Mind-Weaponization Defined

I came up with a definition of Mind-Weaponization:

The single-minded pursuit of hegemony.

Hegemony is the leftist term for political power/social influence, and it’s always used in a negative context. Studying details like this about the Left shows us how we got into the situation we are in. How we got “ravelled” in the first place so we can start unraveling.

Mind-Weaponization is the reverse engineering of Leftism, taking the subject of the critique, and doing exactly what Leftists say is the morally wrong or “evil” thing to do.

From the Tim Wise – Jared Taylor debate:

The only reason now that there is a significant bonding, let’s say, on the basis of blackness is because the historical and material realities within this country have created the necessity and certainly the perception of necessity, and I would say the reality of necessity, that such persons bond together. It’s perfectly logical and expected for subordinated groups. The difference is that when the dominant group does it, the group that has 90% of the GDP in its hands, half as likely to be unemployed, one third as likely to be poor, still running every major institution in this society, it becomes redundant, it becomes organizing on the basis of one’s own domination, one’s own hegemony, and it’s highly unbecoming for the very same reason that it’s always unbecoming for those who run the society to say, “We need to organize to protect our interests.” The society is there already to protect those interests.

“90% of GDP” in non-Jewish White hands? Really Tim?

Tim says it’s “unbecoming” for us to “organize on the basis of our own domination . . . (and) hegemony.”

Well then maybe that’s exactly what we SHOULD DO. When a hateful liar is shaking his finger and saying, “Don’t do this!” then of course you should look up exactly what he’s saying not to do. He doesn’t think we are smart enough to do that. The Rev. Wise of the Whiteguilt church of racial suicide is counting on being taken at his word.

There’s two reasons not enough of us are single-mindedly pursuing hegemony.

1. Basic laziness.

2. The psychic cost of pursuing hegemony.

There is indeed a psychic cost to power-seeking. Most people just want to “live their lives.” Success can get uncomfortable. I think it’s about the pain of being born to something new. Any time you pass into a higher phase, there’s birth pangs.

But, you get used to it, and then it’s time to go to the next level, just like a video game. With Mind-Weaponization, you get to treat real life like a video game, rather than the other way around. It’s all about completing the tasks required to get to the next level.

At the level we are at, we don’t have enough money to have true free speech. There is always the threat of economic sanctions for anyone who gets too outspoken. We need to get to the point where we can be open and public and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it, so that the bystanders realize that you can actually “get away with” taking the pro-White stance.

If you are angry enough about the continued attack on Whites, that you are willing to devote your life single-mindedly to the organizing for hegemony and dominance (Mind-Weaponization), then you can suppress your human side and be a Mind-Weapon Terminator:

Mind-Weapon Terminator

There’s a lot of things one simply finds distasteful or uncomfortable, but that one should do anyway in pursuit of hegemony. In this sense I would pay attention to what Matt Parrot is saying about the many oligarchies out there. If you are really, really serious, then you should join one of the global oligarchies that he talks about.

That is, if you are really serious about Victory with a capital V. Much of the WN movement is still stuck in “boo-hoo mode.” Boo-hoo mode is of course necessary for attracting new people, but it’s the very 1st degree.

Whenever we make a post here or on SF about some particularly egregious colored on white crime, or some particularly egregious bit of anti-white hypocrisy, that’s boo hoo mode. New Nation News is the greatest site for BHM, with it’s open source insurgency of “news reporters” finding and collecting hate crimes against whites and dead mudsharks from sea to shining sea and beyond.

The problem with boo hoo mode is the incorrect assumption that we can inspire pity in the anti-whites. I’ll switch to boo hoo mode myself for a moment just to give you an example.

We know that there have been thousands of farm murders in Zimbabwe and South Africa, especially since about 2000. We know that these were not simply murders to rob food or something, but usually involve sadistic torture and rape, and it’s all about racial retaliation of blacks against whites. Reverse the races, and you have a cause celebre for the Establishment, such as the bombing of Serbia to aid Kosovo Muslim terrorists to steal Kosovo from Serbia and ethnic cleanse Serbs.

But whenever Whites are the victims, there’s no pity, and you suspect that, behind closed doors, they are probably clinking glasses and getting excited over the real life snuff porn they are facilitating against Whites.

Here’s a yahoo “sports reporter” talking about the little Boer settlement called Orania:

ORANIA, South Africa – You come because there have been stories. Because around the World Cup the talk has been about peace and togetherness and the vanquishing of old racial wounds in the hope that the world’s arrival might stimulate new solutions. And you hear of a place that wants none of that. A place where white and black can’t live side-by-side in the rainbow nation. A place settled by the old South Africa who couldn’t cope with the new South Africa.

And you wonder why such a place should exist at all.

Lester flagrantly minimizes the genocide of the Boer People with this outrageous quote about “a few farm killings,” and calling it a “panic” in the sense of implying that is an irrational or exaggerated response.

He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers.

Lester knows that he’s lying. He doesn’t care. That’s how these people feel about you. You can boo hoo to the end of time, and Lester will keep lying, because he knows most sports fans out there won’t ever look into the genocide of the Boer farmer.

The only solution is the pursuit of hegemony and dominance, towards the day when millions of Whites are made part of an ethnic advocacy mechanism, in the way that Jews are. It all starts with controlling enough resources, so that economic sanctions can’t be used on us any more. To the day that we can force the mass media and the government and corporations to recognize us as an ethnic bloc with ethnic interests.

If you will go to the next level, to Mind-Weaponization, then you will be one of the founders of the New Nation. Hat tip to Mark Siporen of New Nation News for the term New Nation. His thesis is that from the fires of hellish multiculturalism, the New (White) Nation is being formed.

The New Nation must be economically constructed first, and then we can start cultural construction. When we have our National Economy (within the global economy) then we can have our Nation within the country. Quite simply, when we reach a certain level of economic hegemony, we will be able to express our identity despite official sanctions. When others see that we “got away with it,” they will jump on board.

As I wrap up this article, I want to remind you that Mind-Weaponization is not a call to purely selfless action. It is a call to duty, but there are plenty of rewards along the way. You have probably spent your life doing your duty to earn your keep, and maybe even support a family, running your ass off for a boss. We want to end those days. You are to become your own boss, and not fear it. You must have the self confidence to do this. If you don’t have a lot of practical skills, then you must get them. Society is very dumb, and there’s abundant need for people who know how to do some specialized thing, and do it well. High tech office management is an obvious one. House maintenance is another. A lot of your competition out there do these businesses, but they don’t necessarily do them as well as they could. People are intellectually stagnant. That’s just the way it is.

When you think of reasons why you don’t want to go to the next level of the Reality Game, think about Les Carpenter using his Yahoo Sports platform to laugh at the Boer genocide, and say that a place where Whites can be safe from rape/torture/murder “. . . should not exist.” Are you angry enough yet? Angry enough to go beyond “boo hoo?”

Give up this implicit Christian idea of the effectiveness of inspiring pity. It only works on our people. Gang raped white women and murdered Boer families is just another form of gonzo porn for old Les and his buddies.

When you see how pitiless the world really is, then you realize that either you go to the next level, or sink back and let future generations of Whites be victimized by people like Les. It is your duty to go to the next level, and the next and the next, no matter what the cost, no matter how hard you have to work. Visualize yourself in a video game, always goal oriented, always results oriented, thinking only of going to the next level, like the Terminator or the video game character of “Doom.”

See you there.


  1. For more on Mind-Weapons see “Dune” by Frank Herbert. Was he a white nationalist?

    As for Christianity, it was the Jewish “Mind-Weapon” in their war against the Romans (which ultimately gave them victory). Give it up all together.

  2. Thanks Brandon.

    Nietzsche, can you give us the executive summary of how Dune illustrates Mind-Weaponization?

    Christianity is STILL giving them victory, 2000 years later. The whole idea that the pursuit of power is somehow “evil.”

  3. “But whenever Whites are the victims, there’s no pity, and you suspect that, behind closed doors, they are probably clinking glasses and getting excited over the real life snuff porn they are facilitating against Whites…Give up this implicit Christian idea of the effectiveness of inspiring pity. It only works on our people. Gang raped white women and murdered Boer families is just another form of gonzo porn…”

    When I appealed to the pity (and reason) pointing out Boer martyrdom my (conspicuously hooknosed but not necessary jewish) professor looked at me as a priest would if I said the f-word in church. I believe the people we are dealing with are animals and monsters, far worse than the worse “nazi” depicted in jewish movie. It would be in fact a sin against God for a true Christian (or infact any moral man) to feel remorse for the leftist slime. They are soulless zombies and their pseudo-lives should be mercilessly extinguished.

  4. Even in the times of Augustus the poets of Rome taught that a child would be born who would save the world. Don’t be so sure Christianity was a Jewish invention. Rome was looking at new higher minded ways of advancing mankind , theology was a growing idealism. Augustus gave much favor to the Jews over other non-roman religions . Regardless of the story of Christ and Pontius Pilate the Jews under Augustus were favored.

  5. Why Do Jews Commit Massacres?

    “From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives, and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of the legions against a race of fanatics whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of human kind.”
    – Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776)


  6. I personally refuse to pick sides between noble aspects of Christianity and noble aspects of Paganism and choose to oppose all the ignoble aspects of Christianity and Paganism.

    Here is good example of acceptable attitude for Pagan and Christian activists alike:

    “Zionist media and academia frequently claim that Jesus was of Jewish heritage, perhaps as part of an attempt to consolidate Judeo-Christianity. Hitler, on the other hand, always referred to Jesus as an Aryan on account of his noble character and actions. I put the statement even more strongly: Jesus was an Aryan even assuming he was of Jewish heritage. This is for the simple reason that Jesus had no offspring. Heritage matters when it is passed down, not when it is terminated. If Jesus had Jewish blood, he did the most Aryan thing possible by preventing it from continuing into the next generation.”


  7. Kievsky,
    I came across Lester’s article the other morning as I logged on to my computer. I became more and more enraged as I read it, but was determined to send the man a civil, yet firm, reply. Interestingly enough, the comments section had already been shut down so I was forced to e-mail him. I kept my cool but let him know that he should be ashamed. I also accused him of bigotry for seeking to deny the Oranians the right to follow their own path of racial destiny. Needless to say, I have never heard back from him. That was abut 60-72 hours ago.

  8. “The problem with boo hoo mode is the incorrect assumption that we can inspire pity in the anti-whites.”

    As one who posts just these sorts of stories please allow to explain why one bothers. The intent is not to “inspire pity in non-Whites,” that is a remarkably retarded take on it. The idea is to inspire rage in Whites. To make them aware that the war has already started. Maybe it will work maybe it won’t, all we can do is try and hope.

    But I assure you that non-Whites are simply not a part of my mental equation.

  9. Excellent post, Kievsky.

    A couple of specific points:

    We need to reach a point, as soon as possible, where the movement can support at least a modest number of full time white nationalist activists. If we had that kind of infrastructure, the economic sanctions imposed by the System would be far less effective than they are today.

    Of course, cooperative groups and being self-employed (in certain occupations) can also provide a lot of insulation. No one way to skin a cat, but having a meaningful infrastructure of paid white activists would be a major advance for us. Hopefully, we are fast approaching the point where this will be possible.

    Also, thanks for shredding that vile yahoo article, it really needed to be done. Yes, a “few” white farmers have been murdered. Just a “few,” no biggie. No mention of the fact that white farmers in Africa experience one of the highest murder rates in the world, perhaps the highest (again, in the WORLD).

    To shamelessly morph this into a “few” really is the height of chutzpah. Amazing. Is this guy a pathological liar, or just a garden variety psychopath? At a bare minimum, he is a reprehensible piece of filth.

  10. In the linked article, Orania is described as being built by and for white S. Africans from “…a mostly abandoned government construction camp…”

    In other words from a place nobody wanted they are building a white sanctuary, a beautiful and safe place for themselves.

    But already the enemy looks on with envy.

    “We’re building something for ourselves here.” he says.

    “But why? Why not for the country? Why hide a spectacular hotel and spa on the edge of the river and not share it with the rest of South Africa?” asks Les Carpenter.

    “Sports” writer Les Carpenter is promoting the ANC plan to confiscate/nationalize white farms and property.

  11. A good article.

    “I came up with a definition of Mind-Weaponization:

    The single-minded pursuit of hegemony.”

    My suggestion for a definition would be something like “to hone your mind and develop the mental skills and techniques that make you an effective political activist”.

    ““90% of GDP” in non-Jewish White hands? Really Tim?”

    The census lumps Jews and Whites together, and they do pay something like 90% of all taxes, resulting in over 1T redistributed to others (Blacks and Hispanics receive many tens of billions from this reditribution). From what I have read, Jewish per-capita GDP is twice that of Whites, which still means that Whites generate the lions share of the nation’s wealth (2% of the poplulation earns 4% of the GDP apparently). Tim Wise is correct in that Whites produce almost the entire GDP.

    “the video game character of “Doom.””

    Referring to video game characters does not add to the authority of the article.

    “Tim says it’s “unbecoming” for us to “organize on the basis of our own domination . . . (and) hegemony.”
    Well then maybe that’s exactly what we SHOULD DO.”

    This is basically the underlying law of all life, the law of nature. Every sports team strives to dominate all other teams, every business strives to dominate all other businesses, and every people does indeed strive for hegemony among the other peoples. We naturally admire those that are successful and achieve dominion. Everyone in the West admires Rome, with all its power and glory, ascendant over Europe. Everyone in the East admires the great Eastern Empires. Noone admires or cares about the small, unsuccessful peoples of history who never went anywhere.

    People too are biological beings, underneath our clothes we are naked animals, underneath our polite manners we are survival machines, built to follow nature’s laws. Take us out of our civilized environments and we will quickly and naturally revert to our true natures.

    The conflict between ethnic groups is as natural as lions hunting gazelles or wild animals fighting for dominance in the pack. Our ethnocentricity and xenophobia is hard-wired into the deepest recesses of our minds. When two groups are placed in the same territory, they will automatically compete and strive against each other for hegemony. Nothing can stop this, it is nature’s design. If given the opportunity, Blacks would take the role of hegemon, Hispanics as well. If the Palestinians could, they would grind the Israelis under their sandalled feet.

    Whites should seek hegemony, total dominance over their territories, and so should every people, just like a wolf pees around the border of its claimed territory and jealously guards it. The cold hard truth is that other ethnic groups will naturally conquer and take over if they have the opportunity. And according to the laws of nature, they have every right to.

  12. Thanks commenters!

    I agree that posting boo hoo mode articles is valuable. On the one hand, we are enraging Whites. On the other hand, many of our readers cannot but assume that they are appealing to the pity of rulers. We need to re-emphasize the pitilessness of the anti-white bloc.


    I thought the reference to Doom was worthwhile, because it’s a metaphor that this generation can identify with. I needed some way to express the need to advance oneself, and the multiple levels of video games, where you have to complete certain tasks to get to the next level, was perfect for the task.

  13. “I came up with a definition of Mind-Weaponization:

    The single-minded pursuit of hegemony.”

    Very good definition.

  14. Great observations “Nietzsche.” The first thing I thought of when reading Kievsky’s passage regarding the persistant “boo-hooing” of many WN’s was that it smacked of a sort of self-imposed variation of ‘Ol Friedrich’s Resentment/Slave Morality theme.

  15. the Canaanite is igniting a fury that they will not be able to quench
    They must laugh now, but they will mourn when their nation is destroyed
    they will hurt the disobedient white race terribly but will only leave those that know their God
    then we recieve our inheritance

  16. Given the prominence of Darks in physical competitions, I don’t know that any self-respecting White could keep a job as a sports writer, or an entertainment writer either. One slip of the tongue revealing any healthy racial attitudes and you’re gone, so I would never expect decency from one who could pass the MSM’s internal security.

  17. The problem with boo hoo mode is the incorrect assumption that we can inspire pity in the anti-whites. I’ll switch to boo hoo mode myself for a moment just to give you an example.

    I never thought the purpose of “boo hoo” stories was to inspire the pity of anti-whites or non-whites.

    I’d always assumed the purpose of these stories, certainly when I post them in certain venues, is wake up the slumbering neutral mainstream whites. To radicalize them, help make them realise whats planned for them and theirs.

    I generally take it that the anti-whites are not going to be swayed so easily, even if they turn at some point its not going to be straight vault over no-mans land to the side of the righteous.

  18. Lester is not to be engaged in “intellectual discourse” even though the temptation to look “respectable” is great, he must have the word “Genocide” put about his scrawny neck. Sorry we have enough “intellectuals” we need more prosecutors.

  19. Can someone here collect the various guides to effective Pro-W Rhetoric and compile them.

    One thing you need to do is bring more people in. Yet, you are working against the stereotype of whites as racists, are bad. And the larger schemata of oppressive whites versus oppressed others. When you start saying something that is not orthodox-multicultural, no matter how reasonable, it is typed and filtered into this stereotype and processed accordingly — attributed to hatred, ignored, felt outraged about, reacted to with disgust, and so on. In short, the considerate brain of you interlocutor is turned off. Evil, bad, insane, stupid — after all — are just mental categories, where one puts worthless ideas. They are rubbish bins. And various groups have been rather successful in conditioning people to filter virtually all the ideas you put out there, no matter how sensible and just they are, into one of these categories.

    One way past this, of course, would be to breakdown the stereotypes and schemata of white oppression. That way, your ideas could be processed. But these stereotypes don’t seem to be going anywhere, rather they are becoming more extensive. They aren’t going anywhere, as we all know, because most non-antiwhiterace-ist whites don’t challenge them as a group. Rather they try to prove these wrong and redeem themselves by acting non-whiterace-ist as defined by society. This, as we all know just leads to a worsening of the situation, given ‘racism’ is not something that can be disproven, but a sociopolitical tool for manipulation and extortion. And one constantly being reinforced.

    I think we all thought the tea parties might have broken thought. But we saw how that worked out. Anyways, this is the reality of the situation; one you have to work with. And given this, I think it would be best to formulate standard rhetorical strategies — or if there are ones out there –revise them, pass them around, and post them. That is, refine them.

    There are plenty of guides to antiracism and Marxism. Do’s and Do Not’s. There are books on this, conferences, all sorts of research (Just google). You need to make them for pro-whitism and against anti-white-racial-ism.

  20. It goes like this. Figure a way to market your message, given the situation. Which means overcoming the anti-propaganda and default anti-white stereotypes, so you can get a message out that is actually marketable. Get more people in. Force a shift in the propaganda and stereotype, allowing access to more people. Get more of your message out; get more people in….
    You have to pretend you are a little snowball, trying to pick up other snowflakes.

  21. Chuck,

    Personally, I don’t care about persuading the masses of asses. I’d rather have 10 Mind-Weapon entrepreneurs quietly collaborating with me, than 10,000 Foxtard “followers” repeating my words and waving pictures of me.

    When we are fighting multicultists, we aren’t really fighting them as a force, but rather thier paychecks. Their paychecks is what makes them powerful. When we neutralize the “paycheck advantage” we will be able to put them on the run.

  22. [i]”Don’t be so sure Christianity was a Jewish invention. Rome was looking at new higher minded ways of advancing mankind , theology was a growing idealism. Augustus gave much favor to the Jews over other non-roman religions . Regardless of the story of Christ and Pontius Pilate the Jews under Augustus were favored.”[/i]

    So what?

    A few centuries later Julian the Apostate tried to reverse things (unsuccessfully) so it was not like some uninterrupted success story for the Jews! [b]Besides the final chapters have yet to be written![/b]

    [i]”The conflict between ethnic groups is as natural as lions hunting gazelles or wild animals fighting for dominance in the pack. Our ethnocentricity and xenophobia is hard-wired into the deepest recesses of our minds. When two groups are placed in the same territory, they will automatically compete and strive against each other for hegemony. Nothing can stop this, it is nature’s design.”[/i]

    Certainly True but it bears pointing out the role that the corrupters, the Jews, play in all of this! They have a very different form of [b]subversive conflict[/b] and it is this aspect that has so warped the contemporary world!

  23. “Don’t be so sure Christianity was a Jewish invention. Rome was looking at new higher minded ways of advancing mankind , theology was a growing idealism. Augustus gave much favor to the Jews over other non-roman religions . Regardless of the story of Christ and Pontius Pilate the Jews under Augustus were favored.”

    So what?

    A few centuries later Julian the Apostate tried to reverse things (unsuccessfully) so it was not like some uninterrupted success story for the Jews! Besides the final chapters have yet to be written!

    “The conflict between ethnic groups is as natural as lions hunting gazelles or wild animals fighting for dominance in the pack. Our ethnocentricity and xenophobia is hard-wired into the deepest recesses of our minds. When two groups are placed in the same territory, they will automatically compete and strive against each other for hegemony. Nothing can stop this, it is nature’s design.”

    Certainly True but it bears pointing out the role that the corrupters, the Jews, play in all of this! They have a very different form of subversive conflict and it is this aspect that has so warped the contemporary world!

  24. Is Jesus a weak pacifistic element of no relevance now?

    Hector and many others are very confused on Jesus, who was a pure Adamite via Abraham-Issac-Jacob-Judah etc.

    A “Jew” was a resident of Judea, long after any of these! It occurs first in 2 Kings 16, when they fought Israelites (and soon got hauled to captivity.) So Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel, and even Judah and Joseph and Moses were never called “Jew” (ie the word now translated that way)

    Around 125 BC the King of Judea (John Hyrcanus) defeated a condemened people, Edomites, and forced them to blend into Judean society. So they became known as “Jews,” who grew to dominate Jerusalem by the time Jesus lived, and confronted them. This is in “Antiquities of the Jews” by Jospehus, book 13, chap 9, lines 257+.

    A few folks in Jerusalem accepted Jesus as Messiah; they were real Adamic Israelites (descendants of Jacob).

    Many in Jerusalem rejected him – they were others (and mixed ones). This is the key message of John 10:24-27.
    Basically people who continued to reject Jesus as Son of God stayed as “Jews.” Admites (especially Israelites) became Christians.

    Now I said Jesus was an Adamite because Adam as also called a “son of God” (Luke 3:38, ending lineages).

    It appears that Adamites began around highland central Asia (Parmir Range near Kasmir). Tribes from these migrated to fill what is now Iran. The north part was called Media (home of Aryan Medes). (The south was Persis, a name becoming Persia. By the way the SE area was/is Kerman and may be root of Kerman-German.) This is where the so-called “lost” tribes of Israel had been put, informs the Bible. (Pastors ought to know this fact cold, but most “forget” even after they’re told.)

    2 Kings 18:11-19:30. This is where “lost” Israel went!

    Almost all of all 12 tribes, even Judahites, went to this area of (Aryan) Adamites. They then migrated far, mostly filling Europe, where some of their earlier pioneers had gone. (Some also went to India, China, Ethiopia, but largely mixed with other folks and lost identity in time.)

    So, Jesus was of different background and mentality than the “Jews” who repudiated him in Jerusalem. And his followers were the same as himself. In fact he said to go ONLY go to these “lost” Israelites! Mat 10:6 & 15:24.

    Folks from there were the first big bunch of his followers at Pentecost, openly notes Acts 2:1-9. (Parthia was a later name for Media; Elam a western area, and Bactria an Eastern district, now Afghanistan, with some of the best ancient Aryan faces on engraved coins you can buy!)

    As far as Jesus not having children, he had a harder deed to perform for the entire kindred group – to die to pay the ramsom for his kinfolks (after Adam’s sin). He is actually called the “last Adam” in I Cor 15:45-52…. which notes we are to be transformed (as he was)! He was perfected by his sacrifice (Hebrews 5:6-9) & leads us to perfection too (Heb 10:10-14)! [Hebrews are Adamites named for Eber; and Sem, the original “semite,” was father of this group says Gen 10:21. All this far before “Jew” appeared]


    Jesus is not a pacifist but returns as an invincible Warrior proclaims Rev 19:11+ to impose his regime over all the Earth! (See I Cor 15:22-24 and Zechariah 14:1-9, and we have a vibrant role too in Luke 19:27).

    So Jesus returns as a HARD PUSHER FOR HIS PEOPLE. (As this article recommends from a secular viewpoint!)

    The trouble was he had to die for us first. And he has to wait for a specific penalty time (earlier declared by God) to end before he can return to free us – just after we get out of our toxic “babylon” (Rev 18:1-19:3). Then he can carry out the rest of his mission, declared in Isa 61:1-2. He only read the first part (61:1-2a) at his first advent (Luke 4:18-19) when he began his first ministry. The second part (61:2b) is on his vengeance mode to come.

    That he would have to return later (Second Advent) was foretold long ago! (Isa 11:11) Ask your “pastor” if he knows where this was predicted. Most don’t even know such basic things. It has nothing to do with political correctness issues. Most pastors are dumb and lazy.

    When he asks that we love our brothers, he means to love our fellow Adamites (other Children [of God] who obscurely mixed in with us, as in Jer 3:17-19 – the Aryan tribes were such folks of our similar large race group) .

    It was specifically Adamites that got called “nations” (original word was gowy, also translated as “gentiles”) and first used and defined in Gen 10:5. There is it clear the “nations” are family clans of Noah’s sons (about 70 names fill Genesis chapter 10) and Adam was perfect in his generation (genealogy), notes Gen 6:9.

    So when we hear the “Great Commission” to go to all nations (Mat 28:19)…. it means these folks. Pastors miss that!

    Any human types that existed before Adam (and geo-science shows many older human remains that 4000 BC) they are other types of people, not the focus of the Bible and the kinfolk redeeming activity of Jesus.

    PS The “days” of creation were not just 24 hours. (The word “day” is yowm, also translated as an “age” – such as 147 years in Gen 47:28!) Humans lived way back before Adam. They were part of vague LIVING creatures named in Gen 1:28. The Noah Flood did not cover all Earth, but “erets” land/earth Noah saw… probably in the Central Asian Tarim Basin – surrounded by mountains, with flood water reaching to the mountains. And so pre-Adamites did not get wiped out wordlwide. In fact Egypt’s First Dynasty began before 3100 BC; China around then also. Africans continued; as did many others.

    We need to tie the Bible with actual science, and logic.

    Then the redeeming and ultimately liberating work of Jesus is not so obscure or “irrelevant” to us. He is one of us. He lived, suffered, and died for us. And he returns!

  25. If one really, truly believes in a living God, then this is relevant on a personal level. If not, then it’s only relevant as a tool to reach the American masses.

    Me, I think it’s a possibility, but I’m not going to run my life on a possibility. I’m an agnostic, which I think is the intelligent option. Just my two cents. If you’re Christian or Asa-believer; good for you.

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