

    I’d be interested in meeting like-minded folks in the central Texas area.

  5. I will be back soon. I will probably get a hotel in the Austin area and host a private meeting at a local restaurant. OD readers and contributors in Texas will be invited.

  6. “Aside from Virginia, I think Texas has more potential than any other state in the union. We have a critical mass of people here. ”
    (excerpt from article)

    What do you mean by having the second most potenial; potential for what? White Awareness, White Nationalism? Or Colorblind Secession?

    I know Texas is probably the most likely state to secede in the Continental US, but I was under the impression that White Texas was almost as “anti-racist” as parts of the Northeast. Also, Deep Southern Texas and the area west of the Pescos River are demographically de facto parts of Mexico now.

  7. @ 2 CompassionateFascist
    On a related note, Texas is actually unique (as far as I know) in that it maintains a state military force that is not bound to the Federal government on demand. Google “Texas State Guard” to read about it. Texas still has the regular “National Guard” as well. Too bad Rick Perry only plays lip-service to state sovereignty.

    I have not been in Texas (Houston area) for that long, but I am ready to get my feet wet. I will keep my eyes open for local events or other opportunities to get our ideas out. Whites around here are becoming angry, but so far Fox News and Republican political candidates have most of their mind-share.

  8. Texas is a huge state. Even if it were partitioned, which I would oppose, Whites would still geographically control most of it. The culture of secession runs deeper in Texas than any other state aside from maybe South Carolina.

    When I say Texas has a lot of potential, I meant it in the sense that OD has a lot of people in the state. I’ve always thought our most die hard readers live in Texas. They have been with us since the beginning.

    I think it would be easier to create a Texas base than almost anywhere else outside of Virginia. California is another example. We get more traffic from California than Virginia and Texas. It is inevitable that I will travel there at some point.

    OD’s three biggest states are California, Virginia, and Texas. The top fifteen is rounded out by New York, Ohio, Georgia, Illinois, Washington, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana, New Jersey, and Massachusetts in that order.

    We have people all over the country involved in the White resistance movement. They aren’t concentrated in any specific region.

  9. Another interesting statistic: we only have a few people in Alaska, but collectively they come here two to three times as often as people from other states.

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