White America, R.I.P.

Ian Jobling, Editor of White America

Ian Jobling shut down his website White America yesterday. This brings to a close a three year attempt by Jobling to create a more full throated, philo-Semitic alternative to American Renaissance and the David Duke wing of White Nationalism.

The saga began in 2006 when Ian Jobling and Mike Berman broke with Jared Taylor over his refusal to anathematize anti-Semites to their satisfaction. This can be traced back to the infamous David Duke/Michael Hart confrontation at the 2006 Amren conference. In the wake of that incident, Jobling and Berman circulated a letter which condemned Duke and anti-Semitism. If memory serves, they were displeased with Taylor’s response and launched “The Inverted World” in protest.

Mike Berman quit the project early on because (of all things) The Inverted World was not philo-Semitic enough for his tastes. Jobling spent the next few years supporting the Iraq War and attacking various prominent figures in the pro-White movement. His website targeted David Duke, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, and Frank Salter.

In 2009, The Inverted World evolved in White America, which was the same project under a new name. Jobling launched a vBulletin forum that quickly died. He uploaded a YouTube video which announced “White America” was discussing the great issues of our time:

As time went on, Jobling began to post less frequently. He started tauting John Rawls as the philosopher of the pro-White movement. His last burst of activity was a debate with Kevin MacDonald and Ted Sallis over the merits of Salterism. By that point, it was clear that Jobling’s trajectory would eventually take him out of the pro-White movement.

Now he promises a new project about his “other interests.” There was nothing wrong with White America. Jobling’s problem was that he didn’t have the temperament to build a successful website. He preferred to write long, ponderous articles that reached sweeping and inflammatory conclusions through dubious reasoning.

If Jobling had stuck to daily niche blogging instead, White America would have been a success story, not a ghost town. There is an audience for his philo-Semitic, race realist, anti-Nazi message. Guy White sings the same tune and has built an audience of thousands of readers. The only difference between Ian Jobling and Guy White is that the latter is more pro-active about getting his point across.

I think Jobling expected the MSM would shower him with accolades for severing the pro-White movement from anti-Semitism. He thought he would be invited to write for mainstream publications and appear on radio and television. He expected to build bridges to the conservative movement.

I warned him at the time that he would be ignored by the anti-racist mainstream and marginalized within the movement. That is how events played out.

It usually pains me to see a pro-White site close its doors. In the case of White America, it is no real loss. By the end, it was more or less anti anyway.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well the video was decent. But if he was so concerned with purging nazism he really needs to do something about the “hitler” hairdo he was sporting. Ok it was probably an unintentional comb-over to hide a receding hairline, sort of like that silly looking way Drew Brees wares his hair. Still it gives off nerd vibes, that’s why the jews hire masculine frontmen to star in their movies. More effective than casting a schlemiel as the leading man.

  2. I am sorry that Ian’s web site is down, and he is down, depressed.

    I understand his position that day in day out, obsessions with THE JEWS doesn’t sell well to the American public, but neither does quiet, polite “whites also have some rights”, “some good things about us” type of activism.

    Jared Taylor has documented that National Review and the mainstream American “Conservative” movement was once decently pro White – defended the rights of Whites not to be raped and murdered in places like Rhodesia or New York City, this is no longer so.

    The Neo Conservative take-over of mainstream conservatism is to blame.

    It was once reasonable safe to straight, White, “Christian”/Gentile in many places in America – once the Ivy League Colleges, once in mainline Protestant denominations, once at the National Review.

    This is no longer the case.

    John Derbyshire is the last straight, White Gentile left at National Review with any open loyalties to our people/culture. He’s a fairly good bet to get purged soon, though the Chosen like to keep one Goy around just for window dressing.

    Check out this very good and very fair interview Derbyshire had with a very fair Jewish interviewer from Jewcy.com about Kevin Macdonald’s works on the Jews.



    Is Kevin MacDonald Right?
    Wrestling with Derbyshire’s Law
    There is No Cabal
    Be Nice, or We’ll Crush You
    The Jewish Media Goliath
    A Black and a Chinaman Walk Into a Bar…
    A Break from Hooray-for-us Historiography
    War-Winning, Disease-Curing, And Life-Improving

  3. Jobling also used his blog to assail the reputations of Kevin MacDonald and Phillippe Rushton. His favorite tactic was to distort their arguments. He would create strawman arguments and then rebut these distorted claims.

    Jobling refused to publish even polite rebuttals to his critique of Kevin MacDonald in the comments section of his blog.

    Good riddance

  4. Ian’s an academic, not an activist. He’s a bright and motivated guy who’s done a lot of real workhorse stuff for the cause, and I respect that. I didn’t get along with him on a personal level, but who did? I wish him the best and hope he hasn’t given up the fight.

    As an aside, as long as he’s pro-White, I think he can be on whatever side of EGI, GST, or any other scientific hypothesis he fancies without being held in contempt. While my interpretation is that KMac won the debate, I think the debate Ian started should be seen as constructive. We can’t allow our academic foundations to become ossified with groupthink. It’s hard to tell whether the hostile reactions he received were to his abrasive personality or to his criticism of the research. I hope it was the former.

  5. I had forgotten he existed. I remembered him leaving AmRen because of the ridiculous claim that AmRen was ‘anti-semitic’, and never bothered to read his site because of that and his poor writing style.

  6. I actually met Jobling once in Washington at an Immigration Reform conference, and I must say, he was one strange and creepy fellow.

    This was when he was still working for AmRen, and anytime he began to have a conversation with someone he would ask whether they were ‘antisemitic’ or not — whether Jews were the topic of discussion or not.

    An absolute neurotic weirdo.

  7. As an aside, as long as he’s pro-White, I think he can be on whatever side of EGI, GST, or any other scientific hypothesis he fancies without being held in contempt. While my interpretation is that KMac won the debate, I think the debate Ian started should be seen as constructive. We can’t allow our academic foundations to become ossified with groupthink. It’s hard to tell whether the hostile reactions he received were to his abrasive personality or to his criticism of the research. I hope it was the former.

    Of course I agree that nothing should be sacrosanct. To me though Jobling’s passionate philo-semitism and the sometimes shoddy arguments he used to promote it created a question as to whether he really was pro-white or a kind of concern troll.

    But regardless of his motivations, I think we can agree that he faired rather poorly in his attempts to challenge white nationalist precepts. The net result of his work seems to be that many intelligent white nationalists wasted a good amount of their time debunking his arguments. I think “Good riddance” is a fair response to his announcement that he is leaving the scene.

  8. Jobling seemed bright but was too much of a fanatical philo-semite/anti-anti semite and I questioned his sincerity to the pro-white cause. I tried to post and debate some of his positions but he carefully screened all comments and seemed to desire more of an philo-semitic echo chamber than a WN site whereby all ideas are freely discussed and debated. It really got disgusting when he once demanded that certain posters acknowledge the holocaust and accept Jews as a master race lest they be banned from his little site. The last part is an exaggeration but I remember he went berserk on some people.

    Good bye and good riddance.

  9. …It really got disgusting when he once demanded that certain posters acknowledge the holocaust and accept Jews as a master race lest they be banned from his little site. The last part is an exaggeration but I remember he went berserk on some people.

    Mr. Dithers,

    Yes, when people at the Immigration conference in DC were inquiring for more information about AmRen — Jobling was asking them THE SAME KIND OF QUESTIONS! He also asked prospective AmRen supporters if they ‘supported’ IsraHell, as well as if they thought that country was behind 9/11.

    A complete dork.

  10. @Tanstaafl

    As always, you hit the nail on the head.

    In all seriousness, I think Al Sharpton has more genuine concern for the well being of White Gentile Americans than Ian Jobling could ever hope to have.

  11. Tanstaafl,

    Good comment.

    In all seriousness I think Al Sharpton has more genuine concern for the well being of Gentile White Americans than Jobling.

  12. John Derbyshire is kept on National Review because he symbolizes the genetic submersion of Whites. He is married to a squinch eye.

  13. Ian Jobling seems like a nutter to me.

    Jared Taylor already serves up the “race realist, anti-nazi, philo-semitic” niche. Jobling just was mad becuase Taylor refused to purge himself of the likes of Duke and that Taylor only demanded that people play nice with his court Jews.

    Building an entirely new WN website solely based on an obsession with elevating Jews in status and maintaining intellectual purity on the JQ seems nutty and ridiculous. It makes him look just as bad as people who are on the other side of the JQ coin who obsess about Jews to an unhealthy degree.

    The reality is that Jews, like all three of them, are well-accepted into AmRen, and they are pretty well protected from criticism (try criticizing Jews on AmRen.com) – that in of itself is the basis for a lot of hate against Taylor by the hardcore antisemites – but Jobling is the loon claiming AmRen is antisemitic.

    What makes me really disrespect him is his hatchet jobs on Kevin MacDonald. His review and commentary makes it clear that he has a poor understanding, likely reflective of a lack of a full reading, of his trilogy. This sort of stuff makes me question the notion of his intelligence. I guess he could be genuinely intelligent, but it seems that very strong emotions on the JQ clouds his reasoning skills in this area.

    I guess, yes, along as he is “pro white” in some reasonable sense we should tolerate him, so I don’t want to spend a lot of time talking about him, but I think its worth mentioning in context of the demise of his website.

    My $.02.

  14. Building an entirely new WN website solely based on an obsession with elevating Jews in status and maintaining intellectual purity on the JQ seems nutty and ridiculous.

    Not at all, is seems like a very well-paying niche. Jobling’s replacement stands to make a good paycheck replacing him.

  15. I don’t think they pay people like Jobling. Nobody even reads his site anyways. They pay people like Hal Turner, Glenn Miller, and assorted NSM, WCOTC, skinhead, militia and Aryan Nations people to make a big spectacle, hold public rallies, and talk about violence.

  16. Not at all, is seems like a very well-paying niche. Jobling’s replacement stands to make a good paycheck replacing him.

    IF (and I say IF, because I don’t want to make spurious accusations) his motivations are based more on money and less on the cause of whites, then that makes him genuinely deserving for out-casting and condemnation.

    I don’t think this is really the case. I just think he has personality issues that drives him to these highly irrational selfless defenses of Jews. If he were a Jew himself, I’d still loath him, but at least it would be understandable. But in his case, he isn’t a Jew and thus that is all the worse.

  17. …I just think he has personality issues that drives him to these highly irrational selfless defenses of Jews. If he were a Jew himself, I’d still loath him, but at least it would be understandable. But in his case, he isn’t a Jew and thus that is all the worse.

    Here is the Freudian explanation for the likes of Ian Jobless and Goy Weiss –

    As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility. Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power, Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement, by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes — even when these run directly counter to White interests. Sunic correctly suggests that, in as much as this fuels Jewish hubris, such an unhealthy relationship approaches a limit where it exists one crisis away from detonating into violent anti-Semitism. …

    “I am Not Racist, but…”
    Alex Kurtagic


  18. Jobling did NOT “[start] tauting John Rawls as the philosopher of the pro-White movement.” He regarded Rawls as our great enemy, but one worthy of respect, close study, and serious engagement rather than mere dismissal, because (for Jobling) Rawls’ philosophy, whether or not it is consciously recognized and named as such, is at the heart of the modern liberal imagination, with strong appeal to whites, and that appeal must be understood properly in order to be countered.

  19. Pro Jew IS Anti White. Always.

    The Jew is the Spawn of Satan.

    I don’t know who Jobling is, and I obviously have no reason to care. If he’s reading these words – the Jew is the Spawn of Satan.

  20. He’s in dire need of a dentist and barber. He looks like an even creepier version of Steve Buscemi.

    He’s not shutting it down, just discontinuing it.

    I will keep this website intact forever, I believe, as there is much on it that, I expect, will remain of interest to many.

  21. I hope readers who are enthusiastic about the issues I have raised here will go on fighting for them. However, also try to remember that, no matter how urgent a political perspective may seem, all perspectives are limited and there is more to life than politics. Sometimes getting outside your customary perspective and patterns of behavior leads you to discover veins of enormous richness in yourself that you had never known were there. Such has certainly been my experience.

    There’s more to life than breathing, yet the issue receives a singular focus when there’s a boot on my neck. This is less a political struggle for me than a military struggle by other means, a war in which my homeland and home are existentially threatened by advocacy groups and ideas rather than indians and arrows. I’m a political soldier. I’ll need to pay royalties to Kievsky for this paragraph, but it’s a “mind war” for me, not a mere political perspective.

    I’m only human, and not an especially gifted or disciplined one. But I try to remind myself of the sense of duty of the Roman soldier willing to die at his post…

    “Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him.” – Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West.

    The central theme behind everything I do is patriarchy, performing my duty as a husband, father, and brother. I get tired like everybody else does, especially with the hobbyists and haters who are so numerous in this movement. It would be more enjoyable and rewarding for me to invest more time in my career and spend more time with loved ones. But there’s a boot on the necks of my family, a metaphorical boot crushing the conditions of life upon which all else is predicated.

    Until that fine day when I’m either victorious in securing a homeland for my family or held accountable to my Maker, I’ll man this post.

  22. He’s in dire need of a dentist and barber. He looks like an even creepier version of Steve Buscemi.

    Attacks on the guy’s appearance are weak and accomplish nothing.

  23. I sure would like to know where people are getting the idea that AMREN is anti-Semitic what between articles like muslims silencing the Israeli Ambassador at a University campus to the blatant censorship of anything that reeks of Jewry on Taylor’s website. How much more philosemitic can you get?

  24. I have no issue with AR avoiding Jewish issues as a tactic, specializing in having an intelligent discussion on race. The way it should be handled though is complete avoidance of the topic, not flowery praise of Jews.

  25. Dying Nation: Jared Taylor used to permit discussions of Kevin MacDonald on AmRen (I believe there is a review or two still archived on the website) and allowed David Duke into the group (there is an infamous event where some Jew walked out of an AmRen conference because Duke gave a speech mentioning Jews in the media).

    I’d hardly consider Kevin MacDonald antisemitic (but many of us operate with different definitions of what that means, including Hunter who uses a much more liberal definition than I) and I am pretty confident that Jared Taylor had no idea that Duke was going to give the sort of speech that he gave. The aftermath of Duke’s speech is essentially what made Taylor enact a “no talking about Jews” policy.

    (I am not criticizing Taylor – just recounting what I believe the facts to be).

  26. I must confess to enjoying some measure of Schadenfreude as I dance this little jig over Ian’s cyber-grave. He was indeed a strange fellow. A weenie, I daresay.

    I second the comments of TANSTAAFL and Mr. Dithers: Their observations take the measure of the man. I always imagined Jobling as Larry Auster’s protege, son-in-law, or godson. He harbored the same philo-Semitic obsession beneath an identical veneer of pro-White, pro-Western sentiment. The pair were eerily similar in their intellectual dishonesty, misrepresentation of competing arguments, and constant recourse to censorship.

    Ultimately, Ian’s conflicting loyalties doomed White America. His substantial labors proved to be in vain, as the site’s many pages of commentary are hereby consigned to the rubbish heap of Internet oblivion.

    Meanwhile, Occidental Dissent and its affiliates continue to thrive and expand. Just like in that Jewish ditty: “White America is dead…BUT WE’RE STILL HERE!” So long, Ian!

  27. I’m not shedding any tears over this news. JThere were always red flags about this guy. obling as a mod at Amren gave an early indication of his odd obsession with philo-semitism. I can respect pro-white people who are not the least bit “anti-Semitic” as that phrase is defined by our brainwashed society, even if I disagree with them. But there was a kind of religious zeal Jobling had when it came to Jews. He did more than defend them- he exalted them. I wonder if he comes from some sort of a Christian fundamentalist background and retains the philosemitism that is characteristic of it.

    When Ron Paul early in his presidential run was being talked up (incorrectly, IMO) by some race realists, Jobling felt compelled to inform his readers that Paul didn’t pass muster because he wasn’t pro-Israel enough.

    But I think my favorite memory of Jobling and his website will be the short period in which he wrote three pieces attacking the views of Susan Sontag, Theodore Adorno, and Howard Zinn all the while shouting to his readers that Jews, other than a few isolated radicals, are just good ol’ patriotic Americans.

  28. “Is Jobling Jewish? If not, then can someone please explain why he is pro-Jewish?”

    The success of Israel is essential to the success of the Modernist Project.

    Jobling is yet another of those people who feels an attachment to recently imposed “Western” cultural forms, forms based on excessive individualism.

    If Israel goes down it deeply undermines the Power Structure that maintains the dominance of these Cultural Forms in the West, and the hope of Modernists that they could one day be fully imposed on the Islamic World.

  29. I will NEVER understand those who claim to be pro-white and pro-jewish at the same time. WTF?? That makes ZERO sense at all to me – are there also WN’s around who claim to be at once pro-white AND pro-black, they just hate jews and Hispanics?? Really crazy.

    I know not what course others may take, but as for me, “White Ethnostate” means this: WHITE ONLY. No jews. No muds.



  30. Gussie Fink-Nottle says:
    May 28, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    He’s in dire need of a dentist and barber. He looks like an even creepier version of Steve Buscemi.

    Attacks on the guy’s appearance are weak and accomplish nothing.

    Are you feeling insecure? Is it like looking in the mirror for you?

    Your comments were weak and accomplished nothing.

    Others made similar comments before me with no response from you so I can only conclude you’re trolling.

  31. “Is Jobling Jewish? If not, then can someone please explain why he is pro-Jewish?”

    Jobling is not Jewish. I asked him about this once, and he said that he’s not a philosemite and that he hasn’t written a word of praise for Jews on his website.

    I liked his The Inverted World site and visited it often. Around the time he switched the name to White America he began posting less frequently and devoting the few essays he did publish to attacking the work of people like Rushton and MacDonald. I probably hadn’t visited White America since last year.

  32. I remember finding the his promotional video on youtube, for his White America site. I went to the site and thought, awesome, this look really great.
    I enjoyed the style and Im sure the articles were great.
    At this time I was a huge Rushton fan, still am.
    I love his work and the work of other psychometricians like Jensen.
    This was a time when I read IQ books like crazy.
    I saw he had written an article on GST and Rushton where he criticized him.
    I thought to myself:

    “Ok, Im sure it’s just something minor, a small correction for a otherwise intelligent individual, Im sure, admired by, what I assume to be, another intelligent individual, this unknown Ian Jobling”

    But the way he wrote it was maliceous.
    He was not only being rude for no necessary reason at all.
    He was attacking one of the moral foundations of White Ethnocentrism.
    Left is only utility or practicallity in regard to Whites high IQ, LLI (Low latent inhibition, great frontal cortex, small Amygdala and wide associative horizon, great for invention and civilizational progression. If it’s all a matter of utility, then you might as well create superior robots to advance “our” former civilizations.

    At this point I thought he made a mistake.
    He shot himself in the foot. He undermines the reason for the existence of his website.

    You can read my comments (A.J Sweden) in that very article, in the comment section almost furthest down.

    Everyone was disagreeing with him.

    I thought he just had made a dumb mistake writing that article, not thinking about how he is undermining himself. Then I returned and saw several other articles exactly like the idiotic one I read. One was even more rude than the one I’ve read, aimed at Rushton. It was to Kevin MacDonald.
    Not even Kevin MacDonald could refrain on commenting on his, bad, immature behavior. It was that bad!

    His article to Rushton was not a mistake.
    This guy had an agenda and it’s crazy contradictory/self-imploding.
    Either he was an Anti pretending to be a WN in order to better lure us out of our believes or he was the most determined, gullable, suicidal fool I’ve had the displeasure to encounter.

    And it appears that many share my views, which is empowering.

  33. Ian Jobling’s mistake is that he tried to mix neo-conservatism with “anti anti-semitism.”

    I kind of blame myself for that, I played around with “war on terror” talk in the comment section and he bought into it. Not that I supported the war, but using that talk to stop immigration by saying that everyone could be a terrorist.

    If Ian Jobling had just refuted the Jewish question but not became a Zionist and supporter of wars, I think he would have had more success.

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