About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ergo everything has to be on the table.

    We have to have no sacred cows.

    Whatever has been done in the past ISN’T WORKING!

    The fury over “National Bolshevism” is exempla gratia of the strangulating and paralyzing nature of the existing catechism. You can’t even discuss alternatives to what isn’t working.

    Unless we adopt explicitly Darwinian attitudes, we will go extinct.

    (Darwin, by the way, was white… and he practiced the white religion, science).

  2. That video was quite good. There are a few minor flaws in it, but otherwise, really excellent stuff.

    Love him or hate him, Duke is a real talent.

  3. Whatever your opinion of Duke, he still delivers the goods better than most. I post his videos on my blog, prefacing them with a few of my own thoughts. His high road, top forty White nationalism plays well to the racially unawakened audience myself and others vigorously work on, at some of the social networking sights around the net. Scott Roberts also has done some quality stuff.

    There is a wealth of untapped propaganda that hasn’t been exploited using this medium. Any budding director’s here want to get on board?

    “… And the Oswald Spengler for best director goes to….HUNTER WALLACE FOR BIRTH OF AN ETHNO-STATE!”

    Well, maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse a wee bit here, since we probably need more than a hand held web-cam for that epic.

  4. I love David Duke’s videos just as they are. Duke can certainly win the hearts of some people. Everything he said persuades the viewer in righteousness and morality of our cause and it’s a very important aspect of political message.

    I only fear the sentiments and sensibilities of wide audience may be different from our sentiments.

    Also some people dislike bearers of bad news.

  5. Can’t believe he’s not calling for us all to become Freemasons. After all, they’ve done such a wonderful job of keeping our country in tact up to now.

  6. Thank you for posting this. It was inspiring.

    I support what David Duke said and what he showed that we should stand by, all the way.

  7. What’s interesting is that this video was only posted to Youtube on June 22 and already has over 18,000 views and 1,700 comments. Promising.

  8. I’m always suspicious of DD (consummate politician, including plastic work), but that is a great video.


  9. A ‘consummate politician’ wouldn’t be a Racialist and would kiss kosher rear end in the contemporary world!

    Duke has been fighting the Jewish Power in his own way for 25+ years! David Duke in 2012!

  10. Positive message, well-put by David Duke, though I prefer leaders like MacDonald, Pierce, and Covington who name the Jew as the arch-negative. Most whites won’t yet listen, in either case, but nothing concentrates the group mind like the immanence of collective death. It’s coming; then more will listen. And act.

  11. “That video was quite good. There are a few minor flaws in it, but otherwise, really excellent stuff. Love him or hate him, Duke is a real talent.”

    Ditto. There are multiple avenues of attack we can use and he’s getting really good at the one he’s picked.

  12. At 2:15 in the video, the article from 1970 is remarkable. Here it is in case anyone can’t make out what it says.

    At LSU Immigration Forum:
    David Duke Claims Law Will Makes Whites a Minority
    Professors and Students Scoff at Assertion

    Controversial LSU student David Duke disrupted an academic conference on immigration by claiming that the new Immigration Reform Act of 1967 would cause “White Americans to become a minority in their own country.”

    He also claimed, “Laws against illegal immigration are not being enforced on our borders.”

    Some of the academics in attendance, including Dr. D. Johnson pointed out that sponsors of the Immigration Act such as Sen. Edward Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey said the new law would not affect the current demographic makeup of America which is about 90 percent of European Origin.

    “It won’t change the makeup of the nation at all, it will just afford a more just and human immigration system,” Johnson said to the hearty applause of the crowd. Students calling themselves “Socialist Alliance” began to chant “no racism, no hate, at LSU. Other speakers began to berate Duke, one unidentified student saying, “Duke says he is against drugs, but the idea that Whites will become a minority in America is simply looney. Duke must be smoking something.”

  13. David Duke’s books and videos are essential educational material for all White Nationalists.

  14. Mr. Duke’s charisma and ability to deflect mass hostility against him while remaining calm, composed and continuing to address a public crowd in an erudite way are extraordinary. I’ve heard complaints against him but they seem petty and superficial, the man is a great leader for our people.

    “Hey, Beav, what happened?” That’s great.

  15. While Duke is proud of being an Aryan. It is time that he knew that the first mention of this Race is in the Indian Rigvedic texts and Presian texts. No power can hijack this. Rigvedic Sanskrit and Avesthan Persian are very similar. The Swastika also originated by name and symbol from Aryavarta (India). Also while Indians largely have no respect for Hitler yet they are proud of their Aryan origins. No power can remove this word from India. A true Aryan respects and loves all yet is proud of his or her Race.

    The original Aryan Race had a colour from brown to light depending on climate, region etc. Example, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran a pure Aryan is brown in colour. Duke needs to study the Indian and Persian epics in detail to know the aryan truth.

  16. Note added: No ancient text informs us that the Aryans originated in the Caucasus Mountains. The first known mention of the Aryans is from India, Iran and Central Asia. No ancient Aryan text mentions the Caucasians.

  17. Ya know, as a kid I was taught that Whites are NOT the master race.

    But over the years, I’m starting to think we must be, because everybody (today’s ex.: Tripta) tries to claim to be us.

  18. To the silly hindu darkie posting on this forum (there’s frequently at least one of these absurd creatures on a WN forum demanding whitey’s respect), the earliest swastika is from 10,000 BCE in the Ukraine, precisely from the region where archaeologists believe is the the original Indo-European homeland. Here is a link:


  19. Actually the Germans were intelligent and even Himmler accepted the Bhagwad Gita. Though I as a true Aryan have no respect for the Nazis as they did not behave like real Aryans the Germans were correct when they mentioned the Race of Aryans originated in Aryavarta. No mention of Caucasus Mountains or Caucasions in any original Aryan text. While the Ukranian language is Indo-European, it is not as pure Aryan as Rigvedic Sanskrit and Avesthan Persian. These texts mention that the colour of the Aryans ranged from brown to white.


    what original Aryan looked like: http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/apr/03spec1.jpg




    P.S. One can not change hitory because it does not suit them. the original home of the Aryan Race is India, Iran and Central Asia.

  20. The Swastika also originated by name and symbol from Aryavarta (India).

    You’ve been reading too much tendentious material from Hindu nationalists, mleccha.

    The Indo-Aryans migrated from central Asia into NW India via the Khyber Pass around 1500 BC. Aryans also made their way into Iran around this same time period. That they ultimately mixed with the swarthy Dravids who already were there accounts for both the phenotype of modern Indians and the dark age which India’s culture fell into in Antiquity.

    Indians and Iranians both still have significant Aryan y-dna, sharing common lineages at least on the y-chromosome with both Eastern and Western (the latter is the case for Iranians) Europeans, which also contradicts your thesis.

    The original Aryan Race had a colour from brown to light depending on climate, region etc.

    No, the original Aryans were genetically identical to modern Europeans. Aryan tribes who stayed out of the brown belts (whether Iranic, Dardic or Tocharian) were 100% white even as late as the Islamic Golden Age.

    The first known mention of the Aryans is from India, Iran and Central Asia.

    Post hoc fallacy. This was when the tribes first became civilized. We know where they came from before that, and that they lived a seminomadic and precivilized lifestyle at the time.

    No ancient Aryan text mentions the Caucasians.

    Doesn’t matter, since the Aryans did not originate in the Caucasus to begin with, because the origin of the Aryans/Indo-Europeans cannot be traced to any one location in Western Eurasia except in the minds of historians.

  21. Actually the Germans were intelligent and even Himmler accepted the Bhagwad Gita. Though I as a true Aryan have no respect for the Nazis as they did not behave like real Aryans the Germans were correct when they mentioned the Race of Aryans originated in Aryavarta. No mention of Caucasus Mountains or Caucasions in any original Aryan text. While the Ukranian language is Indo-European, it is not as pure Aryan as Rigvedic Sanskrit and Avesthan Persian. These texts mention that the colour of the Aryans ranged from brown to white.


    what original Aryan looked like: http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/apr/03spec1.jpg




    See real history of swastika on: Origin of Swastika

    P.S. One can not change hitory because it does not suit them. the original home of the Aryan Race is India, Iran and Central Asia.

  22. One can not change this History of Rigveda and Avesthan texts the first mention and defination of the Aryan Race. It was the features that were the main criterion the colour of this Race was from Brown to Light according to these epics.

  23. All honest people on this planet agree the first mention of the Aryan Race is simultenously in the Rigveda and Persian texts. Also most Indians and Iranians are Aryans using the ancient criterion of these texts. Most European languages are linked tightly to Rigvedic Sanskrit and Avesthan Persian. The Rigvedic Sanskrit and avesthan Persian are very nearly the same. These are all solid and undisputable facts.

  24. Sanskrit and Avesthan were very nearly same;

    Sanskrit: tam amavantam yajatam
    Avesthan: t?m amavant?m yazat?m

    An honest model is both these people and languages came from a common Aryan Root

    Rid Veda mentions:
    praja arya jyotiragrah RV, VII. 33.17
    People ruled by Aryans are led by the Divine light.

  25. Hey David,

    You are wrong surely in one case when you believe that the Indian population is mixed. Even the CIA year book on India accepts that 72% Indians are the purest Aryans. Thus India has surely the largest proportion of Aryans on our planet. Next no mention of Caucasian race is mentioned in our texts only Aryan. Thus we will never accept the word Caucasian.

    Aryans came with sharp feature but according to our epics the colour varied from brown to white, most likely due to climate. For example the Spanish people are pure Aryans but can be darker than many Indians.

    Love all and treat all well but maintain your purity of race that is Bhagwad Gita. Last of all follow the law of Bhagwad Gita: On the destruction of a tribe the ancient virtue of the tribe and family is lost; with the loss of virtue, vice and impiety overwhelm the whole of a race. From the influence of impiety the females of a family grow vicious; and from women that are become vicious are born the spurious caste called Varna-Sankara. Corruption of caste is a gate of hell, both for these destroyers of a tribe and for those who survive; and their forefathers, being deprived of the ceremonies of cakes and water offered to their manes, sink into the infernal regions. By the crimes of the destroyers of a tribe and by those who cause confusion of caste, the family virtue and the virtue of a whole tribe are forever done away with; and we have read in sacred writ, O Krishna, that a sojourn in hell awaits those mortals whose generation hath lost its virtue.

    Also see a group of pure Aryans from India: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rs-5hdid1M

  26. We in India go by the Rigveda which tells us what the Aryan Race was like. The first mention of this mighty Race is in the rigveda and avestan text. We in India only use the word Aryan no causasian or white as our epics do not refer to these new interpretations. We as Aryans are truthful. What did an average Rigvedic Aryan look like? Answer see video in detal language and looks, etc. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO1CUK_Ynvc

  27. Dear David,

    As a pure Aryan from India this is what I suggest to you: An Aryan respects all people but will never mix with another Race as this is blasphemy according to Bhagwad Gita.
    If you see the inter-caste marriages often the end can be tragic in India and the Jewish Lobby which is trying to make the Aryan Indian mix can not do it. The only success the Jews have had is in mixed castes in in India in the Punjab. As both the Jews and and the Punjabi is somewhat greedy and materialistic.

    Now learn from the text of the Aryans Bhagwad Gita which mentioned several millennia ago: Chapter 1:

    On the destruction of a tribe the ancient virtue of the tribe and family is lost; with the loss of virtue, vice and impiety overwhelm the whole of a race. From the influence of impiety the females of a family grow vicious; and from women that are become vicious are born the spurious caste called Varna-Sankara. Corruption of caste is a gate of hell, both for these destroyers of a tribe and for those who survive; and their forefathers, being deprived of the ceremonies of cakes and water offered to their manes, sink into the infernal regions. By the crimes of the destroyers of a tribe and by those who cause confusion of caste, the family virtue and the virtue of a whole tribe are forever done away with; and we have read in sacred writ, O Krishna, that a sojourn in hell awaits those mortals whose generation hath lost its virtue.

    There is no question or thought for family, lineage, gotra etc., only fulfillment of lusty desires. This is the common manner that so-called human society has diminished to in the present time. Consequently there are so many social ills occurring from such a situation as predicted in Bhagavad Gita (1:40-41) :

    adharmaabhibhavaat krshna
    pradushyanti kula-striyah
    strishu dushshaasu varshneya
    jaayate varna-sankarah
    sankaro narakaayaiva
    kula-ghnaanaam kulasya ca
    patanti pitaro hy eshaam

    “When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krishna, the women of the family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrishni, comes unwanted (inter-mixed) progeny.”

    “An increase of unwanted (inter-mixed) population certainly causes hellish life for both the family and for those who destroy the family tradition. The ancestors of such corrupt families fall down, because the performances for offering them food and water after death through ritual (pinda or shraddha) are entirely stopped.”

    dosair etaih kula-ghnaanam
    utsaadyante jaati-dharmaah
    kula-dharmaash ca shashvataah

    “By the inappropriate deeds of those who destroy the family tradition and thus give rise to unwanted (intermixed) children, all kinds of community projects and family welfare activities are wasted/ruined/devastated.”

  28. White European and White American admiration for the Gita, for the caste purity of the Indian Hindus hasn’t resulted in an effective, pro White religious alternative to Christianity in the West.

    At best we have some older single men reading interesting books.

    Interesting, childless women priestess Savitri Devi.

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