The Ruling Class and Red America

The Country Class vs. The Ruling Class

The Heartland

In July and August, Angelo Codevilla’s article about the Ruling Class vs. the Country Class in The American Spectator sparked two articles from H. Rock White. I have since elaborated and built on this theme myself.

It has now become clear the Codevilla article was even more popular than I had originally thought. It struck a nerve in Red America.

The Country Class vs. The Ruling Class went viral and was discussed across hundreds of websites. Rush Limbaugh spent three hours talking about it on his radio show. The article was so popular and inspired so much commentary that it is now being released as a book.

This is the latest piece of a larger puzzle: Red America is becoming conscious of its own distinctiveness. It feels oppressed by a hostile alien elite. Whites are slowly embracing their own brand of identity politics.

The shift can be seen in several key areas:

1.) Apathy to Engagement – Millions of White Americans who used to be apolitical or apathetic – Joe Six Packs and Sally Soccermoms – have suddenly become politicized. They are getting involved in the political process for the first time in their lives.

2.) Insiders to Outsiders – Under Clinton and Bush, White Americans felt like “insiders.” They subscribed to the illusion that they were in control. White America no longer feels like it is in charge. The majority of Whites reject Barack Obama. They are unaccustomed to the experience of not being able to select their rulers.

3.) Citizens to Subjects – Previously, White Americans felt like citizens, but the perception is growing that their elites treat them like subjects. They have “lost their country.” In reality, nothing much changed in the transition from Bush to Obama. The perception of political reality among Whites has changed dramatically though.

White Nationalists are too far removed from the mainstream to recognize the significance of the growing alienation in White America. It would be helpful to remind them of their own political saga.

Radicalization usually happens in stages.

In the first stage, the individual is excited by some issue or another, typically immigration, and grows passionate about it enough to care.

In the second stage, the individual realizes that the political process is broken, and ceases to feel like he is an insider or his voice is being heard in the mainstream.

In the third stage, the individual becomes alienated enough to conclude that the political process is a sham, a form of population control.

Red America is now at the fourth stage of radicalization: searching for answers.

In small doses, it must be administered the truth. Now that the patient is alienated, concerned, and attentive, it can finally be treated.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t know that White America has even reached the third stage. If the Tea Party is where the radicalizing White masses are, I don’t think that they have yet concluded that the political process is a sham. Listening to Sarah Palin gush about MLK sounds more like trying to reform or repair the political process, rather than repudiating it.

  2. They problem is that they have got to this stage before and found the wrong answers and that appears to be happening again. You clearly don’t remember much about the Clinton admin. Throughout those years, a large number of whites were just as angry as they are now.

  3. I remember the Clinton/Bush administration. The Whites who were pissed at Clinton voted for Bush and thought they’d accomplished something. They had not reached the third stage, and failed to recognize the sham.

  4. Hunter,

    Did you see where Rick Scott picked a black woman as his running mate? I wish I could rescind my vote!

  5. Yes, and they are going to vote Republican all over again this November. If we were really in Stage 3, you would see parties like A3P, or even the Libertarians getting more votes. There should be no incumbent Republicans re-elected this November if we are really in stage 3.

  6. ATBOTL – you are 100% correct in my estimation. Some are reading way too much into the huffing and puffing coming out of “flyover country.”

  7. No, things are changing and for real; one more cycle of betrayal of white middle- and working-class interests by the neo-con Republicrats will open many eyes at once. And when the economy finally implodes all the way, millions more whites will lurch further rightward, see the Jewocracy for what it is, and go into open opposition.

  8. Compassionate Fascist: I hope you’re right, even though the drop in pensions and property values might bankrupt me. I can still work.

  9. “No, things are changing and for real; one more cycle of betrayal of white middle- and working-class interests by the neo-con Republicrats will open many eyes at once. And when the economy finally implodes all the way, millions more whites will lurch further rightward, see the Jewocracy for what it is, and go into open opposition.”

    Why so sure? At least you admit it will take at least one more cycle. These cycles seem to last the better part of a decade. How will people who listen to Glenn Beck and watch Fox News “see the Jewocracy?” That’s like saying attending services at a Baptist church will make you into a Hindu or that moving to Japan is a good way to learn to speak Swahili.

  10. … one more cycle of betrayal…

    Can America survive one more cycle? One more amnesty could finish it. A permanent parasitic majority. A bureaucratic stealth amnesty is being implemented already. Can it be stopped?

  11. “Compassionate Fascist” They ARE being betrayed EVEN NOW as we speak, by the false-prophet Beck, Bill Kristol-certified Palin, the co-opted Dick Army kosher T-Party, etc! And they are playing the useful idiot role to the hilt, as they always do.
    The only direction these people are going to “lurch” is downward when they follow these ibecilles right over a cliff…again!!

  12. Yes, and they are going to vote Republican all over again this November. If we were really in Stage 3, you would see parties like A3P, or even the Libertarians getting more votes. There should be no incumbent Republicans re-elected this November if we are really in stage 3.

    The antiquated first past the post voting system used in the US makes it very difficult for more than two parties to be competitive. For an explanation of this (the advocacy of a specific alternative to FPTP is irrelevant) see the following:

  13. Where is the stage where whites realize that PC is a vaporous concoction of nothingness, taboos set in place by seemingly sadomasochistic limp wrists? Tell me when we get to that phase.

  14. When I see a conservative seemingly go out of character and kow tow to jewish interests I don’t necessarily interpret this the same way as those on Stormfront do. To me it tells me that person knows the score and perhaps is resentful that they have to say those things and might turn on the jews if the right circumstances. Palin though, I don’t really have much confidence in, I don’t think she could handle the job all by herself and would delegate too much power to ivy league “advisors” just like Bush Jr.

    If a Republican gets in next time I hope they understand that the demographic time bomb is issue #1. Someone clever can do a lot to stop this without saying that’s what they are doing. I prefer this new version of Hunter who seems to be based in reality to the one who was talking about founding a “Klan Charity” a few months back, glad he came back down to the planet.

    The public wants something done about all these strange, uninvited, turbaned alien people showing up at their shopping malls, but they are too polite to say it. Instead of someone announcing a pogrom against non-whites as the stormfront fantasy crowd envisions. A regime can quietly stop issuing green cards, deport illegals when they are detected by local authorities, and refuse to renew H1B Visas and green cards all by claiming it’s merely motivated by the economy to assuage the “but I’m not a racist” Joe Public who deep down really is.

    Furthermore, all these freshly minted “citizens” can have their process reviewed for fraud which can invalidate the whole thing and put them on a plane back to wherever. They can go through the paperwork and all it takes is one I un-doted or T un-crossed and the whole thing can be ruled Void. I know for a fact a lot of these vain Asian people lied about their age when they came here. A Cambodian fellow I worked with claimed to be a 16 year old orphan and got here under that loophole when in fact he was 21 years old, his parents were alive and well in Vietnam, and he was a Cambodian Ethnic minority from Vietnam who never even lived in Cambodia or suffered through the war and simply crossed into Thailand and lied to get a ticket to the US. A bunch of other Indo-Chinese women at work said they were 5 years younger than their true age because they were too vain to admit how old they really were. The good thing is that the fools just screwed themselves out of Social Security till they were at least 70. All these other people who signed Visa applications claiming not to be a burden and didn’t keep the promise can legally be given the boot. Some 55 year old Vietnamese guy got sponsored over by relatives at work, he piddled around for 10 years in a job that an American kid could have had, payed a pittance in taxes, and is now enjoying a luxurious retirement courtesy of the taxpayers of the USA. In another case, this Vietnamese guy brought over some chick he married back in the early 2000’s, SHE’S ALREADY A CITIZEN! I don’t know whether it’s 5 or 7 years but even white immigrants should have to wait at least 20 years before being granted citizenship. The freaky thing is after she became a citizen I was talking to the guy I worked with and he casually mentioned SHE CAN’T SPEAK ENGLISH! I thought there were English and knowledge tests on that citizenship application. A new regime could look into whether politically motivated folks in the office let people pass these tests who really shouldn’t have, they can then be required to retest these suspected cases of fraud and the slightest error could be used to fail them, declare them non-citizens, their green cards not renewed, and them put on a plane back home. Perhaps a conservative supreme court can even rule birthright citizenship doesn’t apply to illegals who did not submit to the jurisdiction of the US as the 14th amendment stipulates. These little brown kids soaking up the schools dollars can then be sent home with their parents, never to return. Affirmative Action can be ended. The EEOC can be purged and restaffed with Tea Party types who look the other way when businesses quietly decide to hire some American Boy instead of Phouck Yoo Ngoowyn who can barely speak English. When these strange turbaned people and the riff raff of the Orient realize nobody wants to hire them, they might quietly decide to sell their property and go home.

    White people are polite and “implicit” by nature. I don’t envision any stormfront talk having any effect. I saw the Kubrick film Barry Lyndon and remember a very interesting scene that illustrated the nature of the better classes of our race. An upstart married into the aristocracy and was beginning to be accepted into their circle, but then he freaked out and beat his step son in public in a way unbecoming to an aristocrat. The rest of his social circle decided to ostracize him after that event, but they didn’t come out and say it. Instead they very politely came up with excuse after excuse as to why they couldn’t attend any social events with him. This is how we can deal with all these strange, uninvited brown people who have shown up in our towns, not by burning crosses, etc. as the stormfront loons envision, but with polite rebuke.

  15. The server seems to be discarding comments on some of these threads recently. I spent a half hour typing up a mostly non political comment about growing up in Chicago in the Chicago thread and it vanished into the TCP/IP ghostland.

  16. When I see a conservative seemingly go out of character and kow tow to jewish interests I don’t necessarily interpret this the same way as those on Stormfront do. To me it tells me that person knows the score and perhaps is resentful that they have to say those things and might turn on the jews if the right circumstances. Palin though, I don’t really have much confidence in, I don’t think she could handle the job all by herself and would delegate too much power to ivy league “advisors” just like Bush Jr. If a Republican gets in next time I hope they understand that the demographic time bomb is issue #1. Someone clever can do a lot to stop this without saying that’s what they are doing. I prefer this new version of Hunter who seems to be based in reality to the one who was talking about founding a “Klan Charity” a few months back, glad he came back down to the planet. The public wants something done about all these strange, uninvited, turbaned alien people showing up at their shopping malls, but they are too polite to say it. Instead of someone announcing a pogrom against non-whites as the stormfront fantasy crowd envisions. A regime can quietly stop issuing green cards, deport illegals when they are detected by local authorities, and refuse to renew H1B Visas and green cards all by claiming it’s merely motivated by the economy to assuage the “but I’m not a racist” Joe Public who deep down really is. Furthermore, all these freshly minted “citizens” can have their process reviewed for fraud which can invalidate the whole thing and put them on a plane back to wherever. They can go through the paperwork and all it takes is one I un-doted or T un-crossed and the whole thing can be ruled Void. I know for a fact a lot of these vain Asian people lied about their age when they came here. A Cambodian fellow I worked with claimed to be a 16 year old orphan and got here under that loophole when in fact he was 21 years old, his parents were alive and well in Vietnam, and he was a Cambodian Ethnic minority from Vietnam who never even lived in Cambodia or suffered through the war and simply crossed into Thailand and lied to get a ticket to the US. A bunch of other Indo-Chinese women at work said they were 5 years younger than their true age because they were too vain to admit how old they really were. The good thing is that the fools just screwed themselves out of Social Security till they were at least 70.

  17. part two, All these other people who signed Visa applications claiming not to be a burden and didn’t keep the promise can legally be given the boot. Some 55 year old Vietnamese guy got sponsored over by relatives at work, he piddled around for 10 years in a job that an American kid could have had, payed a pittance in taxes, and is now enjoying a luxurious retirement courtesy of the taxpayers of the USA. In another case, this Vietnamese guy brought over some chick he married back in the early 2000’s, SHE’S ALREADY A CITIZEN! I don’t know whether it’s 5 or 7 years but even white immigrants should have to wait at least 20 years before being granted citizenship. The freaky thing is after she became a citizen I was talking to the guy I worked with and he casually mentioned SHE CAN’T SPEAK ENGLISH! I thought there were English and knowledge tests on that citizenship application. A new regime could look into whether politically motivated folks in the office let people pass these tests who really shouldn’t have, they can then be required to retest these suspected cases of fraud and the slightest error could be used to fail them, declare them non-citizens, their green cards not renewed, and them put on a plane back home. Perhaps a conservative supreme court can even rule birthright citizenship doesn’t apply to illegals who did not submit to the jurisdiction of the US as the 14th amendment stipulates. These little brown kids soaking up the schools dollars can then be sent home with their parents, never to return. Affirmative Action can be ended. The EEOC can be purged and restaffed with Tea Party types who look the other way when businesses quietly decide to hire some American Boy instead of Phouck Yoo Ngoowyn who can barely speak English. When these strange turbaned people and the riff raff of the Orient realize nobody wants to hire them, they might quietly decide to sell their property and go home. White people are polite and “implicit” by nature. I don’t envision any stormfront talk having any effect. I saw the Kubrick film Barry Lyndon and remember a very interesting scene that illustrated the nature of the better classes of our race. An upstart married into the aristocracy and was beginning to be accepted into their circle, but then he freaked out and beat his step son in public in a way unbecoming to an aristocrat. The rest of his social circle decided to ostracize him after that event, but they didn’t come out and say it. Instead they very politely came up with excuse after excuse as to why they couldn’t attend any social events with him. This is how we can deal with all these strange, uninvited brown people who have shown up in our towns, not by burning crosses, etc. as the stormfront loons envision, but with polite rebuke.

  18. I still can’t post the rest of my comment, it dropped the rest of a comment I spent a lot of time writing and keeps saying “duplicate comment.” The site changes format so much something must be screwed up as the images are coming out in horrible resolution, all pixilated.

  19. All these other people who signed Visa applications claiming not to be a burden and didn’t keep the promise can legally be given the boot. Some 55 year old Vietnamese guy got sponsored over by relatives at work, he piddled around for 10 years in a job that an American kid could have had, payed a pittance in taxes, and is now enjoying a luxurious retirement courtesy of the taxpayers of the USA. In another case, this Vietnamese guy brought over some chick he married back in the early 2000’s, SHE’S ALREADY A CITIZEN! I don’t know whether it’s 5 or 7 years but even white immigrants should have to wait at least 20 years before being granted citizenship. The freaky thing is after she became a citizen I was talking to the guy I worked with and he casually mentioned SHE CAN’T SPEAK ENGLISH! I thought there were English and knowledge tests on that citizenship application. A new regime could look into whether politically motivated folks in the office let people pass these tests who really shouldn’t have, they can then be required to retest these suspected cases of fraud and the slightest error could be used to fail them, declare them non-citizens, their green cards not renewed, and them put on a plane back home.

    Perhaps a conservative supreme court can even rule birthright citizenship doesn’t apply to illegals who did not submit to the jurisdiction of the US as the 14th amendment stipulates. These little brown kids soaking up the schools dollars can then be sent home with their parents, never to return. Affirmative Action can be ended. The EEOC can be purged and restaffed with Tea Party types who look the other way when businesses quietly decide to hire some American Boy instead of Phouck Yoo Ngoowyn who can barely speak English. When these strange turbaned people and the riff raff of the Orient realize nobody wants to hire them, they might quietly decide to sell their property and go home. White people are polite and “implicit” by nature. I don’t envision any stormfront talk having any effect. I saw the Kubrick film Barry Lyndon and remember a very interesting scene that illustrated the nature of the better classes of our race. An upstart married into the aristocracy and was beginning to be accepted into their circle, but then he freaked out and beat his step son in public in a way unbecoming to an aristocrat. The rest of his social circle decided to ostracize him after that event, but they didn’t come out and say it. Instead they very politely came up with excuse after excuse as to why they couldn’t attend any social events with him. This is how we can deal with all these strange, uninvited brown people who have shown up in our towns, not by burning crosses, etc. as the stormfront loons envision, but with polite rebuke.

  20. Nightowl: As a consequence of some real or imagined scandal in the naturalization process, all naturalized citizens can be given English tests, which the non-Whites would inevitably fail. We have a world of examples of bending the law, taken from every country on Earth. Ever hear about the spelling test required to get into heaven? A White man is asked to spell “dog”, and a Black man is asked to spell “renaissance”. That joke is rooted in the literacy tests that some states used to require for voting. Our Rulers do the same kinds of things today. Anything that needs doing, can be done, despite the rules.

  21. “If a Republican gets in next time I hope they understand that the demographic time bomb is issue #1.”

    We have every reason to believe this won’t happen. NO ONE in the GOP is talking about race replacement. The universal position on demographic change among GOPers and professional conservatives(with the exception of PJP, who is a persona non-grata in the conservative movement today) is that it is good or irrelevant.

    When was the last time ANYONE in the GOP even criticized the current extremely high level of legal immigration?

    There a delusional level of wishful think about this around here.

  22. In a long and roundabout way the author of “Ruling class” is saying that working and middle class whites are being shut out of the political system in this post racial monstrosity that America has become. Predictably the author leaves readers guessing as to the race and religion of our new masters which is typical of a cowardly conservative.

    When we have eleven Jews in the Senate and a record number of them in cabinet and other government positions far out of proportion to their numbers in the general population it’s obvious who are new masters are. And who could forget that the tribe
    enjoys near total ownership of most lamestream media outlets? This doesn’t excuse the white gentiles elites who have bought in to the Jewish agenda or who by their silence are aiding and abetting it.

    This is the kind of drivel served up by the conservative establishment in our time of need. Is it any wonder, then, why conservatives are considered the beautiful losers of American politics?

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