At the recent conference in Nasvhille, Sam Dickson described our opponents’ rhetoric as “manic”. As somebody with a personal and family history of bipolar disorder, I knew exactly what he was implying. This idea that we ought to be passionately pursuing our dispossession as some sort of twisted crusade is unhinged. The proposition that we should triumphantly herald our own decline is the kind of gibberish one would expect from a man off his meds.
I was at B&N earlier this month and saw a book on diversity by Patricia Sowell Harris entitled, “None of Us is As Good As All of Us“. I thought to myself, “What a vapid and demonstrably untrue statement…” It’s a book about how McDonald’s has supposedly figured out how to make diversity work. At my neighborhood McDonald’s, the White supervisors have learned and speak fluent Spanish. I reckon that’s one way to make it work. We customers have become adept at McSpanglish. For example, I’ve learned that “McGriddle” is impossible for Latinas to pronounce. I politely ask for “uno muguido, por favor”.
It’s telling that there are more books in the business section on how to manage diversity, avoiding lawsuits and maintaining a profitable business despite it, than there are on how to actually get diversity. The author of this book, Patricia, is the Black diversity czar at McDonald’s, and ought to be commended for doing her job: writing a cheesy book about how her corporation is doing what it needs to do to avoid a devastating class-action lawsuit. Diversity czars are typically content to merely sit in their sinecures and exude diversity, but not Patricia.

We all know diversity is a pain in the ass. We all know that the quality of a restaurant has more to do with the color of the employees than the name of the franchise. We all hate trying to understand the McSpanglish crackling out of the drive-thru speaker. But to try to reason with these people is as useless as trying to argue with a Tickle Me Elmo doll. They will continue to repeat the same asinine slogans because that’s the Orwellian regime’s propaganda. To drag facts or logic out in the open would be a double plus bad career move.
As is the case in Orwell’s 1984, the smiles exuded by those parroting the party line are actually sinister grimaces. Behind the facade of maniacal sloganeering is a ruthlessly effective enforcement apparatus. America’s Beltway elites don’t love White Americans just as much as they love the rest of their minions. They hate you. They hate you for being a White American. There is no absolution. There is no redemption.
They hope that you choke.

Some of them are refreshingly honest in their hatred. James Howard Kunstler openly speculates on White America seething with fat and ignorant “Cornpone Nazis“, perhaps envisioning Sarah Palin leading an angry mob on a Tea Party-themed Kristallnacht. What many people failed to recognize when reacting to Obama’s controversial assertion that White Americans are clinging to their guns and religion is that he was actually attempting in those remarks to persuade a crowd of hateful Frisco faggots that we’re not evil. He was attempting to persuade the crowd to pity us as merely pathetic instead of demonic.
Speaking of the devil…and faggotry, satanic homosexual libertarian friend of Occidental Dissent Alex Knepper can’t figure out why some folks don’t consider David Frum a true conservative. He even impugns those who question the neocon’s bonafides as ignorant, suggesting that we ought to “hit the books“. Books are boring, and they’re not necessary in this case, Alex. Look around yourself at FrumForum.com and ask yourself what one thing all the contributors have in common. David Frum’s conservative movement pivots on one single issue: Israel. Those who advocate for sending Americans to die in the desert for Israel are kosher. Those who don’t are “unpatriotic“.
“Unpatriotic to which country?”, one might ask…

But we probably shouldn’t pick on David Frum right now. It’s a difficult time to be an Imperial Jew. To the left of him, International Jews have seized the upper hand in American foreign policy and are pushing back the warmongering Likudnik agenda. To the right of him, the White Americans who bought his kosher conservative shtick for so long are offering some real push-back in the form of Ron Paul’s paleolibertarian movement and the grassroots Tea Party groups. Israel’s own stupid behavior is souring the international community on the Israel Lobby schemes. His big plans to turn Iran into a glass parking lot have been postponed indefinitely. To top it all off, he just got fired.
Now that Middle America is no longer useful for the Trotskyite enterlopers, they can finally share their true feelings about us. David Weigel, the Washington Post’s kosher conservative correspondent was recently outed as hoping Rush Limbaugh dies, declaring Glenn Beck a racist, condemning the entire Tea Party movement as mentally ill, and even raving about “White Privilege“. For years, he’s been masquerading as a conservative, speaking for conservatives on nationwide platforms and chairing college conservative clubs.
But he was, he insists, for the Iraq War! And because of this, and only this, David Frum hops in to support him. Frum confirms that pretending to be an American conservative is hard work, considering how loathsome America’s conservatives are. Frum doesn’t take issue with Weigel’s support for open borders, despite his ongoing effort to pretend that he could give a shit about illegal immigration. He didn’t take issue with anything Weigel said, only confirming his support for leftist journalists who pretend to be conservatives – a concern that’s dear to his heart.
There are assuredly more rats on the “respectable conservative” ship than the ones we’ve caught. If these are the show horses, I don’t even want to guess how many of the work horses steering the Beltway GOP are anti-American moles. And until White Americans awaken to what American Jews and their lackeys actually believe and what they’re actually doing, they’ll continue falling for their manic slogans and serving their alien agenda.
Charlie, the Gullible Conservative Unicorn
White Americans just got another peek behind the curtain at America’s conservative elite. How many times will these same moles attempt to ram through amnesties, entangle us in Israeli foreign affairs, replace us with vibrant new Black and Hispanic voters, ship our entire industrial infrastructure overseas, and flood our job market with hordes of H1B immigrants? As long as we keep following David Frum into his Candy Mountain Cave of bullshit, he’ll keep taking our freakin’ kidneys.
So boycott these globalist sweatshopped diversity McPoison eateries and patronize only whites-only establishments: like your own residence, with family/friends and co-ethnics, eating non-corporate food produced by yourself or obtained at a local greenmarket, and speaking english while you do it. As for the neo-conned, Jewized Republicrats, they’ve done us a favor: made it increasingly obvious that “Candy Mountain” can’t be reformed from inside, but must be destroyed from outside.
Great article as usual, Matt! Thanks for the update on the Frum-ster. I’m sure he’ll have a nice, soft Jewish landing somewhere.
‘America’s Beltway elites don’t love White Americans just as much as they love the rest of their minions. They hate you. They hate you for being a White American. There is no absolution. There is no redemption.
They hope that you choke.
Some of them are refreshingly honest in their hatred. ‘
There are certainly hate-filled kleptocrats in America, and in many other countries. I think that showing the facial expressions of hate-filled sociopaths might be a good way of making ordinary people understand the problem.
I would be very grateful to anyone who could post links to photographs showing Jewish hatred of non-Jews.
Some weeks ago I saw a perfect photograph of about half a dozen young men in yarmulkes screaming at a lone woman. I believe the photograph had been taken in Israel.
I had wanted to show this picture to others in order to explain the nature of sociopathic hatred, but I didn’t have a link. I’ve been checking web search engines, plus a few bulletin boards, and sites like
but so far I’ve not seen it.
Thanks in advance for any leads.
This was hysterical, you owe me a new keyboard.
It’s a safe assumption he literally has nightmares about this. I’m Sarah Palin and I’m going to make you love Jesus … and drink tea! lulz
But really, what did they expect? Wasn’t this perfectly predictable?
Follow the money.
Good column.
I thought the consensus on the real right was that Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are whores for the establishment?
There’s a delicate point, there. Rush, Palin, and Beck all strive to be respectable and integrate multicult and globalist themes into their shticks. Yet, despite their making whores of themselves, Frum, Weigel, and the rest of the Beltway Establishment still regard them as irredeemably ignorant “racists”.
I should have been more clear on that. This post should in no way be taken as an endorsement of Rush, Palin, or Beck.
There’s no reason you should be going to McDonald’s (sp?) in the first place. Mancott these anti-White motherfuckers. Better yet, beat up the owners and burn their stores.
“To the left of him, International Jews have seized the upper hand in American foreign policy and are pushing back the warmongering Likudnik agenda. “
No actually it seems like President Obama and the Trilateral Commission are running some ‘deep game’ on the Jews:
“What if they fly over anyway?
Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse.
Obama (remember his anti-semitic Pastor Wright?) appears to be fighting Organized Jewry the same way Marshall Stalin did.
Trilateral Commission >>> Neo-Cohens.
Quiz for Conservatives:
Q: How can you tell when a pirate is going to lie to you and rob you?
A: Yes! When he tells you he is a pirate!
Q: How can you tell when a Jew is going to lie to you and rob you?
A: Go back and read the first question again.
Your theory about Obama actively combating Jewish power is possible. I’m not actually an Obama administration insider and have missed the last few Trilateral Commission meetings. Personally, I believe that Axelrod’s ideology and influence dominates the administration. Axelrod is a brilliant strategist with a long history of manufacturing and manipulating candidates – specializing in crafting Black cross-over candidates.
As I implied in the post, I believe there’s a deep division within global Jewry, with the diaspora population (International Jews) in opposition to the Israeli population (Imperial Jews). While they work together against common threats, they are increasingly pursuing exclusive paths. To the International Jews, Israel’s reckless behavior is undermining their moral authority and stoking a global backlash of Jewish awareness that ultimately hurts them and not the Israeli Jews who benefit from their increasingly militant regime.
I think the simplest explanation for the Obama Administration’s behavior is that liberal Jews are negating and reversing the neocon agenda in favor of a different Jewish agenda. To the uninformed, and to the Judeo-Christians the neocons control, the Obama agenda can look anti-Semitic when that’s not actually the case.
To some degree, there has always been tension between Jews in the shtetl and the cosmopolitan Jews who live among the goyim. This is that age-old tension writ large, with Israel as a sort of new-fangled “globoshtetl”.
Excellent article, and one of the better illustrations of the fact that we live in what is essentially a one-party state.
I’m not sure that elements or camps within global political Jewry are so much actively at odds, as they are hedging, wanting to give the appearance of a breadth of opinion, and positioning themselves strategically so they can move tactically on a broad array of circumstances. There are of course exceptional Jews who take positions opposite certain Jewish axioms, but they tend to be completely ostracized and blacklisted, e.g. Norman Finkelstein.
John Walters,
I think this is the picture you’re referring to:
Here’s the relevant context for the picture:
I hope so. I don’t believe it, but I hope you are right. Please, prove me wrong.
Better Persia has nukes than America is destroyed to keep that shitty little “country” Greater Tel Aviv around for one more minute.
Anti-Christ kikeistan is getting our soldier killed.
Great article.
I believe the so-called anti-Israel posture is a total fabrication. The idea is to somehow entangle what is quickly becoming a disastrous presidency with being anti-Israel. Then, in the next election, a president will be elected on a platform of being unequivocally and radically for Israel in every conceivable way. Then the veil will not only be fully lifted, but it will be lifted with the legitimacy of a nationwide election, and the die will have been irrevocably cast. At that point the nightmare begins in earnest. We will expect our next president to actively and overtly, without disguise or fabrication, act for Israel.
The mainstream media lies about EVERYTHING. But they are telling the truth about this supposed anti-Israel bias? Not a chance. We are being set up on the tee and the great big number one wood of destiny is going to knock us all into a kosher meat packing plant to be turned upside down and have our throats cut for final mastication by the you-know-whos. All their Holocaust dreams will finally become reality but visited upon us.
Morphy says:
June 30, 2010 at 4:12 am
I think this is the picture you’re referring to:
That’s the exact image that I had hoped to find. Thank you very much! I plan to use it to show some young people that the world truly does have some wickedness in it.
Here’s the relevant context for the picture:
Thank you. I really need to organize my schedule so that I can keep up with TOOblog systematically.
Great article. Beltway GOP hates us. Beltway GOP has become a good home for the tribe. Which is cause and which is effect?
Mega Bingo’s there, Morphy & Spooky! The Non-Gentiles have all of their bases covered…..very well covered. The magic house Negro is a useful distraction, used to further demoralize & miscegenate their Anglo Golem. There are much bigger surprises to come, as they devour their clueless “host”.
You should stop eating at McDonald’s altogether. (The food is horrible.) Eat at independent (white-owned and managed) restaurants, diners, etc. I’ve only eaten at independent restaurants now for ten years…
Excellent article Matt! You guys are going great guns here this morning.
“Your theory about Obama actively combating Jewish power is possible.
All I ask is that other White Nationalists look at the evidence for this:
1.) Obama Administration is filled to the brim with Trilateral Commission Carter-era retreads.
2.) Obama Administration has not attacked Iran, the ZOG priority. The Trilateral Commission Geo-political ideology is to instead try and turn Iran into an ally and face them off against Russia.
If Marshall Stalin could have turned against the Jew, then anything is possible! ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctors'_plot )
Plausible and a pretty good analysis. How does a small-town Mid-Western Jew-naïve guy like you figure this stuff out better than
goysguys who’ve been around Jews all their lives? (Just kidding. Good work.)“Beltway GOP hates us. Beltway GOP has become a good home for the tribe. Which is cause and which is effect?” Old Atlantic
The original neocons were left wing Jews who supposedly saw the light, but I doubt that. The GOP has been deliberately taken over by Red Jews to castrate any opposition to their rule, it’s really that simple.