Appomattox: End or Beginning?

Hunter Wallace, Mike Capatano, and H. Rock White visit Appomattox where Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederacy lost its independence. Hunter draws some comparisons between the bravery of Confederate soldiers and the present generation of White Nationalists.

Note: The photos we shot at Appomattox have been uploaded to OD Flickr.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The South continues to surrender to this very day. I will take it more serious when I see more of its its people become less pro nigger.

    I am sorry for some Southerners that I have to put it this way, but the South has become a heavy supporter of the New World Order. Some things that are generally not discussed on WN boards will have to be recognized and dealt with in the South before it becomes even remotely a land for a hardcore white nationalist.

    As it is today, the South is too Integrated.

  2. Et tu Brute?…..

    We have to start somewhere. Wouldn’t you agree?

    Tallying the South as a loss isn’t the best attitude to have considering the West is in the same shape. And more and more the mid-West and Pacific Northwest are learning to mimic their siblings.

    Anywhere is a battleground for our folk.

  3. Brutus

    There’s definitely a strong support base for the view of a globalist America, empire building, and Neo-Con Judeo-Christian ideas in the South. Much of it sponsored by churches who integrated into their belief system over the years a view of false equality.

    But, the South is the only region where there is still some resistance to the American globalist dominated system. While a majority are no doubt in full support of integrated, liberal, policies which they’ve been brainwashed to accept, there is still a solid base in the South for independence from Washington.

    The majority of state’s rights, anti-integration, identity, originates in the South. There are many Southern revisionist in the South who still have strong support like the League of the South, the Sons of Confederate veterans, and other groups who support the values of more independence from Washington.

    Also, the South is where Christian Identity and the Klan are strongest, both of which have thousands of believers and members throughout the South. White Conservative civil rights organizations like the CofCC have built solid structure in many Southern states.

    While the South has it’s problems it is still best place for white Americans, with it’s deep history of self-determination, resistance to the powerful fed, it’s history of culture, and also it’s history of ethnic based white politics. Can you think of any other region where supporters of an organization like the CofCC could gain support from local politicians?

    You have to view things in the current scope of politics, societal norms, and culture. The South is like any American region, it’s people really have very little influence over the direction our culture, media, schools, and federal government is taking us. The average person from the 1960s in the South supported segregation, but because they had very little influence over schools and the media, their strong held beliefs were slowly eroded by a system of subversion.

    Blaming one group of people with little power over their fate doesn’t solve the problem. There are strong forces trying to make us feel uncomfortable to feel proud, to be white, to be honest, to be ourselves, like when David Duke ran for office foreign media’s put pressure on the attitudes and thoughts of the voters.

    Were all slaves to a system, no different than the Russians were to the Soviet system, most people hide their real beliefs until they finally burst out.

  4. True, but the key word is “start.” And I would NOT recommend attempting a “start” in the South, for the reasons I decribe. Contrary to the fantasies of the Southerners we read on these forums, the South is not the pro white Meca they imagine.

  5. brutus,

    1.) Your criticism is that the South is “too integrated.” There is more opposition to integration in the South than anywhere else in the country. The South is still under the thumb of the Voting Rights Act.

    2.) Your second criticism is that the South is too “pro-nigger.” More racially conscious Whites live in the South than anywhere else in America.

    3.) Your third criticism is that the South has supported the “New World Order.” What do you mean by this? There is more opposition to international organizations like the U.N. in the South than anywhere else in America.

  6. “1.) Your criticism is that the South is “too integrated.” There is more opposition to integration in the South than anywhere else in the country. The South is still under the thumb of the Voting Rights Act.

    2.) Your second criticism is that the South is too “pro-nigger.” More racially conscious Whites live in the South than anywhere else in America.

    3.) Your third criticism is that the South has supported the “New World Order.” What do you mean by this? There is more opposition to international organizations like the U.N. in the South than anywhere else in America.”

    I will make a crucial point one more time that goes to the very heart of these claims:

    Too many, actually virtually no, Southerners travel, much less live for extended periods of time OUTSIDE the South. This has the effect of Southerners believing THEY are in the vanguard of oppostion to race mixing, that they are less integrated and more racial aware, that they are thia and that, especially more so than Northerners whom they actually know little about and hear mostly other Southerners tell of. In other words, Southerners think, for example, that they is less race mixing in the South because they (a), hear other Southerners talk about the massive race mixing up North, and (b), think that what they see in the South is thus so much lower.

    Not so.

    You are making sweeping claims about the South being more opposed to Integration than the rest of the country, but you are doing so without authority to make such a sweeping claim.

    I stand solidly by my observation on the South, and flat out call you wrong. I’m not trying to be an ass or anything, I’m just telling you that you are mistaken, and I think your mistake is an honest one do to the reasons I stated above.

  7. I checked the admin panel and it does not appear that Brutus and Tom Watson are the same person.

    On the other hand, Divine Comedy has multiple sockpuppets on this site and I exposed them to Hunter long ago. I don’t know why he hasn’t IP banned you. Maybe he likes the extra traffic.

  8. Sam Davidson, the OD mods know who I am, and I think my track record of comments proves my intentions are not disruptive. Changing IPs is trivial, I think it’s TW because of his writing style as well as his agenda. He is on numerous White sites. I have never used any account for disruption, and generally just use one at a time. In fact, I use this static IP nearly all the time specifically because it lets the mods know who I am – VVD

  9. I seem to recall someone pointing out that my use of “lol” in a post was idicative of my being an alter ego of Tom Watson. Imagine that, two people on the Internet using “lol.”

    I don’t think further comment is necesary here. What is killing the white race is stupidity.

  10. Hunter, thanks for posting this video. (works fine on my end) Just a few days ago I finished watching the Ken Burns Civil War series, so it was quite moving to see Appomattox in “real time”!

  11. “Technique #1 – ‘FORUM SLIDING’

    If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum – it can be quickly removed from public view by ‘forum sliding.’ In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to ‘age.’ Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a ‘forum slide.’ The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a ‘forum slide’ and ‘flush’ the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then ‘replying’ to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting ‘slides’ down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.”

    This one seems the most popular that i see floating around the less-than-pc sites.

  12. Sam Davidson, the OD mods know who I am, and I think my track record of comments proves my intentions are not disruptive.

    “I have never used any account for disruption, and generally just use one at a time.”

    Hilarious. It was your trolling of Matt Parrott that led me to find your various sockpuppets on this site.

  13. “Brutus,

    I’m drawing upon history, social science, and my own personal experience. What are you relying upon?”

    Observation of actual real, live Southerners as they live today. I’m drawing on what they talk like, what opinions they openly display, how they treat people and those who openly display racial attitudes. I’m drawing upon the actual number of blacks in the South, and how the whites interact with them.

    If you are drawing upon history, then you are drawing upon the past that no longer exists.

    Social science?! At the very least I want to see an elaboration on this!

    Personal experience with which Southerners? The ones whom you associate with and who agree and share your views? Fine, but what about the other 95 percent of Southerners? The ones one mostly sees in the South.

    There is far more race mixing and intermingling in the South. There is no excape fom this and anyone who visits the South can see it, let along anyone who lives in the South and has lived in other places and thus has other localities to compare it to.

  14. Gotta agree with Divine Comedy. Take down the image with his unique static IP. OD’s pseudonymous contributors value their anonymity I presume. Afford DC the same.

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