Katrina Van Den Heuvel’s Racist Anti-White Rhyme

Katrina V.D. Heuvel, Communist-American Princess, calls the GOP male, pale and stale.

Communist American Princess

This writer at The Nation is shrewish
She lives in a city that’s Bluish
Her condo is gated
It’s not integrated
Even White Goyim are fewish

My point is not really newish
But the only free “White” folks are Jewish
They’re free to show hatred
Until Whites are all mated
With Blacks and the country is zooish

Poem by astute OD commenter “Discard” thanks!


  1. roses are reddish
    violets are bluish
    if it weren’t for christmas
    we’d all be ——

  2. roses are reddish
    violets are bluish
    if it weren’t for [because of] christmas
    we [] all be ——

    Fixed it for ya.

  3. These leftist new hags, they’re all degenerate …….

    Lost my train of thought there, can’t think of a seven letter word, plural.

  4. Clannish, tannish, and historically banished. Could it be because of their mocking derision of the countries in which they have historically resided?

    History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
    – Mark Twain

  5. Well, she’s right mostly. The GOP does lean to the male side. Pale? Yes, the Republican party is the White Christian Party, as Howard Dean told us, and that’s true. Stale? Absolutely.

    The Democratic party is the Jew, Queer Negro Party, but it’s also just as stale.

    I say we run with it. If you are White, join the GOP!

  6. while its certainly true that “shrew” rhymes with “jew,” i don’t think every “stein” is guilty of the same crime. Van Den Heuval mother Jean Stein and her family are from south bend indiana, and despite the schnoz, this chick may well be another one of those aryans along with jeffrey imm that will at least be given a chance to stay in the “jew free White ethnostate,” even after Paul Gottfried, Marcus Epstein, Tanstaafl’s wife, myself and other cryptos are compelled to join “our tribe” over in Birobidzhan.

  7. From the article: “East Coast media.”

    What we need it *one* Republican to just say “Jewish media” because that’s what it is. All these code words “liberal media” “New York Lawyers” “liberal college professors” just show the absolute cowardice of the GOP.

    Say it with me: Jew Media.

  8. Her husband’s name is Cohen and she apparently has written about the evils of the pro life movement . . . in Russia! She’s the worst of the worst and hates America.

  9. crypto aryan,
    Why don’t you criticize your co-ethnics pushing this confrontation rather than our humorous responses to anti-White speech from a major league journalist? That was a rhetorical question, by the way.

  10. Not a big TV watcher, but there seem to be a couple of big themes/memes/PSYOPS that the MSM are trying to hammer home lately:
    1) Black women and White men should date/marry.
    2) Little White kids are racist.

    Sometimes I wish White people had never invented electric power, televisions, rocketry, and geosynchronous satellites.

  11. I thought you guys would agree with her, just for different reasons. Many people here have said far worse things about the GOP.

    We need less “stale White males” and more White “mama grizzlies” like Jan Brewer as Palin said.

  12. Not a big TV watcher, but there seem to be a couple of big themes/memes/PSYOPS that the MSM are trying to hammer home lately

    The most hilarious one is when they try to push the Asian male-Black female pairing. That’s a real test of their PSYOP ability.

  13. If it wasn’t for pale males, Obama would have gone the way of John Kerry. I suppose 40% isn’t enough for these people. They want us all stripped naked and whipped as we put a checkmark next to whatever brown candidate they happen to put on the ballet. Those of us who refuse will be tarred and feathered.

  14. sometimes I wish White people had never invented electric power, televisions, rocketry, and geosynchronous satellites.

    In the long run we have to take a serious look at the whole issue of technology transfer. ie not allowing it.

    If non-whites want our toys let them try and reverse engineer. If any freewheeling gloabalist capitalist disagrees let them be treated as the sell outs they are.

  15. “criticize your co-ethnics pushing this confrontation rather than our humorous responses to anti-White speech”

    It’s like the guy that hangs around the pretty girl giving all sorts of reasons why she should go out with him. “But, look, I have this fancy car! Hey, that other guy you are dating is a jerk! Why won’t you sleep with me? It’s not fair, you’re just irrational, hater.”

    The girl remains disinterested. In the workplace it would be sexual harassment. Unwanted leering.

  16. This writer at The Nation is shrewish
    She lives in a city that’s Bluish
    Her condo is gated
    It’s not integrated
    Even White Goyim are fewish

    My point is not really newish
    But the only free “White” folks are Jewish
    They’re free to show hatred
    Until Whites are all mated
    With Blacks and the country is zooish

  17. Troll-ish crypto-aryan spreads disinfo. Katrina Sarah is the “Princeton-educated grandaughter of Jules Stein, founder of the mega-entertainment conglomerate MCA….(she) has inherited millions of dollars through a series of trusts” (etc.). This via Peter Schweizer, DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO: PROFILES IN LIBERAL HYPOCRISY (NY, ’05), p. 10. This Jewess is indeed a classic Red Princess, working both corporate-Jew and bolshevik-Jew subversions of our nation and race. Thanks for the pic, incidentally; I’ll get a copy over to JewWatch, where it will join the honor-gallery.

  18. Morphy —
    “Why don’t you criticize your co-ethnics pushing this confrontation”

    My “co-ethnics” are the people I grew up with, who I choose to identify with, and who most importantly consider me one of them. That is, the non-Jewish whites of European descent who grew up in Appalachia. For the zillionth time, I’ve yet to meet anyone aside from anti-Semites who considers me to be a Jew. One of the main reasons that I’m leery of people who would put me on a boat with them bound for Birobidzhan.

    I also admit that my axe-grinding when among anti-Semites about the need to judge individuals differently than groups is probably also motivated by my partial Jewish genetics. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t also make rational sense: there is no goddam reason not to hold me or any other American citizen who happens to be Jew or crypto-Jew or person-who-won’t admit-he’s-a-Jew to the exact same standard as an Aryan like Jeffrey Imm or (perhaps) Katrina van den Heuvel. That is, judge us and every other citizen on the basis of what we do and say, rather than biological data or hearsay about who our ancestors were.

    Regarding Jewish fingerprints on white dispossession, you never see me question this, rather you only see me question the need to treat whites as hopelessly handicapped victims of this alleged plague, unable to do anything but say “how high?” when asked to jump.

    “…rather than our humorous responses to anti-White speech from a major league journalist”

    I’ve always enjoyed pro-white humor, either juvenile or mature, and here is no exception. I’m not going to pass up an opportunity though, to point out the foolishness of judging Aryan individuals and Jewish individauls by different standards.

  19. Crypto,

    “I’ve yet to meet anyone aside from anti-Semites who considers me to be a Jew.”

    You spend all your time bitching about “anti-semites” and demanding we include you. Since we’re all just pseudonymous internet postings, instead of the fully assimilated only partially jewish White you claim to be, you come across as a Jew.

    Instead of joining in on the fun mocking this Communist Jewess, you chose to lecture us all. Your agenda is so obvious, it’s embarrassing for everyone.

  20. I’m not going to pass up an opportunity though, to point out the foolishness of judging Aryan individuals and Jewish individauls by different standards.

    To US, of course, instead of to Jews. So you’re just another Jew lecturing us for something your Jew tribe does 1000 times more.

    Do you *really* not get it?

  21. Veni Vidi Dixi,

    yes, maybe I just don’t “get it.” Because I’m a Jew, or perhaps I’m just stupid. And maybe you just don’t “get it” either, my point that is. Which is that when looking a politics and making policies one ought to judge groups differently than one judges the individuals making up those groups. The characteristics of a group are based upon the mean characteristics of that group. But large numbers of individuals who make up that group will hold characteristics that differ from the mean. Its a legitimate point, a basic ethical argument, and it has nothing really to do with “Jews” or “anti-Semites” or anyone particular group for that matter.

  22. And maybe you just don’t “get it” either

    Fair enough, but I don’t want to get it. That’s the difference. I’m not at Jew websites telling them to stop hating on White people, but you are here on a blog dedicated to a “Jew free” ethnostate coming up will all sorts of reasons why that’s bad.

    I don’t care about convincing Jews; you care about convincing us. We’re not going to kiss you. And you are right – it’s not you, it’s us. We just don’t see you in “that way” but we can remain friends, like pen pals.

    “a basic ethical argument”

    Oi vey talk to your rabbi.

  23. Well, I guess you’ll also just have to take my word for it that i do call out my jewish friends when they voice support for jewish ethnocentrism along with attendant hypocritical opposition to white ethnocentrism.

  24. I thought you didn’t have any jewish friends.

    I thought you only hung out with “non-Jewish whites of European descent who grew up in Appalachia.”

  25. Well, I guess you’ll also just have to take my word for it that i do call out my jewish friends when they voice support for jewish ethnocentrism along with attendant hypocritical opposition to white ethnocentrism.

    Actually, no I don’t have to take your word for it. In fact, I’ll pass.

  26. “I’ve yet to meet anyone aside from anti-Semites who considers me to be a Jew. One of the main reasons that I’m leery of people who would put me on a boat with them bound for Birobidzhan.”

    So you don’t like the idea of being put on boats with the Jews bound for Birobidzhan? Why not? Are you nervous, since they don’t consider you, as they are, a Jew, too, about what they’ll do to you? You’re afraid of Jews and you got the gall to smear us pro-Whites with the hate-term “anti-Semite”?!

  27. Here’s the thing, Mischling:
    Look, I feel sorry for the White part of you that wants to be allowed into the White ethnostate.
    But, you DO carry Jewish genes. That’s a fact that must be reckoned with. Just as anyone who carries a genetic disease that can be passed to offspring ought not to reproduce, for the good of his relatives, i.e., children, it’s reasonable to ask the mischlings go the extra distance to demonstrate that your loyalty lies with us, your White relatives, not your Jewish relatives.
    You can do that by:
    1.) Don’t bash us with accusations of “anti-Semite!” Don’t you think we get enough of that? And it DOES make it look like you favor your Jewish relatives over us. It does nothing to endear you to us.
    2.) Go talk to your Jewish relatives and browbeat THEM into changing their ways, instead of us. After all, it’s something YOU can do that we can’t.
    3.) If you want to be let into the White ethnostate, then show us your loyalty lies with your White side, not your Jewish side, by agreeing to sterilization, just as someone with Huntington’s chorea ought to. Or insist that your children be sterilized, if you have them. Or else, they can go live in Israel upon adulthood.

  28. Crypto-aryan,

    KVDH is rubbing her Communist-Jewish-Princessness in our faces. I’m not going to leave out the Jewishness part out of fear or some misguided decorum. Jews don’t believe in decorum regarding things that are sacred to us. Whatever is sacred to the Jews is sacred; what may be sacred to us is a big Freudian/authoritarian personality joke to them.

    We need to laugh at KVDH when she slurs us. I hope Bo Sears will weigh in on a resisting defamation campaign against her.

  29. I think it’s incredibly ridiculous to ask CA to sterilize himself or his children just because he has Jewish DNA. The negative aspects of Jewishness are cultural, not genetic.

    It is CA’s case that he continually self-obsesses about his Jewishness – that is something he needs to work on himself, but it isn’t so much a product of his Jewish genes as it is his Jewish identity.

  30. “I think it’s incredibly ridiculous to ask CA to sterilize himself or his children just because he has Jewish DNA. The negative aspects of Jewishness are cultural, not genetic.”

    Hm. This is assertion. Since Jewishness malfeasance is found so highly associated with people withJewish genetics, then a genetic component is quite highly likely.

    We’re fighting for the life of our Race here. We need a Jew-free ethnostate in order to recover from all that’s befallen us and then thrive and continue.
    A Jew or part Jew who wants in needs to show, to an extraordinary degree, that his loyalties lie with us, not his Jewish relatives. Demonstrating the willingness to be sterilized would be an excellent indicator of his loyalties to us. It also eliminates the possibility of “return to the mean” that the mischling’s grandkids would resume anti-White activities, if in fact, Jewish malfeasance is in part or whole genetically mediated.

    Or, they can go to Israel. It’s not like we’re threatening their very lives.

  31. Donald,
    What causes culture?
    At bottom, it’s genes.

    That’s why Euros build cathedrals and Africans build mud huts. Middle-Easterners create very ethnocentric societies, hostile to, and exploitive of, non-ethnics. Ashkenazim are partly Middle Eastern.

    If they are NOT partly Middle Eastern, then how can they assert they have an ancestral right to Israel?

  32. That is sophistry. Genes influence how humans behave in a very abstract way (like genes for intelligence or genes for aggression) but there is no such thing as genes for “malfeasance”. It is not valid to compare the low-IQ negro to the Jew when your basis of comparison with Jews is to apply some sort of moralistic observation to them.

    Jews act the way they do because of cultural circumstance. They are a diaspora people who have had to endure centuries of resentment, violence, suspicion, discrimination, and etc… Their entire culture is a reflection of it. I am not sympathizing with them – just pointing out history for you.

    If bad genes explain the behavior of Jews, then what explains the behavior of those subset of degenerate whites among us?

  33. Denise —

    You call me mischling, but everything else in your post shows that you simply consider me to be a Jew. Why? Both my Aryan mother and Jewish father chose to “betray” their genes by practicing exogamy, by what logic do you insist that my mother’s choice resulted in her offspring no longer being white, while my father’s identical choice resulted in “Jewish” offspring? If your claim is that Jews are able to practice exogamy and yet still remain Jewish, isn’t this an adaptive trait, one that whites, and white nationalists, would do well to adopt?

    “‘Don’t bash us with accusations of ‘anti-Semite!'”

    Not “bashing” you. Why can’t you admit you’re an anti-Semite? Wagner or Hitler certainly never had problems acknowledging they were anti-Semites. And Kevin MacDonald writes about “anti-Semitic books” and “anti-Semitic writers” without the need to insert scare quotes. Its a reasonable word, popularized not by Jews but by Wilhelm Marr, a bonafide anti-Semite, or Jew-wise Aryan, or whatever term you prefer.

    “Go talk to your Jewish relatives and browbeat THEM into changing their ways, instead of us.”

    And what should I tell them? That anti-semites like you don’t really wish them ill? As I said, I often do criticize Jewish hypocrisy on ethnonationalist questions when I talk with Jews.

    “If you want to be let into the White ethnostate, then show us your loyalty lies with your White side, not your Jewish side, by agreeing to sterilization…”

    Unreasonable and obviously nasty demand. Even the most ethnocentric Jews don’t demand similar from exogamy practicing Jews. Instead they have instituted cultural practices (circumcision, extra study and practice of various dietary and other rituals ) to ensure that converts truly assimilate.

    Anyway, my central question remains profitable for white nationalists to answer, even if you don’t want to answer it when posed by a kike. if your movement is ever to grow, plenty of non-kikes will ask it of you as well. Let’s say that 10 percent of American whites share the values of Jeffrey Imm and Katrina van den Heuvel (I’m assuming she’s not Jewish, for purpose of arguement). That’s 20 million anti-white whites, a number that dwarfs ALL the jews in America. My question is: why is it reasonable to presume that the jeffrey imm’s and katrina van den heuvel’s are fit for your ethnostate, while it remains reasonable to presume that the paul gottfrieds, laurence austers and others of Jewish background but with no anti-white axe to grind are not?

  34. Regarding White Nationalist Jews: I think it unreasonable to rule them out entirely, but they do bear watching. After all, if we are correct in our thinking and persuasive in our speech, would not at least some Jews see things our way? And wouldn’t they be Jews in whom the typical Jewish vices are weak? I wouldn’t allow them into any leadership positions nor trust them with secrets, I’d not tolerate them in any numbers and would expect them to understand and accept those limits. But, I do not think that self-sterilization is necessary to prove loyalty.
    Some here think that we need to adopt a Gentile version of the One Drop Rule. I’m sympathetic to that with respect to Blacks, but I think that Jews are a different case, for three reasons. First, Jews are capable of civilization, they are not evolutionary throwbacks. Whatever damage Jews have done, every one of us has benefitted from them as well. We’ve all been inoculated against polio, for example. Second, how many Jews are fully Jewish? I see blond Jews, blue-eyed Jews, Jews with cute little noses, and even occasionally a blond, blue-eyed, cute-nosed Jew. To the degree that Jewish behavior may be genetic in origin, those traits must be pretty watered down among many of them. Third, Jews have been leaving the tribe for millennia, and mixing with the host populations. As far as I know, I am entirely of Northern European ancestry, but none of us can honestly say that he’s not got a Jew in the woodpile, and maybe not that far back.
    I can see why, in desperate times, Whites might choose to err on the side of caution with respect to Jews. I can’t imagine that any poster here will volunteer to sterilize their children because they discovered that their own grandmother fled an arranged marriage to a rabbi’s son, and changed her name from Frumpkin to Franklin at Ellis Island.

  35. “. . .there is no such thing as genes for “malfeasance”
    >>The neural correlates of moral decision-making in psychopathy Letters to the Editor

    A L Glenn, A Raine and R A Schug

    Neuroimaging studies have used classic moral dilemmas to identify the neural circuitry underlying moral decision-making in healthy individuals, but it is unknown how this circuit functions in immoral, psychopathic individuals. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we find that more psychopathic individuals show reduced activity in the amygdala during emotional moral decision-making, with particularly conning and manipulative individuals showing reduced activity in the entire moral neural
    Another study showed the amygdala of psychopaths to be 17% smaller than for normals.

  36. One guy just ruined the whole thread, the whole sense of comeraderie, and the whole sense that we were moving forward for ourselves, and not against anyone. When will this ever end?

  37. ” the whole sense of comeraderie, and the whole sense that we were moving forward for ourselves, and not against anyone.”

    How have I destroyed the sense of comraderie among the non-Jewish pro-Whites? And since there is no real sense of comraderie with the mischlings as of this point, what there have I destroyed? How can you, on a website advocating a Jew-free ethnostate, say I’ve ruined a thread because I’m discussing ways and means of achieving the Jew-free state?

    Also, one thing I’d like to point out regarding whether the Paul Gottfrieds, et al., can stay or not. This absolutely all-or-nothing thinking seems to be something the mischlings do. Since the number of honestly pro-White Jews who unduplicitously advocate for Whites getting our nation back is tiny, somebody said wouldn’t fill an Applebee’s, making exceptions on a case-by-case basis is doable. But to get that exception, we’d need to see the Jew has truly advocated FOR us, at some cost to himself, if only so far as inviting approbrium from other Jews. (Which in today’s climate IS significant.) But just coming to pro-White websites to browbeat us for our desire to separate doesn’t cut it.

    Obviously, the non-Jewish Whites who have betrayed us will need to be dealt with as traitors — by banishment, too.

    Basically, if you want to get to stay, Jewish person, prove your worth to US, and do it now.

    “If your claim is that Jews are able to practice exogamy and yet still remain Jewish, isn’t this an adaptive trait, one that whites, and white nationalists, would do well to adopt”

    No. We can’t. White traits are, by and large, recessive, in every exogamous mating. When Whites cross-breed, the White phenotype is lost. Under simple Mendellian inheritance two mischlings have only a one-in-four chance of producing a child with recessive (i.e., White) genes. Jews certainly seem to show, on a population analysis basis, that they can outbreed and remain Jewish — so a reasonable conclusion is the Jewishness is dominant. That’s the reason the offspring are problematic.

    “If we are correct in our thinking and persuasive in our speech, would not at least some Jews see things our way? And wouldn’t they be Jews in whom the typical Jewish vices are weak? I wouldn’t allow them into any leadership positions nor trust them with secrets, I’d not tolerate them in any numbers and would expect them to understand and accept those limits. But, I do not think that self-sterilization is necessary to prove loyalty.”

    I suspect, but I’ve never seen the study done, probably because the Jews in control in America have seen to it the study is not funded, you are likely correct. Those persuadable Jews may very well, if the gene studies were done, very nearly entirely White. I’d bet the blue-eyed Jews, for instance, who must be the descendants of mischlings who got the one-in-four chance of White phenotype, having a White phenotype, I’d bet they are more likely to be, on average, pro-Whites, and less treacherous to us. I suspect if the genetic studies were done, we could determine what the maximum level of Jewish admixture is that is safe-enough for us.

    Steve in the Swamps: How is expulsion only a superior plan to a plan of giving the Jews the choice of either being expelled or staying and being sterilized? Who’s talking castration? Vasectomies are a simple, quick procedure. And of course, it’s voluntary. Jews who wish to not be sterilized can just leave.

    If we were allowed to discuss this difficult subject frankly, we might discover that my hypothesis is true: Blue-eyed, White-looking Jews may be less treacherous for us, if they were to stay. But right now we can’t discuss it, can’t do the science to see, so we don’t really know.

    Mischling, you seriously ask why I don’t appreciate the anti-Semite label? You honestly deny that the climate in America is such that the mere accusation of being one is enough to get someone fired? You think I, and people like me, want to lose our livelihoods? You think I don’t fear what my fate may be as the Stalinistic repression of people like me continues to increase in America? You think I’m not TERRIFIED of what three Jews on the Supreme Court, with the dictatorial powers they hold, have planned for the anti-Semites? You seriously think I should be blase about that word? If you were truly pro-White and not just self-centered or an ADL plant, you wouldn’t ask me that question.

    As far as what you tell the Jews, I’d think you’d tell them this: Knock it off with the anti-White stuff BEFORE the pogrom they’re bringing on starts. Maybe there’s time to avoid all this ugliness, yet.

    Oh, and circumcision is a pretty nasty demand, I’d say.

  38. “Troll-ish crypto-aryan spreads disinfo.”

    If cryto is pro-white; he’s pro-white. You don’t have time for this infighting. Get a clue. You have to get the pro-white message out there. Which means you have to ease people into it; And you have to rebuilt cultural connections; and you have to normalize whiteness; and you have to reteach people. Europeans need to be cohesive like Jews — so there is a sense of attachment and loss. Many of you are living in Kmac’s hyper-ethnicity world; that’s an illusion. The left is pushing miscegenation and “antiracism” — you know this, but for some reason you are ignoring it — once people cross over most cross over. Large swaths of whites don’t even know they are European. It’s your job to save souls. And you’re fucking around — or are you just not serious. Do you notice how fee people go on the Altright? You have to bring people in. Look, I was always racially conscious — but I went against my instincts and married a Chinese girl. Why, because I thought proracialism was a questionable. I have since decided otherwise — and assuming I don’t jump ship — I would like somebody be around to preserve my cultural idenity. If you want your ethnostate and you actually want people in it — if you want anything. You have to get moving. You would probably be lucky if you could convince 1m, but that better than the 20 here.

  39. Crypto, the on again/off again individualism of Jews is what’s disconcerting. Jews who speak intelligently–Gottfried, Norman Finkelstein–are not singled out or bullied around here for being Jewish. But when a member of a group acts consistently (and inconsistently) in a manner betraying a dual loyalty, then every word out of their mouth becomes suspect. If you are a pro-Jewish Jew there is a country where you can be an unabashed nationalist. If you are a pro-American and pro-white Jew and realize what so many Jews stand for and are doing to the country, then you should either quit that group or spend your time shaming them. For the rest of us, the rare Jew that does not work as part of a group aimed at socializing and de-whiting America is so rare and so un-influential, that they needn’t be paid much mind.

  40. Look like the Red Princesses’ ‘pale, male and stale’ daddy is one of them ‘one-worlder’ Globalist types. No wonder he married her Jewish mamma(!) — seemed like a good ‘career move’ for him.

    Currently he is Chairman of the American Austrian Foundation and Co-chairman of the Council of American Ambassadors. Since 1984 vanden Heuvel has been Chairman of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a Governor and former Chairman of the United Nations Association, and has written extensively on the United Nations and American foreign policy.[5] He is also a member of Collegium International, an organazation of leaders with political, scientific, and ethical expertise whose goal is to provide new approaches in overcoming the obstacles in the way of a peaceful, socially just and an economically sustainable world. He served as an honorary chairman of The OSS Society. …


  41. This was a great post, ruined by stupid commenting polemics. Also, I don’t want any references to “the rope” at all. I already deleted that one.

    This is your notice, I am now going to have to waste a few minutes deleting comments.

    Here’s the rule I’m going by. Advocating one kind of “solution” like debating deportation versus murder versus sterilization, is not permitted, because it is clownish.

    I do think Crypto-Aryan is a whiner who is going on about something that’s going to be a non-issue. He will probably have his choice of tribes to join, or be a Wandering Jew. He craves acceptance from us on his terms. It’s just an emotional hunger of his. He should get that from real life, not message boards. I don’t think we’re going to be examining people that closely anyway. If you are envisioning an all seeing Big Brother globo state that is used to enforce the Judenfrei Lebensraum, I doubt it. But we’ll enforce our standards pretty damn good on a very local level.

    What’s actually going to happen is even better — decentralization of power. Millions of villages and tribes. This will disempower the push-button power of the international banksters. Let a million tribes bloom and determine their own destinies, without having soap and ideology sold to them through electronic mass media.

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