About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This late fixation on defaming this nation and its U.S. flag is a neo-confederate insult to the White Nationalists in America who are not as eager as you are to offer up our symbols and traditions to our enemies.

    American patriots like Father Coughlin and Charles Lindbergh were triangulated and disgraced because they dabbled around in apparently anti-American nonsense. You’re striding right into the same trap.

  2. Great videos.

    Hunter, Matt may have a point. Why give away the American symbolism to the enemy usurpers? Look at the Tea Party people. There’s lots of them, they have a lot of energy ,and they are all about USA USA.

  3. You are loyal to Barack Hussein Obama and DC … why? What compelling reason is there to insist that the Washington regime has a shred of legitimacy? What do we get in exchange for our loyalty?

    Why should we pretend that the U.S. federal government is anything but a rotten, Judaized, anti-White tyranny? This reflexive patriotism is analogous to rigor mortis. It is the twitching of a dead body.

    The video is spot on: that’s exactly the message that beams into every television set in America. That’s the type of society endorsed by the President of the United States, the U.S. Congress, and the Supreme Court.

    Wake up man. The forms of American patriotism are still there – the flag, the Constitution, Congress, Independence Day – but the substance has been utterly changed. A new elite rules in this country.

    This elite seeks our demographic annihilation.

  4. Kievsky,

    You have identified exactly why the Tea Party will lose. These people still feel like insiders. They’re Americans. Those nasty socialists are un-American. The fact is, the aliens have been in the driver’s seat of American culture for decades.

  5. I could say one reason to give away American symbolism to the enemy is because America has not diverged from its purpose, but fulfiilling it. It was from the start a Freemasonic revolutionary state – a revolutionary state breaking away from a revolutionary state. It remained good so long as the seeds sown at the founding did not find fertile soil. In this deracinated, alien, “liberated” culture the Novus Ordo Seclorum has everything it ever dreamed of. Nonstop revolution.

    Let’s keep the Gadsden flag, give away everything else. That is, if we can come up with enough cultural self-respect to deserve not to be treaded on. Otherwise, they are justified in treading all they want.

  6. Not related to this post, but perhaps there is a burgeoning White ethnostate in the Upper Plains states – especially North Dakota. Heard this radio program: http://www.onpointradio.org/2010/07/the-great-plains-boom

    It isn’t a coincidence that the rest of the nation is hurting very bad economically while the Whitest areas of the USA like the Great Plains and Midwest are doing much better than the more multiracial parts of America – cleaner environment, almost non-existent crime, better educated citizens, fair wages, lower cost of living, fresher local food, agriculture and industry, near zero miscegenation…95%+ WHITE. While the disproportionately Jewish-dominated coastal states economically crumble and are overrun by hordes of non-Whites, the White Heartland is thriving.

  7. My god, these surveillance videos in part 2 are gross, especially the one were the black man brutally beats up the old crooked woman. And as if one punch wasn’t enough, he continues beating her with full force. This is no human being anymore. Seeing stuff like that really makes one ask where’s your local lynch mob when you need it??

  8. I’ve stated very clearly that I consider this regime illegitimate. I was very clear in my statement that I’m talking about “America” and its flag, not Obama or the occupational regime. It’s not complicated. Nation good. State bad.

    How would it taste in your mouth if I declared that the Confederate flag stood for a hotbed of interracial miscegenation, cowardly capitulation to federal power, and slavish devotion to Israel’s mercenary military machine? When I visited the South, I was literally surrounded by interracial couples in the bar I was in. I know you’ve seen enclaves in the rural South that are still holdouts, but we have those in the Midwest, too. We have those all throughout White America, even in California and Southern Florida.

    That’s the South right now, isn’t it? That’s what the Confederate flag waves over right now, isn’t it?

    If we need to secede, then we should do that without blinking. But it will be to preserve our nationality and our heritage, not turn our backs on it.

  9. I don’t advocate “tolerance and compassion” for the Jews’ ethnoid enforcers. When the time comes, we will clear the prisons – the Mumias, the Knoxville 7, all the others – and speak to them in a language they can understand. But I do not forget who put them up to it, with their “you’re victims just like us” brainwash. And Matt is right about symbols; they matter. We don’t burn the flag. We take it from them. Superb video, by the way. I think you might want to keep this one in a special place, onsite.

  10. You have every right to be a neoconfederate. You pay the hosting fees, so you have every right to be hateful toward the American heritage that the majority of us embrace. A lot of this is my problem. I’m overreacting to the videos denying the Holocaust, videos denouncing Christianity as a Jewish mind control plot, and colorful anti-American tirades. It’s not appropriate for me to keep trying to rein in the discourse to make it compatible with the rest of my work.

    I apologize for scolding you. It’s not my place. I need to step back for a spell and reflect on my priorities and my actions.

  11. I apologize for scolding you. It’s not my place. I need to step back for a spell and reflect on my priorities and my actions.

    I like this discussion. You both made good points.

  12. There’s always many choices in a time of confusion: work within the system, fight it (either violently or otherwise), or retreat into a self-created subunit, a ghetto of sorts, where one can live as best one can among self-selected people of similar values. The viability of the first two versus the last depend a great deal on what quantum of society agrees with you, can be persuaded, and, of those that disagree or are not persuaded, will sit quietly by. It’s for this reason immigration is the key issue of our time: it is an attempt at demographic murder of America, plain and simple. Since there is some hope of stopping this, it remains important to at least stay involved politically to prevent amnesty and the like, even as alternate strategies are pursued.

  13. Matt,

    I will compromise. You want a flag that represents the American people and their heritage. I have no objection to that.


    What’s wrong with the flags above? I see these flags at the Tea Parties all the time. Even the Tea Party people are experimenting with these “alternative symbols” to express their patriotism.

    The current flag was adopted in 1960. It never flew over the Old America. I don’t see what is so special about the 50 star Hawaii flag. There have been over a dozen flag changes in American history.


  14. Hunter,

    Which each story you post, I realize more and more that you are the man of my dreams. You were just born too late. Can we be pretend soulmates anyway?

  15. What do you mean by “hateful toward the American heritage”? I don’t hate the Old America that used to exist. It is the present incarnation that everyone dislikes.

  16. I am really surprised You Tube doesn’t pull these. Both of those videos have me really angry, but also inspired to become more active.

    My daughter is about the age of the girl in the first video so that one really hit home for me, although the second one is beyond shocking as well.

    Hopefully our collective efforts will be enough to turn the tide before it is too late. Then it is time to dole out justice.

  17. Excellent post, Hunter Wallace! I found the videos quite interesting. Regarding the former video, I actually became racially aware about Blacks-by observing massive Black Male and White Female miscegenation. I used to abstractly love Blacks, until I saw the massive level of Black boys copulating with our women. 🙁 That started my transition to being racially aware about the Black African race. The next parts of my racial awakening about Blacks were ‘Jena 6’ and being personally bullied by Blacks.

    The latter video is also important. Miscegenation and violence against Whites are actually intertwined. Mulattos self-identify as Black, and commit crimes against us. Many of Tomorrow’s Black gang memebers and guerilla fighters are being birthed by our own women! 🙁

  18. Matt Parrott:‘A lot of this is my problem. I’m overreacting …. I need to step back for a spell and reflect on my priorities and my actions.’

    Speaking strictly for myself, it’s obvious that you’ve given 110% effort to this movement for a long time, and it’s natural that you would get emotional. Everyone gets stressed out from time to time – and we’re all under stress.

    We are living in a Kali Yuga. I could barely watch either of the two linked videos because they accurately depicted important but horrible circumstances. I had to pause the videos several times to stop and re-center myself.

    Overreacting to such a horrible time in history is pretty normal, IMHO.

  19. I just watched video #2. It’s a good one to watch before your heavy day when lifting weights. You’re likely to set a personal record on the bench press.

  20. That unschoolingchic blog has graet material. I can’t tell if the woman is a White racially conscious woman, or what’s the deal with her, but this post was hilarious — pickanninies playing Mugabe with a dollhouse at the Lie Berry!


    Monday, March 15, 2010
    Why I want to move

    Today I took the kids to the library. It’s a weekly trip, every Monday afternoon. There is usually a nice bunch of kids playing and the little ones always have fun. It is a good way to kill time between dance class and getting K from the train station. Today Lil and Kyson were playing contently in one part of the library while I was sitting and reading a book a few feet away from them, next to a dollhouse. This little boy sat next to me and started playing with the dollhouse. He was a cute little guy, around 8 years old, and I was really excited because it is not often that you see eight year olds playing with dollhouses. I kept reading my book, so as not to cue him in to the fact that I was listening in on his play time. This is what I heard:

    “I am going to kick this white man and his family out of my house. I don’t want white people living in my house.”

    I was appalled….but the scene was not over. His little brother came over and together the game took on new levels of racism and horror. They spent their time killing the little white kids and stealing their belongings. They laughed as they evicted the parents and took the kids food. As far as I could tell it was a game that revolved around tormenting people because of their race. How sad is that? What do you do in the face of such racism amongst children?

    The amount of hate that I have seen expressed by people of all races in this part of the country is frightening. I was never delusional enough to think that a black president would end the problem of race relations in this country. On the contrary, one of the things that I dislike most about our current political environment is the use of race as a weapon. It is played by all sides, and it is sad. I was delusional enough to think that the problem is mostly over. My reasoning was that the people who experienced the brunt of the movement towards racial equality are getting older and their prejudice would die with them. After today’s experience I think I will have to revisit this conclusion. There seems to be a whole new set of kids who have the ideas that I thought were part of an older generation.

    I run into this problem too often and I am uncomfortable with raising kids here. I cannot justify living in a place where they encounter this sort of thing commonly. This is not commonplace behavior, it is bigotry and it is ugly.
    Posted by Dee at 7:29 PM

  21. “are getting older and their prejudice would die with them… ideas that I thought were part of an older generation. ”

    It is the ideas of these middle class, yuppy whites that are dying on the vine. It is going to be when THEY are dead that things will get more squared away.

  22. “This is not commonplace behavior, it is bigotry and it is ugly.”

    Oh yeah, and let us not forget or overlook something. I have seen literally hundreds of women like this who are bigoted as hell against white people. This type of white woman will gloat like hell whenever they hear that, say, a white neighbor has just lost their job and so “they won’t be so uppity now that thye have to move out of this neighborhood and his wife won’t be driving around in that nice car and wearing those clothes! Ha ha ha !”

  23. “American patriots like Father Coughlin and Charles Lindbergh were triangulated and disgraced because they dabbled around in apparently anti-American nonsense. You’re striding right into the same trap.”

    “Old Glory” was not nearly so threadbare back then as she is now. Not even close.

  24. Hunter-
    –“You are loyal to Barack Hussein Obama and DC … why? What compelling reason is there to insist that the Washington regime has a shred of legitimacy? What do we get in exchange for our loyalty?”

    He was clearly not suggesting anything of the sort. We should attack the federal government and the current regime for exactly what they are, hostile and alien.

    — “You have identified exactly why the Tea Party will lose. These people still feel like insiders. They’re Americans. Those nasty socialists are un-American. The fact is, the aliens have been in the driver’s seat of American culture for decades.”

    Um, their message seems clear in suggesting that they do not see themselves are government insiders. They are anti-elite, anti-governing establishment. Am I off on this?

    — “Wake up man. The forms of American patriotism are still there – the flag, the Constitution, Congress, Independence Day – but the substance has been utterly changed. A new elite rules in this country.”

    The modern America is a disgusting, anti-white tyranny. Nobody here is questioning that. Regardless, those forms of American patriotism you mention are exactly what most white Americans still identify with, including those ‘implicitly white’ Americans that should be our primary targets for conversion. When they celebrate the 4th of July or Memorial Day, they are NOT thinking ‘God, I love me some faggy communist jews, bring on the nigger dick!’ That is not what the symbols mean to them, regardless of the reality of the current regime. They do not drop these symbols when ‘liberals’ and ‘socialists’ use them. Rather, they see it as either disingenuous or illegitimate co-opting of THEIR symbols.

    Anti-americanism, like anti-christian sentiment, is not a big seller among likely white American converts. They still see the nation as theirs, something that is being taken from them, something to reclaim and defend, not something to bring down. Attack what America has become without attacking America per se. Anti-U.S. fedgov, anti-establishment politics, etc. are viable angles, even if the goal is to end America as we know it, to secede, whatever. Do not couch it in such explicit terms.

  25. It’s the same in the USA than in other white countries: saying that third-world immigrants and their descendants living in the USA are not American may sound harsh. Not every one will dare to say so publicly, especially due to the emotional blackmail and the intimidation by the media.

    The other option is to say: if they are Americans, it means that I’m not. Then, you have to find a new label for your own identity: White American, or something else.

    The truth is that third-world immigrants do not become American by living in the USA. They are only superficially Americanized. But it’s not always possible to say so.

  26. I hate watching these niggers beat up poor white elderly women, and rape white women. Its just disgusting..I remember when I was in elementary school, i was beaten up daily by these niggers just for being a white, smart, jewish boy. I know you will all say, ohh no je s a jew, but im not like other jews and i wasnt born jewish, my mother remarried and i took the name and religion.

  27. allanana,

    To identify as a Jew is to be a Jew, and therefore to belong to a separate nationality – the Jewish nation. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, apart from the bigotry against colored folks, but you simply aren’t a member of this ethnonational identity movement. You ought to be proud of what you are, which happens to be something other than what we are.

  28. Like i said, i wasn’t born jewish, my parents are both anglo decent, but my mother re married a jewsih man, and i took the name and was raised in a sense jewish, although having been baptized and first communion catholic. i guess my religion now is believing in the Goddess and Gods, sort of like pagan Europe, but i mainly pray to the goddess when I need or want help. i also don’t like what the nazis did to the jews in europe during world war 2, although I myself sometimes get skeptical if it reallu happened, because i know how jews like to always play the victim. i lived in france for 6 years, in the south of france, where my next door neighbor was 87, she lived thru the war, and was also extremely racist, although in europe racism goes towards arabs rather than blacks, and she didnt like jews either,. although she loved me even with the last name Rothenberg, but she took very good care of me, i think she was a coloborator during ww2, with the nazis and sympathized with the Vichy regime, having only been about 17 or 18 at the time, she was treated wella and got extra stamps for being under 21, but she said that when the Americans came , they were all black and they plundered and raped the French women, typical nigger attitude about power, once they get it the abuse the hell out of it, although Obama is black, i like him because he is actually of african, not black american decent, and i dont think of him as a nigger. i dont know why i am so racist at times, i mean, why is it that i have only been beat up by blacks and robbed by blacks and never whites, ohh and arabs in france?? why is it that black people have been so awful to me during my life?? although some of my best friends have been black, they were either women or gay men, i have never been friends with a black straight man in my life..

  29. allanana,

    I wish you the best of luck in working through your anger management issues, your religious confusion, and your identity confusion.

    Does your gay Black friend approve of your arbitrary and inconsistent use of inflammatory epithets? Have you assured him that you consider him a gay Black man as opposed to, say, a “nigger faggot”? Would you consider him one if he forgot your birthday or stole your bicycle? What exactly must a gentleman of color do to become a nigger? Be heterosexual?

  30. When I say that Obama is of African and not black american decent, i mean that his forfathers weren’t bred to be strong, powerful, labor intensive, although they accidentally made them lazy as well, black americans. I truly belive that our forfathers, which by the way my family had hundreds of slaves, bred black people to be this way, sort of like breeding dogs, they took out the weak, intelligent, goal achieving blacks, and created, to our dismay since their liberation, a physically strong, muscle toned even without exercise, and laboring under class black people. whereas in Africa, you get intellectual and smart black people. look at the ancient egyptians who were black, they used jews as slaves and created an empire, that has left its mark on human history forever. I have been to Egypt and I can tell you that the origanl egyptians were black, the arabs came later, during their conquest sometime around 400 ad, but even in their art the ancient egyptians always had nappy hair which they braided sort of like blacks nowadays, and big noses, although their features were more like modern day ethiopians or kenyans, east africans.

  31. Does your gay Black friend approve of your arbitrary and inconsistent use of inflammatory epithets? Have you assured him that you consider him a gay Black man as opposed to, say, a “nigger faggot”? Would you consider him one if he forgot your birthday or stole your bicycle? What exactly must a gentleman of color do to become a nigger? Be heterosexual?

    Yes , in fact most of them agree with me that they are truly frightened of black men in America, that black american men are violent, thats why my friend, a black woman, only dates white guys, she can’t stand black men, and all of my friends know exactly how i feel, im very honest, and they all agree with me, its only some of my white friends, or enemies in fact, who say im a racist.

  32. A great number of Black American men are peaceful and intelligent. They’re substantially more intelligent than the average African, have astronomically higher literacy rates, and have lower crime rates than their African brothers. They’re not my people, and we don’t get along, but they’re fully human and undeserving of your retarded pseudoscientific speculation on their inferiority.

    I’m surprised that you can forgive Black Africans, given that they (Ancient Egyptians) enslaved your people (Jews). I’ve never been to Egypt, so I’ll have to take your word on that assertion that the Pharaoh was a brother. I advise you to learn more about the ancient African invention of the “paragraph”.

  33. I advise you to learn more about the ancient African invention of the “paragraph”.

    I have no idea what you are trying to tell me with that, but as to black Americans being more literate..Of course they are, they grew up here, and they are literate in English and American pop culture. As to violence, there is much less violence(outside of wars) i n Africa, other than South Africa, which was a oppresive white state before, and hopefully will one day be again. Plus, why do you support them so much?? are you really a black??

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