Nashville Memories

William Rome records Heritage Connection at the 2010 CofCC National Conference in Nashville:

Hunter Wallace, Matt Parrott, Mike Capatano and two other friends enjoy some Nashville nightlife. We meet several drunk English girls touring the United States. That’s them on stage at the end of the video.

Note: I’m uploading the videos of the conference speakers now. These are much larger files, but they should be on the OD YouTube Channel tonight.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s a nice change from the stereotype. How do women react when you tell them that you’re a white nationalist? Or do you keep it under your hat? I live in a coastal city, so aside from a few off-color jokes, I try and steer clear of politics.

  2. ASDF,

    It was hard enough understanding their accents in the bar with the blaring guitars. There was a Dutch girl, Japanese girl, and a Spanish girl with the two English girls. They were drunk. Obviously, we weren’t interested in discussing politics with them.

  3. Looks like great fun.

    Did you guys get a chance to chat with Heritage Connection?

    Isn’t their family connected with a branch of the Klan? I don’t know much about that.

    The English girls looked quite uninhibited 😉

    I liked the Skynyrd cover too

  4. Yes. William Rome talked to HC at some length. He bought one of their CDs.

    Yes. They are Thom Robb’s granddaughters. There is a new hit piece on them in the UK Sun.

    Yes. They were. I was with the drunkest one singing the bottle. No Comment. 🙂

    Yes. I love Southern rock.

  5. The Heritage Connection ladies are quite talented. I’d love to hear more of their music.

    Matt, that hat is becoming your signature item of clothing. Sort of like Steve Jobs’ black turtleneck and Jim Rogers’ bowtie. It is a very “white” hat.

  6. I’m sure they were enchanting ladies but they probably have black boy toys back in England.

  7. “Yes.

    We do normal things like party and chase women”

    Some of you better watch it! The Puritan faction of White Nationalism will be here damning you to hell and a bullet to the back of the head. You can’t be sexually active, you know. That’s far too Jewish and how blacks are, they tell us. Drinking beer?! Having a good time?! I bet someone even smoked a cigarette. And it sounds like you might even like to see skin and might be willing to make a move on a woman We can’t have that in a white country, we are told by what I call the Puritan Patrol.

    I once read a post by a guy on Stormfront who seriously stated that a man should be hung up in the town square for drinking a single can of beer.

    God help you if you have ever toked a joint.

    LOL, as Revilo P. Oliver once wrote, there are those amongst us who wish to turn the hell we have into a “Godly hell.”

    I’m not for sure I don’t dislike this Puritanical faction worse than the jewish multiracial hell we are currently experiencing. It is at best a toss up.

    And these folks seriously think this appeals to enough people to make this version of a white ethnostate politically possible, rather than repelling virtually the entire white middle and working classes.

  8. “. . .a man should be hung up in the town square for drinking a single can of beer. . .”

    Agreed. He should at least drink a six pack.

  9. Never trust a man who doesn’t drink now or at least has in the past. He is hiding something. A drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts.

  10. That was the back of my head through about half of the video.

    Yes, I have a job, two to be exact, but will always make time for what is important when I can.

    The music scene in Nashville was very happening, and the culture, folks in general, very agreeable. I am researching a possible relocation to Knoxville in the future from Oregon. The liberalism here is intolerable.

    I haven’t been completely open about my politics immediately with strangers, but in Nashville, one had much less to worry about. It seems that there are many that although aren’t completely conscious about the issues or the movement, they would be far from having a knee-jerk reaction if you were to reveal your political slant. The trip was very encouraging, sure signs of a definite split in the nation.

  11. Junghans,

    It’s already Game Over for me, but there was a girl in hotpants and tube socks hula-hooping outside one of the bars. Very hypnotic.

    When I die, I don’t need 72 virgins. One hula girl will suffice.

  12. Back in my dating days, I found that if a young chickie found me charming and sexually attractive, I could pretty much get away with saying anything, even politically incorrect statements about race, politics, etc…they would hang on my every word and pretend to be interested in what I said as long as I took them home…I told this one dame that ‘Satan lives in my underwear’ and she wound up sticking around for a few months. I used to even ask em “yer not a niggerlover are you?” and they would swear up and down that they never… if you did a good job, they’d even mold themselves to be more like what they think a white racist guy would want…my friends and I would joke about it, calling it ‘conversion by the sword’. As soon as you’d pull the plug on them, they’d go back to being whatever they were before they met ya though. Girls are like that i guess…

  13. Brutus says:

    I’m not for sure I don’t dislike this Puritanical faction worse than the jewish multiracial hell we are currently experiencing.

    It’s nice to know that degeneracy, filth, and depravity are more important to you than racial preservation. You would prefer a degenerate, repulsive multiracial stew to a white ethnostate with (gasp!) decency and sexual restraint.

  14. Brutus says:
    God help you if you have ever toked a joint.

    Professor Nils Bejerot: The Swedish addiction epidemic in global perspective

    From Bejerot’s speech:

    “To combat drug epidemics by means of individual treatment is like attacking malaria by hunting mosquitos. It can occupy an enormous number of people, but the effect is negligible. What is required is drainage of the marshes.”

    “We have to accept the painful fact that we cannot win decisive advances unless drug abuse, the abuser and personal possession are placed in the centre of our strategy.”

  15. Heritage Connection are really beautiful girls, from a good family with a history of standing up for their people 🙂

    I also think they are getting better musically, much better than some of the early stuff and far superior to Prussian Blue.

    Unusually, for someone under the age of forty in the UK, I like country and country rock.

    It’s one of my tests for a woman, if they say they hate country and particularly Dolly Parton, I know they have a serious case of anti-White self-hatred. I know Dolly Parton is not politically sound but I still like her. I love one song lyric which I think goes “Go down to Calhoun county and catch us a coon”. I’m sure she means raccoon Mr Dees, as do I.

    I envy you guys living near Country music paradise. We had one radio station based in Scotland going out nationwide over the TV, but it closed down I think (at least I can’t pick it up anymore).

    Could anyone recommend a good country/country rock internet radio station from the South?

  16. The girls of Heritage Connection are great. I met them for the first time nearly 2 years ago at Duke’s Euro conference. It was quite a happy surprise to see them perform again and talk in private about various things including a running joke with Charity (the one playing guitar). The video is actually them performing live on The Political Cesspool broadcast, I wish I had the camera to film them the night before during their full concert when they performed after Derek Black (who is a natural performer). That concert was actually the first time I ever heard this song and it was mesmorizing. Sam Dickson who was sitting beside me couldn’t believe he remembered the lyrics. We need more talented young artist like them and I wish them the best of luck.

    When it comes to the Puritan vs. degenerate argument I’m quite Libertarian on the issue: do what you want with your personal life as long as you’re being effective for the cause. If a person is doing to great work for our people five days a week who cares if he goes out for a few drinks on Friday and Saturday nights. On the other hand if a person is also doing great work for our people five days a week and prefers to stay home on Friday and Saturday nights who cares.

    When it comes to our public image in the debate we just need to be natural about it. Youth is expected to do such things. I myself would have been considered a degenerate during my college years where I drank and experimented with pot at parties. This is expecially true during my two summers studying abroad in Europe where I was an alcohalic smoke stack I drank so much wine and smoked so many cigarettes in bars and clubs. But I never let it interfer with being effective for our people from speaking out in class, posting Amren links on class discussion boards, to having my own openly pro-white talk show on the student radio station. No one considered me socially awkward or weird for being pro-white because I indulged in many of the same things as my fellow college students.

    Now that I’m nearly 27 I could be accused of being Puritan cause I don’t like doing tthose things anymore. I don’t like going to bars, smoking pot, and dancing at clubs. Whereas the others here at OD went bar hopping both nights in Nashville I watched the concert beside Sam Dickson before going to bed early and the next night I mostly talked shop with “Hass” Rager, Bill Roland, and Gordan Baum. At this point I want to engage in adult work and leave my youthful adventures to my youth. Would people see me as socially awkward for being a adult wanting to act like an adult? Is James Edwards socially awkward in the public eye for becoming a recent family man at 29? I can tell you that even in my extremely Liberal Northeast family that not settling down with marriage by your early 30’s is seen as socially awkward and there must be something wrong with you (especially if your a guy), just imagine what it must be seen as for the Conservative whites which are our target?

    In this whole debate simply act like a youth when young and an adult when older; that’s called maturity and is what is expected of people. The WN’s who are in thier late 30’s/early 40’s and still single partying at bars are just as bad an image for us as those teens/20 year olds who act like Puritans.

  17. It is not socially degenerate to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and cigars. Americans have always done this. Antebellum Southerners loved to drink, smoke, play cards, race horses, hunt, fish, discuss politics in their parlors, and chase women.

  18. Indeed Hunter. I was actually at Saratoga’s race track last night with a cigar watching the trotting races.

    My attempt to give a reasoned middle-ground argument for both sides seems to be an epic phail *walks away head down*

  19. “It’s nice to know that degeneracy, filth, and depravity are more important to you than racial preservation. You would prefer a degenerate, repulsive multiracial stew to a white ethnostate with (gasp!) decency and sexual restraint.”

    There’s that Puritan now!

    Notice, too, that he takes everything and extends it to absurdity? Not damning everything and everyone to hell for wanting to drink a few beers and get laid equates, in his mind, to wanting to pimp women for crack, produce underage porn, promote a lifestyle of getting up first thing in the morning and shooting up heroine, and, above all, must mean I want a “multiracial stew!”

    When was the last time you got laid, mgls, or are you even old enough yet? or are you so damn uptight you can’t even talk to women? Which one is it?

    Most of these types are the ones who are Beta or Omega males and, like the ugly feminsts, want everyone else to live as drab and frustrated a life as they do. These anti-sex types are also ones who can’t get a girlfriend and blame the blacks and Jews for it. They seek out movements that they view as being potential possibilities to bring about a world like they want and will punish those who are not like them.

  20. If guys are struggling with women there’s loads of free decent material online.

    One day soon, there may even be a special Whites only bootcamp 🙂

  21. “If guys are struggling with women there’s loads of free decent material online.”

    Yeah, but as I pointed out, these guys think having a sex drive is a sin and an indication that one desires the multiracial cesspool.

    Moreover, trying to learn how to overcome difficulties with approaching women is not even on their radar screen. Instead, and along with damning guys who do better, they assert it is impossible because women only like blacks and whiggers today, you see. In short, thye are not even going to try and will continue to damn everyone who is more successful.

    Let them enjoy their time alone with their hand.

  22. To any of these Puritans, if White men neglect pick up skills they are basically handing an entire generation of White girls to Blacks and Asians without a fight, how is that White nationalism?


  23. An excerpt from The Ethnostate by Wilmot Robertson

    pp. 212-216

    Morality vs. Immorality. One problem with obscenity is the difficulty of pinpointing it. What is obscene to some is perfectly acceptable to others. What offends a woman may not bother a man. Laws against obscenity, which come and go in cycles, vary with time and place. Once the floodgates of obscenity are open, they are hard to close. What occurs, naturally and normally, in a barnyard is obscene in a living room. Barnyard behavior and civilized behavior are at opposite poles. When they begin to converge, it’s back to the barnyard.

    A few superior men have raised masses of lesser men to almost superhuman levels. But the strain is so great and the downward pull of our animal nature so strong that decline and degeneration quickly set in. From then on it is a march downhill, punctuated by intermittent eras of partial recovery. Measure the amount of obscenity, both sub-rosa and acceptable, at any milestone along this march, and you will have a fair idea of the society’s health.

    Nearly everyone agrees that children should be protected from obscenity, but many intellectuals of a liberal bent insist that almost no limit should be set on what is seen, heard and read by adults. They reinforce their argument by reminding their critics it takes only minimal effort not to buy or read an “offensive” book, switch off the TV or remove their eyes from erotic or cloacal graffiti. The bitter truth is that huge, salaciously worded newspaper headlines on display in kiosks and sudden off-color intrusions in supposedly innocuous TV programs are visual insults that only the blind can avoid.

    One commonly proposed way to regulate obscenity is to apply what are commonly called community standards. But in a multiracial state there are several communities; hence several standards. When it is a matter of defining the parameters of obscenity, a better and fairer job can be done by those who share a common culture than by a potpourri of heterogeneous groups, which are sure to have contradictory opinions of what does and what does not “go too far.”

    The most troubling thing about obscenity is its power to coarsen young minds. The adolescent who views the animalistic cavortings in X-rated films may never have the same opinion of men and women again. He may never be able to believe in Beatrice, if he should read Dante, or relish the prim literary masterpieces of Jane Austen. He has seen men and women acting like beasts. Once shattered, his Panglossian view of his fellow human beings may never be recaptured.

    Quite possibly the coarsening effect of obscenity gives an animalistic twist to the human psyche. If it does, then it follows that unlimited freedom may have actually lowered the wattage of the idealism that over millennia has given a radiant glow to human thought.

    Obscenity is not a black eye that clears up with time. It is a permanent wound. Some may be nonchalant when exposed to it. So-called tough hombres may brush it off. But it leaves a lasting stain. Lurid exhibitions of every form of physical contact between members of the opposite sex, between members of the same sex, between old men and young boys — sexual encounters often spiced with sadism and masochism — have a sharp impact on human sensitivities. The artistic tastes of men and women assaulted by daily or weekly exhibitions of hard-core eroticism cannot help but be corroded. Persons fed highly seasoned diet food over a period of time find it hard to return to a bland diet. The widespread availability or pornographic films, literature and art tends to make them habit-forming. As we move back or are moved back closer to the ape, the fragile cocoon of civilization may come completely undone. Barely suppressed demons are always ready to fly out of the Pandora’s Box buried in every human being.

    By setting high standards of conduct and morality and by outlawing most manifestations of obscenity, high civilizations can delay the moral degradation that inevitably sets in when the tastemakers let down their guard. As the laws against obscenity fall in abeyance, there will always be some individuals who will push them to their farthest limits, just as the drug addict continually increases his dose to obtain his “high.”

    Different races and cultures have different tolerances for obscenity. In a multiracial society, one or more population groups may indulge in what members of other groups would consider impermissible behavior. Much of black rap judged obscene by whites fearful of the outright calls for rape and murder contained in some of the doggerel. Some religious denominations tend to be more straitlaced than others. These varying interpretations of obscenity have produced severe and lasting disagreements, even armed confrontations throughout human history.

    Different ideas about obscenity have been known to exacerbate class and religious conflicts. The Puritans against the Stuart monarchies in the British Isles and the peasant revolts in medieval Europe are two examples. Obscenity was a burning issue in such conflicts because the rich had the means and the leisure to act more lasciviously than the poor, whose dawn-to-dusk labor left little time for philandering, though much time for envy.

    Obscenity, as might be expected, reaches lower depths in multiracial societies than in homogeneous ones. The contrast between the sexual mores of the early Roman Republic and the late Roman Empire offers a clear picture of the animalism that sets in as a society that loses its racial core. Compare the moral standards of the United States in the last century to those in the last half of the 20th. The radical decline in moral behavior was highly correlated with the decline in the number and proportion of the British-descended population and the increasing presence and influence of minorities.

    An ethnostate would help curb obscenity, for the simple reason that its moral standards would be those of one population group, not several. It is a far easier task to regulate the conduct of a monoracial than a multiracial society.

    The Greeks had a word for pornography and devoted much attention to the subject, as have all higher civilizations. What varies over the ages it is quantity and availability. Those few who could afford to visit the bagnios of Shanghai at the turn of the century were able to find as much smut as the masses could find in the “everything goes” Weimar Republic of the 1920s. In the 1980s we could switch to an “adult” channel on cable TV or drive a half-mile or so the nearest “adult” bookstore to rent or buy a videotape that would make a decadent Roman salivate. Today, pornography is everywhere. Yesterday, it was harder to find, but it was always there.

    The current pattern of instant availability applies not just to pornography but to practically all manifestations of the new permissiveness. Drugs in Western countries used to be the vice of the rich. Now large numbers of addicts can be found in the middle and lower classes, including the criminal underclass.

    The cliché that any amount of lubricity is acceptable provided it is presented or accomplished artistically does not hold water. When pornography shows up in some form of entertainment or “art” that supposedly has, as the Supreme Court would say, some redeeming social value, the persons exposed to it forget all about the “art” and focus exclusively on the scatological content.

    The degree of pornography’s penetration into the collective conscience is a bellwether of decline. The youthful period of a culture generally allows no more than sporadic doses of healthy bawdiness. Perversion is scorned and perverts ridiculed. Signs of cultural aging are apparent in the transformation of poetic drama into prurient mimes, the fate of the theater in Rome. Today, in spite of the dialogue that seems to demand a prescribed number of four-letter words, films and television dramas are hardly more than mimes, with their obligatory nudity and bedroom gambols.

    Pornography can never be totally eliminated, sex being the underpinning of all mammalian existence. But history demonstrates time and again that pornography can be contained and controlled, and many of its bad effects avoided, by keeping it out of easy reach. If it is costly, confined to special areas, and obscenity laws are enacted and enforced, it will find a much smaller audience.

    A small homogeneous state is better able to control pornography than a large heterogeneous state with larger areas to monitor and a diverse citizenry that cannot agree on the boundaries of obscenity. Peer pressure, which would abound in ethnostates, is a very effective deterrent to aberrant social behavior.

    The wave of pornography now flooding the West is only possible because the laws that legalize it and the permissiveness that feeds it have overridden Western cultural restraints and exposed hundreds of millions to the mind-rotting effects of obsessive sexuality. Perhaps obscenity can be best defined as a catalyst of social deterioration.

  24. Wilmot Robertson, The Ethnostate

    pp. 84-85

    . . . Tolerance, as it is generally understood and practiced in modern times, stands for tolerance of both the good and the bad. Tolerance of the good generates more tolerance, which inevitably leads to increasing tolerance for evil. The fact is, the evil consequences of tolerance often have more popular appeal than the good consequences. A wave of pornography is the immediate and automatic response to sexual tolerance.

    Tolerance can be prevented from provoking intolerance by choking off its negative side and encouraging it not to attack tolerance per se, but the “everything goes” tolerance that leads to social decay and moral degradation. If overindulgence in premarital and extramarital sex is a contributing cause of the decline of civilization, then tolerance of sexual permissiveness should be reconsidered. . . .

  25. To any of these Puritans, if White men neglect pick up skills they are basically handing an entire generation of White girls to Blacks and Asians without a fight, how is that White nationalism?

    How is promoting degeneracy, filth, and pornography white nationalism? How is promoting promiscuity and “game” white nationalism? How is trivializing drug abuse white nationalism? How is pursuing casual sex and engaging in wanton behavior white nationalism?

    Degenerates love to dishonestly defend their immorality by falsely and maliciously portraying those who criticize such degeneracy as advocating the surrender of white women to non-whites. Nothing could be further from the truth. What the opponents of degeneracy desire and advocate is marriage, children, families, and sexual morality. It is in a sexually permissive, degenerate, “everything goes” environment that racial mixing and miscegenation are encouraged.

    That someone who promotes sexual restraint and decency is derided as a Puritan and considered abnormal shows just how far we have fallen.

  26. Quote pages of a book that is talking about pornography not pick up.

    Where was I trivialising drug abuse? Or do you mean having a few beers?

    Most White women now behave this way. Would you prefer White Nationalist men to be celibate or to chase women of other races who are more traditional and less obscene or to build a machine that can get them heroines from Jane Austen or Voltaire or Dante?

    I’ve read Voltaire and Jane Austen, so I have some idea what you’re on about. I have also gone out for the night in Bath and London. My brother lives in Hampshire. Let me inform you that the modern day environments talked about in her novels no longer resemble her world much. They probably resemble the real Georgian world more. Also Miss Austen died childless.

    I believe in a future for white children. That means two White people need to get together. I encourage Whites to reproduce together and make no apologies

  27. “How is promoting degeneracy, filth, and pornography white nationalism? How is promoting promiscuity and “game” white nationalism? How is trivializing drug abuse white nationalism? How is pursuing casual sex and engaging in wanton behavior white nationalism?”

    How is it not White Nationalism? It’s certainly no less White Nationalist than an Internet virgin trying to push a chastity belt movement.

    Women find some of us charming and irresistible. I will be the Alpha and Omega, you be the wallflower. You want an apology and a vow of celibacy in the face of nature’s finest creation? pfffft…piss off!

  28. “A few superior men have raised masses of lesser men to almost superhuman levels. But the strain is so great and the downward pull of our animal nature so strong that decline and degeneration quickly set in. From then on it is a march downhill, punctuated by intermittent eras of partial recovery. Measure the amount of obscenity, both sub-rosa and acceptable, at any milestone along this march, and you will have a fair idea of the society’s health.”

    Tempus Incognito is a good example of one of the animalistic lesser men to which Robertson refers.

  29. Hey MGLS, you wouldn’t happen to be the CI formerly known as “Sword Bearer” or something like that on certain other forums, would ya?

    When I read his first post, I was figured he was a troll, but now that he’s been spending time quoting from Peterson’s book, I’m not so sure.

    I concluded a long time ago that the quasi-Puritan and theocractic faction of WN was its lower rungs. I agree with Brutus that this is mostly driven by the jealousy-borne anger of geeks, creeps, and outcasts (Islamic fundamentalism is the same thing, except operating on a much larger scale with a much larger population–Muslims have finally begun to understand that they are geeks, creeps and outcasts when compared to Westerners).

    And naturally of course the omegas wanna be the alphas; thus, the hysterical reactions against anything that makes them uncomfortable. Twenty- and thirtysomething guys going to bars and engaging in normal flirting behavior with girls become Larry Flynt and Max Hardcore, “promoting degeneracy, filth, …pornography…promoting promiscuity…’game’.” Having a few beers is “trivializing drug abuse.” And somehow men who are explicitly devoted to preserving their genetic lineages are in fact promoting “a multiracial stew” instead of “a white ethnostate with (gasp!) decency and sexual restraint.”

    A note to omegas: it does no good to parade around your “sexual restraint” when no woman wants you. If you happen to be a male model, or Tim Tebow, you may have room to brag.

    And don’t bother accusing me of being unable to control my “sexually degenerate behavior” or some crap like that. I’m an omega, too, kiddo…but the difference between you and me is I somehow managed to see the world as it works and not spend my time swimming in a sea of my own resentments.

    So, maybe I’m the cracker Quasimodo, but I’m hoping I’ll at least have some sane co-workers when I get my future bell-ringing job in the white ethnostate.

  30. I don’t understand why some people get all rung out by dirty movies, for guys watching dirty movies is a ritual in High School.

  31. Hey MGLS, you wouldn’t happen to be the CI formerly known as “Sword Bearer” or something like that on certain other forums, would ya?


    When I read his first post, I was figured he was a troll, but now that he’s been spending time quoting from Peterson’s book, I’m not so sure.

    If you think someone quoting Wilmot Robertson subscribes to Christian Identity idiocy, you are either extremely confused or a troll.

    Having a few beers is “trivializing drug abuse.” And somehow men who are explicitly devoted to preserving their genetic lineages are in fact promoting “a multiracial stew” instead of “a white ethnostate with (gasp!) decency and sexual restraint.”

    Stop distorting my comments. “Trivializing drug abuse” was in reference to Brutus’s statement about marijuana, not alcohol. My statement about a “multiracial stew” also was in response to Brutus. I said that Brutus would prefer “a degenerate, repulsive multiracial stew to a white ethnostate with (gasp!) decency and sexual restraint.” Such a statement is quite reasonable, as Brutus made a comment expressing just such a preference: “I’m not for sure I don’t dislike this Puritanical faction worse than the jewish multiracial hell we are currently experiencing.”

  32. What does the libertine, “everything goes” faction consider “Puritanical”?

    May any restrictions be imposed on pornography without eliciting complaints about “Puritanism”? If so, what restrictions would the libertine faction consider acceptable?

    May taboos against extramarital sex be instituted without eliciting complaints about “Puritanism”?

    May sexual restraint be encouraged without eliciting complaints about “Puritanism”?

    May sexual permissiveness be criticized without eliciting complaints about “Puritanism”?

    In relation to today’s standards, what level of sexual permissiveness does the libertine faction desire?

  33. Why don’t you tell us your idea of what you want a white ethnostate to be, mgls? Be specific. Don’t just tell us all about it not being degenrate and having sexual restraint, etc. And tell us the penalties you would want if someone were caught going out and seeking a woman for a one night stand.

  34. I just read your last posts, mgls. And I want to get one thing straight with you right away:

    You are either a flat out liar, or you are remarkably stupid.

    you need to take your own advice and admonishment:

    “Stop distorting my comments.”

    Indeed, why don’t you?

    You are either some kind of flake or one of the stupidest people I have ever ran across on this Internet. You seem to not be able to understand anything people actually write, and instead distort the hell out of people’s posts.

    You are the only one here who got the utter bullshit you just wrote above out of my original post. You wrote “Such a statement is quite reasonable, as Brutus made a comment expressing just such a preference:” No, Brutus made no such comment.

    You are just like rabid and radical Feminists. Whenever some guy makes a statement indicating they don’t like this or that about feminism, the radical feminist always will twist that into a comment meant to mean the guy hates ALL women.

    No, MGLS, your interpretation of my comments and what I was saying is what you are trying to make it, and that is a straw man argument for you to try to make it sound like I like Woody Allen and want a mixed race society instead of a white one.

    I’ll tell you what I don’t like, and that is you.

    I hope for your sake that you are only about a 15 year old boy and not an adult. If you are only a child yet, then I can overlook your idiocracy.

    Either way, you are in a bad way in need of stopping analyzing what people write and how they must think, because you frankly are not worth a damn at it. Your interpretations are the worst kind of spin and misunderstanding.

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